Evangeline Lilly 飾演 Kate Austen
Josh Holloway 飾演 James Ford (Sawyer)
Jorge Garcia 飾演 Hugo Reyes (Hurley)
Terry O'Quinn 飾演 John Locke
Naveen Andrews 飾演 Sayid Jarrah
Daniel Dae Kim 飾演 Jin-Soo Kwon
Yunjin Kim 飾演 Sun-Hwa Kwon
Dominic Monaghan 飾演 Charlie Pace
Emilie de Ravin 飾演 Claire Littleton
Harold Perrineau 飾演 Michael Dawson
Malcolm David Kelley 飾演 Walt Lloyd
Maggie Grace 飾演 Shannon Rutherford
Michelle Rodriguez 飾演 Ana Lucia Cortez
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje 飾演 Eko
Cynthia Watros 飾演 Libby Smith
第1季 • 第2季 • 第3季
第4季 • 第5季 • 第6季
This article contains episode summaries for the second season of Lost.
In the U.S., original episodes of season two aired between September 21, 2005 and May 24, 2006. For airdates on other networks and in other countries, see Airdates.
- Matthew Fox 飾演 Jack Shephard (23/24)
- Josh Holloway 飾演 James Ford (Sawyer) (23/24)
- Jorge Garcia 飾演 Hugo Reyes (Hurley) (23/24)
- Terry O'Quinn 飾演 John Locke (23/24)
- Evangeline Lilly 飾演 Kate Austen (21/24)
- Daniel Dae Kim 飾演 Jin-Soo Kwon (20/24)
- Dominic Monaghan 飾演 Charlie Pace (19/24)
- Michelle Rodriguez 飾演 Ana Lucia Cortez (19/24)
- Naveen Andrews 飾演 Sayid Jarrah (18/24)
- Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje 飾演 Eko (18/24)*¹
- Yunjin Kim 飾演 Sun-Hwa Kwon (16/24)
- Emilie de Ravin 飾演 Claire Littleton (16/24)
- Harold Perrineau 飾演 Michael Dawson (16/24)
- Cynthia Watros 飾演 Libby Smith (16/24)*²
- Maggie Grace 飾演 Shannon Rutherford (5/24)*³
- Malcolm David Kelley 飾演 Walt Lloyd (4/24)*⁴
*¹在第2季 第4集前被列為客串演員,其後被列為主要演員
*²由第2季 第4集開始被列為主要演員
*³只在第2季 第8集前列為主要演員,之後被列為特別客串演員
- Sam Anderson 飾演 Bernard Nadler (9/24)
- Michael Emerson 飾演 Ben Linus (8/24)
- L. Scott Caldwell 飾演 Rose Nadler (6/24)
- Henry Ian Cusick 飾演 Desmond Hume (5/24)
- François Chau 飾演 Marvin Candle/Mark Wickmund (4/24)*
- M.C. Gainey 飾演 Tom Friendly (4/24)
- Kimberley Joseph 飾演 Cindy Chandler (4/24)
- John Terry 飾演 Christian Shephard (3/24)
- Tania Raymonde 飾演 Alexandra Rousseau (3/24)
- Clancy Brown 飾演 Kelvin Joe Inman (3/24)
- Mira Furlan 飾演 Danielle Rousseau (2/24)
- Michael Bowen 飾演 Danny Pickett (2/24)
- Brett Cullen 飾演 Goodwin Stanhope (2/24)
- Kevin Tighe 飾演 Anthony Cooper (2/24)
- Beth Broderick 飾演 Diane Janssen (2/24)
- Julie Bowen 飾演 Sarah Shephard (2/24)
- April Grace 飾演 Bea Klugh (2/24)
- Lindsey Ginter 飾演 Sam Austen (2/24)
- Katey Sagal 飾演 Helen Norwood (2/24)
- Tony Lee 飾演 Jae Lee (2/24)
- Rachel Ticotin as Teresa Cortez (2/24)
- Aaron Gold 飾演 Jason McCormack (2/24)
- Adetokumboh M'Cormack 飾演 Yemi (2/24)
- Ian Somerhalder 飾演 Boone Carlyle (1/24)
- William Mapother 飾演 Ethan Rom (1/24)
- Fredric Lane 飾演 Edward Mars (1/24)
- Andrea Gabriel 飾演 Noor Abed Jazeem (Nadia) (1/24)
- Lillian Hurst 飾演 Carmen Reyes (1/24)
- Billy Ray Gallion 飾演 Randy Nations (1/24)
- Neil Hopkins 飾演 Liam Pace (1/24)
- Bruce Davison 飾演 Douglas Brooks (1/24)
- Nick Jameson 飾演 Richard Malkin (1/24)
- Tamara Taylor 飾演 Susan Lloyd (1/24)
第二季集中描述幸存者们发现的舱门. 主要情节要点包括:
- 天鹅站, 数字 和 每隔108分钟按动按钮, 些谜题都在本季结束时给出答案。
- 除了Eko和Bernard以外,815航班尾部幸存者们的故事在这一季开始并结束
- The Others包括Tom, Goodwin 和冒牌的 Henry Gale
- 达摩启动计划工作站
第一季的最後一集中,Loke和Boone发现的神秘舱门终于被炸药炸开。原来下面是一个研究站,里面有水有电,储存着大量食物,还有一台70年代的老式计算机。根据研究站的住客Desmond的解释,每隔108分钟,必须有人往计算机里输入一组数列:4, 8, 15, 16, 23和42,否则"世界将会被毁灭"。不幸的是Jack等人在第一次进入研究站时与Desmond发生冲突,计算机被意外毁坏,Desmond认为厄运迫在眉睫,于是迅速逃离工作站。
在遭到袭击后,Sawyer和Michael利用筏子的漂浮的残骸重新组合成一个临时的筏子,但Jin失踪了,Walt也被绑架了.他们不得不返回小岛。路上遇到了惊慌的Jin。回到小岛后被Ana Lucia领导的飞机尾部幸存者包括Libby和Mr. Eko俘虏了。但随后又和好了,然后他们一起去找小岛另一面的幸存者。在随后的日子里Ana Lucia意外射杀了Shannon.The Others渗透到幸存者里面的Goodwin曾经绑架了12名飞机尾部幸存者。两队人马在相遇了。Sayid因为Shanon的死痛心欲绝。
Claire在为是否该相信Charlie而为难,因为害怕当他上瘾的时候伤害孩子。而且还怀疑他是否在继续吸食毒品。实际上Charlie一直同毒品保持着距离。Charlie带着Eko去找林子中的一架小型飞机, Eko对他的兄弟的死非常伤心。他也在这架飞机上。这件事让EKO对小岛产生了信仰,他相信这是为他这准备的。Eko开始在岛上建立教堂来偿还欠他兄弟Yemi的债。
The Others的身份在这一季中开始显现了。比较突出的一个,Tom(带走Walt的那个人)告诉生还者们“这不是你们的小岛,是我们的。你们能在这里安身是因为我们允许你们在这里居住。”后来,当 Claire的小孩生病时,Claire重回达摩的员工站取药。他发现原来Tom的胡子是假的,The Others可能隐藏他们的真实身份。
Rousseau抓到了一个人 ,他自称自己来自美国明尼苏达州,名叫Henry Gale,也因为热气球坠落在岛上才来到这里的。人们怀疑的在说假话。特别是Sayid, 他把这个人关进天鹅站里,并严刑拷问。
Locke, who became trapped in the living area of the Swan during a strange "lockdown" procedure before he could enter the number codes, asks Henry Gale to enter them by crawling through the air vents. As the countdown reaches zero, a map appears on a blast door, detailing an arrangement of stations on the Island. Later, Gale claims to have never entered the code as everything returned to normal. When faced, however, with proof of his deception (the ID of the real Henry Gale), "Gale" admits that he is indeed one of "The Others". The event, however, tarnishes Locke's faith in the whole system, and in the Island itself.
Following dreams and the blast door map, Eko and Locke discover the central "?"(Pearl) station, which appears to be a station designed to observe the occupants of the other stations. Due to this observation of the Swan station, Locke believes that entering the Numbers is merely a psychological experiment. This puts Locke into a crisis of faith, but seems to make Eko even more sure of what he must do (entering the numbers).
Michael continues to seek his kidnapped son, Walt. After having communicated with him on the Swan's computer, he leaves the survivors to chase after his son, but is captured. Arriving at a collection of huts that seem to be the Others' camp, he is allowed to spend three minutes with his son. The Others let Michael go, promising him Walt back, if he frees Henry, and brings Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley back to their camp. He returns to The Swan, kills Ana Lucia and Libby, frees Henry, and shoots himself in the shoulder, making it appear that Henry committed the murders and escaped. During the two survivors' memorial, Desmond returns to the Island in his sailboat.
Michael convinces Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley to join him in a raid against "The Others" to rescue Walt, but Sayid believes that Michael is leading the four into a trap. His plan is to use Desmond's sailboat to approach The Others' camp by water. He enlists the aid of Jin, who knows how to sail, and Sun, to translate. (Sun, earlier in the season, is revealed to be pregnant, even though Jin is infertile).
Despite Jack's foreknowledge of Michael's plans, The Others ambush and capture them. Henry, who turns out to be The Others' leader, fulfills the deal, freeing Michael and Walt and giving them a boat. Hurley is freed and instructed to go back to his camp to tell the other survivors that they may never go back there.
In the meantime, Sayid, Sun and Jin, arrive at The Others' camp, which has been abandoned. They start a signal fire, and wait for Jack and his party to rendezvous with them.
Locke and Desmond take over the The Swan station from Eko and prevent him from entering the Numbers at the appointed time. Both of them argue over the validity of the threat until the last minute when Desmond realizes the last time the code was not put through was the day of the plane crash, explaining that the magnetism from the station was the cause of the crash. When the timer reaches zero, a great magnetic field erupts. Desmond goes to the system termination station under the floor, which he activates by turning the key. The immediate result is not shown, but the entire island is enveloped by a white-violet light and a shrill humming sound.
The season ends with a scene of a cramped polar research station where two men excitedly notice what appears to be the anomaly, and they proceed to phone Desmond's old fiancée, Penelope, to tell her that they have "found it".
Many of the character's lives before the crash continue to be explored, and they are detailed here;
- Jack Shephard is a spinal surgeon living in Los Angeles, whose marriage with Sarah begins to deteriorate.
- Kate Austen is a fugitive from the law after murdering her father, who treated her mother violently.
- Charlie Pace is a rockstar based in Great Britain, and when his brother starts to provide for his new family in Sydney, Charlie is left alone in London to fend for himself after the band reaches an all-time low.
- Sayid Jarrah first practices his skills as a torturer when he's captured by the Americans in the Gulf War.
- John Locke meets a woman during his life before he became paralyzed, only to lose her because of his father.
- Hugo "Hurley" Reyes is institutionalized after he was involved in a decking accident that killed two people, suffering severly from dillusions and an eating disorder. After he was released and won the lottery, he was afraid life was going to change.
- Ana Lucia Cortez was a police officer in the LAPD, that was once shot in the stomach, rendering her unable to have children and killing her unborn child and driving away her boyfriend. Ana found revenge by killing the man responsible, but had to run to Australia with a man when her her mother discovers what she's done.
- James "Sawyer" Ford is a con man who attempts to pull a long con on a woman, only to fall in love with her.
- Michael Dawson is a first seperated from Walt when he was at the age of two.
- Eko Tunde is a Nigerian warlord who desperately tries to convince his brother to help him transport drugs out of the country. After Yemi's disappearance, Eko moves to London where he becomes a priest to follow in his brother's footsteps and investigates a miracle.
- Sun Kwon is a housewife from Korea, and before meeting Jin, was matchmaked by her mother to be with a man named Jae Lee. However, when her marriage with Jin deteriorates and she discovers he is infertile, she begins English lessons with Jae.
- Jin Kwon , before meeting Sun, struggles to find a job in the Seoul Gateway Hotel, owned by none other than Jae Lee. After marrying Sun, he discovers that she is infertile.
- Rose and Bernard Nadler are a married couple from New York. Although they met seven months before the crash, they agreed to marry when Bernard agreed to stay with Rose during her cancer, even bringing her to a healer in Australia.
- Desmond Hume is a Scotsman who was engaged to Penny Widmore before incarcerated in prison. Desmond entered her father's race around the world to earn his respect, but was stranded on the island and has lived in the hatch ever since.
- Libby was admitted into Santa Rosa sometime between 2001 and 2004. She also gave Desmond a sailboat her dead husband gave to her.
Note: Claire Littleton received a flashback episode in "", however it was after the crash.
01 | "第2季 第1集" | 07 | "第2季 第7集" | 13 | "第2季 第13集" | 19 | "第2季 第19集" | ||
02 | "第2季 第2集" | 08 | "第2季 第8集" | 14 | "第2季 第14集" | 20 | "第2季 第20集" | ||
03 | "第2季 第3集" | 09 | "第2季 第9集" | 15 | "第2季 第15集" | 21 | "第2季 第21集" | ||
04 | "第2季 第4集" | 10 | "第2季 第10集" | 16 | "第2季 第16集" | 22 | "第2季 第22集" | ||
05 | "第2季 第5集" | 11 | "第2季 第11集" | 17 | "第2季 第17集" | 23 | "第2季 第23集" | ||
06 | "第2季 第6集" | 12 | "第2季 第12集" | 18 | "第2季 第18集" | 24 | "第2季 第24集" |
第2季 第1集
Man of Science, Man of Faith
第2季 第2集
第2季 第3集
第2季 第4集
Everybody Hates Hugo
第2季 第5集
...And Found
第2季 第6集
第2季 第7集
The Other 48 Days
第2季 第8集
第2季 第9集
What Kate Did
第2季 第10集
The 23rd Psalm
第2季 第11集
The Hunting Party
第2季 第12集
Fire + Water
第2季 第13集
The Long Con
第2季 第14集
One of Them
第2季 第15集
Maternity Leave
第2季 第16集
The Whole Truth
第2季 第17集
第2季 第18集
第2季 第19集
第2季 第20集
Two for the Road
第2季 第21集
第2季 第22集
Three Minutes
第2季 第23集
Live Together, Die Alone
第2季 第24集
Live Together, Die Alone
See also[]
- Lost: The Complete Second Season (DVD)
- Portal:Transcripts
| ||||
主题 | 動物 • 黑色和白色 • 小孩 • Coincidence • Connections • Deceptions & cons • Dreams & visions • Economics • Electromagnetism • 眼睛 • Fate vs. free will • Fear • 遊戲 • 好人和壞人 • Healing properties • Imprisonment • 受傷 • Irony • Isolation • Leadership • 生命和死亡 • Miracles • Missing body parts • Numbers • Parent issues • Philosophy • Pregnancies • Premonitions • Psychology • Rain • Rebirth • 救赎 • Religions • Rivalries • Sacrifice • Salvation • Science • 秘密 • Time | |||
Lists & Tallies | 任務 • Automobiles • 酒吧 • Body count • Books • Car accidents • 角色 • Character appearances • Churches • Cities & countries • Crashes (stranding) • Crimes • Deceased islanders • DHARMA logos • DHARMA Initiative的研究倉 • Fights • 喪禮 • Hostages • Hotels • Hygiene • 親吻 • 圖示 • Medical personnel • Military • Miracles • 音樂 • 別名 • 其他人的任務 • 職業 • Regularly spoken phrases • 關係 • 性愛 • 開槍 • Speeches • Station explorers • Survivors of Flight 815 • T-shirts • Weapons | |||
Literary Techniques | Archetype • Flashbacks • Flashforward • Irony • Juxtaposition • Mindf*ck • Plot twist • Redshirt • Symbolism • Unseen character | |||
参见: All Portals |