
Claire Littleton迷失的角色,由系列的製作團隊創作,她在迷失第1季第1集正式登場。


Claire LittletonOceanic航空815航班中部的生還者,亦是另一名生還者Jack的同父異母妹妹。在Claire17歲時,她和她的母親在駕車期間發生了一場交通意外,這導致她的母親昏迷不醒了5年,而在這事件發生後她更第一次遇見到她的父親。不久後Claire懷孕了,但是她的男朋友卻突然離她而去,加上在一位靈媒師的多次勸誘下,她決定前往洛杉磯去把她的孩子送給別人收養,因此她不幸地乘搭了Oceanic航空815航班。在815航班墜毀到小島後,Claire喜歡上另一名生還者Charlie,可是他們的關係反覆無常。之後Claire更被The Others派去假冒生還者的Ethan給拐走了,並帶她到權杖站去進行測試。後來Claire透過AlexDanielle的協助下逃離The Others,但是她卻失憶了,對她墜機後所發生的事情都沒有印象,不過幸運地她經過Charlie的安慰和Libby的幫助下,最終恢復了所有記憶。其後Claire亦在Kate的幫助下誕下了兒子Aaron,並開始與Charlie一起撫養他。可是不久後Danielle拐走了Aaron,而自從Charlie在Danielle的手中救回Aaron後,他與Claire的感情變得更穩固,不過在她獲悉Charlie的過去,和他有吸食毒品的習慣後,便不再允許他擾亂她與Aaron的生活,這直到當她獲悉在Desmond的預感中Charlie會死後,她才原諒了他。可惜Charlie最終還是犧牲了自己,並在死前警告大家小心貨船上的人。在Charlie死後,生還者分開了兩隊,而Claire則與少數生還者一起加入了Locke隊,並前往兵營居住。後來傭兵隊從貨船乘直升機來到小島上,並襲擊在兵營裡居住的生還者。期間Claire的房子被傭兵隊給炸毀了,幸好在內的她絲毫無損。之後在黑煙怪物襲擊傭兵隊時,Claire與AaronSawyerMiles一起逃進森林,並打算返回沙灘營地。途中Claire遇到她死去的父親,可是她把Aaron留在森林裡後便跟隨他離去了。其後LockeJacob的木屋裡看到Christian和怪異的Claire,她並沒有向Locke詢問Aaron的事,而且也顯得十分鎮靜。不久Ben移走了小島,其他生還者都穿梭時空,但顯然Claire並沒有受到影響。3年後Claire再次出現,她從The Others的手上救了受傷的Jin,而且她亦變得不像以前那樣單純,並懂得使用槍和冷酷地殺人。Claire不記得是她自己把Aaron遺留在森林裡的,而她一直認為Aaron是被The Others給拐走了,所以她對The Others恨之入骨,但是直到她獲悉是Kate把Aaron給帶走後,她決定去殺死Kate,但這被她的朋友黑衣男給阻止了。後來Kate答應她會帶她離開小島,與Aaron團聚,於是她背叛了黑衣男,並與生還者一起前往九頭蛇島,打算乘潛水艇離開。可是當生還者抵達九頭蛇島後與Widmore隊發生了衝突,雙方爆發了多場戰爭,而在生還者最終乘潛水艇離開時,卻遺下了仍在碼頭與Widmore隊鬥爭的Claire和黑衣男。潛水艇不幸發生爆炸,剩下的生還者都回到小島去,但後來KateSawyer再次前往九頭蛇島,並勸服Claire與他們一起離開。最後Claire與KateSawyerMilesFrankRichard一起乘Ajira航空316航班成功逃離小島。



Claire at the tattoo parlor with her father Template:Crossref

Claire Littleton由单身母亲Carole Littleton澳大利亚抚养长大,而她的生父则是Christian Shephard,他在Claire是个婴儿时,很多次来到她家门口,但都没有进去,根据他所说,Claire的婶婶Lindsey讨厌他,而Carole也不能和他组成一个家庭。

青春期的Claire总是对她的母亲显得很抗拒反叛,哥特式的打扮,以替人穿孔纹身为工作。后来,Claire在和母亲争吵时发生了车祸,车子被一辆卡车撞开路面全毁。 Claire只受了轻伤(手臂骨折、眼部皮肤擦伤),而她的母亲却大脑出血处于昏迷状态。她的父亲来到澳大利亚试着说服她能够让她母亲摆脱困扰,拔掉呼吸机。Claire拒绝这么做,要求他离开,连他的名字都不想知道。Template:Crossref

过了一段时间, Claire在Fish & Fry restaurant饭店找了一份时薪5美元的工作,过着这种平淡无味的生活。她的男朋友Thomas想要个孩子,尽管Claire有些顾虑。Thomas对她说“孩子是上帝最好的礼物”,会给他们带来希望,也打消了她的顾虑。Claire怀孕了。看起来生活似乎就要朝好的方向转变了,但是绝情的Thomas又觉得做一个年轻的父亲太艰辛了,于是抛弃了Claire。可怜的Claire决定生下宝宝后把他交给别人抚养。

Claire对占星术感兴趣。她的朋友Rachel认为这能使她振作,带她去见了自称可以通灵的Richard Malkin。但是Claire还是很不走运。当Richard Malkin给她看手相后,说他看见了“危难笼罩着孩子”,坚定的劝说Claire要自己抚养它。然后Claire并不相信这一套,让他走开。Template:Crossref


Claire and Thomas and the positive pregnancy test Template:Crossref


Claire is given the tickets for Flight 815 by Richard Malkin Template:Crossref

接着Claire去医院看望了她的母亲。她告诉仍处于昏迷状态的母亲自己怀孕 了并且要把婴儿交给领养机构。此时此刻她感受到她母亲的伟大,只身一人将Claire抚养大。她在母亲面前哭泣着,为自己曾经讨厌过母亲、在车上当车祸降临的前诅咒过她希望她死感到万分悔恨。Template:Crossref

在与领养父母Stewart夫妇见面后, Claire准备签字放弃她对她未出生的孩子的权利。她希望Stewarts夫妇以后能唱着这只Catch a Falling Star"摇篮曲哄他入睡,这曾是她的父亲曾唱给她的。也许是某种天意,正当Claire准备签字时,她使用的两只笔写不出字来。Claire想起了Malkin的警告,开始怀疑放弃孩子的做法是否正确,于是她急着离开了房间。

Claire又去找了Richard Malkin。但是这次的答案有些不一样,Richard Malkin告诉她可以安全的把孩子交给一对生活在洛杉矶的夫妇,他认为他们"好人",然后给了Claire一张太平洋815航班的机票。Claire抱着这种信念踏上了去美国了旅程。


她登上飞机后, Arzt帮她把行李放到头顶上的机舱里. Template:Crossref




Jack aids Claire, who he believes may be in labor. Template:Crossref

After the crash, Claire believed she was going into labor. She panicked and called for help. Eventually Jack came over and helped her. He told Hurley to keep an eye on Claire and get her away from the fumes. Later, Jack saved Claire from one of the wings when it fell and almost crushed her and Hurley. At nightfall, Charlie introduced himself and offered his blanket. They joked about the crash and he reassured her that everything would be fine. Soon after, Claire and the survivors heard mysterious sounds in the jungle. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref

The next day, Claire was constantly worried about the state of her baby, and told Shannon she hadn't felt it move since the crash. When Jin offered her a fish, she reluctantly took it and as soon as she took a bite was overjoyed when she felt the baby kick. She surprised herself when she subconsciously referred to the baby as "him." Template:Crossref

Three days after the crash, Charlie helped Claire move her luggage away from the wreckage. Their friendship began to blossom, but Charlie had to lie when Claire asked about the results of the trek into the jungle to get a signal on the transceiver. Template:Crossref

After sorting through the belongings of the deceased, Claire suggested Jack lead a memorial service for those who had died in the crash. Jack turned her down so she decided to lead it herself. Claire made it her priority to sort through the luggage to personalize the memorial. During this she found a letter addressed to Sayid, which he thought he'd lost. Sawyer also handed her a stack of wallets which were useful for the memorabilia. With the assistance of Hurley and Boone, the service was held during the burning of the fuselage. Template:Crossref


Claire, Hurley and Boone lead the memorial service for the casualties of 815. Template:Crossref

Kate noticed Claire was feeling a little dizzy while sorting clothes with her. She assists Kate through the sorting and they discuss astrology. Hours later, Walt told her that Claire had collapsed. Michael and Charlie carried her to her tent to cool her off. Kate tried to wake her up, but Charlie warns her that the water supply had ran out as someone had taken the lot. Template:Crossref

Charlie looked after Claire while she slept, when she came around she asked if Jack was back and if rescue was coming. She confessed that she felt isolated. She said everyone looked at her as if she was a "time bomb of responsibility, just waiting to go off." Charlie told her he wasn't frightened by her. Later that evening, Boone secretly gave Claire some water and everyone found out he was the one who had taken it. Template:Crossref

Charlie tried to convince Claire to live in the caves with him, but she refused. She said she was happy to wait on the beach for rescue, but would go if Charlie found her some peanut butter. All he found was an empty jar, but he gave it to her anyway. Claire was touched by the gesture and agreed to move off the beach. Template:Crossref

After moving to the caves, Claire began having nightmares in which someone injected her with a needle and tried to hurt her baby. When she woke up screaming, Charlie calmed her down but noticed her bloody palms. In the morning, Jack ran a diagnosis on her and concluded that it was stress. Template:Crossref

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Danger forebodes as Charlie and Claire are approached by Ethan. Template:Crossref

That night the same thing happened again but this time she saw a man covering her mouth and stabbing her with a needle. The group began to panic and scouted the surrounding area for anyone suspicious. This led to Hurley starting a census, which later revealed that Ethan was not on the plane. Jack questioned Claire once again and offered that she took a sedative to help her sleep. However she knew Jack didn't believe her. She packed her bags and headed back to the beach, where she thought was a safer place. Charlie accompanied her as he was the only one who thought she was in danger. On the way back, she started having contractions, and Charlie encountered Ethan and told him to get Jack. Charlie returned to Claire and they were both accosted by Ethan, who knocked them out and dragged them into the jungle. Template:Crossref

At some point, Claire regained consciousness and let out a series of screams that drew Jack in her direction. In order to stop the pursuit, Ethan tied Charlie up and hanged him from a tree by his neck. Ethan kept Claire, and they disappeared into the jungle. Template:Crossref



Ethan injects Claire with the unknown vaccine at the Staff. Template:Crossref

Ethan took Claire to the Staff and drugged her. Claire seemed to think she was back in Australia and told Ethan of her plans to go Los Angeles to give up the baby. Ethan continued to inject Claire with a serum he said would prevent her and the baby from getting sick. She was delirious after this injection. Template:Crossref

Ethan showed Claire the nursery in which her child would live. She was amazed by the colourful pictures and toys, however she asked about Charlie, and what happened to him. Ethan explained that he let him go back. Tom interrupted their conversation and spoke to Ethan outside the door. Claire listened to their conversation as she played with the mobile above the crib, and she heard Tom say Ethan was supposed to make a list before bringing Claire. He mentioned a higher authority and expressed his worries about what he might do. Template:Crossref

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Claire and Ethan talk outside. Template:Crossref

Later on, Claire was knitting a sock for the baby when Ethan proposes they go outside. He took Claire out for a walk and told her his friends were afraid she might run away. He sat Claire down on a log and gave her some water to drink, but she pulled away after taking a sip, saying it was sour. Ethan asked her if she was sure about letting him and his friends take the baby and reassured her that if she was having second thoughts, he and his friends had no right to take the baby away. Template:Crossref

One night, a teenage girl who later turns out to be the daughter of Danielle Rousseau, Alex, came into Claire's room and woke her up. She tried to convince Claire she had to escape, but Claire was reluctant. The girl showed her an operating room and told her they were going to cut the baby out of her. When Claire resisted, the girl knocked her out with chloroform and told her "one day you'll thank me for this", and dragged her outside. Template:Crossref

Claire woke up dazed in the middle of the jungle. She looked around, puzzled about her location. A woman approached her and Claire got frightened and shouted for Ethan, who was searching for her. She struggled with Danielle, scratching her arm, and Danielle knocked her out with her rifle as a last resort. Template:Crossref She took Claire to a place where her fellow survivors would find her and Claire stumbled upon Boone and Locke. Template:Crossref

逃離The Others[]

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Pregnant Claire, acting as bait to lure Ethan. Template:Crossref

Claire passed out and was taken back to the caves, where she woke up with no recollection of the crash or any of the events since. Charlie gave Claire her diary, to help trigger memories. He tried to bond with her again, but Claire was standoffish, as in her mind, she had just met him. He explains to her that they were kidnapped together, however she doesn't remember him, or Ethan. Template:Crossref

The next day, Ethan aggressively confronted Charlie in the jungle. He told him if he didn't get Claire back, he would kill one survivor every night. When Claire asks Charlie if something has happened, he lies to her and claims everything is fine. The survivors set up a guard, but Ethan came from the water and killed Scott Jackson. Claire noticed everyone was looking at her strangely and confronted Shannon, who told her what Ethan had done. Claire was angry with Charlie for lying and not telling her she had caused Scott's death so she told Jack she wanted to help. Template:Crossref

Jack decided to use Claire as bait for Ethan. Charlie didn't want Claire to put her life at risk, but she insisted. She stood alone in the jungle while Jack, Sawyer, Locke, Sayid and Kate kept watch from the trees. When Ethan appeared, he chased Claire but Jack knocked him down and a fight ensued. When Ethan was on the ground, Jack and the others prepared to interrogate him, but Charlie shot and killed him. Later that night, Claire told Charlie she wanted to trust him, as she remembered peanut butter. Although it would take time, especially after what she had just experienced. Template:Crossref

Charlie, having never killed before, became withdrawn after Ethan's murder. He distanced himself from Claire, turning her down when she asked him to go for a walk. She told him she was having dreams about events from after the crash and that her memory was starting to come back, but her attempts to reach out failed. After a conversation with Sayid, Charlie perked up a bit and found Claire, asking her if she still wanted that. Template:Crossref

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Kate helps Claire deliver her child. Template:Crossref

Claire was nearly nine months pregnant when Locke asked her to help him with something he was building. She was surprised thinking she wouldn't be much use, but agreed and he helped her up. They talked about what she would name the baby and about her memory. She tells Locke her secret, that she was going to give the baby up for adoption. Claire told Locke it was her birthday, but that it didn't seem important. After many hours of construction, Locke wished her a happy birthday and flipped the object over, revealing it to be a crib. She seemed grateful and thanked him. Template:Crossref

A few days later, Claire went into the jungle feeling dazed and withdrawn. Kate, heading for the caves to help Jack with Boone, came upon her and saw she was in labor. When Claire protested she was fine, Kate assured her she was definitely going into labour. When she tried to get Claire to walk, she realized it was not practical. Kate yelled for help, and Jin came running. Kate sent him to the caves to get Jack, but he was too busy with Boone. Charlie went with Jin back to Claire and told Kate she would have to deliver the baby. When the contractions stopped, Claire said she was fine, but then her water broke. She wouldn't push and Kate became frightened, but told her the baby belonged to all of them and that she seriously needed to push. Finally, after a lot of effort, Claire gave birth to a baby boy. Template:Crossref


Claire, Charlie and Sun with her newborn son. Template:Crossref

Kate and Claire had no idea they were being watched by a time traveling Sawyer, who resisted the urge to try and speak to Kate before being sent to another time period. Template:Crossref

Convinced the Others were going to come and take the baby, Claire refused to rest. Both Sun and Charlie told her they would never let anything happen to him, and she finally agreed to sleep. When she awoke, Claire found Charlie and Sawyer. She was amused to find Sawyer reading to the baby to keep him from crying. Template:Crossref

While getting a haircut from Claire, Charlie played his guitar for the baby and called him Turniphead. He told Claire he would continue to call him that until she gave him a name. Charlie also offered that when they get rescued, Claire and the baby may stay with him in Los Angeles. She later witnessed Kate's exposure as a criminal. Template:Crossref

Danielle came to the survivors' camp to warn them the Others were coming. She said she was seven months pregnant when she crashed on the Island, and a week after her daughter was born she saw a pillar of smoke on the horizon. Her baby was taken from her that night. Template:Crossref


Charlie reunited Claire with Aaron. Template:Crossref

Later, Charlie and Claire were alone on the beach when Danielle approached again, asking for Sayid. When Charlie went to get him, Danielle asked if she could hold the baby. Claire, clearly against the idea, made up an excuse. However when she saw the scars on Danielle's arms, she had a flash from her kidnapping. She took the baby from Claire and knocked her out. Sun found Claire and called for help. Charlie and Sayid came to her call and Claire begged Charlie to go get Aaron back. He and Sayid headed toward the smoke pillar, realizing Danielle was going to attempt to trade Claire's baby for her own. Template:Crossref

Sun helped Claire to the caves as Charlie and Sayid reached the black smoke. Danielle seemed distraught at not finding the Others and handed the baby over to Charlie. Claire was overjoyed when he returned with Aaron and her bond with Charlie was strengthened. Template:Crossref


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Claire discovers Charlie's Virgin Mary statue. Template:Crossref

During a conversation with Charlie about how he always made a joke of things, Claire found a Virgin Mary statue in his bag. When she pulled it out, Charlie became unsettled and Claire assumed he was keeping it for spiritual value. Template:Crossref

One day, while taking her usual walk along the beach, Claire found the message bottle the people on the raft had taken with them. She took it out of the water, and she and Shannon brought it to Sun, since her husband was on the raft. Later that evening, after Hurley decided to have a feast with the food from the Hatch, Charlie surprised Claire with a jar of real peanut butter. Template:Crossref

The next night, Claire heard Shannon's call for help, she took Aaron and went to see what the problem was. However when Sayid assured things were fine, she was scolded by a very paternal Charlie, for bringing Aaron to where something potentially dangerous could've happened. She apologizes to him. Template:Crossref


Claire learns some parenting skills from Locke. Template:Crossref

The following morning, Locke helped her get Aaron to sleep. He taught her a new way to get Aaron off to sleep, swaddling. She spoke about Charlie trying to act like he was Aaron's dad, and that she barely even knew him. Claire also told Locke of the Virgin Mary statue Charlie keeps with him. Later, she praised Locke for the swaddling trick, as Aaron was still sleeping. Claire let him hold the baby but was awkwardly interrupted by Charlie. She thanked Locke for the help with Aaron and he left. Template:Crossref

After Shannon was killed by one of the newcomers to the beach camp, Claire went to her funeral. She and the other survivors laid flowers on Shannon's grave. When she introduced herself to Eko, she mentioned Charlie's Virgin Mary statue and Eko demanded to see it. Claire gave it to him and he smashed it, revealing it to be full of heroin. She believed that Charlie was still a heroin addict and he lost her trust. Later he tried to apologize to Claire, but she kicked Charlie out of her tent and told him she didn't want a drug addict around her baby. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref

With Charlie gone, Claire began spending more time with Locke, who seemed to know a lot about babies. Charlie attempted to make up with Claire, however she told him she needed time to herself. After waking up one night to find Charlie had taken Aaron from his crib, the camp looked for the baby. When Hurley found Aaron he called Claire over and she took Aaron from Charlie. When he tried to explain himself, she slapped him across the face and left. After a conversation with Eko, Charlie then believed that Aaron must be baptized. He marched to Claire's tent, only to be stopped by Kate, who told him it's not a good time to interrupt Claire.

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Claire believes that Aaron is very sick. Template:Crossref

Charlie tried to tell Claire the baby was in danger, and he needed to be baptized. Claire was shaken but Kate reassured her. She later asked Locke if he could move near her tent, so he could protect her and Aaron. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref

That night, Charlie started a fire and took Aaron while everyone was distracted. Claire saw him and screamed for help. Charlie insisted the baby needed to be baptized because he was in danger. When he had finally handed Aaron back over to Claire, Locke punched him in the face. Although she was furious with Charlie, Claire took his words to heart and had Eko baptize Aaron on the beach early the next morning. Template:Crossref

Aaron developed a rash and Claire became worried. She asked Locke if he could fetch Jack from The Swan to take a look at the Aaron. When he left, Danielle Rousseau arrived at the beach and told Claire the baby had the sickness. Claire had a brief memory of scratching Danielle's arm. Kate chased Rousseau away and asked her what happened, Claire revealed Danielle said that something was wrong with him. Later, Jack tells her Aaron's okay, Claire is still not convinced.

The next morning, Claire asked Libby for her help in recovering her lost memory. She agreed to help and performed a hypnotic regression on Claire, allowing her to experience a flash from her kidnapping. During the hypnosis, Claire began to scream and panic. Libby calmed her down, and Claire asked her to perform the regression again. Libby refused, but thanks to her flashback Claire now knew where to find medicine. She asked for Kate to join her in the search. Later Claire handed over Aaron to Sun for safekeeping while she's gone. While talking to Sun, Claire remembered another lost memory. Claire then said goodbye to Aaron and left with Kate.


Claire desperatly hunts for a DHARMA Station. Template:Crossref

They eventually found Rousseau and Claire ordered Danielle to take them back to the place where she scratched her. Once there Danielle asked Claire where to next. Confused, Claire shouted back that Rousseau knew, stating that she scratched her because she was trying to take her back to the Others. Rousseau was angered by this and she grabbed Claire. Kate pulled out a gun on Rousseau, but Claire escaped into the jungle and found a tree log, which triggered another memory. When Kate and Rousseau caught up, they found The Staff station together. They searched the station, where Claire found the boot she had knitted for Aaron, which activated another memory. Claire found the fridge but it was empty. She turned to Rousseau and shouted that she knew where the vaccine was, but when she viewed Rousseau's scratched arm, Claire remembered her final memory. She realized that Rousseau saved her, and they left the station together.

On the way back to the beach, Claire comments that a young girl with blue eyes helped her, just like Danielle did and she was different from the rest. Rousseau thanked her for the information and left them. Back at camp, Jack attended to Aaron and noticed that he was getting better. Claire thanked him for this and when he left she gave Aaron the boot she knitted for him. Telling him that she loves him, the two shared a caring moment together. Template:Crossref

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Bernard protects Claire during the Swan implosion. Template:Crossref

Two days later, Jack confirmed that the fever had completely gone, calming Claire's fears. Template:Crossref

Claire was present at Bernard's S.O.S speech, and was skeptical about his plan. She laughed with the rest of the camp when Rose embarrassed him in front of the group. In the end, she decided to abandon the plan, along with everyone else, leaving just Bernard to construct the SOS sign. Template:Crossref

Claire's anger toward Charlie had cooled, and when he gave her a vaccine kit, for both she and Aaron, that he'd found in the food drop, she was thankful. However, their reconciliation was halted when Michael returned to camp, and she left Charlie to welcome him back with the rest of the camp, unaware that he had just killed Ana Lucia and Libby. Later, at the funeral for Libby and Ana Lucia, she held his hand to show her forgiveness and looked sad when Hurley made his speech about Libby. Template:Crossref

When Desmond saw her using the vaccine kit, he told her she was wasting her time with it and asked if Aaron's father had been on the plane. When Claire bitterly told him about Thomas leaving her, Desmond suggested he had done what he thought was best for the baby. Claire said Thomas had done what was best for him. Template:Crossref

When the sky turned purple as the Hatch imploded, Claire tried to cover Aaron's ears to protect him from the noise. Bernard pushed them out of the way before they could be crushed by the falling hatch door. Later, she was relieved when Charlie stumbled out of the jungle, disoriented and half deaf. She asked him what had happened, but he joked his way out of answering. She attended to his injuries from the hatch implosion, and finally kissed him, making their reconciliation official. Template:Crossref



Charlie and Claire watch Locke return to camp. Template:Crossref

After reconciling, Charlie moved back to Claire's tent and they continued to grow close. Whilst doing laundry at the beach, Claire saw Locke and Charlie dragging the unconscious Eko through the camp. She questioned Hurley, when he seemed uncertain of Jack's whereabouts. Claire also asked Locke of Sun, Jin and Sayid, however he didn't know but he promised to look for them if they didn't return. After this she brought the first aid kit to Locke. Template:Crossref

The next day, whilst she wrote through her journal, Desmond told Claire there was something wrong with her roof and he would fix it if she would move down the beach. She opted to stay where she was, but thanked him nonetheless, however Charlie interrupted and told him if there was a problem with the roof he would fix it. Desmond left them and started to construct a lightning rod next to her shelter. The other survivors looked on, perplexed, until the structure diverted a bolt of lightning away from Claire's tent, shocking both her and Charlie. Template:Crossref

During her regular swim, Claire got caught in an undertow and was beginning to drown. She called for help and eventually Desmond ran into the ocean, he rescued Claire and brought her ashore. Desmond resuscitated her as the rest of the camp looked on. Later, she approached Desmond on the beach and noticed the photograph of him and Penny. She commented on how beautiful she was and thanked Desmond for saving her. Charlie confronted Desmond about his continual rescuing of Claire, but Desmond revealed it was actually Charlie he had saved, not Claire. Template:Crossref


Claire tells Charlie that she isn't giving up on him after learning the truth. Template:Crossref

A few days later, Claire listened as Charlie recounted his adventure with the DHARMA van. It seemed as though Charlie was no longer obsessing about his imminent death, and the two seemed to have a good time. Template:Crossref

One morning, Charlie arranged a picnic for Claire, but Desmond interrupted to take Charlie boar hunting. Claire, after seeing a flock of migratory birds, ran off excited, saying she knew how to get off the island. She enlisted the help of Sun and Jin and Claire told them her plan to capture one of the gulls and attach a message to it. Desmond stopped Charlie from participating, which caused an argument between Charlie and Claire. While preparing fish, Sun and Claire discussed their parents. In particular their mothers expectations. After preparing fish with Sun, they finished the trap and waited for the birds. Eventually a lone gull wandered into the trap, however Desmond's gunshot scared the bird away. Frustrated, Claire demanded to know why Desmond and Charlie were against her idea. When they refused to talk, Claire took matters into her own hands. Template:Crossref

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Claire collapses in Charlie's arms. Template:Crossref

Claire followed Desmond to a rocky coastline. She witnessed him pick up the gull effortlessly. Claire then confronted Desmond and asked him why he was trying to hinder her efforts. Desmond came clean and described his visions, in which Charlie died trying to get one of the birds, shocking Claire significantly. He later caught one for her himself. Claire returned back to camp and composed a heartfelt note, with Charlie, for the outside world. She told Charlie she knew about Desmond's visions and that she hadn't given up on him. They released the seagull with the note attached and watched it rejoin its flock. Template:Crossref

When Sawyer wanted to make amends and fit in with the rest of the survivors, his main target was to befriend Claire and gain her trust, as Hurley stated that Claire was very influential among the rest of the survivors. She was surprised but appreciative when Sawyer gave Aaron a blanket and complimented him on his lack of wrinkles. The next day, during the feast, Sawyer brought Claire some food and she eventually let Sawyer hold the baby. Template:Crossref

The next day, Claire began to feel deeply ill. Charlie, who at the time was across the camp, heard Aaron crying and rushed to Claire's tent, where he found her passed out cold. He comforted Aaron, then tended to Claire. He told her to try to get some more rest, in the hope that whatever was wrong would burn itself out. Later she woke up and went over to the dining area, where Sawyer gave Claire some aspirin, for her headache. She then witnesses Jack arrive back with Kate, Sayid and Juliet. Claire slept for several hours before stumbling into the camp's meeting later that night. Charlie saw she was clearly not well and tried to convince her to go back to bed, but she collapsed in his arms. He was trying to revive her when she coughed up blood. Template:Crossref


Claire unknowingly says goodbye to Charlie. Template:Crossref

Jack and Charlie brought Claire back to her shelter, and Juliet stated that she was the one who had made Claire sick, saying that a device had been placed in Claire when she was taken by the Others to the Staff station. Juliet explained that if Claire never had the implant, she would've died. She also explained where medical supplies were and if she had them,she could save Claire. Jack then sent to Juliet retrieved supplies and she supposedly nursed Claire back to health. However, Claire's illness was actually caused by Ben's activation of an implant that Ethan had previously put in Claire. Ben activated it so that Juliet would gain the trust of the survivors when she cured her. The plan worked as Claire awoke the following morning with Charlie holding her hand, fully recovered from her illness, and therefore allowing Juliet to gain the trust of the Beach camp. Template:Crossref

When Claire found out Charlie had volunteered to swim down into an underwater hatch, she was upset he didn't tell her himself. She expressed her worries that it was dangerous, but he assured her that he would be fine and would be back to her soon.


Naomi informs Claire that Charlie saved them all. Template:Crossref

He said he just didn't want her to worry about him, then kissed her goodbye. As Charlie then said an emotional goodbye with Aaron, Claire looked on, clearly upset. However, she was unaware that he left his ring in Aaron's crib, and had left her a heartfelt note with Desmond detailing how meeting her was the greatest moment of his life. Template:Crossref

Claire left with the rest of the survivors to go to the radio tower. Aaron began to cry just before Naomi told Claire that Charlie had been successful in shutting down the jamming signal at the Looking Glass, to which Claire was obviously thrilled about. After Ben's capture, Hurley radioed Jack and told him Sayid, Jin and Bernard were alive, and hearing this, Claire approached Jack, asking for the radio to talk to Charlie, but Hurley said that he wasn't back yet, and not to worry. Hurley said he was sure Charlie would be back soon and Claire's fears were calmed. Jack called Naomi's boat and Claire happily awaited rescue with the other survivors. Template:Crossref


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Claire looks for Charlie. Template:Crossref

While preparing to head back to the beach to await rescue, Sun expressed her relief at being able to deliver her baby in a hospital. Claire told her not to rub it in, then told Rose that her husband seemed "quite the hero." Rose said everyone knew Charlie was the real hero and told Claire to treat him "real good" when he got back, to which Claire was shocked at, but excited for too. Template:Crossref

When the group that had gone to the radio tower reunited with the group from the beach, Claire looked for Charlie among the beach camp but didn't see him, making her worried. Hurley tearfully told her Charlie had died trying to save everyone. She cried and fell into his arm, the pair trying to comfort each other. Jack tried to get everyone to go to the beach, but Hurley disagreed with him and said Charlie's last act had been to warn them all that the people on the freighter weren't who they said they were. Claire went with Locke's group to hide from Naomi's team, ensuring that Charlie's death was not in vain, while Jack took his group back to the beach. Template:Crossref

The next day, Locke's group found Charlotte, who had fallen into the water from the helicopter. She asked about Aaron and was amazed to find out Claire had delivered him on the Island. After seeing Frank's flare, Claire suggested they go look for him, but Locke disagreed. Ben shot Charlotte, but failed to kill her because of her bulletproof vest. When Locke wanted to execute him, Claire pleaded with him to talk about it before doing anything drastic. Locke asked her what would have happened if the bullet had hit her or the baby, and Claire fell silent. In the end he let Ben live and the group continued with Charlotte to the Barracks. Template:Crossref

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Claire and Kate talk about motherhood. Template:Crossref

After walking for most of the day, Claire asked Locke how much further it would be, as she needed to feed Aaron. Locke said he wanted to visit a cabin, but couldn't seem to find it. He then said it wasn't important and they arrived at the Barracks a few hours later. Template:Crossref

When Kate joined Locke's group at the Barracks, Claire shared a house with her. They sat on the porch discussing Locke before Claire went inside to give Kate and Sawyer some privacy. Later, while the women hung clothes to dry, Kate told Claire she was a great mother and Claire said motherhood was something she never thought she would be good at. She joked to Kate that she should try it sometime. That night, Claire and Kate, unable to sleep, were interrupted Locke arrived. Claire was hesitant to leave Kate with him, but she said she would be fine. Locke had arrived to banish Kate from the Barracks as punishment for taking Miles to see Ben. Template:Crossref


Sawyer saves Claire at the Barracks. Template:Crossref

Claire went to Locke the next day and offered to question Miles. She thought using a less intimidating approach might get more answers out of him, stating that the current approach was making them look like the enemy. Locke denied her access to Miles and told her to remember what Charlie had said. Claire replied that Charlie had only told them it wasn't Penny's boat, and asked, "Don't you want to know whose boat it is?" Template:Crossref

Later, Claire disagreed with Locke's decision to protect Ben when the camp had a meeting to discuss the Freighter's imminent arrival, reminding him that Ben had tried to kill him once before. She was also present when Locke revealed that Michael was Ben's 'man on the boat'. When Miles was brought into the meeting, she looked at him cautiously, showing clear distrust for the Freighter people, remembering Charlie's warning message. As the meeting ended, Claire was seen by Ben talking with Alex and Karl, showing how she had formed a friendship with them. Template:Crossref

Claire was asleep during the mercenaries' attack on the Barracks. Her house was blown up but Sawyer discovered her, disoriented but very much alive. As she came to, she mistook Sawyer for Charlie. Sawyer carried her back to Ben's house and brought her to safety after Hurley broke the barricade set up by Locke to let them in. After resting, she was with the others as they witnessed the Smoke Monster's attack on the mercenaries, and she was shocked to witness it for the first time. As Ben instructed, she and everyone else escaped to the tree line. Once safe, Locke and Ben decided to visit Jacob, but Claire agreed with Sawyer when he decided to head back to the beach, and she left with Aaron. Template:Crossref

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Claire awakens to find Christian holding Aaron. Template:Crossref

Some time into their journey back to the beach, Claire told Sawyer that her head still hurt but that she'd stopped seeing things. Circumstances worsened when Miles found the corpses of Danielle and Karl, Claire was visibly disturbed by the sight and requested that they keep moving. As the trio stopped for a break, and Claire was feeding Aaron, Miles began staring at her mysteriously, and at this, Sawyer behaved protectively toward her issued a "restraining order" on Miles, which he reiterated several times. Miles continually offered to give Claire support in carrying Aaron, but she politely refused. Later on Frank stumbled upon Claire and the group. Warning them that Keamy and the mercenaries' were heading their direction. The group hid behind a group of tree's just in time. However when they arrived, Aaron let out a cry, to which Claire clutched Aaron very tightly to her, praying for him to be silent. Keamy noticed this, but eventually Frank distracted the team away, from Claire, Aaron, Miles and Sawyer, and Claire in relief kissed Aaron on the forehead. Template:Crossref


Claire inside Jacob's cabin. Template:Crossref

That night, Sawyer's protectiveness backfired when Claire woke during the night and noticed Aaron's absence. Sitting up in a panic, Claire saw her father holding him fondly and whispered, "Dad?". She followed him into the jungle, according to Miles, who finally decided to "respect" Sawyer's warnings. Sawyer instantly went off to find Claire, but found Aaron abandoned at the base of a tree nearby and shouted for Claire desperately but received no response as she was gone. Template:Crossref

Claire was not seen again until Locke discovered her in Jacob's cabin. As Locke conversed with Christian he heard a noise from somewhere else in the Cabin, and as he moved his light to see what it was, he was shocked to find Claire sitting comfortably on an old armchair. Locke instantly panicked upon seeing her and asked why she was there. Claire calmly claimed to be "fine," and said that she was "with him," referring to Christian. When Locke asked her about Aaron, Christian stated that Aaron was where he needed to be and that Claire was safe. Christian warned him not to tell anyone about her whereabouts. Claire seemed bizarrely content in the cabin, showing little concern about Aaron and smiling faintly at Christian's words to Locke, especially when Locke said he knew that he had to save the Island. Template:Crossref

The next day, Sawyer came across Jack and Kate in the jungle, and they were shocked to find him holding Aaron. Kate worriedly asked where Claire was, to which Sawyer replied, "We lost her". He said he hoped she had returned to the beach, but they told him she hadn't, and Jack was devastated to lose another survivor so close to their rescue. As Kate returned to the beach with Aaron, Sun asked where Claire was, but Kate didn't reply as she was in a desperate rush to catch Jack. She left Aaron in Sun's care. Template:Crossref

As Sawyer reached Hurley at the Orchid, Hurley asked if Claire and Aaron had got back to the beach safely. Sawyer, unable to answer, simply looked on sadly. As Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Aaron and Frank left the Island in the helicopter, Hurley asked Jack if they could return to look for Claire once everyone else was off the island, to which Jack replied "absolutely". However, they never made it back to the Island before Ben moved it, and it disappeared with Claire still somewhere on it. Template:Crossref

Oceanic 6被獲救後[]



自從Oceanic 6被獲救後,他們為了保護在小島上的人而撒謊。在他們的謊話中,815航班墜毀到大海裡,Claire因為沒有及時逃離機艙而死於空難裡。Template:Crossref



後來Kate決定與Jack他們一起返回小島,而且她接受Claire的警告,不會帶同Aaron一起,因此她去找Carole,並把Aaron交給她照顧。Kate亦把Oceanic 6背後的一切真相,和Claire仍然在生等事全告訴Carole,而且她還告訴Carole她要返回小島去尋找Claire,並帶Claire回來與Aaron團聚。最後Kate傷感地向Aaron告別後便離去了。Template:Crossref



Oceanic 6離開小島後,Claire在森林裡用柴枝搭建了一間簡陋的小屋居住,她還到處設置不同的陷阱,一切就像死去的Rousseau在小島上生活的16年般。Claire並不是獨自在小島上生活的,她還與她的「朋友」她的父親一起,而黑衣男亦曾化身成Locke,欺騙她AaronThe Others拐到神殿去,但事實上Aaron安全地在小島外與Kate一起生活。Template:Crossref Template:Crossref

Claire在森林裡生活的3年間,因為常抓走The Others的人而曾經被拐到神殿去。Claire在神殿裡的時候,被The Others用熾熱的箭給燙傷,去測試她是否遭到「感染」,但經過測試後證實她的確受到疾病的感染。後來Claire趁機逃離神殿,並返回森林裡生活,從此她經常到處躲避,以免再次被The Others拐走。Claire亦曾經被The Others開槍擊中大腿,而她受傷後更親手替自己縫針。Template:Crossref Template:Crossref


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Claire reappears after three years. Template:Crossref

After being abducted by the Others at the Temple, Sawyer left and was followed by Kate and Jin, who were in turn accompanied by Aldo and Justin. The group discovered a rock trap that Aldo supposed was made by Rousseau, but Justin reminded him she had been dead for years. Kate knocked the Others out and went after Sawyer on her own. Sometime later, Jin was accosted again by Aldo and Justin, and as he tried to flee, his leg was caught in a trap. As Aldo prepared to shoot him, Claire appeared, disheveled and holding a rifle, which she used to shoot both Others. Template:Crossref

At the Temple, Jack demanded an explanation about why Dogen expected Sayid to swallow a poisoned pill. Dogen hesitantly explained that Sayid had an unexplained "darkness" inside him, which he said had "claimed" Jack's sister, presumed to be Claire. Template:Crossref

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Claire tortures Justin. Template:Crossref

Claire took Jin into her tent and treated his wounds. At her tent was a cradle containing an animal skull decorated like a baby, various medical supplies apparently salvaged from the DHARMA Initiative, cooking equipment, and explosives from the Black Rock. Like Danielle Rousseau, she had also been leaving traps around the Island and "picking off" the Others. She discovered that Justin was not really dead and took him into the tent for interrogation. She demanded to know where her son was, believing him to have been taken by the Others. She said that her father and a friend had told her so. When Jin informed her that Kate had taken Aaron and been raising him for the past three years, she reacted violently and stabbed Justin with the axe, killing him. Jin later said that he was lying to Claire in order to save Justin's life, and that Aaron was actually at the Temple. Claire then revealed her relief, ominously telling Jin that if Kate did take her baby, she would have to kill her. At this point, Claire's friend, the Man in Black, entered in the form of John Locke. Template:Crossref

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Claire learns the truth about Aaron. Template:Crossref

The Man in Black then sent Claire to the Temple to tell Dogen to come out and talk to him. Claire obeyed, but Dogen refused to come out, knowing that the Man in Black would kill him. Claire advised him to send out someone whom the Man in Black would not kill. Dogen ordered the Others to take Claire captive, so they put her in a large pit somewhere within the Temple. When Kate returned to the Temple, she demanded that Lennon take her to see Claire. She found her in the pit, singing "Catch a Falling Star." Kate revealed to Claire that she took and raised Aaron, to which Claire gave her a very angry look. She then told Kate that the Man in Black would be coming soon. Later, during the Monster's attack on the Temple, Claire advised Kate that it would be safer down in the pit, thereby apparently saving Kate from being killed by the Monster. After the attack, Claire and Kate got out of the pit, walked through the carnage outside, joined up with the Man in Black and his new group of defected Others (with the Man In Black giving Kate a puzzled look), and she and Kate walked off into the jungle. Template:Crossref

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Claire attempts to murder Kate. ("Recon")

The Man in Black's new group traveled to Claire's shelter where they met with Sawyer and Jin. Inside the shelter Claire fixed the blanket on the animal skull she had decorated as a baby. Kate walked in and asked her what the animal skull was. Claire told her it was all she had and walked out of the tent. While the Man in Black addressed his new group, Claire grabbed Kate's hand and held it for few seconds. When the group left the shelter she let go of her hand and walked off. Later on while Kate and Sayid were sitting on a log talking, Claire approached Kate from behind, tackled her to the ground, and tried to stab her with a knife. The Man in Black came up and threw her off of Kate. She exclaimed that Kate stole Aaron. The Man in Black told her that Kate was just doing what she thought was best for Aaron. Claire was still hysterical and he eventually slapped her across the face and told her that he would deal with her later. Later on that day Claire apologized to Kate and started to cry hysterically and hug her. Kate haltingly returned the embrace. Template:Crossref

Claire overheard the Man in Black talking about the candidates, whose help he needed to escape from the Island. Claire later talked to the Man in Black in private, inquiring as to whether she herself was a candidate. The Man in Black said she was not, since her name was crossed out on the wall in the cave. Claire conjectured that since she wasn't a candidate, the Man in Black didn't need her for his plan, but he emphatically replied that he did. He also said that there would be enough room on the plane for Claire to get off the Island along with the Man in Black and the candidates. Claire mused that if she did get off the Island, Aaron wouldn't know who she was, since he still thought Kate was his real mother. Claire then asked whether Kate was a candidate. The Man in Black said she was not and added that after Kate served her purpose in his plan, "whatever happens happens," thereby suggesting that Claire would be free to kill Kate if she so desires. Template:Crossref Claire was later present when Jack, Hurley, Sun and Frank entered the Man in Black's camp. Template:Crossref

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Jack and Claire reunite, as brother and sister. ("The Last Recruit")

When Jack, Hurley, Lapidus, and Sun arrived at the Man in Black's camp, Claire followed Jack and the Man in Black when they went off into the jungle to talk. It was apparent that the Man in Black knew that Claire had been eavesdropping, as he called her out of the woods shortly after. While Jack was surprised to see Claire following them, she just smiled awkwardly, and then explained that she followed them because Jack was her brother, hinting that she wanted to talk to him. When the Man in Black leaves, Jack begins to apologize, however before he could finish Claire cut him off and asked if the Man in Black told him that he had taken form of their father's body. He replied that he did, and Claire begins to tell Jack that she didn't believe he would ever come back, and said that she had given up hope. She also said that she didn't have much family, and that makes him being on their side even better. Jack then replies that he hasn't decided who's side he's on, but Claire said that he decided who's side he was on when he let the Man in Black talk to him.

Later, when Sawyer tells Jack about his plan to leave the island on Widmore's sub, Jack wavers and asks why weren't mentioned. Sawyer replies that Sayid had become a zombie and that Claire was crazy and that she lost her ticket when she tried to kill Kate, and he wasn't going to let that happen again. Jack wavers slightly once more, glancing at Claire, before agreeing. While the Man in Black and his troupe were walking to Hydra Island, Jack approaches Claire and asks how long she had been on the island by herself. She replied that didn't really know, and he then asked her if she trusts Locke, and she says she does because he was the only one who didn't abandon her. Jack looks slightly guilty before continuing on, knowing that he is about abandon her again.

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Claire witnesses Jack putting Sawyer's plan in motion. ("The Last Recruit")

When Jack and the others finally take off, Claire follows them and holds the boat at gunpoint. Kate tries to calm Claire down, who is clearly angry due to the fact that they were about to leave her again. Kate finally convinces Claire to come with the group, claiming the only reason she returned to the island was to reunite Claire with her son, Aaron. She apologizes and says that she should have never raised him, and that he needs his mother. Claire, touched by this, decides to get on the boat, but not before Kate takes her rifle from her. Before she gets on the boat, she tells Kate that when the Man In Black finds out they're gone, he'll be mad. Template:Crossref


Claire cries over being left behind again. Template:Crossref

Claire and the rest of the group, bar Jack who abandoned the boat, were taken captive by Widmore's team when they arrived on the Hydra Island and put in the cages. However, Sayid shut off the power for the Sonar fence, allowing the Man in Black to kill the guards in his monster form, while Jack unlocked the cages. Sayid led to group to the Ajira plane, where they met the Man in Black who found C-4 attached. He told the group that Widmore had planted it there in an attempt to kill them. Unsure that there wasn't more hidden explosives, they planned to leave on Widmore's submarine. The escapees and Widmore's men engaged in a gun battle. Claire didn't get into the submarine on time, so she was locked out before the Man in Black could get inside. She cried over being left behind again, but the Man in Black informed her that she was better off not on the sub. Once the C-4, the Man in Black planted in Jack's backpack went off, he told her that the submarine had sunk, but not all of them are dead. Template:Crossref

Claire remains on Hydra Island while the Man in Black goes to "finish what he started." When Lapidus, Miles, and Richard arrive on the island with the intent of repairing Ajira Flight 316 to leave the island, she fires upon them, believing they have come to kill her. They tell her that they have not, but instead of coming with them she declines their offer and retreats into the jungle.


Kate convinces Claire to leave the Island. Template:Crossref

After their confrontation with the Man in Black, Sawyer and Kate sail to Hydra Island to join their companions. They find Claire sitting on the beach, and with only moments until the Ajira plane takes off Kate tries to convince Claire to leave the island with them. Claire refuses at first, realizing that her time spent on the island has been detrimental to her mental health, and not believing that she can be a mother in such a condition. Kate guarantees Claire that she will help her, and Claire agrees to leave with them. Claire, Kate, and Sawyer reach the runway just in time to join Richard, Miles, and Frank on the plane, and the six of them take off toward the mainland. {{crossref|6x17}


Claire had trouble getting her luggage off the carousal. Desmond Hume helps her and guesses that the baby's a boy, as she walks away.Template:Crossref

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Claire's taxi is hijacked by Kate. Template:Crossref

Upon arriving at the LAX airport, Claire expected to be picked up at the airport by the couple that had agreed to adopt her baby. The couple was not at the airport, so Claire decided to take a taxi to their home instead. Her plans were interrupted by Kate Austen, who hijacked Claire's taxi at gunpoint while escaping from a Federal Marshal. While the taxi was at a stop due to dropped baggage in the crosswalk, Claire tried to exit the taxi but was pulled back in by Kate. The taxi driver abandoned the car at a red light, and Kate ordered Claire to hand over purse and get out of the taxi. Kate left Claire on the side of the street and drove off. Template:Crossref Template:Crossref


Claire meets the adoptive mother Template:Crossref

Fortunately for Claire, Kate soon returned with the cab and Claire's things. By looking through Claire's bag, Kate had discovered that Claire was pregnant and went to find her out of remorse. Kate offered to give Claire a ride to wherever it was that she was going. After some initial hesitation, Claire took Kate up on her offer. During the drive, Claire told Kate that she was giving up her baby for adoption, and that she was going to the house of the couple that was adopting from her. Once they arrived at the house, Claire asked Kate if she would come in with her because she didn't want to go alone. They were met at the door by an upset Mrs. Baskum, who apologized, telling Claire that her husband left her and that they would no longer be able to adopt the baby. This upset and stressed Claire to such an extent that she started having contractions right in front of the house. Template:Crossref


Dr Goodpeed gives Claire an ultrasound Template:Crossref

In the hijacked taxi, Kate drove Claire to a hospital, where she was rushed into the ER. Kate left the OB Triage and found a doctor, Dr. Ethan Goodspeed, and asked him if he could come help Claire in the ER. After examining Claire, Ethan told her that she had gone into labor early. He told her that she had the choice to deliver the baby right then, but if she didn't feel ready for that, he could give her non-harmful drugs to stop the labor process. Claire decided that she wasn't ready. At that moment, the monitor with the baby's heartbeat flatlined, and Claire, in a panic, cried out, "Is Aaron going to be okay?" Ethan explained to her that the ultrasound indicated that Aaron was fine, and that the baby had just moved out of position when the monitor flatlined. Claire was relieved, and Ethan successfully slowed down the labor.

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Claire gives Kate her credit card. Template:Crossref

Later, Detective Rasmussen came into Claire's hospital room looking for Kate. Claire covered for Kate and told the detective that Kate was just the cab driver who dropped her off, and that she had no idea where Kate was going. Once the detective left, Kate came out from a room she was hiding in and thanked Claire for covering for her. Claire asked Kate why the police were after her and what she did. Kate asked, "Would you believe me if I said I was innocent?" and Claire replied that she would. Claire then gave Kate her credit card to use, and Kate thanked her. Before leaving, Kate told Claire that "Aaron" was a great name. Claire revealed to Kate that she had just then given the baby that name. She said to Kate, "I don't know why I said it, it's like I knew it or something." Kate told Claire that she should keep the baby, then left. Template:Crossref

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Ilana tells Claire she's been looking for her. Template:Crossref

Claire, on her way to meet with the adopting agency the next day, met with Desmond once more, she told him he was right about her baby being a boy. Desmond told her having a lawyer to help her with the adoption would be very helpful for Claire. She says she cannot pay for a lawyer and seems to try to drop the conversation until she gives in after learning it would be free because of a 'favor'. After she met Ilana, the lawyer, she learned that they had been looking for her. Claire is surprised and is later greeted by Jack and his son, David, who are clueless to what is going on and how she knew Christian. She answers without much hesitation that he was also her father. To which Jack began to waver until he receives a call from the hospital, and says that they need to do this later. David later mentions Claire at the hospital and is a little surprised that Christian never mentioned her to Jack, he replied that his father was good at hiding things Template:Crossref


  • Claire was the first prominent survivor to meet Tom Friendly, Alex Rousseau and the first to visit the interior of a DHARMA-based infrastructure (The Staff).
  • Throughout Season 4 and Season 6, Emilie de Ravin wore a long blond wig due to cutting her hair into a 1920's style bob for her role in the 2009 film, "Public Enemies" (in which she co-starred alongside Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Channing Tatum) and never growing it back.
  • Emilie de Ravin has had the most changes in contract out of all cast members. From "Pilot, Part 1" to "Homecoming", Emilie de Ravin was actually a guest star, possibly on a short-term or episode-specific contract, meaning she had legal obligations to portray Claire when stipulated throughout the original 13 ordered episodes (after the "Pilot"), but it's possible based on her guest star billing that she could pursue other work. Therefore, in the episodes in which she appeared, she was billed as a regular. She made it to a regular, full-season contract by "Outlaws" after the show was picked up for an entire season (episodes 16 - 24/25)[1]. As of "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 2 & 3", Emilie de Ravin was demoted to a holding contract due to Claire's absence, and did not appear in Season 5.
    • This makes Claire the first (and to this day, only) character to have been on a short-term contract and promoted to a full-season regular status, though characters such as Eko, Ben and Desmond have made the jump from recurring guest star to regular status, and characters such as Walt (in season 2) and Charlie (in Season 4) have made the jump from regular status to guest star with star billing (that may be another contract type in itself).
    • This technically means that Claire was the first non-regular character to have a flashback/centric-episode.
  • Claire, Jin and Sawyer are the only surviving original major characters yet to leave the Island at least once. However, both Jin and Sawyer were on the raft and Sawyer boarded the submarine so Claire is the only one never to leave the island proper.
  • Claire has met all of the main characters, except Daniel, Richard and Ilana.
  • Claire's tent has been destroyed as the SAT phone that Frank Lapidus threw out of the helicopter in "Cabin Fever" landed on it.
  • Although brother and sister, Claire and Jack went on opposite sides in terms of staying on the Island or leaving. Claire went with Locke, who is a man of faith, to stay on the Island while Jack, who is a man of science, decided to contact the freighter.
  • In seasons 1, 2 and 3, Claire had consistently been the character with the lowest number of episode appearances (living character by the end of a season). This is ironic since she has appeared in 10 out of 13 Season 4 episodes, the tied for the third highest amount of episode appearances in Season 4 (only Jack, Juliet, Hurley, Daniel and Kate have appeared in more).
  • Claire had only one appearance in Season 5 Template:Crossref, consisting of archive footage from "".
  • Claire was the second Flight 815 survivor to visit the interior of Jacob's cabin and the only to use the Cabin as a "temporary home".
  • Claire was originally intended to be the surrogate mother of her friends, Ruth and Stuart's baby.
  • During an interview about the episode "Par Avion", Emilie de Ravin stated that the period in which the flashbacks occurred during this episode were based when Claire was 17. Since Claire is 22 on the Island, this indicates that the year of the flashbacks during "Par Avion" was either late 1999 or early to mid 2000.
  • According to Hurley, Claire is very influential among the survivors. ("Left Behind")
  • Claire has once been described by writers to be the heart and soul of the survivors.
  • Claire was the eighth character to ever have a flashback.
  • Claire's episode count so far is 60 (as of Season 5), yet she is credited with 79 episodes.
  • Claire is yet to appear in the 7th episode of a season.
  • Claire was eight months pregnant when Oceanic 815 crashed.
  • In the final moments of the first two season finales, Claire reconciling with Charlie is shown.
    • Claire and Charlie were the last two main characters to be seen in Season 2.
    • This is also shown in the next-to-last episode of Season 3, sealed with a kiss and the last time they see each other; though it is not in the final moments, it is near the end of the episode.
  • Claire came across a Death Adder while on a walkabout in Australia, in the Lost novel Endangered Species.
  • So far, all of Claire's flashback episodes seem to have a pattern:
    • Now with the exception of Seasons 4 and 5, Claire had only one centric episode per season.
    • All Claire-centric episodes have followed Sayid-centric episodes.
    • Claire has not appeared in episodes directly preceding or following her centric episodes.
  • Claire's birthday is October 27 (The same day the Red Sox won the World Series).
  • Claire's accident in the water is the way that Joanna died. They were both caught in some sort of riptide and swept out to sea. ("White Rabbit") ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
  • Claire believes in astrology. Her Sun sign is Scorpio; the eighth sign of the Zodiac.
  • Claire has a model airplane on her bedside table.[2] ("Raised by Another")
  • Claire is one of three characters portrayed by principal cast in Season 2 never to appear in the Swan (the other two being Shannon and Walt).
  • We don't find out her name until "Walkabout".
  • Not counting Boone (who was deceased by that time), she is one of only two of the original 14 main characters to not receive a flashback from her perspective in Exodus, due to it being deleted. In it, she spoke with the pilot about psychic powers. The other is Sayid.
  • de Ravin did the show Roswell in which she played an alien named Tess Harding/Ava who gets pregnant and leaves the earth before the pregnancy is visible and star In movie Brick she plays Emily, a girl murdered in her third month of her pregnancy.

Unanswered questions[]

  1. 請不要在這裡解釋這些謎題
  2. 提出問題時請不要暗示答案
  • Why did Richard Malkin insist it was critical that she raise Aaron?
  • What was the meaning of the dream Claire details in her diary about the "Black Rock"?
  • What is the purpose of her implant?
    • How is it activated?
  • What happened to her during the attack on the Barracks?
  • Why did she abandon Aaron?
  • Why did Christian bring Claire to Jacob's cabin?
  • Did she move through time like the rest of the survivors?
  • What did Dogen mean when he said she was infected with the sickness?
  • Why is Claire no longer one of the candidates?
  • How did she become friends with the Man in Black?
  • Why is she now obsessed with recovering Aaron, given that she previously abandoned him?


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迷失 第2季

迷失 第3季

迷失 第4季

迷失 第5季

迷失 第6季

迷失 手機短劇
