
re: Kamakani De Dely[]

The following was copied from the talk page of deleted article "Kamakani De Dely":


Scene from 3x14 "Exposé": Dale Radomski is assisted by Locke and Fuzzy Moody and appears in the same wardrobe/hair as his appearance as Tourniquet Man in "Pilot, Part 1". Click image for larger version.


Leg injuries that might indicate the Tourniquet Man elsewhere in 3x14 "Exposé" occur only twice more; this is one. Does not appear to be De Dely. Click image for larger version.


Leg injuries that might indicate the Tourniquet Man elsewhere in 3x14 "Exposé" occur only twice more; this is two. Does not appear to be De Dely, and appears to be the same person as above. Click image for larger version.

Delete - The evidence appears to be that De Dely did not portray Tourniquet Man in episode 3x14 "Exposé", who was portrayed by Dale Radomski in the Pilot. Some points:

    1. Dale Radomski appears to be visible in "Exposé", held up by Terry O'Quinn and what appears to be stunt actor Fuzzy Moody (left).
      • Radmoski appears to be sporting the same 1) wardrobe and 2) hair styling to match his appearance in the Pilot.
    2. There are only two other screencaps that might possibly be considered to represent injuries to the legs, and neither match the wardrobe seen in the photo of Kamakani De Dely. It appears to be the same person in both photos based on the light tan top, but it is not De Dely (top right and right)
  • Conclusion: De Dely is just one of perhaps 50-60 background extras that participated in the beach crash scene. Perhaps he was told something or other before, during, or after the filming that he interpreted as the fact that he was portraying the character Tourniquet Man. This type of belief incidentally appears to be common among some hardcore extra types (e.g. I acted a role!). At best, he may have even been filmed as such, but the scene was either deleted or reshot with Dale Radomski, the original Tourniquet Man. In any case De Dely does not appear as Tourniquet Man in the actual episode of Expose, and it seems pretty clear that stuntman Dale Radomski reprises this role as an uncredited extra. THEREFORE: if discussion does not bring up any convincing counterarguments, the article on Kamakani De Dely wil be deleted as insignificant, as every single random extra in the background does not deserve an article, as we do this only in rare condtions (e.g. significant to storyline like Carole Littleton, Gerald DeGroot, or the recurring beach survivors).
-- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:14, 21 July 2007 (PDT)

Tourniquet Man (3x14)

promotional still from ABC that appears to picture De Dely. Wayne Geiger assists Locke in place of Fuzzy Moody. Click image for larger version


  • UPDATE: There is a promotional still from ABC that appears to picture De Dely (held by Locke and background survivor Wayne Geiger, rather than Fuzzy Moody). (see right). However clearly this is not the take that was used in the actual episode "Exposé" as broadcast, since De Dely is clearly not the individual in the screencap from the episode-- it is Dale Radomski. Either the promotional photo represents an alternative take, a deleted scene, or even a rehearsal with standins (supported by the use of Wayne Geiger in the place of Fuzzy Moody, since the survivors are said to be used frequently as standins). At best, this deserves a trivia note in the Tourniquet Man article, but no freestanding article for this non-appearing extra. Therefore still recommend deletion. -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:19, 21 July 2007 (PDT)
    • Delete for evidence above and give mention on Tourniquet Man article. --Blueeagleislander 19:42, 21 July 2007 (PDT)
    • Go ahead. Nice piece of investigation. I seem to have been too gullible. I'd recommend to move the text on this talkpage to the talkpage of Tourniquet man, after you have deleted the article on Kamikani. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hunter61 (talkcontribs) 04:35, 22 July 2007.
      • Yes, good idea. The info here will be moved to that talk page, and the comparison screencaps (actual episode & promo still) will be compared on the main page. -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  15:34, 22 July 2007 (PDT)

Lets see, where to begin.My name is Kamakani De Dely and Im sorry to break your heart but I was cast that day with much fewer than 50-60 extras, as Tourniquet man. Just because I dont sit there on the computer all day long, I actually have a life, therefore didnt allow me to jump on this matter all that quickly.I didnt just think that I was playing that character you tard, I was cast by the casting director to reprise that role.What you see with the old stuntman being carried is actually the original footage from the pilot, you nitwit. I would have thought that a dork such as yourself would know this but studying and restudying the camera angles. Get it straight!!! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kamakani (talkcontribs) .

  • Hi thanks for coming to Lostpedia. Please refrain from personal attacks that you used in your obviously angry reply. These have no use here and you are only embarassing yourself. Back to the main point, here are some of the facts I base the article on. Obviously you didn't read the entire discussion above, or the trivia section that mentions these issues in the bottom of the article Tourniquet man, as we had indeed discovered it was the same footage from 1x01 as soon as we took the time to take a look (I did not have the specifics of that scene memorized from four months ago; what you read is from before I had the chance to pull out that episode and watch it again, trying to decipher the facts from your cryptic posts at Lost-TV forums). In other words this talk page contains a record of our entire thought process from beginning to end as we slowly learned more and more. This is in contrast to the actual article that contains the final formulation of the collected information.
    At any rate here are the main points as I finally understand them at this point:
    1. The scene in 3x14 "Exposé" as broadcast uses the exact same footage from 1x01 "Pilot, Part 1" Pilot.
    2. In the actual episode as broadcast, this footage in both 1x01 and 3x14 features Dale Radomski and Fuzzy Moody. It's clearly not you and Wayne Geiger. You never appear in this episode (3x14).
    3. There is indeed an ABC promotional still photograph taken by Mario Perez that shows you and Wayne Geiger. However your takes apparently hit the cutting room floor during editing.
    4. Whatever the issue with casting, as this is a nonspeaking background part (you didn't get paid principal rates right?), you are not officially credited as an actor in the official abcmedianet.com press releases for 3x14 "Exposé". In cases where there are principals in deleted scenes, SAG still requires them to be credited, and they are indeed listed in the ABCmedianet press releases for their respective episodes, but you are not. You refer to "being cast" as if this was a principal role, and therefore worth crediting here in Lostpedia, but that doesn't seem to fit what we know so far.
In short, the evidence I would need in order to add an individual article about you to Lostpedia is 1) a screenshot of you from the actual episode (which obviously is not possible), or 2) your name in an official ABCmedianet.com press release (which I haven't checked recently, but I don't recall you being in there). As it is, your name is included in the "Trivia" subsection of the Tourniquet man article. Regarding your claim about casting, see the last point above-- you are essentially an uncredited background actor in cut footage that never made it past editing. Please address these points in your replies, I'd be interested in hearing more. Also, are you also a part of the regular Flight 815 survivor background cast that gets called for work on a regular basis? -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:10, 28 July 2007 (PDT)
  • UPDATE: "Kamakani De Dely" does not appear in the offical abcmedianet.com credits for the press releases covering 3x14 "Exposé": PDF, Word. Therefore AFAIK De Dely is by definition an uncredited background extra (not a principal), and furthermore an uncredited background extra who does not appear in the episode. Kamakani, if you have any experience in the business of film/TV you must be well aware that playing background roles no matter how "important" they may seem to you, never guarantees you will get any actual screentime, or in the case of Lost, "fame". Your visits to various Lost fansites (at least here and Lost-TV forums) announcing your "role" is strange in the light that you are a non appearing extra, (and one who brought a camera to work, which is often prohibited on most productions). I will still hold an open mind, and if contradictory evidence emerges, we can recreate your article. Also, if you are part of the recurring survivor background cast (what Lost-TV calls "redshirts"), we can also create an article for you; simply find and attach some screenshots from at least two different episodes that show you on the island. -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:27, 28 July 2007 (PDT)

Kamakani De Dely WAS in "Exposé"[]


Screencap from "Exposé"

He was only seen in two very brief shots that both lasted less than a second, and were inserted between footage from "Pilot, Part 1". To the left is the best frame I could possibly capture, every other frame is not only just as blurry, but also shows less of his face.--Nevermore 13:38, 26 March 2008 (PDT)