
"The Eyeland" is an orchestral piece on the Season 1 soundtrack. It plays as the series opens and serves as its mystery theme. Typically played on high-pitched percussion, this five-note theme is used (sometimes with an additional note at the end) repetitively in creepy or suspenseful moments.

Main appearance[]

Jack opens his eye.

Banboo trees wave above him. He is utterly disoriented, on his back in a bamboo grove wearing a suit. A dog approaches, looks briefly at him, and then runs away into the surrounding jungle.

He gets up, wincing from pain. He notices a bottle of vodka in his pocket, considering it briefly before putting it away and investigating the wound in his side. He starts running through the jungle, passing a white tennis shoe hanging from a tree.

He finally reaches a sunny beach, just away from the crash site.

Full list of appearances[]

"The Eyeland" and its variations play over the following scenes:


The late Jeremy Bentham is revealed to be John Locke. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")


Besides its mystery theme, the piece begins with the crash motif and the waking motif.


The theme from the piece reappears in "Dharma Delinquent", "Hoffs-Drawlar", "I Crashed Your Plane, Brotha", "If A Tree Falls", "Sawyer Jones and the Temple of Boom", "Making Up for Lost Time", "Me and My Big Mouth", "Naomi Phone Home", "Oceanic 815", "Peace Through Superior Firepower" and "The Swinging Bendulum". It also forms the theme song of the DHARMA Initiative films and forms part of the End Title. The theme has other variations as well, such as the baggage motif, the deja vu motif and the wreck motif.

Title significance[]

The title is a portmanteau of "eye" and "island."

See also[]

  • "The Island", orchestral piece on the Season 3 soundtrack
