Jin-Soo Kwon 是迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他在迷失第1季第1集正式登場。
Jin-Soo Kwon (韩国名: 韩语: 권진수, 汉文: 權真秀)是815航班飞机中部生还者之一。Jin出生于1974年11月27号,在一个贫苦的渔夫家被抚养大,他常常因为自己父亲是渔夫而感到羞耻。为了与毕生挚爱Sun结婚,他被迫在其岳父的黑手党公司做事,也被迫接受骇人的任务,使Jin对自己具备的负面力量感到害怕。因为以上种种,在他和Sun结婚后期,他表现出很强的控制欲。Jin是所有幸存者中唯一不会说英语的人,由此造成了持续的沟通障碍,但是当Sun向大家表明她会说英语之后,Jin开始试着努力并且也确实学会断断续续说些只字片语了。
Jin-Soo Kwon 出生于韩国南海岸一个叫作Namhae的小渔村的贫民阶层,他成长于单亲家庭,因为做妓女的母亲在他还是个婴儿的时候就弃他而去,而将他拉扯大的那个男人是否是亲生父亲也并不确定。Jin一直以为母亲已不在人世,完全不知道她其实还活着并且曾经同很多男人上过床。Kwon大叔,是位渔民,自豪地把Jin当成自己儿子来抚养。Template:Crossref
Jin履行韩国男人的义务服了兵役。Template:Crossref 服役期结束后,他搬到首尔,希望摆脱窘迫的过去,寻求更美好的生活。那里,他和朋友Tai Soo同住,并在附近酒店旅馆找活干。他先是做了厨房帮忙的小伙计,因辛勤工作被提升为服务生,之后又在首尔Geteway大酒店找了另一份差事。但酒店老板Kim先生警告他:窘迫的过去并不是那么容易可以抹掉的。Jin意识到这份工作无法消除的阶级差别性,他毅然辞职,正是在那天回家路上,他和Sun相遇了。Template:Crossref
Mr. Paik把Jin带进了他腐坏和黑手党性质交易的世界. Template:Crossref
有一份差使是让Jin给公司的环境安全部秘书Byung Han带个信。Jin就字面的送了口信,完全误解Paik先生的真正用意了。那个秘书感激涕零,为了回报Jin的善心,送了自家的狗给他,这狗Jin后来给了Sun。Mr. Paik发现Jin没有办好他交待的事,就让Jin载着杀手去秘书家,看看这信应该是怎么个带法。最后一秒,Jin顿悟,不得不暴打秘书,阻止藏着的杀手下手,这次拜访间,Jin撇到一眼电视,正好在播放一个男人赢了彩票的新闻故事。
Paik先生发现Sun同Jae Lee有婚外情,为维护家族名誉,他要Jin去杀了那个男人,没有告诉Jin缘由。Jin跟踪Lee来到旅馆房间,狠狠揍了他,却下不了手杀人。于是,Jin让Lee滚出这个国家从此消失。Jae Lee做不到,选择自杀。他从旅馆窗口跳出,正好坠落在Jin的车上,手里还抓着曾试图送给Sun的珍珠项链。Template:Crossref
第一个礼拜时候,Michael捡到块劳力士手表,他原来的手表破了,就戴了捡的。被Jin看到,一拳打过去要把表抢回来,Sayid和Sawyer来劝架,把Jin铐在飞机残骸上。后来Sun向Michael解释(表露她其实会说英语)手表确实是她父亲的,如果Michael带着,Jin会感觉被羞辱。Michael拿把斧头砍开手铐放了Jin。那天夜里,Jin和Sun回归了大部队所在的山洞。 Template:Crossref
住山洞某日,Sun让Jin给Jack看看他的手腕,那儿被半只手铐弄出皮疹了。Jin理也不理,反而让她衣服穿穿好,不要有半点暴露。后来Jack被困在山洞里,Jin还是帮着其他幸存者一道去救他了。 Template:Crossref
Sun在小岛上渐渐适应自在了,她穿着比基尼去海滩,被Jin看到,赶忙给她裹上毛巾,喝斥她太不得体。Michael跑过来帮Sun说话。这天晚上Michael做的小筏被人放火,大家都怀疑是Jin干的,因为看似Jin对Michael干涉他们夫妻关系怀恨在心,同时Sun发现Jin手上恰巧有烧伤的痕迹,不敢相信竟真是他放的火。Sawyer把Jin从林子里抓回营地,Michael让Sun传话,她装傻,Michael开始暴打Jin,这时Sun用英语求他停手,大家于是震惊了,尤其是Jin,对于Sun的可以隐瞒非常受伤。Sun把Jin的话翻给大家听,解释竹筏不是他烧的,大家相信她了。后来,Jin给Michael搬来了木头,帮他重建以示前嫌。 Template:Crossref
某次Claire在林子里突然剧烈阵痛,Kate让Jin赶快回去把Jack叫过来接生宝宝,Jin赶到营,跟Sun说了事情原委,然而那会Jack正在为抢救垂死的Boone忙得焦头烂额,他只能让Jin和Charlie去跟Kate说 婴儿必须由她来接生了,Kate最终做到了,Charlie和Jin高兴地一路欢呼。 Template:Crossref
Sun质问Jin为何无视自己,问他小船造好后是不是会跟着Michael一起走,Jin说是,Sun于是很悲伤。她便在水里下药让Jin走不了,然而因为水瓶搞混,Michael不小心误喝下过药的水。Michael恢复后,Jack对Sun说他早知道是她动的手脚,但保证不会说出去,大家也没必要知道。但事实上呢,Jack也不知道的一点就是,是Kate给Sun提的建议,而她私下的目的是想搞到上船的机会。 Template:Crossref
在大海上,the Others突然出现了,他们攻击了四人的小船,绑架了Walt,Jin被射伤掉进海里,然后小船被炸散架了。Template:Crossref
第二季 (第44-67天)[]
Mr. Eko 打倒了 Jin 和 Sawyer ,三个幸存者被丢进了 Ana Lucia的 老虎洞(丛林中挖的一个洞). 为了欺骗他们,Eko把Ana Lucia也丢进了洞,Ana偷走了他们的枪,并用枪指着他们。 Eko 把 Ana Lucia 从洞里拉上来, 三个幸存者被单独留在了洞里,无计可施。Template:Crossref
大概过了一天左右, Ana Lucia 让Michael 和Jin 从洞里出来,和他们谈话,并把他们聚集到一起,不管他们是不是真的815航班 的幸存者. 舱尾的幸存者 相信 Michael 和 Jin, 他们和Sawyer被带到了 the Arrow, 那是舱尾幸存者一直居住的地方. 他们得到了食物,两组人分别在房间的两边吃饭的时候,他们被舱尾的幸存者接纳了。 Template:Crossref
Jin, Michael, Sawyer and the survivors of the tail section decided to trek back to the safer side of the Island. Before they left they gathered food, with Jin distinguishing himself with his fishing abilities yet again. Libby ran in saying that Michael had left. Jin figured he had gone to find Walt alone, and Jin and Eko set off after Michael while the remaining survivors headed for the camp. When the two heard something, Jin and Eko stopped walking and when Jin started again Eko told him to stop. Jin heard rustling and, thinking it was Michael, went to investigate. A boar ran out and knocked him down a hill. Jin stopped near a dead body with a stake sticking out of his chest. Eko told Jin the man was named Goodwin. "Others?" Jin asked and Eko nodded his head. Later, Eko sensed someone coming, and he and Jin hid. Hidden in the bushes, they saw a procession of people go by in almost unearthly silence. They could only see The Others from the thighs down, all barefoot, all muddy, and the last, a child, was carrying a brown teddy bear on a cord. When Eko went back to find Michael's trail, Jin actually found Michael yelling his son's name. Eko appeared and tried to convince Michael to go back with them, but Michael wouldn't do it. Jin told Michael that he would find Walt but should go with them now. Template:Crossref
When Jin, Michael, and Eko reunited with the other group trekking to the fuselage section's beach, Jin began to worry about Sawyer, who could barely walk. Jin demanded that Sawyer get water, and that the tailies help carry him. Approaching the beach, they ran into Shannon, but Ana Lucia mistook her for an Other, and shot her to Michael and Jin's shock. Template:Crossref
After shooting Shannon, Ana Lucia panicked and made Sayid, who was with Shannon, a prisoner. Eventually Ana Lucia let Eko take Sawyer to Jack, and later let Jin, Libby and Bernard go as well. Together, they made their way back to the main camp, and, after several days trekking, Jin was reunited with his wife. Template:Crossref
After reuniting, Jin and Sun seemed content to be back together. Later that day, Locke used some bolt cutters in the Swan to cut off the handcuff Jin had been wearing since his fight with Michael over the Rolex watch. Template:Crossref
Some time later, Michael left to find Walt. Though Jin wished to help his friend, Sun convinced him to stay, saying she would not be able to handle the stress of worrying for him all over again. Template:Crossref
Soon after, it became Jin's turn to worry about Sun, as she was attacked in her garden. Jin demanded a gun from Jack to protect his wife, but Jack refused. In the end Sawyer stole all the guns in a 'long con'. Template:Crossref
Sun continued to work in her garden, and when she refused to abandon it when Jin asked her to, Jin destroyed the garden. Later, Jin tried to apologize for his previous actions by replanting whatever he could salvage, and Sun told Jin she was pregnant. This revelation appeared to bind the two together once more, as a baby would "change everything." Template:Crossref
Surprised by a seemingly random supply drop, Jin, Sun and many other survivors immediately tried to claim as much as they could for themselves. Later that day, Hurley tackled Sawyer after the latter made fun of the former. Sun convinced an amused Jin to break up the fight, which he did. Template:Crossref
When Bernard attempted to build an SOS sign, Jin was at first eager to help. However, when Bernard told Jin that his method was all wrong, in a heavily patronizing way, Jin left Bernard to do it all himself. Template:Crossref
With their relationship now more stable, Jin and Sun accompanied Sayid on his mission to the other side of the Island in Desmond's boat. Along with seeing the statue, Jin and Sun were also aboard the ship when the discharge occurred. Template:Crossref
第三季 (第68-91天)[]
After waiting over a day on the sailboat for Jack, Kate, and Sawyer to return to them, Jin sparked an argument with Sun about whether to go back to camp or not. Sun's defiance reawakened the issues between the two. While Sun believed Jin does not understand them, she betrayed him by not telling him about Sayid's plan. After Jin revealed to Sun and Sayid that his English is much better than they thought it was, Sayid handed him a gun, informing him about his plan. As Jin and Sayid wait at the Pala Ferry to try to ambush the Others, they hear gunfire from the boat, where Sun was hiding. Running over, a shooting fight arises between the two survivors and the Others. Jin dives into the sea and finds Sun, who had managed to escape the Others by jumping into the ocean. Together once more, the couple decides they need to go back to the camp with Sayid. Template:Crossref
Several days after their return to camp, Jin quarreled with Sun over her attempts to teach him English. He went with Hurley in the jungle, and helped him fix the DHARMA van. During this time, Sawyer, who returned to camp with Kate, taught him some English phrases relating to women. Template:Crossref
The next day, after the survivors found a ping pong table in the jungle, Sawyer suggested to play a match, and if he wins, he will get his stash back. Jin came up with an idea, that if Sawyer loses, he will have to give up his nicknames for a whole week. Eventually, Sawyer lost, and had to keep his promise. Template:Crossref
When Claire came up with an idea that might get them rescued, Jin and Sun helped her with trapping a seagull, as part of her plan to contact the outside world. Their try failed when Desmond interrupted, and shot several shots in the air, claiming he was trying to hunt a boar. Template:Crossref
Jin accompanied Hurley and Sawyer in their search for Paulo, after Nikki's sudden death. He found Paulo's body in the jungle, suggested that the Monster was responsible for the deaths, and helped Sawyer and Hurley bring his body back to camp. Jin attended their funeral with Sun. Template:Crossref
He also accompanied Desmond, Charlie, and Hurley on a "camping trip" following a vision of Desmond's into the jungle during which they discovered Naomi. Template:Crossref
When Mikhail unexpectedly showed up after Hurley fired the flare, Jin chased him into the jungle and fought hand-to-hand with the mysterious Other to subdue him. Later, when Desmond let Mikhail leave after treating the parachutist, Jin once again chased after him. He had discovered that Mikhail had taken the satellite phone, which the group then recovered from him. Template:Crossref
Back at the beach, Jin, Hurley, Charlie, and Desmond all attempted to maintain the secret of Naomi. Jin was also present when Sayid made his speech regarding Naomi and his distrust of Jack and Juliet. When the group listened to Juliet's recorded message to Ben, Jin did not understand the words, but realized that Juliet was talking about Sun. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref
The next day, while he and Sun were helping wire the tents on the beach to explode (as part of Jack's plan to ambush the Others), he asked Sun what happened between her and Juliet. Rather than tell him the whole truth about her pregnancy and the jeopardy in which it put her, Sun simply told him that she saw their child on ultrasound and that it was healthy. Jin was overjoyed by the news.
Later that day, as the group was preparing to leave camp and follow Danielle to the radio tower, Jin, Sayid, and Bernard were chosen to stay behind and detonate the dynamite planted in the tents when the Others' raiding party were to arrive. Because there was not enough time to finish wiring the tents as planned, the three of them were instructed to set off the dynamite by shooting it from far away. Template:Crossref
Of the three, only Jin failed to shoot the dynamite, and as a result was captured by Tom and Pryce. When contacted by Ben, the capturers were told to kill Jin to encourage Bernard and Sayid to start talking. Though Jin bravely told Bernard "No talk," Bernard revealed everything about their plan, and Jin's life was spared. Jack initially thought Jin had died when he heard three bullets over the radio while talking to Ben, however this was a prearranged plan by Ben to shoot three bullets into the sand instead. Eventually Hurley arrived in the DHARMA Van, running over Pryce and scattering Tom and Jason, which led to the end of the hostage situation. Template:Crossref
第四季 (第91-96天)[]
Jin was present at the beach when Desmond returned to inform them of Charlie's death, and his final warning. Jin and the others at the beach set out to meet up with Jack and the others in the jungle. He happily reunited with Sun at the cockpit. Jin sided with Jack during the rift between the survivors. Template:Crossref
Two days later, he was still on the beach, looking at a map of New York with Sun. They were debating on where to live, and he told her that he is learning English so that they can live together in America; Sun, however, told him that she wanted to return to Korea. Template:Crossref
After Desmond and Sayid left on the helicopter, Jin continued practicing his English with the other survivors, telling Jack that he was learning from both Sun and Sawyer, though he admitted that "Sun is better." Sun, meanwhile, confronted Daniel about the intentions of the people from the freighter, and when Sun decided not to trust them and set out for Locke's camp, Jin declared "Where Sun go, I go." In a last-ditch effort to stop them so that Sun would still have a chance to leave the Island, Juliet told Jin about Sun's affair.
After refusing to confront Sun to talk about it, Jin went fishing on the outrigger with Bernard, who talked about the pressures of life on the Island with a wife, telling Jin about Rose's cancer, her desire to stay on the Island, and her reasons for staying on the beach anyway. Reminded of his own renewed love for his wife, Jin returned to Sun that night and forgave her, saying he understood, given the man he used to be. Template:Crossref
When the Oceanic Six escape the island, including Sun, they claim that Jin is dead (although this remains ambiguous as the story they tell is that they were the only survivors, and Jin's date of death is listed as the same day of 815's crash)
When Sun goes into labor, she calls out for her husband in delirium, refusing to give birth without him. However, she eventually gives birth to Ji Yeon Kwon - the name Jin picked out for his child. After her recovery, Hurley and Sun visit Jin's grave where Sun introduced her husband to his child, and recalled that she was calling out for him during labor. She then tells him, through tears, that she misses him. Template:Crossref
According to pistachioholic, Jin's tombstone says:
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The tomb of Kwon, Jin Soo Date of birth: November 27, 1974 Date of death: September 22, 2004 Wife: Paik, Sun Hwa [Sun's] date of birth: March 20, 1980 |
” |
When Jin arrived on the Island, he had no knowledge of the English language, which left him alienated from the rest of the survivors. As time passed however, he slowly picked up words and phrases with the help of Sun. She also created a notebook to help him learn some simple English.
Three words that Jin uses often and seems to understand completely are "monster", "others" and "gun". He also seems to understand "rescue" and "phone".
On the raft, he told Michael that he knew "starboard", "port" and "eat" and was the first to yell out "Rudder!" when the rudder broke off the raft.
Later, Sawyer taught Jin some "essential" phrases all women need to hear such as "I'm sorry", "You were right" and "Those pants don't make you look fat".
In addition to those phrases he has also learned a lot to please Sun. He knows how to say "I love you" and in the season finale he replied to Sun's queries about why he was staying behind to blow up the dynamite by replying in English, "Because we have to go home."
As of Season 4, Jin can understand people speaking English better than he can speak it. He has come a long way with speaking however, finishing entire sentences without many pauses. He said he has Sun, and sometimes Sawyer, as a teacher.
Despite the language barrier, Jin tries to seek acceptance into the survivors by helping others through skills such as:
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Jin is proficient in tae kwon do, the national sport of Korea. Meaning "the way of the hand and fist", tae kwon do employs various striking and kicking moves taking advantage of the leg's length to disable opponents. Jin dealt a spinning hook kick to Mikhail, which disabled him long enough for Jin to employ a sleeper hold. Template:Crossref
- Jin 是第12个有闪回的角色.
- 到目前为止,Jin出场的集数为52.
- Jin has only one centric episode dedicated to him and only him.
- Jin出现在Jack和Ana Lucia的闪回中,两次都是站在队伍中等待办登机手续。
- Jin-Sun Kwon (with Sun instead of Soo) is a character in the video game F.E.A.R and its add-on F.E.A.R. Extraction Point. F.E.A.R. stands for First Encounter Assault Recon and overall feeling is kind of similar to Lost. The game is a FPS horror (more psychological than gore-ish).
- Two Jin-centric episodes have ellipses in front of them, "", "". "" does not. In these phrases, the ellipses can easily be replaced by the word "Lost."
- Jin在第3季 第17集 讲的恐怖的鬼故事翻译过来是这样的: “这个女孩对那个救了她的男人说‘感谢上帝。我还担心你就是那个钩子人。' 这个男人微笑着看了一眼女孩,说‘别担心,小女孩。我的钩子…………还在你父亲的脑袋里!”
- 其它拼法:
- 修正过的罗马拼音 (RR) (RR): Gwon Jin-su
- 韩语读音 (MR): Kwŏn Chin-su
迷失 第1季 | ||||||||||||
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第02集 出現 |
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第09集 沒有 |
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迷失 第2季 | |||||||||||
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迷失 第3季 | |||||||||||
第01集 沒有 |
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第03集 出現 |
第04集 沒有 |
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第17集 出現 |
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迷失 第4季 | ||||||
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第02集 沒有 |
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第14集 出現 |
迷失 第5季 | ||||||||
第01集 沒有 |
第02集 出現 |
第03集 沒有 |
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第05集 出現 |
第06集 出現 |
第07集 沒有 |
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第12集 沒有 |
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第17集 出現 |