Rachel Carlson 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,她在迷失第3季第7集正式登場。
Rachel Carlson 是Juliet的姐姐。她曾經患上癌症,但是後來被Jacob治癒,而且她亦曾經證實不能再生育,可是被Juliet治癒後她誕下了她的兒子Julian。
Rachel和Juliet告別後她就被The Others帶到小島去,並不是原先告訴她的波特蘭,而她更被迫逗留在小島上超過3個月。過了一段很長的時間後,Rachel的癌病復發,而她只有數個月可活。這時Juliet已經不想再待在在小島上,她更向Ben要求離開,但是Ben卻把Rachel癌病復發的消息告訴她,並發誓若她留在小島上他們便會把Rachel的癌症治癒。當Juliet指出Ben永遠也不會把Rachel帶到小島上去時,Ben告訴她Jacob會處理一切。
後來The Others在兵營看到815航班墜毀,之後Ben帶Juliet到火焰站找Mikhail,並播放一段在阿科底亞國家公園現場直播的錄影帶給她看。Richard在公園那裡直播了Rachel和她的兒子Julian遊玩,而當Juliet看到她的姐姐和侄子後,感到十分高興和激動,相信Jacob真的把Rachel的癌症治癒。Template:Crossref
- In her room, Rachel keeps an octagon with the yin / yang symbol in its center. This is part of the pattern of the bagua which inspired the DHARMA logos.
- Additionally, there is a copy of Carrie on the same bedstand.
- Rachel had dark hair as a child, but had blonde hair on the video Ben showed to Juliet.
- Rachel is the name of Jacob's wife in the Book of Genesis. Rachel was disgraced because she had borne no children to Jacob, but her sister and second wife of Jacob, Leah, bore six children (Genesis 30). In the end, God grants Rachel children, one of whom is Joseph (essentially restoring her honor). Rachel died in childbirth with her second son Benjamin.
- Her last name appeared on the medical chart that Ben showed Juliet revealing that Rachel's cancer had returned. Template:Crossref
- The name "Rachel Carlson" is similar to Rachel Carson, who is the author of "Silent Spring", a seminal work that documented the harmful effects of pesticides on birds and on the environment as a whole. Carson's research showed that pesticides like DDT caused the egg shells of birds to become too thin, among other reproductive problems.
Unanswered questions[]
- Did Jacob visit her off of the Island in order to heal her as Ben claimed?