Is the gylph a reference to the retrevers of truth logo after entering the password? -- Dee4leeds
Formatting clues?[]
So today we got our biggest maze of a clue for a glyph. How should we best format the walkthroughs? I posted it in the glyph template on this page, but it seems too much info for the box. Thoughts? --Jajasoon 12:36, 28 July 2006 (PDT)
Good work getting it all in there, but I think all we need inside the template is this:
"Click on the Hole2 imagewithin the Week 3 Roundup by the Speaker, which opens a window with the glyph."
The rest, you can put on the outside of the template like we do with ordinary clues, for those who want to follow the maze of hints. But after today, I doubt how we got there will be as important as what we do with the clips. --PandoraX 12:55, 28 July 2006 (PDT)
- Good idea - change made. I do think it's important for us to document our work - after all, LostPedia should stand as a living document of all things Lost, so we should keep a record of how the ARG was played & where things were found (even after the links die). --Jajasoon 17:13, 28 July 2006 (PDT)
- I agree... it's a good illustration of why the daily clues pages (detailed) and the summary pages for specific sites (more concise descriptions) are both needed. --PandoraX 09:43, 29 July 2006 (PDT)
The hole2 link now shows an image that says "image not availble" [1] now redirects to [2] Rryder 16:14, 28 July 2006 (PDT)
- Hmmm - works for me still... --Jajasoon 17:12, 28 July 2006 (PDT)