

I don't think this guy is that significant really, he just played as an example that it was weird a mathematician was at a hospital at like 2am --Nickb123 (Talk) 05:39, 15 July 2006 (PDT)

Merge if he comes back again we can always recreate -brianopp 11:05, 27 July 2006 (PDT)

Merge --Peephole 11:09, 1 August 2006 (PDT)

Please update the links to this article so it can be deleted.    Jabberwock    talk    contribs    email   - 23:05, 4 August 2006 (PDT)

All links updated, ready for deletion --Nickb123 (Talk) 04:10, 5 August 2006 (PDT)
I've restored this page almost a year on after TLE has ended. I think the character is now in relation to the game a little more worthy of a page. Also we have allowed lesser characters to have a page, like de Zylva and stuff. I think the delete last year was hasty. I will be expanding this page. --Nickb123 (Talk) 16:18, 3 August 2007 (PDT)