
The typical A-Team, consisting of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Sayid.


The A-Team, minus Sayid, discuss a response to the attack on Sun. Ana Lucia is seen as the Tailie equivalent of an A-Team member.

Ep1x23-hatch open

One of the biggest A-missions ever undertaken.

"A-Missions" is a term for any mission in which a certain group of the survivors are involved, such as capturing Ethan Rom Template:Crossref, or escaping from the Hydra Island Template:Crossref. The term was dubbed by Charlie (a frequent mission-goer who, in his own opinion, fell short of being a member of the A-Team) Template:Crossref and later referenced by Sawyer Template:Crossref. An A-Mission refers to a mission of the Lost "A-Team", which usually includes a combination of Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Sayid.

LOCKE: You want to tell me why you've been following me, Charlie?

CHARLIE: Yeah. Quite simply, John, there are a lot of secrets around here, and I'm tired of being at the bloody kid's table. I got Claire's baby back. I didn't go swanning off to the Black Rock on the bloody A-Team mission, but I would have if someone had asked me.


Charlie's definition is used for the purposes of this article. To be considered an "A-Mission", at least one "A-Team" member must be present for the entirety of the mission. Additionally, Ana Lucia may be considered the A-Team member from the Tailies, as she shared many of the qualities of the other A-Team members and participated in missions with them while at their camp.

An A-Mission is further defined here as a quest which departs from the main body of the survivors, and involves either rescue, assistance to another, or betterment of the survivor community as a whole. Therefore, missions such as when Sawyer went hunting for the boar or tree frog do not fall on the term A-Mission as these were personal quests.

The storyline of Lost can be summarized by describing the A-Missions, as they tend to occur at major plot junctures. Furthermore, one of the members of a team has often been the focus of that episode's flashback; thus characters who participate less often in such A-Teams also seem to have fewer flashback episodes.

In addition to storyline principles demonstrated through A-Missions, character traits become increasingly visible. Jack's de-facto leadership is seen as many of the missions are conducted under his leadership. Charlie's self-destructive tendencies show up in the way his frivolous conversation causes other members to leave him behind. Kate's "born to run" mentality is also visible, seeing as she has gone on the most missions, vastly more then her colleagues.

The term for an Others mission is "O-Mission", and are interpreted as reactions in the form of direct responses to the "A-Missions".

In Season 4, A-Missions became hard to define due to the split between camps. However, for the intention of the article, the definition remains as if the two camps are working subsequently.


Picture Name Status Role Overview
Sawyer Alive Semi leader Sawyer goes on missions when he wants to and unlike the rest of the A-Team, he doesn't do it for the good of the camp. Despite never leading the A-Team, Sawyer is a valuable member as he will kill if he needs to. However, sometimes he tends to clash with Jack over Kate.
Locke Alive, with others Hunter, leader Locke is the black sheep of the Losties. He does go on quite a few missions, and, in season three, starts going on more when leader Jack is gone. Locke also spends a lot of time by himself.
Kate Off Island Semi-leader Kate has been on the most A-Team missions, but not as leader. Jack, Locke or Sayid normally takes on this role.
Jack Off Island Leader, doctor Jack is the leader of the Losties, or at least half of them at the moment. He also takes the leadership role on every mission he goes on and this sometimes makes him clash with Locke.
Sayid Off Island Technical equipment, soldier Sayid is a very active member of the A-Team, always working on something. He can lead a team, but normally it is a team of B-Members, not A-Members. Sayid has many skills that help in the missions. These included technological knowledge, diplomacy, torture, and fixing technical equipment.

Season 1[]

The architecture of the Lost storyline can be viewed as the consequences of events set in motion with A-Missions.

In Season 1, the main goal of the storyline is to illustrate that the Island is a mysterious place, and that the survivors will be there indefinitely. The first two A-Missions, "Finding the Cockpit" and "Sending a Transmission" thus establish the main premise of the entire story to come. "Hunting Boar" further reinforces the plotline of survival, but also sets the context for the discovery of the Hatch, which is the central mystery of the first season, and a central element of the second.

Interpersonal conflicts then escalate into the sabotage of "Triangulating the French Transmission", as well as danger from Ethan Rom in "Searching for Charlie and Claire" and "Trapping Ethan". Ethan's existence introduces the wide-open possibilities of plotlines involving other people on the Island, although these possibilities are not deeply explored until the end of Season two, and provide the segue into Season three.

"Triangulating the French Transmission" also introduced a third presence on the Island, the character of Danielle Rousseau, and the tragic story of her child Alex, as clarified in "Rescuing Aaron". Their story is intertwined with the Others, and leaves open the possibility of a future reunion between mother and daughter, either in the latter half of Season 3, or later. Thus the themes that carry the storyline into seasons two and three, and perhaps beyond, are already established through the A-missions of season one.

The explicit bridge into the themes of season two is provided by "Journey to the Black Rock", which enables "Opening The Hatch", as well as "The Raft", which introduce the Tailies and the Others. Whereas the first season's A-missions set the context of survival on the mysterious island, the new themes of the Hatch interior, the Tailies, and the Others all become central to the story of the second season.


结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第1集 
A队成员: Jack, Kate
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To get the plane's transceiver
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Jack knew that a transceiver was in the cockpit of Oceanic 815, possibly enabling rescue.
发现: Cockpit, Monster's attack, transceiver, Pilot's story.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This was the first A-Mission, or quest, by the survivors, and continued the pilot episode's introduction of Jack's character as a leader-type, as well as the thread of his relationship with Kate. The unusual nature of the Island was introduced, through the Monster and the pilot's explanations of how they had crashed. The success of the mission also directly set the stage for the next mission, "Sending a Transmission".


Sending a Transmission
结果: 失败
集数: 第1季 第2集 
A队成员: Kate, Sawyer, Sayid
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Shannon, Boone
任务: To tell the outside world where they are.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: The transceiver needed to be taken to higher ground to acquire a better signal.
发现: Danielle's transmission, and the fact is has been on a loop for 16 years, polar bear
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This mission introduces Sayid as a character with useful technical skills, and moved Shannon's character beyond simple whining to someone with skills, but laden with insecurities, themes that largely remained undeveloped until her final swan-song episode, 第2季 第6集 . Danielle and her storyline were also introduced, and served as the first indication that other individuals had been on the Island. This was also the example of A-mission participants withholding knowledge from the larger group (that someone else had been stranded for at least sixteen years without rescue.) They also found out that at least one polar bear lived on the Island, until Sawyer killed it when the bear tried to attack the survivors.


Hunting Boar
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第4集 
A队成员: Locke, Kate
B队成员: Michael
O队成员: none
F队成员: none
任务: To gather food.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Locke offered his hunting skills and knives.
发现: Locke saw the Monster, which he later described to Jack as "beautiful".
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This mission marked the first preparation for the possibility that rescue was not coming. Locke was also established as an authority with a surprising set of skills for survival in the outdoors.


Triangulating the French Transmission
结果: 失败
集数: 第1季 第7集 
A队成员: Kate, Sawyer, Sayid
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Shannon, Boone
任务: To find out were the Radio Tower is located.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Previously, the transmission by a woman speaking French had been discovered; finding its transmission source would help their efforts to attract rescue.
发现: A saboteur existed
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The sabotage marked the first example of the survivors' conflict with one another during an A-mission.


Exploring the Shoreline of the Island
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第8集 ,第1季 第9集 
A队成员: Sayid
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle
任务: "...to walk the shore and map the island, see what else there is." - Sayid
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Sayid and some of the other survivors knew that a woman speaking French had been on the island and made a distress call, and Sayid wanted to leave the camp to repent for his torture of Sawyer.
发现: wire on the beach, Danielle Rousseau, Rousseau's camp, the Others, Danielle's maps.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Sayid discovered a wire that led to a trap. The woman, who later identified herself as Danielle Rousseau, brought him to her shelter and interrogated him about her daughter Alex. He escaped with her maps while she was hunting, but ran into her while escaping. She there mentioned that she heard other people on the island whispering.


Searching for Charlie and Claire
结果: Half-accomplished; rescued Charlie, but not Claire.

集数: 第1季 第11集 
A队成员: Jack, Locke, Kate
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Boone,
任务: To rescue Charlie and Claire.
相关的O任务: Kidnapping Claire
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Charlie and Claire were kidnapped in 第1季 第10集  by Ethan Rom, to which Jack, Kate, and Locke sought to reclaim the captives.
发现: The Hatch
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This mission sets up the next mission, "Trapping Ethan."


Trapping Ethan
结果: Half-accomplished; the capture of Ethan was successful, but Charlie killed him immediately after.

集数: 第1季 第15集 
A队成员: Jack, Locke, Sawyer, Sayid, Kate
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Claire
任务: To capture Ethan and interrogate him.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Claire, now returned, was set up as bait as an attempt to flush out Ethan Rom.
发现: Ethan appeared to have above-average strength.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The abrupt conclusion sets up Claire's later mission in 第2季 第15集 . This mission wraps Claire's storyline as well as Ethan's until well into the next season.
备注: This is the only mission in which all A-Team Members were present.


Getting a Battery
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第18集 
A队成员: Jack, Sayid
B队成员: Charlie, Hurley
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
任务: To get a battery for the raft.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Hurley, wanting to gain more information on the Numbers, goes on a mission to gain a battery from Danielle. Due to his mysterious actions Jack, Sayid, and Charlie recruit themselves to join with him.
发现: Danielle's connection with the Numbers, the rope bridge
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The pattern of Charlie's ineffectual or counterproductive role in missions, as seen in "Finding the Cockpit" and "Trapping Ethan" continues here. If the battery for the raft's radar had not been gained then the Rafties may never have encountered the Others and so Walt may not have been taken.
1x18 batteries


Searching for the Beechcraft
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第19集 
A队成员: Locke
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Boone
任务: To find the beechcraft aeroplane.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Locke and Boone search for the beechcraft airplane that Locke saw in one of his visions.
发现: The presence of the beechcraft aeroplane.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Locke and Boone trek into the jungle to find a plane that Locke saw in one of his visions. Boone went into the plane to make a Mayday signal that was heard by Bernard on the otherside of the island, but his presence in the aeroplane resulted in him falling to the cause of his death.


Saving Boone
结果: 失败
集数: 第1季 第20集 
A队成员: Jack, Kate
B队成员: Charlie, Michael
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Sun
任务: To save Boone's life.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Boone was severely injured due to his fall from the beechcraft. Jack tried to treat his wounds but was unable to due to Boone's severe loss of blood. While Jack and Sun prepare for a blood transfusion, Charlie tried to find Shannon, who was a possible donor, but she was nowhere to be found. Jack soon asks Michael for help for a possible amputation. Boone, however, stopped them and decided it was his time to go.


Giving Birth to Aaron
1x20 charlie jin
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第20集 
A队成员: Kate
B队成员: Charlie, Jin
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Claire
任务: To find deliver Aaron safely.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Claire is giving birth to Aaron and is in need of a doctor but Jack is nowhere to be found since he was busy treating Boone so Kate, Charlie, and Jin had to be in charge in the delivery of the baby.
发现: The presence of the beechcraft aeroplane.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Claire is the of only woman able to give birth to the island.

Black Rock之旅

Journey to the Black Rock
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第23集 -第1季 第24集 
A队成员: Jack, Locke, Kate
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle, Arzt (Later killed by his misuse of dynamite.)
任务: To get dynamite, in order to blow open the Hatch exterior.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Jack's desire to get the survivors into a safe area (namely the Hatch) was impossible without a means to open the thick door that held the Hatch shut.
发现: The Template:Link was actually an old slave ship, that had also crashed on the Island.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This mission sets up the transition to Season 2 by enabling the mission "Opening the Hatch". Other themes continue to develop: Jack's over-protectiveness of Kate, Jack's conflict with Locke, Locke's second encounter with "the Monster", and Hurley's marginalization by the other characters.


Rescuing Aaron
结果: 完成
集数: 第1季 第24集 
A队成员: Sayid
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: none
任务: To rescue Aaron from Danielle and return him back to Claire.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Danielle, half-crazy from the kidnapping of her daughter, kidnapped Claire's infant, thinking she could trade him to the Others.
发现: Charlie found heroin from the drug smugglers' plane. Charlie and Sayid found the origin of the pillar of smoke but with no tracks around it.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The heroin provides for future plotlines for Charlie, but more importantly Danielle's character is developed further, setting the stage for the later introduction of Alex.

Season Breakdown[]

  • 第一季 - 成功百分比

61.5% (8/13)

  • 第一季 - 半成功百分比

15.4% (2/13)

  • 第一季 - 失败百分比

23.1% (3/13)

Season 2[]

The beginning of Season 2 ties up the transition from Season 1. The mission "Journeying by Raft" is the aftermath of the previous season's encounter with the Others, and also serves to introduces the Tailies, who are featured centrally in Season 2. Furthermore, Walt's abduction from the raft already sets the stage for the transition to Season 3 via Michael's attempt to rescue Walt in the mission "Hunting Michael" as well as Michael's acts of betrayal and murder in the mission "Rescuing Walt".

Also "Opening The Hatch" concludes the transition to begin Season 2, as it introduces not only the Hatch, but also Desmond, Kelvin, and the DHARMA Initiative. It also opens the Season's escalation of Jack and Locke's differing viewpoints of science vs. faith, explicitly mentioned in the title of the season's opener, and provides the background for another transition into Season 3 with Locke's crisis of faith which develops into the destruction of the Hatch. The same story thread continues into Season 3's A-mission "Saving Mr. Eko" as Locke prepares to develop into a new leadership role.

Dealing with the discovery of the man who calls himself Henry Gale and the mysteries of the DHARMA Initiative are central to the mid-season missions "Claire's Search" and "Henry's Balloon". As Henry is revealed to be an Other, "Going to the Line" brings back Michael, and "Hunting for Henry" results in the discovery of the Pearl station. Michael's return sets the stage for the season finale and transition into Season 3 with "Rescuing Walt", a plot thread that goes all the way back to Walt's abduction in the first season's mission "The Raft". "Rescuing Walt" also opens new possibilities for the third season's plotlines by removing the characters that had been central to the A-Missions of the first two seasons: Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, as well as Jin, Sun, and Sayid in their pursuit. The season ends as the stage is set for an introduction into the home of the Others.

Journeying by Raft

Journeying by Raft
结果: 失败
集数: "", ""
A队成员: Sawyer
B队成员: Michael, Jin
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Walt
任务: To find a ship or populated island (other than their own).
相关的O任务: Kidnapping Walt
相关的B任务: Building a Raft and Building a Raft, again
相关的F任务: None
背景: Michael spent most of his time during Season 1 building a raft. The first was secretly destroyed by Walt, while the second was successfully built. The appearance of Black Smoke, in addition to Danielle's warnings, prompted a quick departure.
发现: The Others' boat, the shark, the tail section Survivors.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This journey marked the transition away from Season 1, introducing themes that would predominate in Season 2. The Others finally appeared, and the aftermath set in motion the coming plotlines with the Tailies and the later mission to Rescue Walt.

Opening the Hatch

Opening the Hatch
Ep1x23-hatch open
结果: Half-accomplished; They opened the hatch, but they can't hide the survivors inside.

集数: "" - ""
A队成员: Jack, Locke, Kate, Sayid
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To open the Hatch and to hide everyone inside to save them from the Others.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: The Others were supposedly on their way, and dynamite had recently been obtained to open the Hatch, which was to serve as a sanctuary.
发现: The Hatch ladder was broken, the inside of the Hatch door read "quarantine", the Numbers were present on the Hatch, Desmond, orientation film, The DHARMA Initiative, and all the items within the Swan
与Lost主线剧情的关系: In conjunction with the raft mission, the opening of the Hatch marked the transition from the previous season by introducing new plot elements that would predominate in Season 2: The Numbers, the DHARMA Initiative, the gun safe, the Others, faith vs. science, and the growing divergence of interests among the survivors.

Escorting the Tailies

Escorting the Tailies to the Camp
结果: Half-Accomplished; Most of the tailies arrived at the Camp safely, Sawyer was able to receive medical attention from Jack, and Bernard was able to meet his wife Rose. However, Cindy was captured by the Others and Shannon was killed by Ana-Lucia.

集数: "", "", "", ""
A队成员: Sawyer, Sayid, Jack
B队成员: Michael, Jin
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Ana-Lucia, Eko, Bernard, Cindy, Shannon, Rose
任务: To escort the Tailies to the Camp and to deliver Sawyer to Jack.
相关的O任务: Stopping the Tailies
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Sawyer, Micheal and Jin meet the Tailies after they were attacked by the Others. Sawyer is terribly injured and is in desperate need of medical attention. The tailies, meanwhile, are in short of comfort and supplies. Bernard is excited to meet his wife Rose.
发现: Sayid was willing to forgive anyone who asks for his forgiveness. Sayid was truly in love with Shannon.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The event reveals the existence of other survivors. It also reveals some of the activities of the Others.

Hunting Michael

Hunting Michael
结果: 失败
集数: ""
A队成员: Jack, Locke, Sawyer, Kate
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To find Michael and bring him back to camp.
相关的O任务: Establishing the Line
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Michael had again set off to find his son, despite the camp's disagreement.
发现: Tom, the Line
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This was the first encounter of the Others with the main body of survivors. The interaction of the A-Team members with the Others is the opening act of later interactions in the next Season. Kate disappointed Jack, another recurring theme.

Claire's Search

Claire's Search
结果: 完成
集数: ""
A队成员: Kate
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle Rousseau, Claire, Libby
任务: To determine the truth of Claire's memories of her abduction, vaccine, and the mysterious new hatch. Danielle also searched for hints of her daughter.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Libby helped Claire unlock her memories of her time as a prisoner of the Others (see: "Searching for Charlie and Claire").
发现: The Staff station is discovered, as well its contents such as the fake beard.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This is a conspicuously "all-girl" plotline, joining Sun's bonding with Kate and Shannon. However both "all-girl" plotlines are unrelated and each stands isolated and undeveloped in the overall Lost storyline. Claire has relatively few flashbacks, so this episode is a key in the development of her story.

Search for Henry's Balloon

Search for Henry's Balloon
结果: 完成
集数: "", ""
A队成员: Sayid
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Ana-Lucia
任务: To find Henry Gale's balloon.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: To convince his captors of his truthfulness, Ben (then, AKA Henry) drew a map to a balloon that was mentioned in his story.
发现: Balloon; the prisoner's tale about being Henry Gale was false; the real Henry Gale's grave, and the lack of his wife's. The real Henry Gale's wallet, driver's license and letter on a $20 bill
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Ben's identity as an Other is finally resolved. The recurring theme of Charlie tagging along with an A-team largely ineffectually, such as in "Finding the Cockpit" and "Getting a Battery", continues.

Going to the Line

Going to the Line
结果: 失败
集数: ""
A队成员: Jack, Kate
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To propose a trade - Ben for Walt.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Jack believed a prisoner swap was possible
发现: Michael, unconscious.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The return of Michael leads to a chain of events that develops into the transition to Season 3's storyline of many of the A-team being held captive by the Others.

Hunting for "Henry"/Searching for the "?"

Hunting for "Henry"/Searching for the "?"
结果: Half-accomplished; Locke and Eko didn't catch "Henry", but they found the "?" and The Pearl station.

集数: ""
A队成员: Locke
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Eko
任务: To find and capture the false Henry. Eko's ulterior motive was to find "the question mark".
相关的O任务: Rescuing Ben
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: The false Henry Gale had escaped after apparently murdering Libby and Ana-Lucia
发现: The Pearl station.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Locke's crisis of faith begins in this mission and sets the stage for the culmination of Season 2 via his decisions that lead to the destruction of the Swan.

Rescuing Walt

Rescuing Walt
结果: Half-accomplished; Walt got off the Island but Jack, Kate, and Sawyer were captured

集数: ""
A队成员: Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid
B队成员: Jin, Hurley, Michael
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Sun
任务: To rescue Walt. Jack's team would move in on the Others, while Sayid works reconnaissance from Desmond's sailboat.
相关的O任务: Kidnapping Walt's rescue party
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Michael, returning from his leave (See: Michael Hunt), explained that he has seen the Other's camp. Michael convinced some of the survivors to come with him on a third attempt to rescue Walt. However, Jack and Sayid know that Michael is in some way deceiving them.
发现: Pala Ferry, the Others' boat, the statue, the capsule dump, the bearing to (supposedly) escape the Island.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: This A-Mission marks the transition from Season 2 to Season 3, bringing the storyline of the survivors into the land of The Others. The departure of the normal A-Team leaders (Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid) as well as other main cast such as Michael, Jin, and Sun, creates a new dynamic among the survivors, enabling Locke to assume more authority, and allowing the space to eventually introduce two new main cast, Nikki and Paulo.

Season Breakdown[]

  • Season 2 - Percentage Successful

22.2% (2/9)

  • Season 2 - Percentage Half-accomplished

44.4% (4/9)

  • Season 2 - Percentage Failed

33.3% (3/9)

Season 3[]

As before, this season opens by continuing the plot-lines that wrapped the previous season. Sayid, Sun, and Jin continue their pursuit of Jack, Kate, and Sawyer in "Ambushing the Others", while Locke deals with the aftermath of his crisis of faith in "Saving Mr. Eko" as he prepares to become a leader, thereby introducing three new characters in "The Pearl Revisited": Nikki, Paulo, and Mikhail. This particular mission, however, ended in tragedy, as the newly-saved Eko was killed by the Monster, and the Pearl's video feeds were not able to locate Jack, Kate or Sawyer. (They did, however, discover the presence of Mikhail on the Island.)

Halfway through the season the A-Team takes an aggressive stance toward the Others after Jack is lost in "The Great Hydra Island Escape", which saw Sawyer and Kate make it back to camp. Through a three part aggressive campaign to rescue Jack, many discoveries about the Island have been made (Including The Flame, Mikhail Bakunin, and the Barracks). Also noted is the aid of Danielle in this campaign in hopes to reunite with her daughter, Alex.

Having made it to the Barracks, Kate and Sayid were captured, while Locke destroyed the Others' submarine, furthering his own, still mysterious, motives. Jack, having been promised to leave the Island on The Galaga, is now without a ticket home, is left behind at the camp, along with Kate, Sayid, and Juliet; Locke, however, went with them.

After having returned to camp, it is revealed that Juliet was indeed a spy, planted by Ben, but she changes alliances, and decides to side with the survivors. In a very important mission, Desmond, along with Jin, Charlie, and Hurley, investigate the jungle after one of his "flashes", and discover Naomi, a helicopter pilot from a ship not 80 miles from the Island.

After Juliet explains the Others' plan to kidnap the pregnant women, Jack decides to defeat the Others once and for all. In "Defeating the Others", dynamite is placed in the camp, and Jin, Bernard, and Sayid stay behind to detonate it. Despite being captured, they were rescued by Sawyer, Juliet, and Hurley, and killed all ten members of the attackers.

In order to find rescue after defeating the Others, the Losties prepare for one "final" mission. In "Contacting Naomi's Ship, Charlie and Desmond attempt the suicide mission of disabling the "flooded" Looking Glass station, and Jack leads the survivors to the Radio Tower, to deal with the two deterrents to using Naomi's satellite phone. Charlie dies during his portion of the mission (the station is not flooded, but he still fulfills his fate), but all is accomplished in order to contact the rescue ship. Despite Locke's attempted intervention, by killing Naomi and threating Jack, the latter makes the call.

Ambushing the Others

Ambushing the Others
结果: 失败
集数: ""
A队成员: Sayid
B队成员: Jin
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Sun
任务: To ambush the Others, take two hostages and kill the rest.
相关的O任务: Stealing the Elizabeth
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: The 'Rescue Walt' party did not go to the black smoke, created by Sayid, as planned. Sayid then decides that he wishes to capture three others.
发现: The Others somehow approached the sailboat from the oceanside (the submarine). The Others knew Sun's full name. Sun was able to kill Colleen.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Desmond's sail boat being taken by The Others presumably sets up later plot elements to come in the latter portion of Season 3. Similarly, the existence of a possible second craft, Template:Link, is revealed in the aftermath of this mission.

Saving Mr. Eko

Saving Mr. Eko
结果: 完成
集数: ""
A队成员: Locke
B队成员: Charlie
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To save Mr. Eko from the polar bear cave.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Inspired by a vision, Locke prompted Charlie to help him discover the location of Mr. Eko and accomplish Boone's orders to save Mr. Eko's life.
发现: Polar bear cave, imploded Swan station, mysterious Pearl Shirt.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: With Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid absent, there is a leadership vacuum, and especially after his recent visions, Locke begins to confidently assume the mantle of leader. However first he must rescue Eko to atone for his most recent mistake, when he had doubted faith, resulting in the destruction of the Hatch.

The Pearl Revisited

The Pearl Revisited
结果: Half-Accomplished, Pearl monitor feeds were patched out of a new location (which revealed Mikhail), but was not used to locate the prisoners. Eko was found, but was soon killed.

集数: ""
A队成员: Sayid, Locke
B队成员: Desmond
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Nikki, Paulo, Eko (looking for his brother's corpse)
任务: To find a computer in the Pearl that can be used to locate Jack, Kate and Sawyer.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Locke, remembering the Pearl, and attempting to find Eko, got a new A-Team of sorts together to venture after Eko.
发现: Mikhail, monster's shape shifting ability, Yemi's body missing.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Mr. Eko's storyline ends with this mission, and three new characters are introduced, Nikki, Paulo, and Mikhail. Locke continued to emerge as a new leader.

Escaping Hydra Island

Escaping Hydra Island
结果: 完成
集数: "" - ""
A队成员: Jack, Kate, Sawyer
B队成员: None
O队成员: Ben
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Alex, Juliet, Karl
任务: Jack tells Kate and Sawyer to escape on foot while Jack holds Ben hostage in surgery.
相关的O任务: Chasing Sawyer and Kate
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Sawyer was about to be executed, but Jack turned Ben's surgery into a hostage situation, and attempts to set up Sawyer and Kate's escape. However they had recently learned their prison was on a separate island, whereas Jack does not yet know.
发现: Room 23, Alex's relationship with Karl and Ben.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Jack takes Ben's life hostage after cutting his (Ben's) kidney sack. Kate and Sawyer, aided by Alex, get a boat in exchange for Karl's rescue. Picket catches the four (Sawyer, Kate, Alex, and Karl) on the beach but is killed by Juliet.

Rescuing Jack Part I: The Flame

Rescuing Jack Part I: The Flame
结果: 完成
集数: "" - ""
A队成员: Kate, Locke, Sayid
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Rousseau
任务: Follow Locke's bearing/intuition to see if it aids in helping find the Other's camp.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Locke and Sayid offer to help Kate, and Kate asked Rousseau to help find the Others' camp. Template:Crossref
发现: Rousseau learns her daughter is alive and well, The Flame, The Purge, additional DHARMA history, Mikhail Bakunin, and the DHARMA Cabling Map.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Sayid, Locke, Kate, and Rousseau head north and discover The Flame. The A-team encounters Mikhail and Bea Klugh. Locke enters numbers into a computer. Sayid finds a map to The Barracks. Mikhail shoots Bea dead. The Flame detonates as a result of Locke's entering numbers.

Rescuing Jack Part II: Sonar Fence

Rescuing Jack Part II: Sonar Fence
3x12 ParAvion SonicBarrier
结果: 完成
集数: ""
A队成员: Kate, Locke, Sayid
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Rousseau, Mikhail Bakunin
任务: 1) Follow the DHARMA Cabling Map to The Barracks 2) Overcome the Sonar Fence to gain access to the Barrack grounds.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Sayid, having discovered the DHARMA Cabling Map, sets his team's sights on a place of interest: The Barracks.
发现: The sonar fence surrounding The Barracks; Jack seemingly happy in captivity
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The A-Team, Rousseau, and Mikhail encounter a large sonar fence that surrounds The Barracks. Locke pushes Mikhail through the fence, causing Mikhail to suffer a cerebral hemorrhage. The rest of the team surmount the fence and approach the Barracks to see Jack playing football with Tom.

Rescuing Jack Part III: The Barracks

Rescuing Jack Part III: The Barracks
结果: Half-Accomplished; While they succeeded in getting Jack back, it made sure he didn't get off the Island and Locke apparently joined the Others.

集数: "", ""
A队成员: Kate, Locke, Sayid
B队成员: None
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Rousseau
任务: Extract Jack from the Barracks.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: The A-Team reaches the Barracks and discovers Jack happily playing football with Tom.
发现: Anthony Cooper's presence on the Island, the Magic Box, the Submarine
与Lost主线剧情的关系: While Kate and Sayid attempted to extract Jack they were discovered and taken captive. Meanwhile, Locke furthered his own motives to destroy the Other's submarine with the seemingly 'unwilling' aid of Ben. Jack's ticket off the Island was lost, the A-Team was captured, and Locke discovered his father's presence on the Island. Later all of the Others, except Juliet, left the Barracks. Jack made his way back to the beach with Kate, Sayid, and Juliet. Locke had also gone with the Others.

Defeating the Others

Defeating the Others
3x21 sayid jack rousseau
结果: 完成
集数: "", "", "",
A队成员: Jack, Sawyer and Sayid.
B队成员: Hurley and Jin
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle, Bernard, Juliet, Karl, and Alex.
任务: To ambush the Others during their invasion of the camp.
相关的O任务: The Invasion
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Jack opens up to the camp about his plan to end the Others once and for all, explaining that Danielle has visited the Black Rock and returned with a large amount of dynamite. Jack explains that, with the dynamite, they will "blow them all to hell".
发现: The Looking Glass
与Lost主线剧情的关系: While the others go to the radio tower or the Looking Glass, Sayid, Jin, and Bernard prepare to ambush the Others at camp. All ten of the attacking Others were killed.

Contacting Naomi's ship Part I

Contacting Naomi's Ship Part I
结果: 完成
集数: "", "", ""
A队成员: Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Sayid, and Locke tried to stop it.
B队成员: Charlie and Desmond
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle, Juliet, Alex, Karl, and all other survivors.
任务: To shut down the radio tower and the Looking Glass to contact Naomi's ship.
相关的O任务: Stop Survivors from Contacting Naomi's ship
相关的B任务: None
相关的F任务: None
背景: Sayid thinks if he is able to shut down Danielle's distress call that he could contact Naomi's ship, but Juliet says that there is also the Looking Glass, which Ben uses to block all other signals from the island.
发现: The Looking Glass
与Lost主线剧情的关系: While Sayid, Jin, and Bernard wait for the Others to come, Charlie and Desmond go on a suicide mission to shut down the Looking Glass, while the rest of the survivors go to shut down the radio tower. The signal was disabled, Naomi's boat was contacted, Mikhail died, Bonnie was killed, Greta was killed, and Naomi and Charlie died. Locke, a member of the A-Team, directly tried to stop this mission by killing Naomi and failing to kill Jack when he contacted the boat.

Season Breakdown[]

  • Season 3 - Percentage Successful

66.7% (6/9)

  • Season 3 - Percentage Half-accomplished

22.2% (2/9)

  • Season 3 - Percentage Failed

11.1% (1/9)

Season 4[]

Tracking Naomi

Tracking Naomi
结果: Half-Accomplished; While they succeeded in finding Naomi, she managed to contact the freighter to tell them everything was fine, but she was injured from Locke's knife wound, and she died.

集数: 第4季 第1集 
A队成员: Jack & Kate
B队成员: None
O队成员: Ben
F队成员: None
其他参与者: Danielle
任务: To find Naomi before the freighter becomes suspicious of the survivors.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Naomi crawled away, and they have to track her in time before the freighter called the survivors again.
发现: None
与Lost主线剧情的关系: When George calls Jack on the satellite phone to reconfigure the settings so they can pinpoint their location, they need Naomi to work the phone. However, when Jack looks for her she is gone. Jack and Danielle, taking Ben with him, follow the blood-stained trail, but Kate thinks otherwise, as she found a different trail where she believed Naomi doubled back on herself. Naomi ambushed her viciously, holding a knife to her throat for the phone to contact the freighter for help, thinking the survivors had turned savage and killed her. Kate pleads not guilty, and as a result Naomi covers for the survivors before she finally dies.

Finding Daniel's Team

Searching for the freighter Team
结果: Half-Accomplished; Jack's group managed to find Daniel first, and them from Naomi's phone track down Miles & Frank

集数: 第4季 第2集 
A队成员: Jack, Kate, Locke, Sawyer, Sayid
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: Ben, Juliet, Alex, Karl
F队成员: Daniel, Charlotte, Miles
其他参与者: Danielle, Claire, Aaron, Jerome, Doug, Steve, two un-named female survivors
任务: For Jack's group: To find the remaining three of Daniel's team.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Daniel parachuted onto the Island, but he needs to rendezvous with the rest of his team.
发现: The four members of the team: Daniel, Miles, Charlotte & Frank
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Daniel bailed out of his helicopter as it was going down. Jack and Kate stumbled upon him in the jungle. Daniel needs to find his remaining three members of his team, and he enlists their help. They manage to find Miles from following his signal, and Juliet and Sayid join the hunt. Locke's group finds Charlotte in a river and take her prisoner. To avoid Jack's group finding them, they took her transponder and attached it to Vincent, who fled a different way. However, when Frank fires his flare, Jack's group finds Frank and discover his helicopter - intact. Overall, the mission was half-accomplished, as they discovered a source of rescue however Locke's group still have Charlotte.

Finding Jacob's Cabin Part I

Finding Jacob's Cabin Part I
Normal LOST Y4 074 006
结果: 失败
集数: 第4季 第2集 , 第4季 第3集 
A队成员: Locke & Sawyer
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: Ben, Alex, Karl
F队成员: Charlotte
其他参与者: Danielle, Claire, Aaron, Jerome, Doug, Steve, two un-named female survivors
任务: To contact Jacob and discover the purpose of the freighter and how to defend themselves before they arrive at the Barracks.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: After receiving a message from Walt to murder Naomi, and that the rest of the freighter people had arrived to kill them, Locke decided to go into hiding but not without contacting Jacob for further instructions on how to defend themselves.
发现: The cabin could seemingly move through space; and that Hurley knows of the cabin.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Locke gathered a handful of survivors and island-castaways to trek into hiding so the freighter people can't find them. But first, Locke wanted to take a detour and visit Jacob in his cabin for further instructions. As they walked, Hurley commented the cabin was in a different direction, but in response to Locke and Ben's surprised faces, he quickly muttered something about the airplane cabin. On the way, they picked up another parachutist from the freighter, which led Ben to attempt murder against her - to no avail. Much to Locke's annoyance, the cabin had seemed to disappear from it's original location and Ben remarked in-front of the group that Locke was lost. This lead Hurley to question his intentions about their hostage, but Locke re-affirmed his leadership and they continued on to the Barracks whilst covering his disappointment that he truly didn't know what to do next.

Retrieving Charlotte

Retrieving Charlotte from the Barracks
结果: 完成
集数: 第4季 第3集 
A队成员: Sayid & Kate Opposing: Locke & Sawyer
B队成员: Opposing: Hurley
O队成员: Opposing: Ben
F队成员: Miles Opposing: Danielle
其他参与者: None
任务: To retrieve Charlotte from Locke and take her back safely to Frank, Daniel and the helicopter.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Sayid makes a deal with Frank that if he retrieves Charlotte safely from Locke, he will take him off the Island to the freighter.
发现: Sayid discovered a secret room in Ben's house, behind a bookshelf, that contained fake passports, large amounts of money in many currencies and clothes.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Sayid, Kate and Miles leave for the barracks, to where Locke's group is situated and where they have Charlotte prisoner. Sayid struck a deal with Frank to let him take him to the freighter, whereas Miles accompanies him to help locate Charlotte. Sayid disallows Jack to go with him because of his intense rivalry with Locke. Jack advises Kate to go with them for extra precaution against Locke. When they arrive, they discover Hurley stuck in a closet. Conning his friends, Hurley tells them that Locke went elsewhere and that they should investigate Ben's house, and when they do, Locke's group corners them and disarms them. Later, Locke and Sayid discuss their current situation involving the freighter team, and they strike a deal - Miles for Charlotte. Even though they lost Miles and Frank disparagingly says that Sayid cheated, the deal was the same. Charlotte was returned safely and Sayid boarded the helicopter to the freighter with Frank and Desmond.

Kate's Mission

Kate's Inquisition
结果: 完成
集数: 第4季 第4集 
A队成员: Kate & Sawyer
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: None
F队成员: Miles
其他参与者: None
任务: Kate decides to interrogate Miles about knowledge of her, but she must first meet his demands to see Ben.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Kate decides to find out whether the freigther knows about her fugitive status.
发现: Ben is more sophisticated in the outside world than is first thought, as Miles seems to think he owns 3.2 million dollars, if not more. Miles and the freighter have a copy of the Flight 815 manifest and have knowledge of Kate's crimes.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Kate decides to stay behind with Locke's group of survivors who have a prisoner from the freighter, so she can interrogate him about his knowledge of her previous life of crime. However, Locke refuses to reveal the location of Miles, so Kate instead tricks Hurley into slipping his location. Kate finds him, but he firstly demands to see Ben. Kate recruits Sawyer for help, who distracts Locke, and Kate breaks into his basement and takes Miles to meet Ben. Miles blackmails Ben, and reveals that the freighter knows about Kate's fugitive status. Even though Locke discovered Kate's betrayal and evicted her from the Barracks, Kate's overall objectives were completed so the mission was a success.

Investigating the freighter

Investigating the freighter
结果: Half-Accomplished; While they succeded in discovering the freigther's owner and it's intentions, they were too late to act on it and they didn't have the man-power to suppress the mercenaries.

集数: 第4季 第5集 , 第4季 第7集 , 第4季 第8集 , 第4季 第11集 
A队成员: Sayid
B队成员: Desmond
O队成员: None
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To discover the freighter's true mission and everything regarding it's purpose.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: The survivors were for-warned by Charlie's dying message that the frieghter people weren't here to neccessarily rescue them. Also, Locke was warned by a vision of Walt that they were here to kill them, but it's likely Sayid only partly believed this.
发现: Charles Widmore sent the freighter to the Island with mercenaries onboard to kill everyone on the Island with knowledge of survivors of the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, so that the story behind his fake wreckage isn't comprimised. However, Widmore also wanted Ben, but for unknown reasons.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Sayid and Desmond were brought to the freighter by Frank in the helicopter to find out why they're offshore of the Island. At first, information on why they were there was given out sparsely, because as soon as they arrived, Desmond began to be effected by the Island's side-effects. However later the pair met the captain, who told them who had commissioned the freighter and the supposed reason why they want Ben - because some of them believe he placed the fake wreckage in the ocean to deter Widmore into finding the Island. A few days later, Sayid and Desmond discovered Michael onboard, who was a spy for Ben, and they turned him into Gault. Before the two castaways realise that mercenaries were onboard, they made two trips to the Island and caused mass casualties. All in all, they did succeed in discovering some of the freighter's intentions and background, but time was too short to act upon it.

Interfering with Daniel and Charlotte

Tracking Daniel and Charlotte
结果: 完成
集数: 第4季 第6集 
A队成员: Jack & Kate
B队成员: None
O队成员: Juliet
F队成员: Daniel & Charlotte
其他参与者: None
任务: To discover where Daniel and Charlotte have gone and why.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: When Daniel and Charlotte disappear into the jungle at night, suspicions are raised and Jack, Juliet and later Kate begin to track them to see what they're up to.
发现: The Tempest, the origin of the gas used in the Purge
与Lost主线剧情的关系: When Daniel and Charlotte disappear from camp at night, Jack is inclined to follow them as he is suspicious. Juliet joins the mission, as she is ordered by Harper to stop them from releasing the gas to kill everyone on this island. On their way, Kate is found knocked out by Charlotte, and she joins their search. Juliet heads forward in front of them to complete the mission herself, but when she arrives, she believes they're about to release the gas (and fights with Charlotte) when in fact they rendered it inert so Ben couldn't re-use it.

Defending the Barracks

Defending the Barracks
结果: Half-Accomplished; although some of the survivors escaped with their lives, it was at the cost of many casualties.

集数: 第4季 第8集 , 第4季 第9集 
A队成员: Locke & Sawyer
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: Ben
F队成员: Miles
其他参与者: Claire & [{Aaron]]
任务: For the survivors, they need to defend themselves from attack. For Ben, he needed to protect himself.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Ben showed Locke a video of Charles Widmore, the man who sent the freigher to kill everyone on the Island and capture him. The mercenaries have arrived for Ben.
发现: The freighter mercenaries were here for Ben and to kill everyone else. Widmore had changed "the rules", according to Ben. Ben could summon the Monster.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: The mercenaries are shipped to the Island in the helicopter by Frank. They come across Danielle and Karl, kill them, and take Alex hostage. They use Alex to turn off the sonar fence so they can assault the Barracks, where they kill around five more survivors. The remaining few (Locke, Sawyer, Hurley, Claire) barricade themselves into Ben's house with Ben. Keamy demands to talk to Ben and sends them Miles. When Ben refuses to leave the house, Alex is executed by Keamy. Enraged, Ben summoned the Monster and it attacked the mercenaries. The group fled into the jungle and split into two groups - one to the beach, one to Jacob's cabin.

Finding Jacob's Cabin Part II

Finding Jacob's Cabin Part II
结果: 完成
集数: 第4季 第11集 
A队成员: Locke
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: Ben
F队成员: None
其他参与者: None
任务: To find Jacob.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: After the assault at the Barracks, Locke and Ben decide to find Jacob and receive orders, but they need Hurley to find the cabin.
发现: Horace's map, the potential reason behind Locke's dreams, the location of Jacob's cabin and Claire, the abscense of Jacob and the appearance of Christian on his behalf.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: On their way to the cabin, they disagree on who they're following. That night, Locke has a dream where he sees a DHARMA Initiative workman chopping trees, telling him he needs to re-visit the grave on directions to find the cabin. So, they take a detour and Locke discovers a map to the cabin. Locke offers Hurley safe passage to the beach now that they've got directions to the cabin, he decides to stay with the pain because night would soon fall. The next night, they soon find the cabin and Locke enters alone to find Christian Shephard there instead of Jacob. Locke expresses the notion that he was "chosen" to be there, and to his surprise he finds Claire sitting nonchalantly in the creepy cabin. Nevertheless, Locke is told to move the Island to save it.

Escaping the Island

Chasing the Helicopter, Disarming the freighter bomb, Fighting the Mercenaries and Escaping the Island
结果: Half-Accomplished; many survivors and freighter crew died when the freighter exploded, some survivors where left behind but the Oceanic Six, Desmond and Frank escaped.

集数: 第4季 第12集 , 第4季 第13集 
A队成员: Jack, Kate, Sayid & Sawyer
B队成员: Hurley, Jin, Desmond, Michael
O队成员: Ben, Juliet, Richard and the Others as a whole (excluding Ben)
F队成员: Daniel, Frank, Hendricks & many remaining crew onboard
其他参与者: Sun, Aaron & some other survivors
任务: To finally escape the Island safely.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: The helicopter lands on the Island and the survivors make a last bid for freedom. The Others finally combat the mercenaries with Kate and Sayid in tow. Desmond, Jin and Michael try desperately to disarm the bomb onboard so people can escape.
发现: Daniel, Charlotte and Miles truly want to help the survivors escape, Charlotte may have been born on the Island, Michael's ultimate destiny (let the Oceanic Six escape), Penny rescues them and helps with their cover story.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Sayid head towards the helicopter, the latter two following the former. When Sayid returns, Daniel desperately begins ferrying survivors to the freighter before the Orchid moves the Island. Sun and Jin discover Michael on a freighter, and along with Desmond, they help disarm a bomb that is onboard. Sayid, Kate, Richard and the Others overpower the mercenaries and rescue Ben. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid and Hurley lift off with Frank, but Sawyer jumps overboard when the fuel tank begins to leak. However, when they arrive on the freighter, the bomb is ready to explode and only Desmond, Sun and Aaron are able to board it before the boat explodes with Jin, Michael and many others on-board. Before they can re-land on the Island, Ben moves it away to protect it, with everyone else still on it. The helicopter crashes in the ocean and that night they are rescued by Penny and her boat. They create a cover story to protect those left behind from Widmore and sail to Sumba where the only the Oceanic Six are rescued. Desmond, Penny and Frank go into hiding.

Moving the Island

Moving the Island
结果: 完成
集数: 第4季 第12集 , 第4季 第13集 
A队成员: Locke
B队成员: Hurley
O队成员: Ben
F队成员: Keamy and his mercenaries (prepared to stop Ben from doing so)
其他参与者: None
任务: To successfully move the Island and hide it from Widmore.
相关的O任务: None
相关的B任务: {{{B-mission}}}
相关的F任务: {{{F-mission}}}
背景: Jacob, through Christian, ordered Locke to move the Island to protect it from Widmore.
发现: the Orchid, the secondary protocol.
与Lost主线剧情的关系: Locke, Ben and Hurley trek towards the Orchid so they can move the Island. However, Ben signals the Others as a back-up if the mercenaries have already arrived there. Hurley was having second-thoughts about the plan, but it was too late - Keamy and his men were waiting at the Orchid when they had arrived. Ben gave himself up, but the Others, with the help of Kate and Sayid, overpowered them. Ben trekked back to the Orchid and with Locke they confronted Jack about their plan to move the Island. Jack deemed them crazy, however the race was on to save everyone before they did so, and he left with Hurley. When Locke and Ben descended into the actual station, they encountered Keamy but Ben killed him in revenge for killing his daughter, despite the bomb linked to the freighter. Nevertheless, they continued on with their plan and Locke watched a new orientation video. Ben blasted a hole into an even deeper section of the Orchid called the Vault. Ben informed Locke that he himself needed to be the one to move the Island because the one who does so can never return. Ben descended into the Vault and turned the frozen wheel which moved the Island to an unknown location in space-time. Ben was banished to the Sahara ten months into the future.

Overall breakdown[]

  • Percentage Successful
51.6% (16/31)
  • Percentage Half-accomplished
25.8% (8/31)
  • Percentage Failed
22.6% (7/31)

See also[]

  • B-Missions
  • F-Missions
  • O-Missions
  • Survivor factions
  • Major battles

External links[]

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