
AaronianKenrod AaronianKenrod 16 September 2010

shameless plugging of my internet cartoon

like the title says.. shameless plugging. i'm doing it here because 1) you guys are the ones who've stuck around long after lost is finished so you must be as lame as me and therefore not be trolls :P and 2) because it's a very lost influenced cartoon (mythology wise, it's a comedy though). i've posted it on here before but the show was still going then so i think it got swept under the carpet a bit :P


first episode is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoDMgYhWXP4

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AaronianKenrod AaronianKenrod 7 September 2010

Lost Stars/Crew Facebook/Twitter

In a similar vein to Metroid101's blog about meeting Lost stars, I was wondering if anyone here has them on facebook or twitter? Through DocArzt on Facebook i gained Lance Reddick, Malcolm David Kelley, Eric Lange and a couple of other pages that look to be fan pages instead. I just this morning found Adam Horowitz. The only person I have on Twitter who regularly updates (relatively) is Ian Somerholder, but then Darlton are on it too.

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AaronianKenrod AaronianKenrod 8 June 2010

lost influenced cartoon

i've posted a trailer here before, but i thought since lost has now ended people might want to follow another mythological show, in the form of the cartoon me and my cousin have been working on since september! link is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoDMgYhWXP4 if anyone is interested!

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AaronianKenrod AaronianKenrod 5 June 2010

Jeremy Davies for the win

i was disgusted to find out there is no jeremy davies page on facebook so i went about creating one. i love him, think he's an awesome actor, and i recently bought the 2004 version of helter skelter and realised again why he's so awesome. if you guys have facebook please join http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=124976370868314&v=wall

sorry for any typos, i'm really drunk

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AaronianKenrod AaronianKenrod 24 May 2010

more answers in season 6 special features?

i keep reading there's gonna be more lost in the form of special features on the season 6 dvd that will answer some mythological questions. does anyone have any strong source for this? i can't find anything

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