Nikki Fernandez 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,她在迷失第3季第3集正式登場。
Nikki Fernandez 是海洋航空815號航班的乘客,亦是航班解體事故的中艙生還者,與及是Paulo的情人。在空難發生前,Nikki是一名演員,她在電視劇集暴露裡飾演客串角色Corvette。Nikki表面上是一名客串演員,但事實上她和男朋友Paulo都是職業騙子。Nikki和Paulo為了要偷走著名富有導演Zukerman價值八百萬美元的鑽石,所以她藉著為電視劇Exposé飾演客串角色而接近他,並與Paulo一起合力把他毒死,去偷走他的鑽石。後來815航班墜毀到小島後,Nikki和Paulo偷來的鑽石不知所蹤,而且他們不太願意與其他生還者一起生活,因此他們倆獨自居住在沙灘營地的一旁。另外Nikki和Paulo在小島上的大部份時間都用來去尋找那些鑽石,並幾乎不想花時間去做其他事情。在第81天,Nikki發現Paulo其實早已找到那些鑽石,因為Paulo隱瞞著她所以令她很憤怒,於是她放了隻美杜莎蜘蛛去咬Paulo,令他像死了般倒在地上癱瘓不動,並打算趁機去尋找藏在他身上的鑽石,可是其間她也不幸地被另一隻美杜莎蜘蛛咬到,結果她也像Paulo一樣癱瘓不動。其他生還者以為Nikki和Paulo已死,並把他們給埋葬,而他們倆因動彈不得而不能自救,雙雙被活埋。
Nikki是一個來自洛杉磯的美國演員,她在澳洲的電視劇Exposé中飾演客串角色Corvette。在Exposé的第4季結局中,Nikki飾演的Corvette在夜總會裡的舞台上跳舞,可是當她留意到一名可疑男子走進辦公室後,她便離開舞台到辦公室去查明真相。在Corvette走進辦公室後,竟然發現由Billy Dee Williams所飾演的Mr. LaShade,手持一箱捐給孤兒院的錢,因此她了解到LaShade就是一直在背後操縱一切的壞人,眼鏡蛇。可是LaShad就此向她連開三槍,殺死了她。聽到槍聲後,Exposé的兩個女主角Autumn和Crystal立刻走進辦公室,而她們看到的,就是躺在地上死掉的Corvette和拿着槍的LaShade。
LaShade便向她們撒謊說,Corvette是為眼鏡蛇工作。在這一段劇結束後,Billy Dee扶起躺在地上的Nikki,而他們倆都覺得很榮幸能與對方一起工作。之後導演Howard L. Zukerman向所有工作人員宣佈,Nikki的拍攝工作已經完成,還感謝她一直努力工作。接着Zukerman和Nikki走到拍攝棚的外頭,並討論在下一季說Corvette中槍時穿了防彈衣,藉此把這個角色帶回劇中。Nikki立刻指出這是不可能的事,因為在Corvette中槍時,她正穿着比堅尼泳衣,而且她很清楚知道客串角色的下場都是如此。由於Nikki在澳洲的工作結束了,所以Zukerman以為她會返回洛杉磯,但是她卻表明沒有這個打算,因為她愛上了Zukerman。Template:Crossref
Some time later, Nikki and Zukerman were dining at his large home and Nikki complimented the food. Zukerman then told her of his newest chef, Paulo who he introduced to Nikki and the two playfully bantered among themselves. After Paulo departed, Zukerman recited the story of his hiring of Paulo before offering Nikki a bread role, and upon taking it she realized that a diamond bracelet was hidden underneath. Zukerman then professed that it wasn't a ring, yet, but as soon as his wife was out of the way — but he was stopped in his tracks as he started to choke. A worried Nikki called for Paulo, but soon he was dead. At this point, Nikki and Paulo gave up their ruse and tore the key that he wore around his neck away from him. They then proceeded to a secret room and opened the safe. Paulo started to light up a cigarette, but Nikki stopped him, foreshadowing with the lament, "Ashes are evidence, Paulo. We poisoned him, lets not poison ourselves." Inside the safe they found a matryoshka doll, and upon opening it Nikki and Paulo found $8 million worth of diamonds, which made Nikki exclaim, "Razzle freakin' dazzle." Template:Crossref
The day of Oceanic Flight 815, Nikki and Paulo sat in the Sydney Airport cafe reading a newspaper article which told the story of Zukerman's death and said that he was presumed to have died from a heart attack. After telling her that he was chewing nicotine gum having quit smoking for her, they shared a toast to their new life together. However, they were soon interrupted by Shannon and Boone arguing about finding a seat, with Shannon complaining that there were not seats free and screaming that Boone already lost them their first class seats so why could he find seats here. Boone then asked if he could take a chair from Nikki and Paulo's table and they agreed, but Shannon stormed off, wanting to leave. As they watched the feuding couple leave, with Shannon telling Boone to "stop flirting with random guys", Nikki asked Paulo to promise they would never end up like them, and Paulo made her that promise. The couple then boarded the doomed flight. Template:Crossref
Immediately after the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, Nikki began searching through the wreckage to find Paulo. However her search was interrupted as she is warned by John Locke to get out of the way of the turbine which was close to exploding and to get down. Nikki witness first hand the death of Gary Troup who didn't listen to Locke's warning as was sucked into the turbine forcing it to explode. Close to giving in, she saw a pair of feet sticking out from under the wreckage and helped the man, who she thought was Paulo, up. The man was Leslie Arzt, who questioned if he had survived. Nikki walked off only to be asked by Boone if she had a pen, a request Jack made to help save Rose. Nikki gave up hope on finding Paulo, only to see him at the edge of the beach looking out to sea, severely shell shocked. Despite the desperate situation, Nikki had only one question - "Where are the diamonds?"
Six days later, Nikki and Paulo searched the camp for her script bag, which contained the $8 million worth of diamonds. Paulo, however, was more preoccupied with the Monster in the jungle than finding the script bag. They were then approached by a fellow survivor, who introduced himself as Ethan Rom, who told them that there were spare clothes that they could use should they need it. Nikki thanked him but told that they didn't need clothes - as Paulo had lost his nicotine gum. Ethan advised them to look inland as the plane split apart over the island. They were interrupted by Arzt, who was yelling that it was Boone who stole the water. As chaos began to fall on the camp, Jack returned and calmed everyone. Nikki was present as Jack delivered his "live together, die alone" speech.
Two weeks later, Nikki went to Arzt's tent where he was observing some of the new species he had found (he claimed he would be the next Charles Darwin) and she asked if he was a scientist, to which Arzt responded "and an educator, yes". He then told her about his most interesting and dangerous discovery - the Latrodectus Regina, or the Medusa Spider, and claimed its pheromones were so strong that it could attract every male of the species, likening it to Nikki. She then asked if he knew anything about trajectories and he agreed to draw her a map to help her find her luggage.
Nikki and Paulo, following the map that Arzt drew, began to search for their luggage. Paulo was initially skeptical about listening to a junior high science teacher and Nikki joked that Paulo was jealous of Arzt. Bitterly, Paulo responded that he wouldn't be surprised given that she slept with Zukerman. A comment that Nikki did not take well. However, their search lead them to the Beechcraft plane sat atop the canopy. Nikki told Paulo to climb up and see if they had a radio but he refused asking "do you want me to die?" Upon turning around they found the entrance to the Pearl station and opened it. Paulo was initially happy to climb down the shaft into the dark tunnel, but Nikki refused to let him do so saying that their bag wouldn't have opened a manhole and climbed down. They continued their search and didn't tell the survivors of their discoveries.
9 days later, Nikki and Paulo overheard an argument between Shannon, Arzt and Kate over the Marshal's Halliburton case which Shannon laments Kate and her two boyfriends found. After an annoyed Shannon and Arzt walk away, Nikki asks Kate where they found the case. At the waterfall, Paulo asked why he had to jump in, and she responded that he reminds her on every chance that she slept with Zukerman and so therefore he has to do this for them. Worried he asked Nikki if she would need him without the bags. Nikki reminds him that the bag if worth $8 million dollars and orders him to dive in. Paulo takes this response as her saying that she wouldn't need him if they found the bag and after diving in, he returned to the surface and told her the bag was not there. She walked away, unaware he was lying as he went to retrieve the bag from the bottom of the water. Paulo tried to bury the diamonds on the beach later, but eventually concluded to leave them in the Pearl station. Template:Crossref
第69至81天 (第3季)[]
When Locke and Charlie returned from saving Eko after the Swan implosion and brought him back to camp, Nikki and Paulo assisted them in helping them, and Nikki lamented that they needed Jack to help the injured survivor, but at this point Hurley told the group that Jack wasn't coming back and that they had him. This infuriated Nikki, who questioned why Hurley hadn't told them sooner. Locke, however, delivered a speech to Nikki, Paulo, Claire, Charlie, and Hurley saying that they would find Jack, Kate and Sawyer together. He then told Nikki and Paulo to fetch the towels to help Eko. Template:Crossref
A few days later, Locke alerted the group that he planned to head out to the Pearl Station to both attempt communication with the Others and to trail a missing Eko. Nikki decided that she would like to join him and she tried to become more involved with the group - something Paulo didn't seem to approve of. He questioned why she wanted to go, and she replied that he is always complaining about not being included and this was their chance. Nikki and Paulo then joined Locke, Desmond and Sayid and they ventured to the Pearl.
Inside, Nikki watched the orientation video for the station as the others attempted to work out the wiring. She, however, noticed that Mark Wickmund said that there were six stations and questioned if the other TV's were connected to the other hatches. As the others worked on feeding a connection from other stations, Paulo emerged from the toilet - Nikki was unaware that he had just continued his deception by hiding the diamonds. Sayid managed to successfully patch the feed from the Flame station, which revealed a man wearing an eye patch. Locke then lamented that he would be expecting them. The sound of the Monster, however, called the survivors up from the Pearl station and they arrived to find Eko who died from the wounds he sustained from an attack by the Black Smoke. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref
Moments after Eko's death, Nikki questioned what happened to him and Locke lied, saying that it must have been an animal despite his knowledge of what really killed him. Locke and Sayid departed to find Eko's stick covered with scripture, and when they buried Eko at the entrance to the Pearl station. Nikki then returned to the beach camp. Template:Crossref
Several days later Hurley found a DHARMA van in the jungle and asked for volunteers to help him fix the van and get it going again for a source of fun to relieve the stress of Island life. Nikki seemed to want to help him, but Paulo refused to allow her - pulling her back by the loop of her shorts and she apologized as he did so. When Kate and Sawyer returned to the camp Nikki was among the survivors who welcomed them back - hugging Kate first and then Sawyer. Template:Crossref
Later, Nikki was among the survivors who helped in carrying the ping-pong table from the imploded Swan and she helped in setting it up. However, Sawyer soon noticed that the survivors had been taking his stash during his absence and, when he confronted them about it, Nikki spoke up and said that it wasn't him to start with, to which he responded "who the hell are you?" Sawyer's was forced to release ownership of his stash when he lost to Hurley. Template:Crossref
A few days later Nikki and Paulo sat on the beach together, and she confessed to him that she is sad that Thanksgiving passed a few weeks back, and they didn't even remember to celebrate it. She began to worry that they will never be rescued from the island, but Paulo comforted her. He said he is glad that they didn't find the diamonds (even though he was in possession of them at the time) because it was beginning to tear them apart as a couple. He left Nikki to go get them both some breakfast, and accidentally left his nicotine gum in the sand, which fell out of his pocket. Nikki picked the nicotine gum up, and realized that he must have found their bags if he has found the gum, because they were stored together when on the plane - putting two and two together, she realized she had been double crossed by Paulo.
Later, Desmond saw Nikki arguing with Sawyer. She demanded that Sawyer let her have one of the guns he had in his possession, but he refused, saying she is too agitated, and it wouldn't do any good if he gave her one. He commented he doesn't have the guns anymore anyway, yelling "who the hell are you?" as she stormed away from him in anger and frustration.
Nikki later pretended she was taking Paulo to a secret location, but then, in the jungle, she confronted him. He lied to her, saying that he didn't have the diamonds, but Nikki shows him the gum. She produced one of the jars from Arzt's specimen jars and threw the Medusa Spider from the jar at Paulo. She then described to him that it is called the Medusa Spider because it slows the heart rate of the victim down to a point where it is almost undetectable for around eight hours. Paulo's paralysis then began to set in, and Nikki begins to search for the diamonds, first throwing off his shoe and then realizing he hid them in his underwear. He tells her he hid them because he thought if she had the diamonds she wouldn't need him anymore. She realized what she has done and stared apologetically at Paulo. However, the ticking sounds of the Monster are heard and an onslaught of male Medusa Spiders appeared, but a distracted Nikki didn't realize. She is then bitten by one of the spiders, a personification of the monster itself, on the ankle.
Following her bite from the Medusa Spider, Nikki began to run back to the beach camp to warn them of her and Paulo's predicament, but stopped briefly to bury the diamonds for safe keeping. Nikki made her way back to the beach camp, collapsing in front of Sawyer and Hurley at the ping-pong table. She attempted to utter "paralyzed" as they crowded around her, but they couldn't understand what she was saying due to her paralysis. As Sawyer began to leave to try and get help, Hurley stopped him and told that him Nikki was dead, to which he responded "Who the hell is Nikki?"
Because of her mysterious and ambiguous last words, Sawyer, Hurley, Charlie, Jin, Desmond and Sun attempted to unravel the mystery about what happened to the little-known couple, who were both paralyzed and presumed dead after Paulo was also found in the jungle. The group ransacked the couple's tent, finding Paulo's walkie (causing suspicions that the pair were in league with the Others) and the Exposé script, which Hurley commented he was a big fan of.
Hurley began to suspect Sawyer played a part in their "deaths" due to Desmond seeing him arguing with Nikki hours earlier, however Sawyer maintained his innocence, and the group continued to bury Nikki and Paulo. However, during this, Vincent dragged the black material off their bodies, forcing them to be buried without it. Having dug the graves and placed the "corpses" inside, Sawyer mumbled, "Rest in peace, Nikki and Paulo," getting their names right, and scattered their diamonds over their bodies. Hurley then gave a eulogy and said even though they appeared to have killed each other over the diamonds, they were nice to him, and that he liked Exposé. Hurley and Sawyer then began to fill the graves.
Slowly, the sand began to cover their bodies, and just as it covered their faces, the spider's venom began to wear off, and Nikki opened her eyes to see sand hitting her face. Unable to move and warn the survivors of their real state, Nikki and Paulo were buried alive. Template:Crossref
根據Oceanic Six的謊言,Nikki在Oceanic航空815班機墜毀時,與她的男朋友Paulo一同喪生。Template:Crossref
在2005年的夏天,Exposé的第四季結尾於韓國的電視台播映。在Sun突然分娩前,電視機裡正播映著Corvette被Mr. LaShade殺死的畫面。Sun稍後關掉電視機,她似乎沒有認出劇中的角色是Nikki。Template:Crossref
- 在Nikki死後,她只出現了1集,於第4季 第7集的閃前中的電視畫面裡,她只出現了約1秒左右。
- 根據低聲語的簡單翻譯中,在第4季 第1集Hurley見到Jacob的小屋時,一陣低聲語中提及了Nikki的名字。
- Nikki是第22名有自己的閃回的角色。
- 計算第4季 第7集在內,Nikki共出現了7集,她於她出現的第6集中死去。
- Nikki從未見過Juliet、Ben、Ana Lucia、Libby、Daniel、Charlotte、Miles、Richard、Lapidus和Ilana。
- 但是,由於Ana Lucia和Libby曾與Nikki在同一營地生活,可能在畫面外她們有見面過。
- Miles挖出了她和Paulo的鑽石,很可能他見過Nikki的屍體。
- Nikki和Paulo普遍不受歡迎,因為二人突然出現於劇中。
- 一段刪除片段中,Claire正在Aaron,她聽到Jack帳篷裡有一些怪聲。她叫一叫"Jack",然後打開帳篷,卻發現Nikki和Paulo正在性交。這段片段原於第3季 第3集出現,而且於劇透片段亦有此幕出現,可見這段片段是到最後播映前才被刪除。
- Nikki與Paulo是第6、7名被殺的主角。
- Nikki和Paulo的埋葬方式與其他人不同。Boone、Shannon、Ana Lucia、Libby和Scott被單獨葬在自己的墓裡,而他們則被葬在同一個大墓裡面。
- 根據一篇Entertainment Weekly article,Nikki和Paulo原本會有更長的故事線,尤其是會有一集主要描述Nikki的閃回,關於她有份參與的劇集,Exposé。由於二人的角色遭到劇迷的強烈反感,因此製作人決定縮減二人的戲份至一集之中,並於同一集裡面殺掉他們。
- 在Nikki被蜘蛛攻擊前,怪獸的聲音被聽到,但他並沒有出現。
- 由於Rose和Bernard於第3季長期缺席,因此有推測指Desmond轉動的故障安全(fail-safe) 改變了時間線,因此Rose和Bernard從沒有上機,而Nikki和Paulo就取代了他們的位置。稍後,這一推測被證實是錯誤,因為Rose和Bernard於第3季 第21集再度出現。
- Nikki原本是出現集數中最少的主角,只有6集。但因為她出現於第4季 第7集中的閃前,因此她的出場集數與Paulo一樣,都是7集。
- 原本Nikki是由背景角色變成主要角色,但因為Juliet同樣於第3季出現,因此製作人決定包含一個新的男性主角,以平衡主要角色。因此,他們決定設計Paulo作為Nikki的男朋友和同黨。
- Marsha Thomason(飾演Naomi Dorrit的演員)曾應徵Nikki的角色。(Flashback)
- Nikki和Paulo是唯一從沒有出現於每季首播或結尾的主角。
- 在2010年4月15日的Lost官方播客中,編劇Damon Lindelof回應了劇迷對Nikki和Paulo在閃邊世界的生活,表示"我們可以估計...她出現在Exposé的第5季,而Paulo就繼續為那個澳洲人做廚師,所有事都發展得十分美好。"("Let's just assume that [...] she's on Season 5 of Exposé, Paulo is still cooking for that guy in Australia, and everything is just progressing lovingly.")。
- 另一名編劇,Carlton Cuse增補,Nikki可能"繼續與那個編劇傢伙結婚"。("still married to that producer dude")。
- Exposé暗示了J.J. Abrams的另一套劇集,特務A。Nikki客串了一套名字只有一個字的劇集,作為劇中的女性特工,並假扮成脫衣舞女追蹤罪犯。
- Exposé顯示了一個峰迴路轉的情節,Mr. LaShade是劇中的大反派,眼鏡蛇,同樣在特務A也有相同主題。Hurley閱讀過劇本後,發現Exposé用了4季時間去揭示眼鏡蛇的真正身份。