"We're Friends" is an orchestral piece on the Season 1 soundtrack. It serves as Claire's character theme and Claire and Charlie's love theme.
Main appearance[]
Claire, suffering from amnesia, is talking to Charlie about her kidnapping. Charlie offers to stay up with her. Claire asks if they're friends, and Charlie says they are.
Full list of appearances[]
"We're Friends" and its variations play during the following scenes.
- Thomas tells Claire he'd like to raise their baby. ("Raised by Another")
- Charlie asks to be Claire's friend. ("Raised by Another")
- Charlie tells Claire that he won't leave her. ("Raised by Another")
- Claire prepares to sign away her baby to a couple. ("Raised by Another")
- Claire realizes she's not going into labor. ("Raised by Another")
- Charlie and Rose pray for Claire's safety. ("Whatever the Case May Be")
- Charlie stays up with Claire the night after she returns. ("Homecoming")
- Claire says she has regained one memory: peanut butter. ("Homecoming")
- Claire listens to Sawyer read to Aaron. ("The Greater Good")
- Claire asks Charlie to help rescue her child. She names him Aaron. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Claire apologizes to Aaron for wanting the Others to take him during her captivity. ("Maternity Leave")
- Claire tells the officer questioning her that the car crash wasn't her fault. ("Par Avion")
- Claire and Sun talk as they cut bait. ("Par Avion")
- Claire and Charlie release a seagull. ("Par Avion")
- Claire wakes up after taking Juliet's medicine. ("One of Us")
- Desmond tells Charlie Claire and Aaron will escape the Island. ("Greatest Hits")
- Charlie gives his ring to Aaron and says goodbye to Claire before going to his death. ("Greatest Hits")
- Charlie says goodbye to Hurley. ("Greatest Hits")
- Charlie meets Claire for the first time. ("Greatest Hits")
- Naomi tells Claire that Charlie succeeded in unjamming the signal. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- Kate visits Carole Littleton. ("Whatever Happened, Happened")
- Claire, in the Temple hole, says she returned to find Aaron. ("Sundown")
- Claire hugs Kate and apologizes to her. ("Recon")
- The Man in Black assures Claire that he needs her. ("The Package")
- Claire reunites with Jack. ("The Last Recruit")
- Richard tells Claire that they aren't with the Man in Black. ("The End")
Title significance[]
The title is a quote from the scene in "Homecoming" where it plays. It echoes Charlie's previous offer of friendship that also features the piece. ("Raised by Another")
Variations on "We're Friends" appear in "Claire-a Culpa", "The Good, the Bad and the Ominous", "Greatest Hits", "Looking Glass Half Full", "Our Lady of Perpetual Labor", "The Sub Group", "Ta-Ta Charlie" and "The Well of Holes".