"The Eyeland" is an orchestral piece on the Season 1 soundtrack. It plays as the series opens and serves as its mystery theme. Typically played on high-pitched percussion, this five-note theme is used (sometimes with an additional note at the end) repetitively in creepy or suspenseful moments.
Main appearance[]
Jack opens his eye.
Banboo trees wave above him. He is utterly disoriented, on his back in a bamboo grove wearing a suit. A dog approaches, looks briefly at him, and then runs away into the surrounding jungle.
He gets up, wincing from pain. He notices a bottle of vodka in his pocket, considering it briefly before putting it away and investigating the wound in his side. He starts running through the jungle, passing a white tennis shoe hanging from a tree.
He finally reaches a sunny beach, just away from the crash site.
Full list of appearances[]
"The Eyeland" and its variations play over the following scenes:
- Jack wakes up on the island. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- Vincent spies on Jack, Kate and Charlie. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- Walt searches for Vincent and finds a pair of handcuffs. ("Pilot, Part 2")
- Sayid's group hears Rousseau's distress signal. ("Pilot, Part 2")
- Michael searches for Vincent. ("Tabula Rasa")
- The marshal asks Kate if she is going to kill him. ("Tabula Rasa")
- Kate tells Jack that Locke is still out in the jungle, and that she saw the monster headed in his direction. ("Walkabout")
- Charlie tells Jack that someone is drowning. ("White Rabbit")
- Jack chases his father through the jungle and falls off a cliff. ("White Rabbit")
- Richard Malkin reads Claire's palms. ("Raised by Another")
- He tells Claire to board flight 815. ("Raised by Another")
- Walt tries to find out what Vincent is barking at. ("Special")
- An amnesiac Claire asks why no one has come to rescue the survivors. ("Homecoming")
- The camera reveals the numbers embossed on the Hatch. ("Numbers")
- Jack and Locke gaze into the opened Hatch. ("Exodus, Part 3")
- The camera moves up the Hatch to reveal Jack and Locke. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
- Jack recognizes Desmond. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
- Desmond shows Locke the Swan computer. ("Adrift")
- The Swan Orientation film plays. ("Orientation")
- Henry climbs through the Swan's vents. ("Lockdown")
- Locke stares at the Blast door map. ("Lockdown")
- Jack and Kate find the resupply drop in the jungle. ("Lockdown")
- The survivors rummage through the resupply package. ("Dave")
- Locke struggles to recreate the map he saw. ("S.O.S.")
- The Pearl Orientation video plays. ("?")
- Michael makes a deal with Ms. Klugh for Walt's return. ("Three Minutes")
- Jack, Sayid and Sawyer swim to a boat that has arrived. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1")
- Desmond realizes that the people stationed in the Pearl might have been the subjects of a psychological experiment, rather than those in the Swan. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2")
- Desmond follows Kelvin and finds his boat. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2")
- Desmond realizes Oceanic 815 crashed during the last system failure. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2")
- Ben watches Sawyer and Kate through the Hydra's security station. ("The Glass Ballerina")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Jack fails to save Colleen. Sayid shows Charlie the Beechcraft. Eko tells Charlie to take him to it. ("The Cost of Living")
- Ben watches as Jack and Kate talk. ("I Do")
- Juliet looks on after her ex-husband is killed by a bus. ("Not in Portland")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Hurley finds Desmond in the jungle and discovers his precognitive powers. Desmond creates a lightning rod to protect Claire and Charlie. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- Desmond recognizes Charlie and predicts the rain. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- Eloise reveals her knowledge of Desmond's life. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- Sayid catches sight of the Flame. ("Enter 77")
- Locke hacks into the Flame computer. ("Enter 77")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Desmond tells Charlie about his flashes. ("Par Avion")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Charlie questions Desmond about saving Claire from the lightning and from drowning, and Desmond reveals his visions of Charlie's death. ("Catch-22")
- Naomi reveals that Flight 815 had no survivors. ("D.O.C.")
- Naomi tries to get a signal on her phone. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- Charlotte looks at the DHARMA Initiative collar on the polar bear skeleton. ("Confirmed Dead")
- Daniel discovers that there is a 31 minute difference between his readings and those of the payload. ("The Economist")
- Sayid discovers a bookcase which conceals the entrance to Ben's secret room. ("The Economist")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Locke's group finds Charlotte. Jack questions Daniel on the science team's motives. ("The Other Woman")
- Juliet enters the control room of the Tempest station. ("The Other Woman")
- Captain Gault explains that Ben faked the Oceanic wreckage. ("Ji Yeon")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Walt is kidnapped. Michael leaves to rescue him, and is captured by the Others. They order him to rescue Ben. He does so, killing Ana Lucia and Libby in the process. ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
- Hurley sees that the odometer of his Camaro spells out the Numbers. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1")
- Walt asks Hurley about the status of his father. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2")
- The Orchid Orientation video plays. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2")
- The survivors on the helicopter see the Island disappear. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
- Dr. Chang arrives at the Orchid. ("Because You Left")
- The survivors deal with the aftermath of Ben moving the Island. ("Because You Left")
- The people on the island walk to the jungle and find a crater where the hatch was supposed to be. ("Because You Left")
- Faraday retrieves his journal and reads from it before going to get Desmond. ("Because You Left")
- Desmond packs to leave for Oxford. ("Because You Left")
- Eloise writes equations on a chalkboard. ("The Lie")
- Locke recovers after another time shift. ("Jughead")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Carole Littleton tells Jack that Claire is his sister. Several lawyers arrive at Kate's house demanding a blood sample from her and Aaron. ("The Little Prince")
- Eloise leads a group into the Lamp Post. ("316")
- Jack, Kate and Hurley encounter Jin in 1977. ("316")
- Sawyer pulls at the well's rope after traveling through time. ("LaFleur")
- Horace throws dynamite at trees. ("LaFleur")
- Horace tells Sawyer that he's not DHARMA material. ("LaFleur")
- Ben prepares to summon the Monster. ("Dead Is Dead")
- We see Dr. Chang arrive at the Orchid from Daniel's point of view. ("The Variable")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Daniel tells Desmond to find his mother. Ben shoots Desmond and prepares to kill Penny. ("Follow the Leader")
- The Man in Black reveals he plans to kill Jacob. ("Follow the Leader")
- In the sideways, Jack thinks he recognizes Desmond. ("LA X, Part 1")
- Locke claims that he went on a walkabout. ("LA X, Part 1")
- Helen appears and helps Locke back into his chair. ("The Substitute")
- Locke meets Hurley in the parking lot. ("The Substitute")
- Widmore tells Desmond that he brought him back to the Island. ("Happily Ever After")
- Michael reveals what the whispers are and directs Hurley to the Man in Black's camp. ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
- Bernard reveals that he was on Oceanic 815. ("The Candidate")
- In the sideways, Locke suggests that his meeting Jack happened for a reason. ("What They Died For")
- Miles tells Kate that Lapidus is fixing the plane. ("The End")
- The Hydra Orientation film plays. ("The New Man in Charge")
Besides its mystery theme, the piece begins with the crash motif and the waking motif.
The theme from the piece reappears in "Dharma Delinquent", "Hoffs-Drawlar", "I Crashed Your Plane, Brotha", "If A Tree Falls", "Sawyer Jones and the Temple of Boom", "Making Up for Lost Time", "Me and My Big Mouth", "Naomi Phone Home", "Oceanic 815", "Peace Through Superior Firepower" and "The Swinging Bendulum". It also forms the theme song of the DHARMA Initiative films and forms part of the End Title. The theme has other variations as well, such as the baggage motif, the deja vu motif and the wreck motif.
Title significance[]
The title is a portmanteau of "eye" and "island."
See also[]
- "The Island", orchestral piece on the Season 3 soundtrack