第8行: 第8行:
| Last=[[第6季 第13集]]
| Last=[[第6季 第13集]]
| Count=35集
| Count=35集
| Centric=[[第6季 第9集]]
| Age=不明
| Age=不明
| Place=不明
| Place=不明
第70行: 第71行:
[[Image:Pilot_Part_1_Pilot_Dead.png|thumb|250px|left|黑衣男以[[Christian]]的形象命令[[Vincent]]命令喚醒[[Jack]]]]在飛機解體後,[[Vincent]]在森林中遇到[[Christian Shephard]]的形象。這個形象告訴這隻狗,他的"兒子",[[Jack]],在附近的空地上,並叫Vincent去把Jack弄醒。Vincent遵守這個指令後,這個形象說Jack有"工作要做"。{{crossref|mx13}}
[[Image:Pilot_Part_1_Pilot_Dead.png|thumb|250px|left|黑衣男以[[Christian]]的形象[[Vincent]]談話]]在飛機解體後,[[Vincent]]在森林中遇到[[Christian Shephard]]的形象。這個形象告訴這隻狗,他的"兒子",[[Jack]],在附近的空地上,並叫Vincent去把Jack弄醒。Vincent遵守這個指令後,這個形象說Jack有"工作要做"。{{crossref|mx13}}
After the crash of [[Oceanic Flight 815]] on the Island, the Man in Black would come to be known to the survivors as the "Monster". On their first night on the Island, he began to rampage through the jungle, waking the survivors. Loud, machine-like sounds were heard coming from the [[jungle]] while trees were seen being knocked over. [[Rose]] commented that it sounded familiar to her, despite being from the Bronx, New York. {{crossref|1x01}}
After the crash of [[Oceanic Flight 815]] on the Island, the Man in Black would come to be known to the survivors as the "Monster". On their first night on the Island, he began to rampage through the jungle, waking the survivors. Loud, machine-like sounds were heard coming from the [[jungle]] while trees were seen being knocked over. [[Rose]] commented that it sounded familiar to her, despite being from the Bronx, New York. {{crossref|1x01}}
第100行: 第101行:
[[File:3x05 YemiInEko'sTent.png|thumb|250px|left|黑衣男以[[Yemi]]的形象出現在[[Eko]]的面前]]
黑煙消失三個星期後,黑衣男以Yemi,Eko的逝世弟弟,的形象再度出現。這個形象曾經出現了很多次,並告訴Eko已經是適當的時候要受審判。當Eko試圖前往小型飛機的途中,黑衣男以一縷黑雲的形象在他附近不時出現。為了測試Eko,黑衣男以數個Eko的過去形象出現,說著Eko是時候要接受審判。當Eko在河岸邊休息時,黑煙悄悄來襲,水中的倒影反映黑衣男想偷襲,Eko看到倒影並站了起來。黑衣男迅速逃進森林之中,剛好就在[[Locke]]和他的隊伍找到Eko時。{{crossref|3x05}}[[File:3x05 YemiInEko'sTent.png|thumb|250px|left|黑衣男以[[Yemi]]的形象出現在[[Eko]]的面前]]
在這一天之後,Eko在小型飛機那裡再次遇到了黑衣男,他又以Yemi的形象出現,並要求Eko為往日的罪行懺悔。Eko表示他對往日的罪既無悔意,亦不想從Yemi身上獲得原諒。"Yemi"回答,"你對我說話的語氣,就像我真是你的弟弟一樣。"("You speak to me as if I were your brother"),然後就轉身並消失於叢林中。Eko跟隨他進入森林,結果遇到處於黑煙狀態下的黑衣男。黑煙一下子膨脹到40英尺高,並捉住了Eko,反覆地將他撞到樹木和地面上,將他重傷。黑衣男稍後因為他的攻擊的聲音,引來了[[Locke]]和他的隊員(他們就在[[珍珠站]])而消失於森林中。不久,Eko在喃喃說出遺言後,死於Locke的手臂中。其他隊員詢問有關他的遺言,Locke回答,"他說,我們就是下一個。"("He said, we're next."){{crossref|3x05}}
在這一天之後,Eko在小型飛機那裡再次遇到了黑衣男,他又以Yemi的形象出現,並要求Eko為往日的罪行懺悔。Eko表示他對往日的罪既無悔意,亦不想從Yemi身上獲得原諒。"Yemi"回答,"你對我說話的語氣,就像我真是你的弟弟一樣。"("You speak to me as if I were your brother"),然後就轉身並消失於叢林中。Eko跟隨他進入森林,結果遇到處於黑煙狀態下的黑衣男。黑煙一下子膨脹到40英尺高,並捉住了Eko,反覆地將他撞到樹木和地面上,將他重傷。黑衣男稍後因為他的攻擊的聲音,引來了[[Locke]]和他的隊員(他們就在[[珍珠站]])而消失於森林中。不久,Eko在喃喃說出遺言後,死於Locke的手臂中。其他隊員詢問有關他的遺言,Locke回答,"他說,我們就是下一個。"("He said, we're next."){{crossref|3x05}}
第135行: 第137行:
[[Image:5x09 PictureOnTheWall.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Christian從牆上拿下[[1977年DHARMA新]]。{{crossref|5x09}}]]
[[Image:5x09 PictureOnTheWall.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Christian從牆上拿下[[1977年DHARMA新成員的團體照]]。{{crossref|5x09}}]]
After [[Flight 316]] crash-landed on [[Hydra Island]], [[Sun]] and [[Frank]] took an outrigger canoe to the main Island, and subsequently began to search for [[Jin]]. As they approached [[the Barracks]] from the submarine dock, [[Sun]] and [[Frank]] heard the distinctive noises of the Man in Black's Monster form. Frank asked what made the noises, and Sun said it was probably an animal.
After [[Flight 316]] crash-landed on [[Hydra Island]], [[Sun]] and [[Frank]] took an outrigger canoe to the main Island, and subsequently began to search for [[Jin]]. As they approached [[the Barracks]] from the submarine dock, [[Sun]] and [[Frank]] heard the distinctive noises of the Man in Black's Monster form. Frank asked what made the noises, and Sun said it was probably an animal.

2010年4月25日 (日) 03:50的版本


Template:Infobox Character 黑衣男,普遍地被稱為黑煙怪物安全系統Jacob的仇敵,是一個身份不明的島上神秘居民,並且與Jacob處於敵對狀態。如同Jacob,他在815航班空中解體前,似乎已經在島上居住了多個世紀。他的來歷和他能力的範圍仍然未明。按時間線,他最早是以一個穿著黑色衣服的中年男子形象出現。他亦曾以一個危險及邪惡的黑煙形象,和多個已死的角色的形象出沒。


黑衣男透過宣稱(未經證實的)、許諾、提供部份真相、使用強逼(透過人們對失去的恐懼,和得益的期待),並且告訴人們他們想聽的事,來擺佈他們。黑衣男已經證實多次使用謊言,來欺騙他人以達致他的目標(例如:告訴Richard Alpert,Jacob是"魔鬼";告訴Claire,她的兒子Aaron被神廟的其他人奪去了,但事實上Aaron卻洛杉磯)。

Ajira Flight 316墜毀於2007年後,黑衣男更公然地實現他的逃離小島計劃,就是透過使用死去的John Locke的形象。他擺佈Benjamin Linus殺害Jacob,並於神廟屠殺不願意服從他的「其他人」。黑衣男亦招攬了ClaireSawyerSayid來實現他的計劃,並希望獲取一些他以前得到的助力,特別是來自Jacob候選人的助力。黑衣男並向一個「其他人」的前領袖,Charles Widmore宣戰,因為Widmore回到島上,並意圖確保黑衣男繼續困在島上。根據Ilana的說法,估計在Jacob死後,黑衣人唯一只能用Locke的形象,作為他的人形。




他向Sawyer宣稱過,他曾是一個人類,並且能夠感受到歡樂、憤怒、恐懼和經歷背叛,而且亦表示,他知道失去了愛人的感覺。Template:Crossref 他亦告訴過Kate一次,他有一個瘋癲的母親,並且令他留下陰影,到現在還未能克服。Template:Crossref 根據他的宣稱,他被困在島上,並由他被困開始,一直試圖逃離小島並"回家"。Template:Crossref 但是,估計Jacob是試圖阻止他逃離小島。Jacob對剛來到島上的Richard Alpert表示,小島的作用就是作為一個瓶蓋,用以阻攔"黑暗"(可能是指黑衣男)逃離,並散播到整個世界。不過,黑衣男認為,將他困在小島上是毫無意義,因為黑暗根本就是人性。Jacob為了證明他的錯誤,因此不斷把人帶到島上,用他們來證明他們知道對與錯的分別。Template:Crossref







5x16 Jacob and nemesis





稍後,黑岩號遇難並撞到小島上。Richard Alpert,被囚禁於貨艙之中,聽到了黑煙移動的聲音,及其他被殺船員的呼喊。不久,黑煙進入了貨艙,並殺害了Jonas Whitfield,並掃瞄了Richard的記憶。稍後,黑衣男使用Isabella的形象,告訴他他們已經一同在地獄之中。但當聽到怪獸的聲音後,Richard勸服她逃跑,但在她離開後Richard卻聽見她的尖叫。其後,黑衣男使用之前與Jacob交談的形象,釋放了Richard,並暗示"魔鬼"已經奪走了Isabella。黑衣男表示他試圖逃離地獄,堅持Richard需要殺死黑衣男所謂的"惡魔",然後給了他一把短刀,警告他必須要在Jacob說話前刺死Jacob。Richard就詢問這把刀如何能夠殺死黑煙,不過黑衣男向他表示他就是黑煙,另外更說他看見了Jacob奪走Isabella,但他卻來得太遲,阻止不到。Richard對他懷疑,但黑衣男表明他的肉體和人性,均被Jacob奪去了。

6x09 AGiftFromJacob




Charles Widmore之後表示,在20世紀、21世紀初,黑衣男成為令人恐懼的形象,對小島居民來說,他是混合著神話、鬼故事和"晚上森林的怪聲"。Template:Crossref


DHARMA計劃對黑衣男的來歷和知識有多少,依然是未明,儘管他們建造了包圍兵營音波牆,表示他們應該至少知道他的存在。在兵營影片中,Pierre Chang向新來到島上的人表示,音波牆建立是為了"保護大家免受島上大量和多樣化的野生生物的傷害",但並沒有明確繼續解釋下去。Template:Crossref 當DHARMA島上領袖Horace Goodspeed的房屋,是建於召喚黑衣男的密室上(另外亦有秘密隧道的入口)。不過,DHARMA計劃是否明白這個密室的重要性,及其用途,依然未明。Template:Crossref

防爆門地圖上(由Stuart RadzinskyKelvin Inman天鵝站製作),寫著一些數字關於"Cerberus活動"和數個在島上的地點寫著"Cerberus通風孔",估計是用來代表黑衣男和他的地下隧道的出口。Template:Crossref


5x05 Montand monster


在1988年,Danielle Rousseau的科研隊伍正在前往著廣播塔,而且經歷時空穿梭的Jin也在其中,遭到黑煙的襲擊。黑衣男悄悄地殺害了Nadine,然後撞倒了幾棵樹後,出現在隊伍面前,逼近Montand。黑衣男捉住了Montand,然後將他拉進叢林之中,那個神廟護牆底下的洞穴。在Jin的幫助下,隊伍試圖拉回Montand,不過這場爭扎卻以黑衣男勝利結束,Montand的手臂被扯下來,而他被拉進洞中。稍後,Montand的聲音被隊伍成員聽到,Montand說他要救援,和表示怪獸已經消失了。但是,似乎Montand沒有倖存得很久,因為多年後他的屍體在洞中被發現到。Template:Crossref

科研隊伍在神廟底下發生的事,仍然未明。不過,2個月後,Jin發現到LacombeBrennan的屍體,躺在Rousseau在沙灘的營帳附近。他之後目睹了歇斯底里的Rousseau用槍指著她的愛人,Robert。Rousseau說Robert已經不是他自己了,他和其他隊員都被"疾病"所感染,並被"怪獸""改變"了。Robert卻表示那不是怪獸,而只是守護神廟的安全系統。Danielle Rousseau似乎被他說服,於是放下武器,但突然Robert卻槍擊了她。不過,Rousseau毫髮未傷,因為她早已將那把槍的撞針移走,然後她一槍射中Robert的頭,殺死了他。Template:Crossref



File:Pilot Part 1 Pilot Dead.png


在飛機解體後,Vincent在森林中遇到Christian Shephard的形象。這個形象告訴這隻狗,他的"兒子",Jack,在附近的空地上,並叫Vincent去把Jack弄醒。Vincent遵守這個指令後,這個形象說Jack有"工作要做"。Template:Crossref

After the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 on the Island, the Man in Black would come to be known to the survivors as the "Monster". On their first night on the Island, he began to rampage through the jungle, waking the survivors. Loud, machine-like sounds were heard coming from the jungle while trees were seen being knocked over. Rose commented that it sounded familiar to her, despite being from the Bronx, New York. Template:Crossref

The next day, attempting to retrieve the transceiver, Jack, Kate and Charlie ventured into the jungle to inspect the cockpit of the crashed plane. The pilot was found alive, but he was abruptly pulled out of the front of the plane by the Man in Black in his black smoke form. The pilot was later found dead, high in a tree, his body appearing bloodied and mauled. The Man in Black then pursued Jack, Kate, and Charlie through the jungle, but disappeared when the rain stopped. During the chase, they hid in the roots of a banyan tree, which appeared to repel him. His roars were also heard from the beach. Template:Crossref



Three days later, Locke was in the jungle hunting for boar when he got his first close-up look at the Man in Black's Monster form. As it approached him from above, Locke stood his ground and faced it. Locke escaped unharmed and had some kind of spiritual awakening as a result. He initially told Michael that he did not see it, but later told Jack, "I've looked into the eye of this Island... and what I saw was beautiful." Template:Crossref Template:Crossref However, Locke would later claim that the entity he saw a "beautiful bright light," making it unclear if what he had seen was the Man in Black in his Monster form. Template:Crossref



The (mute) apparition of Christian Shephard was later seen on the Island several times by Jack. Template:Crossref Jack was convinced that these appearances were hallucinations brought on by lack of sleep and post-traumatic stress disorder. Locke encouraged Jack to suspend his skeptic nature and follow the apparitions. Jack did so and ended up discovering the caves, which contained a source of water and some debris from the plane. He found Christian's coffin intact among the wreckage, but the body was not inside. Template:Crossref

On day 6, while Jack was chasing an image of his father, the noises made by the Man in Black in his Monster form could be heard as Christian appeared among the trees. Following Jack's discovery of the caves, Arzt attempted to dissuade Hurley, Sun, Jin, and Michael from moving there. As Arzt told them about seeing Jack chase after his father, they heard the same roar in the jungle, prompting Arzt to change his mind about moving to the caves. Template:Crossref



Nearly three weeks after Locke's encounter, the Monster form of the Man in Black appeared to Boone in a hallucination brought on by a drug that Locke applied to his head. In Boone's vision, the Man in Black chased after Boone and his sister, Shannon. When he began chasing them, he appeared to shoot out of the ground and could be seen for a split second. The two escaped his first attack unharmed, but the Monster eventually returned to attack them again. This time, he caught Shannon, who was lagging behind Boone, and lifted her off the ground. Boone, already a distance away from Shannon and the Monster, was unable to do anything but watch in horror. Boone later found Shannon dead, mutilated, and covered in her own blood. The Monster's actions in Boone's dream appeared to be consistent with its behavior outside of the dream, even though Boone had never encountered it. Template:Crossref

Three weeks later, on their way to the Black Rock, a group comprising Rousseau, Jack, Locke, Hurley, Kate, and Arzt was chased by the Man in Black in his Smoke Monster form, in the Dark Territory. They hid behind some large trees where Rousseau declared they were "safe". Jack asked Rousseau what had chased them and she referred to him as a "security system". Jack asked her what it did and she told him, "Its purpose is that of any security system; to protect something." Kate then asked what it protected and Rousseau replied, "the Island." Template:Crossref



Later the same day, while carrying the dynamite from the Black Rock back through the Dark Territory in order to blow open the Hatch, the group was chased again by the Man in Black. He first appeared as a small wisp of smoke witnessed by both Jack and Kate, moving swiftly through the trees a short distance away. This was followed by the usual noises and explosions coming out from the ground and the uprooting trees. Template:Crossref

After his past encounter with the Man in Black, Locke was confident he would not be harmed and decided to approach the black smoke instead of running away. However, this time the Man in Black did attack Locke and knocked him to the ground. After looking up in horror, Locke stood and started running frantically. He was then "grabbed" by the black smoke and dragged across the ground by his left foot. Jack was able to grab Locke by the arms as the Monster attempted to pull Locke into a hole in the ground. Locke told Jack that everything would be all right and told him to let him go. But Jack refused, ordering Kate to get the dynamite from his backpack and throw it down the hole. When she did so, there was a large explosion and Locke was released. The cloud of black smoke was then seen dissipating as it retreated from the group. Template:Crossref


2x10 Eko Monster


在團隊於黑暗領地被攻擊後6日,CharlieMr. Eko遇到黑衣男。Eko第一次看到黑衣男,當時黑衣男正使用黑煙形象迅速地掠過他們,正如之前JackKate所見一樣。稍後,當Charlie正在一棵樹上時,Eko聽到不同聲音的圍繞著他,因此他四處走動想找出聲音來源。一陣黑衣男聲音被聽到,然後他出現了,剷除了一些樹。Charlie看到了黑衣男,並警告Eko逃跑,但是Eko卻留在原地不動。當怪獸浮到Eko面前時,幾個關於Eko過去的畫面出現在黑煙上,並發出了一些閃光和機械卡嗒聲。顯示了影像之後,黑煙突然縮小並回到地底。Template:Crossref


3x05 YemiInEko'sTent



在這一天之後,Eko在小型飛機那裡再次遇到了黑衣男,他又以Yemi的形象出現,並要求Eko為往日的罪行懺悔。Eko表示他對往日的罪既無悔意,亦不想從Yemi身上獲得原諒。"Yemi"回答,"你對我說話的語氣,就像我真是你的弟弟一樣。"("You speak to me as if I were your brother"),然後就轉身並消失於叢林中。Eko跟隨他進入森林,結果遇到處於黑煙狀態下的黑衣男。黑煙一下子膨脹到40英尺高,並捉住了Eko,反覆地將他撞到樹木和地面上,將他重傷。黑衣男稍後因為他的攻擊的聲音,引來了Locke和他的隊員(他們就在珍珠站)而消失於森林中。不久,Eko在喃喃說出遺言後,死於Locke的手臂中。其他隊員詢問有關他的遺言,Locke回答,"他說,我們就是下一個。"("He said, we're next.")Template:Crossref


3X15 MonsterJuliet



黑衣男再度出現於第二天,以三個小型黑煙的形象。三個黑煙迅速融為一體,並開始繼續追擊她們。這次在逃跑前,Juliet用在她口袋中的鎖匙(Juliet一直向Kate隱瞞鎖匙的存在)把手銬解開。Juliet然後跑到被關掉的音波牆的裡面,並要求Kate趕快過來。當Kate勉強走過來後,Juliet把防線開啟。怪獸試圖跟隨她們,但是被音波牆所擊退,猶如有一道隱形的牆壁將他擋住,音波牆抵擋期間,黑煙發出怪異的尖叫聲。由於不能衝破音波牆,於是黑衣男分裂成三個小煙,並回到叢林之中。Juliet則說,"我們不知道是甚麼,但是我們知道它不喜歡我們的音波牆。"("We don't know what it is, but we know that it doesn't like our fences.")Template:Crossref


Smoke monster


稍後,當Hurley在Locke隊伍中脫隊時,他偶然發現到Jacob的小屋。Hurley由屋的窗口望進,他看到Christian Shephard坐在Jacob的搖椅上,衣著與之前出現時完全一樣。突然,一個身份不明的男人的形象出現了,把Hurley嚇倒,Hurley因此逃離了小屋。Template:Crossref

當兵營遭到Martin Keamy和他的僱傭兵團攻打時,Ben的女兒Alex在衝突中被殺了,Ben為了報復,於家裡的密室召喚了黑衣男。黑衣男在森林中出現,以一個又長又快的黑雲,浮在地上。黑衣男進攻了僱傭兵團,令Ben和Locke的陣營逃跑了,其中只有一名僱傭兵,Mayhew,重傷於黑衣男的攻擊之中。黑衣男造成了他的敵人很大的混亂及恐慌,因為他們開火攻擊,但對方卻是毫無損傷。Keamy形容怪獸如同"一柱黑煙"。在黑衣男的攻擊中,他將樹從地上剷除了,並且看起來比以往更大,能將所有僱傭兵包在黑雲內。Template:Crossref





不久,"黑暗"Christian在貨輪上顯現在Michael Dawson面前,當時Michael正試圖用液態氮去阻止炸彈爆炸。在液態氮用盡後,Christian出現,伴隨著低聲語,並告訴Michael,他可以"離開"了。Michael一面不解,詢問Christian是誰,不過炸彈卻立即爆炸了,將貨輪炸沉。Template:Crossref

Claire Littleton跟著出現於小屋內的Christian Shepherd走後,她認識了黑衣男,並將他當成是一個"朋友",而且更認得出變成另一個人形的他。Claire表明她在3年內能倖存於其他人的攻擊,並生活於叢林中,是得到了黑衣男的協助。不過,他們二人關係的內情,及如何結識依然未明。Template:Crossref





在試圖阻止小島帶來的時空穿梭,Locke下到一個估計會連接到未來蘭花站內部的井內。在他下去的途中,另一次時空穿梭發生,將他困在地底,及令他摔斷了腿。在Locke喘氣時,黑衣男以Christian Shephard的形象,並於冰封的地底洞穴出現及接觸了Locke。黑衣男宣稱當他之前告訴Locke要移動小島,他是特別指明要由Locke來做,並表示聽從Ben的建議是沒有好結果的。黑衣男鼓勵Locke去轉動冰封轉輪,並確定Richard的說法,Locke將會在說服Oceanic Six回島時會死,黑衣男表示這是一個"犧牲"。




5x09 PictureOnTheWall


After Flight 316 crash-landed on Hydra Island, Sun and Frank took an outrigger canoe to the main Island, and subsequently began to search for Jin. As they approached the Barracks from the submarine dock, Sun and Frank heard the distinctive noises of the Man in Black's Monster form. Frank asked what made the noises, and Sun said it was probably an animal.

Shortly after, the Man in Black took on Christian's form, and was found by Sun and Frank in one of the houses at the Barracks. Sun asked him if he had seen Jin, to which he replied for them to follow him. Inside the Processing Center, the Man in Black searched for a photo on the wall and showed it to Sun. The photo revealed that Jack, Kate, and Hurley were members of the DHARMA Initiative in 1977. He then said that Sun had "a bit of a journey" ahead of her, Template:Crossref and that if she ever wanted to see Jin again, she was to go to Ben's old house and wait for John Locke. Template:Crossref


黑衣男第一次以John Locke的形象出現。Template:Crossref

Back at the Ajira crash survivors' camp on Hydra Island, the Man in Black took on Locke's form and appeared to the survivors. The following morning he was standing in the water as Ilana approached him. He introduced himself as "John Locke", and when questioned, he appeared to have the memories of the real Locke and told Ilana that he remembered dying. He later found Ben in the makeshift hospital set up in the Hydra station and informed Caesar that Ben was the man who had killed him. Template:Crossref. The Man in Black waited at Ben's bedside until Ben awoke, welcoming him back to "the land of the living". Template:Crossref

File:5x12 Fire in the hole.png


Back on the Hydra Island, Ben found himself truly surprised to find Locke alive. However, to appear innocent, Ben stated that he expected Locke's resurrection upon his return to the Island. Secretly, however, Ben had already begun planning to murder Locke once again, beginning by manipulating the survivors of Ajira Flight 316 and casting suspicion upon Locke. After a confrontation in which Caesar was killed, Ben and the Man in Black both traveled to the main Island in one of the outriggers where they met Sun and Frank. Once there the Man in Black convinced Ben to summon the Monster from the secret room beneath his house. During this time, the Man in Black disappeared briefly into the jungle. Upon returning, the Man in Black stated that he knew where the Monster resided and led Ben and Sun to the Temple. Upon entering the complex of tunnels beneath the Temple, Ben accidentally fell through a weak section of floor into a lower chamber. The Man in Black left Ben briefly to get something to help get him back up. However, the Man in Black did not do so, instead, it transformed into the Monster, and traveled down into the tunnels to confront Ben.



After hearing the familiar sounds of the black smoke, Ben watched in horror as it emerged through the vent and surrounded him, with Ben's memories of Alex flashing throughout the smoke. Weeping, Ben acknowledged that Alex's death was his fault, and the Monster, seemingly satisfied, retreated. However, he soon returned, transformed into the guise of Alex, and informed Ben that he knew of his plan to kill Locke again. He demanded Ben's firm dedication to follow Locke's leadership, or it would "destroy" him. Shaken, Ben promised to do as he was told, and the Man in Black vanished, returning to the form of Locke and returning to above the hole that Ben had fallen through, having fetched some rope. Ben managed to leave the Temple - telling the Man in Black that the Monster had let him live, ignorant of the fact that Locke and the Monster were the same being and had decieved him. Template:Crossref

5x15 OldFriends

黑衣男滲透入the Others之中。Template:Crossref

Leaving the Temple, the Man in Black took Ben and Sun to the Others' camp where they met with Richard Alpert. Richard greeted the Man in Black (whom he believed was Locke) with awe, commenting that there was something different about him, which the Man in Black attributed to his newfound purpose. Leaving Sun behind temporarily, the Man in Black, Richard and Ben departed on an "errand" into the jungle. Arriving at the fallen Beechcraft, the Man in Black gave Richard instructions in regards to the real time-shifting Locke who staggered, wounded out of the jungle moments later. The Man in Black's instructions were to help remove the bullet from Locke's leg and to tell him that he had to leave the Island and bring back all the people that left by dying. Template:Crossref After the time-shifting Locke moved on, the Man in Black demanded to be taken to Jacob, surprising Richard and Ben by inviting all of the Others to come with him. Afterwards, he announced, something will have to be done about the other Ajira passengers. As they set out along the beach, the Man in the Black secretly told Ben that he intended to kill Jacob, to Ben's shock. Template:Crossref

5x16 BenIsComing


Continuing on their trek to visit Jacob, Ben revealed to the Man in Black his encounter with Alex below the temple, still unaware that he was speaking to what he referred to as the Monster. The entity seemed quite pleased and then revealed to Ben that it was his wish that Ben be the one to kill Jacob. Later, Richard inquired how Locke had come to be alive again which the Man in Black attributed to Jacob and claimed that he wished to thank Jacob personally for the intervention. At a final stop at the long abandoned beach camp, the Man in Black continued his discussion with Ben. Ben revealed that he, in fact, had never met Jacob as leader of the Others. The Man in Black, attempting to turn Ben against Jacob, pointed out that in spite of all of Ben's loyal service to Jacob and the Island, he had contracted cancer, his daughter was killed and he was ultimately banished. The Man in Black then posed the question, "Why wouldn't you want to kill Jacob?" as a final means of convincing him. Continuing onwards, the group finally arrived after dark at the foot of the destroyed statue of Taweret. Despite Richard's objections, the Man in Black insisted on seeing Jacob immediately and that Ben would accompany him inside. Template:Crossref

5x16 IndeedIDid


Entering through the hidden door in the base of the statue, the Man in Black told Ben that killing Jacob wouldn't be easy, but once accomplished "things would change." The two entered, finding Jacob waiting for them. Jacob immediately recognized the Man in Black as his old enemy, calmly realizing that the Man in Black had found his "loophole." The Man in Black stated, "You have no idea what I've gone through to get here." Jacob addressed Ben, telling him that he had a choice: he could do as the Man in Black asked, or he could leave. An emotional Ben asked why Jacob had been ignoring him all these years. Angered at Jacob's apathy, Ben lost his temper and brutally stabbed Jacob twice in the chest. Falling to the floor and spitting blood, Jacob told the Man in Black, "they're coming." Looking somewhat startled, the Man in Black kicked Jacob into the fire pit at the center of the room, setting his body ablaze and killing him. Template:Crossref


6x01 MonsterFightsBodyguards


Ben, shocked at his actions, stared into the fire as the Man in Black cleaned the knife used to stab Jacob. He then ordered Ben to go outside and fetch Richard, though he would not tell Ben why he wanted to see Richard. Ben finally consented, though upon exiting the statue, he discovered that Richard already knew that the Locke inside the statue was an impostor, due to the fact that several survivors of Ajira Flight 316, including Bram and Ilana, had carried the real Locke's body to the statue.

Despite Richard's objections, Bram soon followed Ben into the statue with three other armed men. Bram confronted the Man in Black, and was shocked when the latter revealed that Jacob was dead. Realizing that Bram and the men were Jacob's "bodyguards", the Man in Black gave them permission to leave. Instead, Bram and his men opened fire on the Man in Black, apparently striking him several times, leaving a bent bullet on the ground. The Man in Black then disappeared behind a pillar. Momements later, the Smoke Monster entered the chamber through the doorway, throwing Bram and his men around the room and killing them all, though Bram temporarily repelled the Monster by surrounding himself with a circle of ash. Ben, who had been cowering in a corner, watched the Monster exit through the same door it had come in through. Ben turned around to find the Man in Black, in Locke's form, standing behind him. The Man in Black then apologized that Ben had to see him "like that", confirming to the shocked Ben that the Man in Black was indeed what had been long referred to as the Monster. Template:Crossref

6x01 VeryDisappointed


As the Man in Black moved the bodies of those whom he had killed, Ben questioned him over his identity. The Man in Black stated that he did not like being called by the pejorative term of "monster". He apparently had access to the deceased John Locke's memories, and stated his contempt for Locke's feebleness. The Man in Black even had access to Locke's last thought, which was "I don't understand." The Man in Black did, however, state some admiration for Locke's ability for the latter to to see how pathetic his former life was, and how he never desired to leave the Island. However, the Man in Black stated that his intent was completely different from Locke's: he wanted to go home.

The Man in Black then exited the statue, approaching Richard and telling him that it was good to see him "out of those chains." Once Richard realized that he was the Man in Black, the latter knocked Richard unconscious. After announcing his disappointment in everyone surrounding him, the Man in Black proceeded to pick up the unconscious Richard and carry him away from the statue. Template:Crossref



After offering Richard a chance to join him, which Richard declined, the Man in Black continued on to the Barracks, traveling in his Smoke Monster form, where he met with a drunk Sawyer. After convincing Sawyer to journey with him to find out why the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 were on the Island, the two set off for a cliffside cave. On the way, they both encountered a mysterious boy, who warned the Man in Black privately that killing "him" would be breaking the "rules." Upon the Man in Black's return, Sawyer coerced him to state his identity. The Man in Black assured Sawyer that he was once a man prior to his entrapment, but he no longer knew what it was to be free.

The two, after a dangerous climb down the cliff face, arrived at the cliffside cave.

6x05 MyFriend


Upon entering, the Man in Black approached a scale evenly balanced with a white and black stone, and threw the white stone in the ocean, tipping the scale in the black stone's favor. The Man in Black then escorted Sawyer into a cave, where Jacob had apparently been making a list of candidates, which included Sawyer. The Man in Black claimed this is why the survivors were on the Island. After negatively stating that Jacob manipulated Sawyer to come to the Island, the Man in Black explained the concept of candidates to Sawyer, and then offered him the choice of leaving the Island with him, to which Sawyer agreed. Template:Crossref

Later that day, he arrives at Claire's camp in the jungle, and meets Claire and a shocked Jin. Jin naturally assumes it is John Locke, but Claire corrects him that it is not. Both Claire and the Man in Black smile warmly at each other, and she identifies the Man in Black as her friend. Template:Crossref

6x06 StabbingAFriend


The Man in Black sent Claire into the Temple to convince Dogen to come out and talk to him. Dogen refused to emerge, knowing that if he did, the Man in Black would kill him. Instead, he sent Sayid on a mission to assassinate the Man in Black armed with an ancient knife, claiming that he is "evil incarnate," and forewarned to how to recognize his adversary and to strike before he could speak. This possibly futile mission could have been an attempt to get Sayid killed. As Sayid was walking through the jungle the trees started to shake and the characteristic noises of the Monster were heard, just before the Man in Black emerged from the trees. Although he allowed the Man in Black to speak a greeting Sayid stabbed him, but the Man in Black was completely unfazed. He pulled the knife out and politely offered it back to Sayid, then cryptically offered Sayid anything he wanted in exchange for his help; Sayid replied that the only thing he ever wanted "died in his arms" implying that he was referring to either Shannon or Nadia. The Man in Black reiterated his offer as possible.

6x06 MiB's Group


The Man in Black next sent Sayid to deliver a message to the Temple Others: they must evacuate the Temple by sundown and join him to leave the Island, or die. It is also likely that he told Sayid to kill Dogen. After Sayid does so, Lennon says that Dogen was the only thing keeping the Man in Black out, upon which Sayid kills Lennon and replies "I know." Cindy, Zach, Emma and some of the Others had vacated the Temple after Sayid's warning, but some remain. True to his word, the Man in Black, in Smoke Monster form, appeared just after sundown, bypassing the Temple's ash circle by unknown means. The black smoke rampaged throughout the Temple, killing every Other who remained. The Man in Black then returned to Locke's form and evidently approached the group of defecting Others from some distance. Joined by Sayid, Claire and Kate, the Man in Black walked off into the jungle with his followers, looking pleased with himself. Template:Crossref



The next day the Monster's noises were heard by Ben near the graveyard, at which point the Man in Black appeared. He told Ben of his group and that they were all going to be leaving the Island. He claimed that he had gone back to the statue to look for Ben but he had already left. The Man in Black stated that he wanted Ben to be in charge of the Island once he and his group left, asking Ben to meet them at the Hydra station on the other island. He gestured towards the shackle that Ilana had placed around Ben's leg, upon which it split open. He then told Ben where he could find a rifle nearby to use when Ilana gave chase, urging Ben to kill without hesitation. The Man in Black then left. Although Ben fled and found the rifle where it was promised, he choose instead to speak to Ilana about why he killed Jacob. After saying that joining the Man in Black was his only option Ilana forgave Ben, upon which he decided to remain at the beach camp with her group. Template:Crossref

The Man in Black and his followers arrived at the shelter Claire was residing. After being questioned by Cindy, he explained that the Black Smoke was what killed the Temple Dwellers, He then reassured his followers that they would be safe with him. After setting up camp, He took Sawyer aside and told him that he was the "smoke thing" and that he had to kill them or risk being killed himself. He then asked Sawyer to go to Hydra Island on one of the outriggers and perform some reconnaisance, in order to determine if the Ajira survivors had hostile intentions.

6x08 IDon'tWantToBeKilled

"我可不想被殺死。" Template:Crossref

Returning to the camp, the Man in Black broke up a fight between Claire and Kate, after Claire attacked Kate for taking Aaron off the island. The Man in Black explained to Claire that Kate had no choice and was only doing what she could to make sure Aaron was safe. Later, the Man in Black went to speak to Kate and explained that he told Claire that The Others had taken Aaron so she would keep on going. Kate asked him where he had sent Sawyer. Offering a hand up, the Man in Black says for Kate to come with him and he'd show her.

The Man in Black took Kate to a nearby beach and explained that Sawyer was simply checking up on the Ajira survivors over on Hydra Island. He went on to explain he wanted an opportunity to tell Kate that his mother was crazy, and because of this some things didn't turn out the way they could have. He also claimed that he had some issues that he was still addressing. The Man in Black explained the point of his story to be that now Aaron had a crazy mother also. Later on, Sawyer returned to the island and informed the Man in Black that he had encountered Charles Widmore and that he convinced Widmore that he'd lead the Man in Black into a trap over on Hydra Island. The Man in Black thanked Sawyer for his loyalty and they both left the beach to rejoin the camp. Template:Crossref

6x08 ComeWithMe


The Man in Black offered Jin advice on his wound and asked if Sawyer had told him about the names on the walls of the cliffside cave, unaware that they were being watched by Widmore's team. He explained that only a few names remained, including Kwon, and he was unsure whether it referred to either Sun or Jin. In order to flee the island, he claimed all of the remaining names must leave together. When Jin pointed out that Sun was not with them, the Man in Black replied that he was working on it. Before leaving, the Man in Black asked Sayid to watch over the camp. Sayid claimed that he no longer felt emotions such as anger, happiness and pain. The Man in Black replied that that was probably for the best to get through what was coming. Template:Crossref

After traveling some distance from the 815 survivors' former beach camp, Richard started yelling out into the jungle that he now wanted to join the Man in Black. The Man in Black, who apparently heard his call, arrived at a distance where he secretly watched Richard and Hurley talking. Apparently realizing Richard was no longer interested in joining him, he turned away with an angry expression on his face - his presence still unknown to Richard and Hurley. Template:Crossref

6X10 LockeLosesIt


Shorty thereafter, the Man in Black approached a startled Sun in her garden who immediately stepped away. MIB claimed to have found Sun's husband and added that intended to fulfill his promise of reuniting them, although it had taken him a little longer than he had imagined. Sun refused to believe him, pointing out he was responsible for the mass massacre at the Temple. The Man in Black replied calmly that the people he had killed there were confused and repeatedly lied to. Sun attempted to run away from him and he started chasing her through the jungle until she carelessly hit her head into a branch and fell unconscious.

Unsuccessful in recruiting Sun, the Man in Black returned to his camp, and found it routed. Upset, he attempted to revive Sayid who told him that the attackers had kidnapped Jin. Some later, the Man in Black told Sayid that he was taking an outrigget to the Hydra Island when Claire approached and demanded to know if she was a candidate herself. The Man in Black informed her that she wasn't, neither was Kate but he also explained to her that he needed Kate in order to get off the Island and once he had achieved that, he implied that Claire was allowed to kill her. Afterwards, Sayid and the Man in Black left the camp.

6x10 TwoSideOfAFence


When the Man in Black arrived on Hydra Island, he came face to face with Charles Widmore. He told Widmore that he had kidnapped one of his own, which Widmore denied. The Man in Black replied that a wise man had once said that there was a war coming on the Island and added that the war had just arrived.

Upon his return to the camp, Sawyer asked the Man in Black where Sayid was, to which the Man in Black replied by mentioning something being kept inside the locked room on Widmore's submarine and then stated that he did not like secrets. Sayid had remained behind on Hydra Island to find out who Widmore had behind the locked door on the sub. Template:Crossref

The next day Sayid returned to the camp and asked to speak to the Man in Black in private. A little bit away from the camp Sayid had Desmond Hume tied up to a tree and explained to the Man in Black that Desmond was the package on Widmore's sub. The Man in Black unties Desmond and asks him who he is. Desmond replies that he is John Locke and the Man in Black says that they need to take a walk. While on their walk they see a teenage boy.

6x12 DesmondAndTheWell


Desmond asks the Man in Black if he knows that boy and the Man in Black says to just ignore him. A little while later they come upon a Well. The Man in Black asks Desmond how old he thinks the well is. Desmonds says he thinks it is very old. Then the Man in Black explains that the spot where the well is use to make compass needles spin around really fast. He then asks Desmond why he isn't afraid to which Desmond asks "What's the point in being afraid?" The Man in Black, angered by this, pushes Desmond into the well and walks back to his camp. Sayid asks him about Desmond and the Man in Black tells him that they don't have to worry about him anymore. Later, Hurley, Sun, Frank, and Jack arrive in the Man in Black's camp.Template:Crossref

The Man in Black tells Jack he was hoping he would come and invites him to have a conversation. Jack tells him he looks just like John Locke and says that what bothers him is that he has no idea what the hell the Man in Black is. The Man in Black says he chose Locke's body because he was stupid enough to think he was on the island for a reason and he pursued that idea until it got him killed. He adds that he needed Locke's dead body to look like him, and claimed that he also impersonated Christian Shepherd and helped lead the survivors to water in the caves. The Man in Black says he was only trying to help Jack leave and that he was always trapped on the Island because Jacob had chosen him. He adds that, because Jacob is now dead, they are longer trapped and could fly away in a plane, but it has to be "all of us". The Man in Black adds that John Locke was not a believer, but a sucker.

Later, he comes to the center of the camp and says how nice it is to have everyone back together again. Zoe arrives to ask The Man in Black to return what he had taken. He says he doesn't know what Zoe is talking about. Zoe uses a two way radio and confirms they have a fix on her position and asks that they show them what they are capable of. A missile explodes nearby. Zoe gives Locke until night to return what he took and leaves the radio for Locke to make arrangements. The Man in Black smashes the radio with his completed stake. The Man in Black tells his camp that their hand has been forced by the Widmore group provoking a confrontation and to gather their things to go the Hydra Island and get on the plane. He sends Sawyer with a map to get a boat and to collect them all. He also asks Sayid to go to the well and kill Desmond. Sayid seems to hesitate but the Man in Black asks him if he still wants what he asked for.


"你是我的一方了。" Template:Crossref

Later, he leads his group toward the boat. Locke drops back, concerned that Sayid has not joined them. He asks Sun whether she has seen Sayid. She writes a note saying that he took away her power of speech, but the Man in Black is annoyed and says he didn't do anything to her. He runs off to find Sayid. He finds Sayid and wonders why he took so long. Sayid tells him he just killed an unarmed man and that he needed a moment. There is tension as he says that he killed Desmond and that The Man in Black could go and check, which he chooses not to do. Later, The Man in Black reaches the beach and finds the boat gone. Jack arrives back on the beach and the Man in Black makes light of Jack's swim and confirms that Sawyer took "his" boat. Widmore launches a missile which lands on the beach and throws Jack and some of the others through the air. The Man in Black runs to Jack and carries him inland as another missile hits. He put Jack down and tells him not to worry, because "you're with me now." Template:Crossref

Non-canon appearances

Lost: Via Domus

In the video game Lost: Via Domus, Elliott encountered the Monster several times. Most of the encounters are in the jungle and all occur almost exactly like Jack, Kate, and Charlie's encounter after visiting the cockpit. Template:Crossref

The standard encounters happen in the jungle, where the small wisps are first seen, followed by the Monster's signature loud noises. Elliott then runs until he finds banyan tree roots, where he hides until the Monster retreats. On one of these occasions, the Monster attacks Beady Eyes on a tree-fort-like scouting post where he was shooting at Elliott as he ran past in the jungle. Template:Crossref

The Monster also attacks Elliott within the caves, but he is saved by Locke before the Monster can get to him. Template:Crossref

Later in the game, the Monster chases Elliott the distance between the Swan station and the sonar fence. The Monster finally catches up to Elliott, but doesn't harm him. Instead, it hovers in front of Elliott for some time, and then leaves. Template:Crossref This encounter is almost identically to Eko's encounter with the Monster. Template:Crossref

The Monster then leaves and is not seen again in the game. Template:Crossref

Signs of Life

In the semi-canon Lost novel Signs of Life, Locke, Charlie, Hurley, Jeff, and Michael encountered the Monster while on a boar hunt several weeks after the crash. The group heard the Monster traveling towards them after several hours of unsuccessful hunting and were forced to flee further inland from the beach camp.

Locke led the group to a small cliff, which they scaled in the hope of avoiding its oncoming path. Hurley, the last to climb, nearly fell into the Monster's path after sliding several feet down the side of the cliff, moderately scraping the front of his chest and stomach in the process. He managed to regain his grip only moments before the Monster reached the cliff base.

The group discovered a large underground tunnel shortly after reaching the clifftop, where they hid until the Monster moved on. They did not see the Monster during the encounter, although they did speculate briefly as to its nature. (Signs of Life)

Lost: The Mobile Game

In Lost: The Mobile Game for iPods and mobile phones, there is a level where Kate tells you to stop the Monster by taking some dynamite and blowing up the vent where it is coming out of, in order to save Sawyer.






圖片 名字 集數 死亡方法 描述
Jonas Whitfield "" 撞穿黑岩號的甲板 在黑岩號撞上小島後,Whitfield被黑煙所攻擊,被捉住並扯上船隻的甲板。
Nadine "" 不明 Nadine與科研隊伍的人員進入了黑暗領地,遭到黑煙的攻擊。在黑煙摧毀一棵樹後,屍體從樹上墮下。
Montand "" 手臂被扯開 Montand與科研隊伍的人員進入黑暗領地,被黑煙攻擊並拖入神廟的圍牆底下的一個洞穴。在隊伍試圖捉住他的手臂,將他拉回來時,失去了他的手臂。他估計可能生還於攻擊中,並因為受傷而死,因為Sayid和其他生還者被帶入神廟時,看到他的遺骸。
Seth Norris "" 不明 第1季 第1集被黑煙殺害。當機長向生還者們解釋,飛機已經偏離航道上千公里、他本來準備降落於斐濟後,他在駕駛艙中被扯出來,稍後他的屍體被發現掛在樹上。
Mr. Eko "" 撞向樹木和地面 在Eko看到黑煙使用Yemi的形象出現幾次後,被黑煙所殺。Eko的死,似乎是因為他拒絕懺悔他過往所作的罪行
Mayhew "第4季 第9集" 撞向樹木和地面 AlexKeamy第4季 第9集謀殺後,Ben召喚了他攻擊僱傭兵們,作為復仇。Mayhew在數天後,因為重傷而死。
未名的Ajira乘客 "第6季 第1集" 撞向天花板和地板 試圖射擊使用John Locke形象的黑煙,最後被拋向Statue of Taweret的天花板和地板而死。
未名的Ajira乘客 "第6季 第1集" 撞向另一名同伴 試圖射擊使用John Locke形象的黑煙,最後被捉住並撞向另一名同伴。
未名Ajira乘客 "第6季 第1集" 撞向另一名同伴 試圖射擊使用John Locke形象的黑煙,最後被捉住並撞向另一名同伴。
Bram "第6季 第1集" 被木標樁插死 試圖射擊使用John Locke形象的黑煙。攻擊失效後,試圖用灰燼環來保護自己,但黑煙用間接方法(撞塌天花板)來將他撞出圈外,然後將他摔到Jacob的掛毯上,標樁將他插死。



圖片 名字 集數 死亡方法 描述
Black Rock (full)
黑岩號的船員 "" 捉住並被拋到船的甲板上 當黑岩號撞到小島上後,5名船員(包括Jonas Whitfield)仍然生存,直至黑衣男到達並進行屠殺。估計除了Richard Alpert外,所有船員均被黑煙殺死。
神廟其他人 "" 撞到多個牆及柱子 在神廟中的其他人,曾獲得一個機會去選擇是否跟隨黑衣男。最終那些拒絕,並留在神廟中的被人,均在日落時被屠殺。根據畫面,至少9個人被殺害了。



圖片 名字 集數 死亡方法 描述
Nikki Fernandez "" 癱瘓並活埋 在Nikki把一隻真正的雌性Medusa spider拋到Paulo身上、並聽到黑煙的音效後,一大群雄性蜘蛛出現,並將她同樣癱瘓了。稍後其他生還者發現到她,並以為她已經死了,將她和Paulo一起活埋。
Jacob "" 被Ben刺死 黑衣男不能夠自己殺害Jacob,於是他在整個世紀裡尋找一個"漏洞",最終擺佈了Ben在Statue of Taweret裡刺死Jacob。










在過去,黑衣男曾經採用梅杜莎蜘蛛的形象出現,以攻擊並癱瘓生還者之一的Nikki。他可能運用過其他形象出現(例如是Jack的父親,Christian Shephard),但是卻從未證實過。






一些場合中,黑衣男亦顯現了一些不尋常的預知能力。在使用John Locke的形象時,他知道何時、何地,會遇到緊急降落在Hydra Island的316班機的生還者。Template:Crossref 之後,他亦帶著Richard Alpert到準確的時間和地點,找到了時空跳躍到未來而受傷的Locke。Template:Crossref



DHARMA計劃的音波牆,能夠將處於黑煙狀態下的黑衣男阻擋。當Juliet啟動音波牆後,黑煙撞到一個隱形的力牆,黑煙發出了一些尖叫後,重新返回叢林之中。Template:CrossrefCharles Widmore到達Hydra Island後,他的部下們開始擺設一系列的可移動式的音波鐵塔,以阻擋黑衣男。Template:Crossref


灰燼圈能夠將黑衣男阻隔在外。灰燼圈有兩種顏色,黑色及淺灰色(可以稱為"白色")。已經知道,黑色灰燼是可以用來阻擋黑衣男,至少是能夠阻擋處於黑煙狀態下的他。Bram在神像底下,試圖用灰燼來圍住自己,以免受到黑衣男的攻擊。黑衣男不能穿越灰燼去直接攻擊Bram,於是他撞塌天花板,天花板墮下的石塊將Bram趕出了圈外,使他跌到木標樁上被插死。("LA X, Parts 1 & 2")

黑色灰燼亦曾經在Hurley告訴DogenLennon,Jacob被殺的消息後出現,因為神廟中的人緊急地將灰燼散佈在神廟周圍。("LA X, Parts 1 & 2") 不過,在Dogen被殺後,黑煙成功通過灰燼圈,屠殺了神廟中的反抗他的人。灰色(或是白色)的灰燼,則在BenLocke前往那座聲稱是屬於Jacob的小屋時,被見到散佈於小屋的周圍。("The Man Behind the Curtain") 黑色灰燼亦同樣於小屋的一張椅子的周圍被看到,屋內的一個隱形人,對Locke說"救我",並攻擊了Ben,將他撞開。這個神秘人是Jacob,還是其他另外的人,仍然未明,因為在之前,可見到黑衣人在島上自由地四處出沒。

灰色(或是白色)灰燼的用途,能否如同黑色灰燼一樣,阻擋黑衣男是依然未明。儘管這些灰燼的顏色,與平時Jacob穿的白色衣服是相似(因為黑衣男是身穿黑色衣服,而能夠阻擋他的灰燼是黑色的),但灰燼可能是用來禁錮Jacob於小屋裡面。Ilana在Jacob死後,在密室中的火堆熄滅後,取走他的骨灰,這些骨灰亦同樣是灰色(或是白色)。("The Substitute").


在幾個情況下,角色們會為了逃避黑衣男,躲在榕樹叢林中,而黑衣男似乎並不能通過榕樹。在機長被黑煙殺害後,Kate曾經躲藏在榕樹之中。Template:CrossrefBoone的幻覺中,他與Shannon被黑煙追擊,於是躲藏在其中一棵榕樹之中。Template:Crossref 稍後,Rousseau表示躲在榕樹叢林中,能夠避開黑煙的攻擊。Template:Crossref 當Kate和Juliet被黑煙追擊時,她們亦躲到一個榕樹叢林中。黑煙來到榕樹枝條前,強光閃耀到她們面上後,他就離開了。Template:Crossref 黑煙在Locke的形象下,能夠接觸到坐在榕樹林下面的Kate。Template:Crossref




圖片 名字 首次出現 最後出現 描述
怪獸 第1季 第1集 第6季 第9集 黑衣男最常使用的一個形象,就是一縷黑色的雲,被形容為看似黑煙。被稱為"怪獸",殘忍地殺害過多名角色,及饒過一些人的性命。怪獸能夠在它的體內,顯示出關於角色的過去的畫面,並製造出一些生物和機械聲音。
黑衣男 第5季 第16集 第6季 第9集 黑衣男是一名穿著黑色衣服的老人。曾經在Statue of Taweret外的沙灘與Jacob交談。這個形象到底是他的主要人形,還是一個他所假扮的死人,仍然未明。黑衣男曾對Sawyer說,他曾是"一個人,就像你一樣。",並能夠"感受到歡樂、憤怒、恐懼和經歷背叛。"若他的聲稱是真確的話,極有可能這個形象就是他的本體。
MiB Isabella-Portal
Isabella 第6季 第9集 第6季 第9集 黑岩號撞到小島上後,黑衣男使用了Isabella的形象,Isabella是黑岩號最後一名生還者,Richard Alpert的過世妻子。他試圖用這個形象,去說服Richard認為他已經死了,並去了地獄。另一邊,他在船外製造出怪獸的音效,促成Isabella的形象消失,誘使Richard出發去"拯救"她。
Christian Shephard 第1季 第4集 第5季 第9集 黑衣男宣稱他曾經假扮成Christian Shephard,由815班機空中解體後,直至Locke的屍體由316班機被帶回小島。在使用此形象下,他引領Jack洞穴,並與Locke在小屋之中交談,告知他必須移動這個小島。黑衣男並使用這個形象,誘使並說服了ClaireAaron留在叢林中,並陪他在小屋裡。
Yemi 第3季 第5集 第3季 第5集 黑衣男曾假扮成Yemi去操控Eko。他第一次出現於Eko的帳篷,不知為何點起火燄。稍後Eko進入森林,他被怪獸和其他形象所跟蹤。最終,Yemi在尼日利亞飛機與Eko接觸,要求Eko為他犯過的罪懺悔。但當Eko拒絕後,黑衣男變成了黑煙,殺害了Eko。
Alex Rousseau 第5季 第12集 第5季 第12集 Ben在神廟下的隧道接受審判時,黑衣男使用了Alex的形象出現。在Ben被黑煙包圍,並看到他過去的畫面後,Alex出現了,並暴力地逼令Ben要聽從Locke的每一句說話,否則她就會殺了他。Ben同意了,但其實他當時不知道黑衣男亦使用Locke的形象。
6x01 Go home
John Locke 第5季 第7集 第6季 第12集 黑衣男最近經常假扮成John Locke的形象。Locke的屍體隨Ajira航空316班機回到了島上。黑衣男使用了Locke的形象,以擺佈Ben去殺害Jacob。這個騙局一直成功,直至Ilana把Locke的屍首顯示給Richard和其他人看。所有生還者均已知道黑煙扮成Locke,但只有Richard表示,他知道黑衣男的真正身份。根據Ilana的說法,除了黑衣男原本的黑煙形象,Locke的形象是現在黑衣男唯一可以使用的人形。



  • 生還者們直接地稱他為"Monster"(怪獸)"Smoke Monster"(煙怪)
  • DHARMA計劃似乎是稱他為"Cerberus"(刻耳柏洛斯,希臘神話中的地獄三頭犬)
  • 根據Ben的說法,其他人沒有為他創造任何名字。
  • Rousseau和她的愛人Robert,都稱他為"security system"(安全系統)
  • Sawyer和黑衣男本人,都稱黑煙為"the smoke thing"(那個像煙的東西)Template:Crossref
  • Jacob稱他為"an old friend(一個老朋友)"。 Template:Crossref
  • Claire稱呼他為"my friend(我的朋友)"和"you know who(那個人)"。 Template:Crossref, Template:Crossref
  • Dogen稱他為"an angry man(一個憤怒的人)"。 Template:Crossref
  • Isabella的鬼魂透過Hurley告訴Richard,他必須要阻止"the man in black(黑衣男)"離開小島。這是劇集首次用"黑衣男"這個稱呼。 Template:Crossref
  • Jacob問過Richard,是否在叢林中曾與"a man, dressed in black(一個穿著黑色衣服的男人)"交談過。Template:Crossref
  • 黑衣男遇到Richard時,Richard問了"Who are you?(你是誰)"。黑衣男回答"A friend(一個朋友)"。Template:Crossref
  • Widmore表示過,黑衣男"obviously not John Locke(明顯不是John Locke)",並稍後向Jin表示黑衣男是"that thing(那東西)"。Template:Crossref


  • 第5季 第16集中,他被稱為Man #2(第2名男子)
  • 在"第6季 第1集"中2007年的他被稱為Locke
  • 第6季 第9集,1867年的他被稱為man in black(黑衣男,沒有前置詞、大寫)



  • 黑衣男的黑煙形象,經常被稱為"Smokey"


第5季 第16集出現了黑衣男的人形後,劇迷創造了一些暱稱來稱呼他。包括:

  • "Esau(以掃)";在聖經中,Jacob(雅各)的兄長是Esau(以掃)。in the Bible a character named Jacob has a brother named Esau. "God loves you as He loved Jacob(神愛你如同祂愛Jacob一樣)"是一段Karl Martin曾看過的DHARMA計劃洗腦影片中的一句說話。Jacob是一名接觸過候選人的神秘人物,所以很多劇迷立即將與Jacob敵對的黑衣男,稱為Esau(以掃)。 [1]
  • "Flocke(假Locke)",是一個合併詞,將英語的"Fake(虛假的)"和"Locke"合併。巧合地,Flocke亦是紐倫堡公園中的一隻北極熊的名字。
  • "Mock-Locke(假Locke)",同上,將英語的"Mock(虛假的)"和"Locke"合併。兩個英文字均是押韻。
  • "Un-Locke(反Locke)"同上,代表真正Locke的相反。在TV Guide[2]中使用了。
  • "Samuel",經常被使用,因為在招募黑衣男的角色時,這是本來會使用的名稱。
  • "Man in Black(黑衣男)" (MIB),由ABC的官方網站劇透和IMDB使用的名字。這個名字亦被編劇Damon LindelofCarlton Cuse所採用。 [3]
  • "Jacob's enemy(Jacob的敵人)"和"Jacob's nemesis"(Jacob的仇敵),因為他的角色是與Jacob敵對(在Lostpedia的英文版使用)。
  • "Smocke",合併詞,將英語的"Smoke(煙)"和"Locke"合併。因為黑衣男是黑煙,而他又採用了Locke的形象。
  • "Locke Ness Monster",以蘇格蘭的尼斯湖水怪(Loch Ness Monster)改成。被編劇Damon LindelofCarlton Cuse採用於2010年2月22日的播客中。



  • The Man in Black was the thirty-third, and so far the last character to ever have a flashback.
  • The Man in Black has a name that is significant to the show, but the name is presently unknown even to Titus Welliver, who portrayed the Man in Black in "" and "".[4]
  • The original appearance of the Monster was the first major plot twist of Lost and changed how the viewers and characters perceived the Island. Template:Crossref
  • The alleged appearance of the smoke monster swooping down and causing the turbine explosion was officially debunked by the producers. Template:Crossref
  • The entity, in the form of the black smoke, has been seen or heard by all the main characters except Daniel, Ana Lucia, Charlotte and Libby. Locke, Jack, Kate, Charlie, Eko, Juliet, Jin, Ben, Sawyer, Claire, Hurley, Miles, Sayid, Frank, Sun, Ilana and Desmond have had "close encounters" with it. Michael, Walt, Shannon, Boone, Nikki and Paulo have all heard the Monster but not seen it. Richard has been shown encountering the monster in the forms of the Black Smoke, Man in Black, and as Flocke.
    • In its human forms, the Man in Black has met Sawyer, Sun, Eko, Ben, Frank, Ilana, Richard, Claire, Jin, Sayid, Kate, Desmond, Jack and Hurley.

Locke's drawing of the Monster

  • Richard Alpert took notice of a picture that a five-year-old Locke drew of a man being attacked by a cloud of whirling black smoke. Template:Crossref
  • Cerberus is also the common name for dog-faced water snakes, a genus of water snakes in the Colubridae family.
  • Cerberus in the Greek Mythology was a multi-headed hound which guards the gates of Hades, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping. Robert claimed the monster wasn't a monster at all, but a security system charged with guarding the Temple.
  • In the May 26, 2006 Official Lost Podcast, the producers said, "There's a good chance that you guys saw the Monster this year Season 2, but just didn't realize you were looking at the Monster." Gregg Nations later stated that the appearance of the Monster was after the episode "" and likely in the second half of the season.
  • As described by Danielle Rousseau, the entity may have some connection to the Sickness. Template:Crossref
  • When the entity appeared in human form, his shirt and Jacob's shirt are contrasted. Jacob wears a light colored shirt, while his nemesis wears a dark shirt. Template:Crossref
  • In November 2009, executive producer Damon Lindelof stated that, regarding the scene in "" where Locke explains to Walt the premise of backgammon using the concept of light and dark, he and fellow co-creator JJ Abrams had planned for those two sides to eventually be personified by two individuals (in reference to Jacob and the Man in Black). [1]
  • The casting call described the entity's 1800's appearance as "Samuel. Any ethnicity, 40s-60s. A corporate raider looking to take over his next company. Powerful, devious and obtuse. He has a cunning intellect and a strong sense of danger. May lead to recurring. Looking for someone very interesting and very special for this role..."[5]
  • After his death, Jacob describes the Man in Black to Hurley as "an old friend who became tired of my company."
  • Dogen describes the Man in Black to Sayid first as "an angry man" who is influencing Claire, then "evil incarnate."
  • The Man in Black evidently has a streak of sadism, as shown in the brutality of its attacks as the Monster, and the apparent amusement it expressed at John Locke's confusion about his own murder.
  • Since a DVD commentary reveals the monster sound effect to be a NYC taxi cab printer, Rose's familiarity with the sound may be an in-joke.
  • In what appeared to have been a red herring, on June 14, 2006, DJ Dan fielded a call on his podcast, which was part of the ARG The Lost Experience, from a scientist worrying about nanotechnology (miniature machines that can carry out tasks). The caller suggested that with an electromagnetic field, the machines could work together to form a "storm cloud" that could actually think. This clearly was a reference to the Monster, but the theory had already been discredited by the producers in the July 31, 2006 podcast, and again in the first DJ Dan live broadcast.
  • In the Christian Bible, Revelation 9:2 refers to a black smoke released from the bottomless pit (where it has been trapped) as part of the herald of the apocalypse. Revelation 9:1-3 "The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. 2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss"
  • In Greek Mythology Typhon (which comes from the Greek word τύφειν (typhein): to smoke). He is the most deadly monster in all of Greek mythology. He attempts to over trow Zeus and kill him. He is eventually defeated by Zeus and trapped under Mount Etna. Typhon is also the parent of Cerberus.

Cultural references

  • Prior to the TV series "Lost" the term "Man In Black" was generally recognized as a reference to a secret government agent that seeked to recover aliens from other worlds on Earth secretly living among humans in the 1997 movie Men In Black. That was in turn derived from a belief by some that in real life mysterious government agents from an unknown government entity went about maintaining the US government's secrets from the people by less than Constitutional means; including lethal methods if necessary.
  • Forbidden Planet is a classic sci-fi film based on Shakespeare's The Tempest and was mentioned by writer David Fury when describing the Monster. Its storyline features many similar themes to Lost: a mysterious location, geographic isolation, immense power sources, ancient civilizations, hidden underground facilities, an invisible monster, a stranded crew of explorers, lost scientific expeditions, and deadly psychic powers. The howling noise frequently made by the smoke monster in 'Lost' is strikingly similar to noises made by the monster from 'Forbidden Planet'.
    • The Tempest is a play written by William Shakespeare, that tells the story of the sorcerer Prospero and his daughter Miranda, who are stranded on a mysterious desert island that has mystical properties. Prospero raises a storm, or tempest, which causes a passing ship containing his enemies to run aground. Using magic, spirits and a man-beast creature named Caliban, he separates and manipulates the survivors of the wreck for his own purposes. The play ends with Prospero restored to his former glory.
      • The Tempest is also the name of a DHARMA Initiative station that stores a deadly toxic gas. It is unknown if there is any connection between this station and the Monster.
  • In Stanisław Lem’s sci-fi novel Invincible, people find monsters in a form of black clouds on a distant planet. The clouds turn out to be swarms of insect-like micro-machines, a new form of life, born through evolution of autonomous, self-replicating machines.
  • When the Monster approached Mr. Eko, the sequence resembled the extension of the long column of water from the moon pool in the movie The Abyss. Template:Crossref
  • In Dane Cook's "Rough Around the Edges" tour, he references the Monster, calling it a "Smokey Dragon", and wonders why no one ever thinks about it when they go into the woods. Template:Crossref
  • The Outer Limits episode 18 from season 4 was called "Monster" and featured a man named Ford Maddox, who through government experimentation was capable of unconsciously conjuring up a murderous, smoke-like creature using telekinesis.
  • In Dante's Inferno, Cerberus inhabits the Third Circle of Hell, where he torments the gluttonous. Cerberus is described as "black" and as a "great worm".
    • Actually Cerberus is described as in the Greek mythology. The following was taken from The Divine Comedy Inferno - Canto VI: Cerberus, monster cruel and uncouth, With his three gullets LIKE A DOG is barking Over the people that are there submerged. Red eyes he has, and unctuous beard and black, And belly large, and armed with claws his hands; He rends the spirits, flays, and quarters them
  • The British television series Sapphire and Steel (specifically the second "assignment", in the railway station) features an antagonistic, amorphous, shadowy entity known as "The Darkness", the appearance of which is frequently heralded by incoherent whispers. This creature has a particular affinity for the spirits of people killed before their time, and causes them to appear before the living to serve its agenda. Other LOST-like traits displayed by the Darkness include time manipulation, psychokinesis, mind possession, and the creation of apparently solid delusions / hallucinations.
  • Doctor Who: The Face of Evil, from the original BBC series (1976), is set in an alien jungle "haunted" by invisible, roaring, psychic entities that hunt down and kill intruders. They are kept at bay by a security fence of sonic disruptors.
  • Cerberus’ three heads relate to the threefold symbol of the baser forces of life. They represent the past, the present and the time yet to come.[2]
  • In book of Holy Quran it is foretold a kind of punishment in the day of judgment, it is mentioned in the 44th Surah of AlDukhan (The Smoke) verse 10-11:"Then watch thou for the Day that the sky will bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible, enveloping the people this will be a penalty grievous".
  • Similarities with the Edimmu in Sumerian Mythology are striking.
  • In William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies, one of Lost's major influences, survivors on a deserted island live in constant fear of an entity they dub "The Monster". Unlike on Lost, the "Monster" in Golding's work is a figment of the survivors' imaginations, and fear of this monster is a major driver of the story. Also, interestingly enough, the survivors mistake a corpse hung up on a tree by a parachute for this monster, much in the same way Naomi was caught in a tree upon landing on the Island.
  • ABC's recap of ""[6] refers to him as the Man in Black. In Stephen King's The Stand and Dark Tower series, "the Man in Black" is a name used for an antagonist also known as Randall Flagg or Walter o'Dim.
  • The late country singer Johnny Cash had "The Man in Black" as his nickname.
  • In the game "The Legend of Dragoon", the main character makes numerous references to the Black Monster, a creature who initially appears shrouded in black smoke.
  • The smoke monster has been compared to the white weather balloon called Rover in the 1960s television series The Prisoner in that both act as a sort of protector and ominous presence.[7]
  • The "ticka-ticka" sound of the monster before and as it appears is very similar to scenes in the movie The Right Stuff where occasionally a mob of photographers and journalists will comically appear climbing over fences or reaching through windows at astronauts' homes where the wives of the Mercury Seven sit idly by watching the coverage of the latest mission on television. There is a distinct "ticka-ticka" noise in the background, made up of cameras snapping and what sounds like typewriters typing at a constant rate, that increases in volume as the mob increases in size and "attacks", much like the monster's sound increases as it nears and grows to attack.
  • The Man in Black holds many parallels with Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost where Satan is portrayed as a protagonist.


  • Hurley and Paulo both questioned whether the Monster was a dinosaur. (Lost is filmed on many of the same locations used by Jurassic Park.)
  • Hurley also said the Monster could be just a "pissed off giraffe". This is an ongoing inside-joke between the producers and writers, as noted in the Season 1 DVD commentary. Template:Crossref
  • There is considerable discussion about the entity's relation to judgment of the characters, especially with regards to Eko's two encounters. In the November 6, 2006 Official Lost Podcast, the producers said:

Carlton Cuse: Well then, he might be a manifestation that the Island has generated. Perhaps an incarnation of the Monster?

Damon Lindelof: That's interesting. I would assume that that's sort of a theory that people are tossing around. Um… there's several manifestations in that episode. All of them seem to have come from Eko's memory. So, could one assume that when they last faced off, that all those flashes that happened in the Monster cloud, that it was sort of "downloading information" that it might want to use at a future date?

  • David Fury had this to say about the Monster in an interview with Lostpedia:

Metaphorically, the Monster was just the great unknown threat, the imminent danger around the corner that potentially haunts us all… Some thought of it as a monster of the id, much like in Forbidden Planet-- that maybe it appeared differently to everyone who saw it. The most tangible thought, as explained later by Rousseau, was that it functioned as a security system set up by the Island’s creators/early residents... For Locke, clearly, the Monster was the "soul" of the Island that was responsible for his "miracle." Template:Crossref

Sound effects

In the form of the black smoke monster, the entity releases several distinct noises.

  • The howling sound is usually in concert pitch A. The frequency of this pitch is 440 hertz. In music, "A-440" is the standard to which musical instruments are tuned.
  • In the voice-over commentary for "" on the Season 2 DVD, producer Bryan Burk confirmed that one of the Monster's sound effects is the receipt printer from a NYC taxi cab. You can hear the sound at this link
  • This was reaffirmed in the May 21, 2007 Official Lost Podcast, but it was clarified that the mythology of the Monster is unrelated to the cabs and was just a matter of sound effects. This sound effect was heard in the following scenes:
    • When Locke punched some numbers into a counting machine, right before the first commercial Template:Crossref
    • As the Monster flew by Kate and Jack Template:Crossref
    • Before Nikki gets bitten by the Medusa spider, as was confirmed on the Season 3 DVD commentary for that episode Template:Crossref

Production notes

  • Some viewers believed that the The Twins (Others) could be amongst the entity's manifestations, but this was officially debunked in an interview with Damon Lindelof. He said they hired the twin stunt men to be guys on the Others' boat, but they were never meant to become important to the storyline. Damon Lindelof said, "We can tell you, sitting here now that twins have nothing to do whatsoever with the mythology of the show." Template:Crossref
  • In the production building on the Disney lot where the Lost production has been housed, Cerberus is the name of the safety and fire protection system. The three-headed dog logo can be found all over the grounds.

Producer's favorite fan theory

In February 2007, Damon Lindelof opened a question on Yahoo! Answers about the nature of the Monster. The answer he and Carlton Cuse liked the best was given by user ar233. Out of over 8000 submitted answers, the winner was:

I think the Monster was originally a highly advanced security system designed to separate participants in the experimental DHARMA hatches. I think it was an effect that was designed to frighten people (smoke, noise) if they strayed too far from their experiment location. (A bit Wizard of Oz-like.) However, the electromagnetic force has mutated it—in the same sense as Desmond experienced time travel and can now see the future after exposure—and made it malevolent and able to physically grab things in its force (Eko, the pilot, Locke). So in theory it may be able to be deactivated, if they can find the control room for it (which would be another hatch somewhere yet undetected).

The producers' explanation as to why they picked that answer was:

We were amazed at the imagination and prodigious creativity applied to answering the question, what is the Monster? We have chosen our favorite answer. Not that's it's the right answer. Sorry, but we can't really give away the ultimate secrets of the Monster quite yet. The answer we selected might be somewhat right, totally right, or completely off-base. But we liked it and found it very cool and intriguing. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write in. We loved reading your thoughts, and thanks for watching! -Carlton and Damon

They later stated they were impressed by how close some of the responses came.


  1. 請不要在這裡解釋這些謎題
  2. 提出問題時請不要暗示答案


  • 黑衣男的名字到底是甚麼?
  • 黑衣男的能力到底包括甚麼?
    • 黑衣男需要用到死者的屍體,來偽裝成他們的形象嗎?
      • 如果是需要的,為何他能夠使用Isabella的形象?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男會被音波牆擊退?
  • 灰燼環為何能夠阻擋了黑衣男?


  • 黑衣男的來歷到底是甚麼?
  • 黑衣男到底來了小島有多久?
  • 如果黑衣男的說法是真確的話,他是如何及何時由正常人變成現在的模樣?
  • 黑衣男到底是愛哪些人?
    • 黑衣男是如何失去了他們?
  • 黑衣男與Jacob的關係是甚麼?
    • 黑衣男和Jacob到底為了甚麼而發生爭論?
    • 到底所謂的"Jacob的背叛"是發生了甚麼事?
    • 如何及為何Jacob要奪去黑衣男的肉體和"人性"?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男需要一個"漏洞"去殺害Jacob?
    • "漏洞"其實是指甚麼?


  • DHARMA計劃有多少了解關於黑衣男?


  • 其他人有多少了解關於黑衣男?
    • 為甚麼Richard不向其他人分享他遇過黑衣男?


  • Locke第一次遇見怪獸時,Locke到底看到的"美麗"光芒是指甚麼?
  • 怪獸是在哪裡捉走Montand,和稍後的Locke?
  • 在神廟底部,科研隊伍發生了甚麼事?
  • 黑衣男是否經常佔據著"Jacob的小屋"?
  • 黑衣男是否與Sawyer、Locke等人穿越時空?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男會准許Ben在第5季 第12集召喚他本人?
    • 為甚麼Ben感到他需要被黑煙審判?
  • 黑衣男的"家"其實是在哪裡,或究竟是甚麼?
  • 黑衣男離開小島後,他意圖想做甚麼?
    • 為甚麼IsabellaRichard說,黑衣男一定不可以離開小島?
  • 到底Charles WidmoreEloise Hawking知不知道,若Locke的屍體回到小島,黑衣男會使用他的形象?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男要招攬其他人加入他?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男特別要用Ajira的飛機去離開小島?
  • 為甚麼在神像的沙灘附近上,黑衣男要對其他人說"我對你們太失望!"(I'm very disappointed in all of you!)?
  • 為甚麼在Jacob死後,他只能使用Locke和黑煙的形象?
  • 為甚麼Dogen的存在,會令黑衣男不能攻入神廟?
  • 為甚麼黑衣男向Sawyer說他不能跨越大海,但他卻能以Christian的形象出現在貨輪,和以Locke的形象出現在副島上?
  • 黑衣男是如何在不進入神廟的情況下,將Sayid復活?

External links


  • YouTube video of Eko's first encounter with the Monster Template:Crossref
  • YouTube video compilation of the Monster's appearances (Template:Crossref through Template:Crossref)
  • YouTube video of the Monster vs. the mercenaries Template:Crossref
  • YouTube video Monster attacking the Science expedition Template:Crossref
  • YouTube video Monster judges Ben Template:Crossref
  • Youtube video Man in Black turns into the Monster Template:Crossref
  • Youtube video Monster point of view Template:Crossref


  1. http://www.jayandjack.com/2009/05/18/lost-podcast-aac-ep-433-the-ee-saw/
  2. http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2009/05/getting-lost-from-tv-guide.html
  3. http://tv.ign.com/articles/106/1065321p1.html
  4. TVGuide.com interview - "Titus Welliver: Lost's Season-Ending Mystery Isn't Black and White". July 13, 2009. "Welliver: He has no name. He's just 'the man,' because they don't want to give anything away. I know that this character has a name and I know the importance of it; that's all that I know. TVGuide.com: So you don't know his actual name? Welliver: No — and I think they deliberately withheld that."
  5. http://spoilerslost.blogspot.com/2009/02/episode-51617-season-finale-casting.html
  6. http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/index?pn=recap#t=162212&d=201648
  7. http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,1550612_20250233_1150029,00.html