This information was revealed in part through the alternate reality game
Find 815
Find815 3
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Characters:   Sam Thomas · Sonya · Tracey R · Sam's mother · Mr. Ockham · Oscar Talbot · Other...
Companies: Oceanic Airlines · The Maxwell Group · Austral Air
Locations: Sunda Trench · Black Rock

Tracey R is a friend of Sam Thomas revealed in the ARG, Find 815. She was able to find information about the Christiane I for Sam.

Chapter 1 - Email Correspondence between Sam and Tracey

Email 1: From Sam Thomas to Tracey R

Hi Tracey,

I need a favour: I'm looking for some information about a boat called "Christiane I". I can't say what this is for - sorry - just that it's very important

Thanks, you're a lifesaver.


Email 2: Response from Tracey R to Sam Thomas


Aren't you the mysterious one?

Anyway, I've tracked down the "Christiane I" - it's a salvage vessel currently docked in Jakarta. Apparently it's due to leave on an expedition in a few days but I couldn't find out where to - the details are confidential.

What's the story? Are you looking for a new job now you've left Oceanic? Nice work if you could tee up something for yourself in Indonesia. Look out Bali!

Take care


Youtube Account

An account on youtube.com was found with the username traceyr1975. It has the Oceanic Ad and the one that was hacked by Sam Thomas. [3].

It also reveals that she is 32 years old and from Australia.

Possible Anagrams

  • Cry Tear
  • Rat Reyc

