
John Locke迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,他在迷失第1季第1集正式登場。


Johnathan Locke815大洋航班中部地带的幸存者之一。在坠机到小岛上的同时他的瘫痪立刻痊愈了,这让他最终意识到他 和小岛之间有着某种特殊的联系。有时他表现出Benjamin Linus对立的立场,展现出许多独特的人格,如与Jacob交谈。与Jack Shephard两人在哲学观点上的对立与曾经成为幸存者们共同的领导者使得两人看起来针锋相对。Locke现在把自己与幸存者们隔绝起来,开始组织起自己的小帮派,包括Hurley, Claire, Ben, Danielle Rousseau, Alex, Karl, 和 Sawyer


John Locke生于1956年5月30日,双亲为Emily Annabeth LockeAnthony Cooper。 他母亲生下他时年仅15岁。 这可能成为了他早年就 被双亲抛弃并成长辗转于寄养家庭的原因。他还有(或曾有)一弟一妹。他的妹妹,Jeannie,从单杠上摔下来摔折了脖子,早早夭折。 因没有照看好女儿,她的母亲非常自责。在她死后,一只金毛猎犬占去了Jeannie的卧室。Locke的养母相信这只狗就是Jeannie的灵魂,是回来告诉她意外不是她的错。在Locke的养母死后5年,这只狗也很快地不知所踪了。Template:Crossref

1X19 LockeCooperHunt

Locke and Cooper hunting together Template:Crossref

许多年后,当他在一所大型百货公司作助理经理,John注意到他正被一位神秘女人所跟踪,很快他就发现是他的母亲,Emily。 在他们的第一次交谈中,Emily声称他是“人工受孕”而来(尽管她曾表示过他没有父亲),为他特殊的“使命”而铺平道路。然而, 满腹狐疑的John开始雇人暗中调查她,并得到了关于他生父的一些消息,和她母亲曾经有过精神病治疗史的记录。

按照消息的指示,John顺线摸鱼见到了他的生父Anthony,Anthony在他戒备森严的屋子里假意高兴地接待了他。并引起了John对狩 猎的兴趣,这使得他们之间开始变得亲密。一天,John来时,看到他的父亲躺在透析仪上。Anthony向他表明了自己的肾病并且需要立 即做移植手术,为了不毁掉眼前的幸福,在向John表明之前他隐瞒了真相。手术前,他的言行让John更加坚信了他们的相遇正式 命运的安排,出于同情,John立即献出了自己的肾。然而,当Locke在房间醒来的时候,Cooper却再也不在他的身边。从护士口中得知 ,Cooper在手术之后立刻抛弃了Locke,离开了这里。.

Locke的母亲在他大受打击之后探望了他,她承认了之前的会面,与接连而至的一系列事件,都是他父亲早已安排好的骗局,目的就是 要他自愿捐出他的肾,而她的母亲为了钱也参与其中。

怒火中烧的Locke立即前往他父亲的房子,但他却在大门口停下了。不顾看守的警告,Locke一直在外面等着。最后他离开了这里,但 依然每天开着他的车在Cooper的门外停留几个小时,只为他父亲的背叛求得一个答案。Template:Crossref

Locke Helen

Locke, proposing to Helen Template:Crossref

不久之后,Locke参加了一个愤怒控制课,每天听着那里的成员们讲着和他的遭遇相比简直不值一提的琐事。然而,在一次课后,他遇 到了可以理解他的人,Helen。两人的关系开始变得亲密,这使得他从父亲事件中稍稍解脱出来,除了每天都在他父亲门外等着的习惯 。这段时间里,Anthony想让John知难而退,他搬到了别处,但是John并没有放弃。终于,Anthony来到John面前,告诉他结束这一切 并且再也不要回来,这并不是他所想要的。然而,他却持续这样做直到被Helen发现并制止,Helen叫他在父亲与自己之间作出选择。Template:Crossref

3X03 LockeCommune

Locke, saying a prayer at the commune Template:Crossref

在一起一段时间以后,Locke决定向她求婚。他准备好了一切,另一方面,他的父亲却又一次出现在他面前。Anthony骗走几个暴徒很 大一笔钱,伪造了自己的死,把钱藏入了一个帐户中,这需要有另一人的帮助来取出它们。如果Locke这次帮了他,他许诺给他的儿子 $200,000的报酬。Locke做了,但却拿不准是否该私吞了这笔钱。在刚刚取钱回来时,两个男人来找到Locke并询问他关于钱的事, Locke表示这与自己毫不相干,同时也欺骗了Helen。但Helen很快发现钱在Locke手里。在他父亲旅馆的停车场上,她拒绝了Locke的求 婚并离开了他。这段时间里,Locke一直在自己的专业家居检查公司“Welcome Home”工作。 Template:Crossref

在他与Helen的关系结束不久,John加入了一个农场公社,像一家人一样隐居并向外界贩卖大麻。期间,他结识了搭便车的Eddie。 John带他过来并和他成为了朋友;并邀请他成为这个“家庭”中的一员。后来发现Eddie来这里是来调查农社的犯罪性质,他是一个卧 底。为了救他的“家庭”于水火,John怂恿了Eddie一起去狩猎。他瞄准了Eddie,但在Eddie的说教劝导之下,Locke没有下手,并放 走了Eddie。Eddie离开Locke之后,农社的前途未卜。 Template:Crossref

Locke falling

Locke falls eight stories Template:Crossref

被生身父亲所欺骗,遭心爱的女人所拒绝,又失去了宛如紧密家人的信任,Locke陷入了极度沮丧的状态,因为伤残他得到了意外保险 并开始接受专家的治疗。在2000年的某天,Peter Talbot找到了他,他的母亲将要与Cooper结婚。Locke知道Cooper又在计划来欺骗这 个家庭,他威胁他马上停止,否则就将他的骗局公之于众。Cooper最初顺从了;然而,Locke随后却得知Peter被人所杀。在与Cooper 的对质中,他的父亲表示他与这次谋杀并无牵连。Cooper也提到Talbot太太已经取消了婚礼。当Locke要求他打电话以证实的时候, Cooper引他到电话附近——在八楼的玻璃窗户旁边。

Locke in Wheelchair

Locke in a wheelchair, at the Sydney airport Template:Crossref

在Locke靠近电话的时候,Cooper撞向了他,Locke撞破了玻璃,从8楼摔了下来,伤了脊椎,下半身瘫痪。最初他只能坐在轮椅上, Locke觉得他再也没有希望痊愈了。护士给了他鼓励与帮助,并告诉他没什么困难是克服不掉的。Locke被极大的消极所笼罩,看着完 全无法活动的双腿,Locke悲从中来,泣不成声。Template:Crossref

在意外发生后不久,Locke为一个盒子公司工作。他的头头待他很糟。Locke再次和一个色情声讯台的接线员(或类似)亲密起来,他 把她称作Helen。他邀她一起去旅行,她拒绝了,于是这段“关系”随之结束。从此以后Locke是否有过伴侣不得而知。Template:Crossref

Locke顽强地与残疾斗争着,让伤残尽量少地影响自己的生活。他决定去澳洲做一次徒步旅行来做为对自己的试炼。然而,当他到那里 的时候,他却被告知因为身体原因不能参加旅行。Locke被击垮了,他朝着导游大吼大叫,但却无济于事。他被留下了,看着其他人高 兴地离去,心碎,被抛弃,而且孤独的感觉一齐涌上心头。 Template:Crossref

无从选择的他最终乘上了815航班回国。是他大为尴尬的是,他不得不被机务人员抬上飞机。他坐在24D,机尾的最后一排。在机场他 偶然邂逅了Rose,而殊不知他将和她分享一个上奇迹发生的瞬间 Template:Crossref Template:Crossref


第一季 (第1-44天)[]


在坠机后刚醒过来时,Locke就发现他的瘫痪奇迹般的治愈了 Template:Crossref


Locke在准备去狩猎前检查他的刀 Template:Crossref

815航班 坠毁后,Locke对于他能重新行走感到很震惊。最开始,他走的很小心翼翼,因为他不明白发生了什么事。但没过多久,他就为帮Jack's救助其它人而奔跑起来。 Template:Crossref


同时,Locke也是幸存者中第一个证实有the "Monster"的人;他在同Michael and Kate追踪一只野猪时,和the "Monster"近距离接触过。虽然我们没看到这些画面,但后来Locke跟Jack说过:“我看见了这个小岛的眼睛,非常美丽。” 在第3季 第05集 中,他跟Eko讲,the "Monster"是非常明亮的光。As a result of this incident, he came to think of the Island as an entity unto itself with a plan for them all. 在第3季 第15集 中,Juliet看到the monster也是类似的表现方式。

不久之后,Locke击晕了Sayid并且损毁了Sayid的用来搜索distress signal来源的临时无线电设备。Locke保守了这个秘密很久直到后来他才承认。


  • 踪迹技能。这可以让幸存者穿过密林去搜寻丢失的伙伴。
  • 狩猎技能。这可以提供食物,Locke发现了一群野猪并且成功的捕捉了它们。
  • 毅力; 他帮助Charlie成功的戒掉了后者的毒瘾。 (结果就是他们俩人走的更近了)
Locke Hunter

Locke, enjoying his hunt Template:Still


除了Boone以外,Locke也照顾了Claire,在她从the Staff那里逃出来以后。Locke展现了他的关怀并且给Claire造了一个婴儿床,所有用到的材料都是从岛上找来的。Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref

但是Locke一直想进入那个舱门。在经过长时间的思考后,他建造了一个抛石机试图去击破舱门上的窗户,但是失败了。同时,他梦到了一架小飞机失事的情景,并且他的母亲给他指出了方向,另外他还梦到了鲜血淋淋的Boone。他感觉到他又被轮椅限制住了,不能移动。The dream also mentioned a woman from Boone's past who had died from a fall. Template:Crossref

This dream was a sign, because, with Boone, he managed to track the plane to its resting place in the canopy. His legs had appeared to steadily cease to function, reducing him to a crawl. This meant that Boone was required to climb up to the plane. Unfortunately, though, the plane tipped and fell, nose first, to the ground, and Boone was mortally injured. Locke returned to the camp with Boone's injured body, but fled back to the Hatch without telling Jack the true nature of Boone's injuries. Because he did not know the full problem, Jack was unable to save Boone, who died. Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref

At the Hatch, Locke explained that the Island told him what it wanted, and what he was to do next. He begged, and sobbed, pounding the door with his hands. After he did this, a light appeared in the window, before disappearing just as quickly. This seemed to re-affirm Locke's faith. Template:Crossref

Locke returned to camp at Boone's funeral, still wearing a shirt stained with Boone's blood. He was confronted violently by Jack who demanded some sort of explanation. He was calmed down however, and, soon after, he told everybody about the Hatch. But, the death of Boone and his deceptions cost him much of his credibility. Jack never fully trusted him again.

Later, when the first raft was burnt, Locke gave a rousing but dishonest speech to the group blaming the Others even though he suspected Walt. He was eventually able to get Walt to confess to him. But Locke did not tell anyone else in the camp that Walt was responsible for burning the first raft. Template:Crossref

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Locke and Jack argue over what to do upon the opening of the hatch Template:Crossref

When Jack, Kate, Hurley and Rousseau traveled to the Black Rock to recover dynamite to blow the Hatch open, Locke was also part of the team. During this trek, Locke was seized by the "Monster" and was almost pulled into a pit by its smoky tendrils. The "Monster" was only repelled by Kate throwing dynamite into the pit, which caused the "Monster" to flee. During this event, Locke had asked Jack to allow the "Monster" to pull him in; he believed nothing would happen. Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref

When they eventually reached the Hatch, armed with the dynamite, Locke was the one who lit the fuse, despite Hurley's protests. The Hatch door was blown open, and Season One ended with Locke and Jack staring down into the Hatch. Template:Crossref

第二季 (第44-67天)[]

Locke Numbers

Locke, entering the Numbers into the Swan computer Template:Still

Upon entering the newly opened hatch (discovered to be the the Swan Station of the DHARMA Initiative), Locke was briefly held captive by Desmond (who once saw Jack running in L.A), the operator of the station. When Desmond fled, Locke continued his job of entering the Numbers and pushing the button, which he believed was extremely important. He believed the button was so important he helped establish a rotation of the castaways for pushing the button, so it could be done efficiently. Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref

Later in the series he discovered that Charlie had been hoarding heroin-filled statues from the Beechcraft, upsetting him because he considered it a breach of trust. Shortly after, he severely beat Charlie following Charlie’s kidnapping of Aaron, instigated by a series of delusions and subsequently became quite close to Claire in a fatherly manner (and made Charlie jealous of his good relationship with Claire). Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref

On day 49 following the crash, Locke was passing Paulo on the beach as Paulo appeared to be burying something (the diamonds). He provided some more words of wisdom about the island, stating that "things never stay buried", and offering some advice on where to bury whatever he was burying further inland or up to beach, due to beach erosion. Locke then walked on. Template:Crossref

Due in part to the subtle manipulations of "Henry Gale", a member of the Others that the castaways were able to capture, John found himself at odds with Jack for "leadership" of the group and the role of decision-maker. He initially believed Ben's assertion that he was not one of the Others and called on Gale’s help when his leg was impaled by a blast door during an impromptu lockdown in the Hatch. He consequently promised to protect Ben from the other survivors. While he was impaled he discovered a hidden map drawn of the Island on the blast door. Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref


Locke using his crutches, after the lockdown incident Template:Crossref

Following the revelation of Ben's deception, Locke was thrown into a state of self-doubt when Ben claimed that he never pushed the button and that nothing happened, though his faith in the Island's abilities was bolstered a bit with a conversation with Rose, who made it clear that she was also aware of the Island's healing properties. Template:Crossref

In "", Eko had a dream in which Ana-Lucia and his brother Yemi told him to help Locke and to go to the "question mark". Eko asked Locke to help him find Henry, who had escaped. Later in the jungle, he told Locke that they are really in search of the "question mark." Locke refused to tell Eko what the question mark is, so Eko knocked him out with a headbutt. When Locke awoke, he showed Eko his sketch of the blast door map, and Eko decided that they must find the question mark as shown on the map. Then, they arrived at the Beechcraft in which Boone died. Locke mocked his past ideas and implied that he still blames himself for Boone's death. Template:Crossref

Locke had a dream involving Yemi and Eko climbing the nearby cliff. He tells Eko about it, and Eko climbs the cliff and sees a question mark in the salted ground below. Realizing that the question mark sign is indicating that the plane is on the spot where something is hidden, the two men dug under the plane and find another hatch. Template:Crossref

2x22 locke

Locke takes off his splint while the other survivors bury Ana-Lucia and Libby Template:Crossref

The new hatch was another DHARMA station called the Pearl, containing a film which suggested that the act of pushing the button was nothing more than a psychological experiment. This information (along with Henry Gale's false claim that he didn't push the button and nothing happened) shattered Locke's faith in the Island, while due to Eko's dream, Eko took away the opposite belief - that pushing the button was essential. Template:Crossref

In "", Locke witnessed Charlie hurling the remaining heroin statues into the ocean. He also finally ripped off the splint supporting his leg, having recovered from his injury in the Swan station.

Locke became determined to prove that the button was meaningless. He entered into a partnership with the returned Desmond who triggered a lockdown that shut Eko out of the Hatch, intending to wait until the countdown ended on the assumption that nothing would happen. While waiting for the timer to run out, Desmond read printouts from the Pearl and realized that the whole thing was legitimate due to a systems failure he remembered causing months ago. When he then attempted to push the button, Locke smashed the computer in protest. As the countdown ended and the electromagnetic energy beneath the station began to build up, Locke spoke only three words—"I was wrong"—to Eko, who had made his way into the computer room. Template:Crossref

第三季 (第68-93天)[]


Locke and Boone, during Locke's vision Template:Crossref

Locke woke up in the jungle unable to speak. He made his way back to the beach and, with Charlie's assistance built a sweat lodge on the site of Eko's church. There he underwent a vision quest where he was reunited with a vision of Boone.

Boone took John on a vision quest through an airport where he saw many of the people on the Island, continually telling John he must "Clean up his own mess." John soon realized that what Boone was trying to tell him was that he had to save Mr. Eko, since it was his opposition to Eko that caused the Hatch to implode. After his vision, Locke was able to speak and convinced that Eko was carried off by a polar bear somewhere. Together he and Charlie found and rescued Eko.

After Hurley told them about Jack, Kate and Sawyer's capture, Locke made a speech declaring his intent to rescue them. Template:Crossref Locke's later behavior cast doubts if anything he said in the speech was honest.

Locke, Sayid, Desmond, Nikki and Paulo then went after Eko to the Pearl station, to see if there was any opportunity to watch any other stations on the monitors, and perhaps locate Jack, Sawyer and Kate. They got signals on one of the monitors, and it showed a one-eyed man in a DHARMA suit (later revealed to be Mikhail Bakunin), in a room which contained a computer and other electrical equipment. The man understood they were watching, and turned the camera off, right before John said "I guess he'll be expecting us" - meaning he will find this possible station. Template:Crossref

Dead Eko

Nikki, Paulo, Desmond and Sayid watch as Locke checks Eko's body Template:Crossref

Locke, Desmond, Sayid, Nikki, and Paulo hear the Monster and go out to find Eko who has been attacked by the Monster. Eko dies in John's arms after telling him "You're next".

Locke decides to bury him at the spot where he died. When Nikki asks why, Locke explains how there has been a lot of deaths and the other survivors can't take another one. Locke goes on to explain that he believes "the "Monster"" killed Eko for a reason, and he wants to find out what that reason is. Locke retrieves Eko's Jesus stick from the jungle in order to place it as a marker on Eko's grave. When the group buries Eko, Locke looks at Eko's stick and takes special note of one particular bit of scripture carved on it: "Lift up your eyes and look north. John 3:05." Locke takes this as a message to himself and determines to go north on a bearing of 305 degrees. Though skeptical, Sayid accompanies him, as do Kate and Danielle. Template:Crossref

3x11 LockeFlame

Locke plays the chess game in the Flame Template:Crossref

The compass bearing eventually leads the team to the Flame station, where the group meets the Other Mikhail. Locke quickly becomes absorbed in a computer chess game at the station, even leaving the subdued Mikhail unguarded to play it. Locke wins the game and unlocks a sequence of commands. He enters "77" into the computer, ostensibly in response to an incursion by the "hostiles"; soon after the team exits the Flame with Mikhail, the entire facility explodes. Template:Crossref

Later, Locke continues with Sayid, Kate and Danielle (with prisoner Mikhail in tow) toward the Barracks. When they encounter the sonic barrier, Locke decides to test it by pushing Mikhail between the posts. Mikhail thanks Locke and then gets wounded by the sonic waves. Locke's decision to test the fence which resulted in Bakunin's appearing to die (it is not yet known whether or not Locke intended this to happen) and could potentially have alerted The Others of their approach without consulting anyone creates tensions with the remaining members of the expedition, particularly Sayid, who considered Mikhail his prisoner.

This tension was heightened even further when they discover that Locke had sneaked some C-4 out of the Flame (even though he claimed that he had no knowledge of it beforehand, which is why he entered 77 into the computer). It was clear to everyone else that Locke wasn't trustworthy, had repeatedly lied to them and taken actions by himself without consulting the rest of the group which resulted in destructive and fatal consequences. Template:Crossref


Locke looks down into the submarine Template:Crossref

At the Barracks, Locke goes off to look for Ben leaving Kate and Sayid to rescue Jack themselves.

He confronts Ben for the first time since their last talk in the Swan Station. Ben reveals that he knows everything about Locke including how he ended up in a wheelchair. Locke asks Ben about the submarine that he had heard about from Mikhail, but is interrupted by Alex, who he holds hostage in Ben's closet as Richard Alpert comes in to tell Ben that they had captured Kate and Sayid. After Richard leaves, Locke orders Alex to go and retrieve the captured Sayid's' bag. Ben discusses Locke's former paralysis with him, asking if "it hurt." Locke takes this to mean the fall that broke his back. Upon learning that Locke had been to the Flame, Ben realizes that John may have brought the C-4 with him in the bag, and that he intends not to escape on the submarine but to blow it up in order to ensure that nobody will ever leave the Island.

Ben starts to manipulate Locke in a number of ways. First, he falsely takes Locke into his confidence and tells him that the Submarine is important to his position as leader thus encouraging Locke to blow it up. He then starts to share information about the Island with Locke knowing how that will motivate Locke. He tells Locke to imagine a location, a "magic box," that could make his wishes come true. Locke sarcastically tells Ben that he hopes it's big enough for him to wish up a new submarine. Ben gradually shares other information with Locke. He tells him that the submarine is leaving in a few hours and it will not be able to come back. He explains that the only thing Locke will accomplish by destroying it is to keep Jack on the Island.

Locke goes through with the plan and destroys the submarine, and is captured by the Others.

Ben eventually reveals to Locke that his destroying the Submarine was a dream come true for him. That he wanted to keep Jack on the Island but had no way to do it. He describes Locke coming out of the jungle within hours of Jack leaving as the answer to his dreams. Ben arrives with Richard, and the two free Locke, bringing him to a concrete door. Ben tells Locke that he is special because of his relationship with the island and that Ben wants to help him know more about the island. Ben tells Locke that when he earlier asked about whether or not "it hurt," he was referring to if it hurt knowing his own father tried to kill him. He also tells Locke that he thinks he destroyed the submarine because the island was the one place his father could never reach him and cutting the Island off from the outside made this more certain. Ben then asks if Locke is ready to see what's in the box, and he opens the door to reveal a bound and gagged Anthony Cooper, tied to a wheelchair. Template:Crossref

3x19 Locke in the Black Rock

Locke reads the file on Sawyer inside Black Rock. Template:Crossref

Locke is soon after released from captivity and decides to join the Others on a journey to an unspecified location. He says goodbye to Kate in the game room at the Barracks. After Kate tells him that he can't trust the others if they promise to take him home, Locke says he does not want to go home. He then tells Kate that he had made a strong case for her with the Others but "forgiveness is not one of their strong suits". He disappears along with all of the Others from the Barracks. Template:Crossref

Accompanying the Others, Locke treks to the ruins, where Cooper is tied to a large pillar. Cindy tells Locke that the Others are "excited" that he is there, and that they have been waiting for him. Later, Ben tells him that he is special and the minute he arrived, he began to feel pins & needles in his previously numb legs, but to show his commitment (and in turn have Ben reveal the island's secrets), Locke must kill his father. That night Ben wakes John and tells him that "it's time". He brings Locke to the pillar, hands him a knife and taunts him in order to try to make him kill Cooper in front of the rest of the camp. When Locke doesn't follow through, Ben announces that he isn't who they thought. Richard gives a file to Locke the next day, saying that Ben was trying to make him seem weak, and suggesting that there may be another way to kill Cooper.

Locke is later reading a file on another survivor in a dark location. Locke later encounters Sawyer at camp and tells him that he kidnapped Ben, and that he wants Sawyer to kill him. Locke takes Sawyer to the Black Rock and leads him inside to the brig, where Locke says he is holding Ben. Sawyer is locked inside by Locke, and Sawyer discovers that it is not Ben who Locke is holding captive, but Anthony Cooper. Rousseau later enters the Black Rock and meets Locke. She tells him that she is looking for dynamite, and Locke directs her to it. After Sawyer discovers that Cooper was the original Sawyer who conned his parents, Locke enters the brig and finds Cooper dead. "Thank you." he tells Sawyer. Outside the Black Rock, Locke tells Sawyer that Juliet is a mole, and gives him the tape as proof. Locke picks up Cooper's body and walks off. Template:Crossref

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Locke finally confronting Jack at the radio tower Template:Crossref

He then delivered his father's body to The Others and demanded to be initiated into the secrets of the island. After some wrangling, he convinced Ben to take him to see Jacob. When he and Ben reached Jacob's cabin, Locke initially couldn't see or hear Jacob, but as he was about to leave, Locke heard a voice say "Help me", this was presumably Jacob, though it may have been Ben. Following which, there is a bout of poltergeist-like behavior with furniture and Ben being tossed around the cabin. The next day, Ben led Locke to the open grave of the DHARMA employees who were killed in the Purge, and then he shot Locke in the abdomen, knocking him into the pit. After learning what Jacob had said to him, Ben walked away, apparently leaving him to die in the mass grave. Template:Crossref However, the bullet went through Locke's body probably where his removed kidney left an empty space (by Locke's own estimation). Template:Crossref

Locke wakes up sometime later in the grave, unable to move his legs. Despondent and in pain, he is about to shoot himself with a gun he finds on one of the corpses, when suddenly Walt appears on the edge of the pit, telling him to stop. Walt tells John that he can move his legs and that he has work to do.

Locke reaches the radio tower just as Naomi is making the call to her ship. He throws a knife at Naomi, hitting her in the back of the neck. Jack picks up the phone, and Locke pleads with him not to contact the ship. Jack refuses, and Locke threatens to kill him, but is ultimately unable to. Locke puts the gun down and tells Jack, "You're not supposed to do this." After Jack uses the phone to call the ship, Locke walks away from the tower looking extremely disappointed with Jack's decision. Template:Crossref

第四季 (第93-94天)[]

Hurley discovers Jacob's cabin and begins to scream for help. Through concentration, he makes the cabin disappear and Locke appears in its place. Hurley and Locke discuss Charlie's death and the general situation. Locke argues that if they allow Jack to contact the people on the boat, then Charlie will have died for nothing.

When Locke and Hurley reach the cockpit where the other suvivors are meeting, Sayid argues with Locke about his true intentions, mainly about the fact he blew up the submarine. As the radio tower group arrive at the cockpit, Jack sneaks up on him, knocks him to the ground, grabs the gun and aims at Locke's head. Locke assures Jack that he won't kill him, just as he wouldn't kill Jack Template:Crossref. Jack pulls the trigger in anger only to discover the chamber is empty. Jack begins to beat Locke and is pulled off him by the rest of the suvivors.

Locke informs everyone that the suvivors coming to the Island are the bad guys, and that if they want to live they need to come with him. His intentions are for them to go to the Barracks, as the Others abandoned them. He claims that the Barracks are the most secure place on the island. Jack argues, saying that Locke is insane and only crazy people would leave with him. Though many people were loyal to Jack, some leave with Locke: Hurley, Claire, Ben, Danielle, Karl, Alex, Sawyer, and a few others. Locke and his group leave the cockpit to go to the Barracks. Template:Crossref

Before going to the Barracks, Locke tells his group that they have to take a "detour" to a cabin. He is taken by surprise when Hurley makes a comment suggesting that he was able to see the cabin (in a place it wasn't supposed to be). He explains to Sawyer that he was told to go to the cabin by Walt, who also told him that the people on the freighter were bad and that Naomi needed to be stopped. Locke says that his vision of Walt was not a dream, that Walt was completely real, though taller. When pressed, Locke says he didn't question what he was told because Walt saved his life. He tells the others about being shot and left for dead by Ben. Sawyer can't believe that Locke would heal so quickly from being shot, so Locke shows him the wounds from the bullet going right through him, and remarks that he probably would have died if he'd still had a kidney in that area.

A short time later, Locke tells Sawyer that they cannot kill Ben because he has information about the island they need. Sawyer is skeptical and warns John that Ben probably already has a plan to undermine the survivors. Locke's group then finds Charlotte in the jungle. When she reveals that she has a transponder so other members of her team can find her, Locke tells her that they don't want to be found, and ties the transponder to Vincent to ensure they won't be tracked. He takes Charlotte hostage, but Ben steals a gun from Karl and shoots her (though she turned out to be wearing a bulletproof vest). Locke tells Sawyer that he was right about Ben, and is preparing to shoot him (despite protests from Alex and Claire), when Ben offers him information and answers. Locke demands to know what the monster is. Ben says he doesn't know, but starts reciting information about Charlotte and the rest of her team. Ben tells Locke that they are a threat, and suggests that the group needs him to defeat the freighter team. Template:Crossref

参考哲学家John Locke而命名[]

  • John Locke is also the name of a famous philosopher who investigated epistemology and metaphysics. These are two fields which Locke (of "Lost") can relate to. In addition to that, Locke, the philosopher, met in Oxford in 1666 the prominent English politician, Anthony Cooper, who had come to Oxford seeking treatment for a liver infection. Locke persuaded Cooper to undergo an operation that saved his life. In the series, Anthony Cooper comes to Locke with a kidney problem as Locke donates his kidney in order to save him.
  • "Tabula Rasa," the title of a first season episode, is the name John Locke gave to the philosophical position that human beings are born without innate knowledge. It translates to "Blank Slate."
主條目: Philosophy


  • Locke was the fourth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Locke's episode count so far is 58. 16+42
  • Locke's seat number was 24D.
  • As an interesting similarity, Locke is seen looking down into the hatch at the end of season 1. The hatch later is destroyed. In The Man From Tallahassee, he is seen looking down into the submarine in a similar manner as the hatch scene. The submarine is also later destroyed. Both of these were caused by Locke's hand. Another time Locke is seen with the same camera angle, looking down, is when Desmond goes under the floor in The Swan to trigger Failsafe, this also is a form of destruction. Oppositly, Juliet when exiting the submarine, peers up in the directly opposite manner as compared to locke, this may be due to both Locke's and Juliet's different view, spirtiaul/connections to the island etc.
  • Locke saw Jeff Hadley's art exhibition in Sydney in the book Signs of Life.
  • The name of the actor who played the Sleestak leader in Season Three of the 1970s TV show Land of the Lost was Jon Locke.
  • Locke's actions have so far brought about the destruction of two DHARMA stations on the Island, the Swan and the Flame.
  • Locke likes Twinkies. Template:Crossref
  • While working as Home Inspector he met Nadia, Sayid's lost love, inspecting her house. As it is seen in Locke's car door, his company phone number was 714-555-0116 Template:Crossref
  • In "", Locke says, "For all you know, I was a commander in the Navy." Actor Terry O'Quinn had a recurring role as the CAG (Commander, Air Group) of a US Navy aircraft carrier on the television show JAG. His characters Name was Admiral Thomas Boone.
  • The scar over and below Locke's right eye is very similar to the scar over the right eye of the Marvel/X-Men character "Cable," and the scar over the eye of the Disney character "Scar."
  • Locke is the 3rd character to have three flashbacks in one season. Jack and Kate were the first two.
  • The Walt apparition, when Locke is injured in the DHARMA grave, admonishes him that he has "work to do". It is reminiscent of a scene from the film adaptation of Stephen King's The Shining, when Jack Nicholson's character is scolded in the restroom of the ballroom in the Overlook Hotel that he still has "work to do". Template:Crossref
  • In the 1999 Chris Carpenter (X-Files) show Harsh Realm, a series about humans trapped inside a virtual reality simulation, Terry O’Quinn plays the “villain” Omar Santiago. The protagonist of the show, whose mission is to destroy Santiago, is named Thomas Hobbes.


Paperwork shown in a close-up in "" shows:

  • John's full first name is Johnathan, a form of "Jonathan", which is actually a name completely unrelated to the name "John", in reality being a form of the name "Nathan". John in its origin language Hebrew is Yochanan, while the name Johnathan in Hebrew (no relation to the name John) is Yahonatan. John means "The Lord is Gracious" and Johnathan means "The Lord Has Given; Gift of God"
  • John's firearm license states that his birth date is November 15, 1946 and his driver's license has his birth date as March 30, 1956. Considering that his mother was born on October 15, 1940, it can be assumed that the 1956 birth date is correct (she would have been 15 or 16); otherwise, his mother would have been six when she gave birth to him. This could have been a production error, or possibly the firearm license was a forgery, meaning Locke was illegally in possession of the weapons.
  • John is bald in the driver's license photo, but at this point in his life he still had hair (or at least most of it). This could have been a production error, or maybe the character shaved his head before getting the photo taken. Alternatively, John could have applied for another driving license with a more updated photo on it, something normally only done after a major change in appearance.
  • On the gun permit/paperwork: his address is 25164 Franklin St, San Francisco 94099; his height is 5' 10"; his weight is 175 lbs.; his social security number is 553-45-2651; and his California employer account number is 625-4412-9.
  • The log shows three hand guns, five shot guns (3+5=8), and four rifles.

Analysis of his Application for Disability Insurance in "" shows:

  • John's mailing address as 168 San Juan St #201, Tustin, CA 92780.
  • The form also indicates that John ran a one-man business that involved "telephone sales." However, this is contradicted by the listing of three general partners—despite the organization type being marked as "individual" and not a "general partnership."


  1. 請不要在這裡解釋這些謎題
  2. 提出問題時請不要暗示答案
  • 假如當時天鵝站發生內部爆炸,他是如果逃生的? Template:Crossref
  • 為什麼Locke沒有去調查天鵝站的遺骸? Template:Crossref
  • 在天鵝站發生內爆段,什麼令他立刻失了聲? Template:Crossref
  • Ben是否真的為了招攬他而來 ? Template:Crossref
    • 假如真的為了這目的, 那為什麼Mikhail清楚地說他不在Jacob的名單上? Ben 跟蹤他是否因為他不在名單上?
    • 天鵝站由於他的憤怒而導致內爆事件前,他的名字是否在名單上?
    • Ben把他從名單上刪走,是否由於對Ben來說,他會是一個威脅?
  • 為什麼黑煙最初時沒有襲擊他,但之後卻想把拉到一個洞裡? Template:Crossref
  • 為什麼Locke的脊骨可以立刻康復而Ben就不可以呢?
  • What happened when the commune collapsed?
  • How did Locke acquire his knife throwing and tracking skills? Template:Crossref
    • Why did he have so many knives with him if he was only going on a walkabout tour?
  • Why didn't any of the Others stop Locke from beating up Mikhail, even though Ben told them to? Template:Crossref
  • How did Locke know that the survivors would be at the radio tower? Template:Crossref
  • What will his survival mean for Ben's leadership position with the Others?
  • Where did Locke learn how to use C4 on the submarine?
    • Why was Locke soaking wet before the submarine blew up? The submarine was just a walk off the dock, there was no reason for him to go into the water.
  • Why doesn't Locke just stay on the island and let the rest of the survivors go?
  • Why was the revolver Locke found in the burial pit still operable after 16 years of exposure to jungle rainfall and humidity?
  • How did Locke overcome his inability to kill before he attacked Naomi? Template:Crossref
  • How did Locke know that Walt burned the raft?


迷失 第1季

迷失 第2季

迷失 第3季

迷失 第4季

迷失 第5季

迷失 第6季
