
Sam McPherson is responsible for this interview.


Dale Radomski

Dale Radomski is an actor and stuntman who has made several appearances on Lost: as tourniquet man in "Pilot, Part 1" and a background Other in season two. These questions were created by Sam McPherson, and asked via email on July 22, 2008.

Lostpedia: How did you come to work on Lost? Are there any interesting stories from the casting process?

I was on another project that was being filmed here in Hawaii, and there was a casting call for a part on the show that required an actor/stuntman, so I went in and read for the part. Mr. J.J. Abrams was going to direct it, so I did the part. He liked me and cast me for the other role as the Tourniquet Man, that was a survivor.

Lostpedia: Do you watch the show? If so, are you a die-hard viewer or a more casual fan? DO you have a favorite character, episode, etc.?

No, I don't watch the show. I might watch it if someone I know is doing a good stunt on it. My favorite [episode] is the Pilot, [because] it had all the action in it, and a lot of The Hawaiian Stunt Connection was in it.

Lostpedia: You have stated that although you were told you'd get another guest role, nothing came of it. If you had a chance to be on the show again, is there a part you'd like to play? (such as an Other, etc)

Well it is not final yet that I will not be back as my character. We will see, but as long as I do some more work on the show, I will be happy. I like playing the bad guys, [because they have] more action, I guess.

Lostpedia: Lost has obviously had a big impact on the stunt industry of Hawaii. What do you feel has been the biggest effect?

They are trusting the local stunt groups (HAWAIIAN STUNT CONNECTION) to do more [work]. At one time only the mainland stunt guys would be doing all the gags and we would get the small stuff, but now we do it and [do] a good job at it.

Lostpedia: Do you think Lost has made you more recognizable as an actor or brought you more stunt work?

Well, I don't [do] much acting, but it has brought me more stunt work, and good stuff too. I am happy with the show.

Lostpedia: We appreciate you doing the interview, Mr. Radomski.

Thanks, keep in touch, and get the people out there to rally for me to come back on the show as the tourniquet man!
