I miss this show so much.
It's been two years, but it really still feels like yesterday it ended. Lost was everything to me, it's all I thought about, all I wanted to talk about, and watching it was all I wanted to do. Lost helped me through difficult times, it taught me the importance of forgiveness and mercy, it taught me how to accept death.
Now, two years later, I can see and feel the absence of it on my life. I can't accept death anymore, and I can't watch the final 10 minutes of the series because I feel like I failed myself, letting myself slip back into my state before this show. This show taught me the most important things about life, and now after it being two years, after seeing where life is now, and where it's headed, I keep feeling like the most important part of my life drifted off into the afterlife with everyone else on that show.
I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that nowhere can I find a series that inspires so many people, helps so many, and teaches so many about life. I can't compare any other story to Lost. It's more than a story, it's a religion, a philosophy. It's something only Losties would truly understand, which is why I felt the need to post this here, with people who might be able to understand and connect.
I guess, what I'm trying to say is, I still haven't gotten over it, not one ounce. How has everyone else been able to let go and move on, if you have been able to do at all? What do we do now?
I'm Lost.