
This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Songs article.
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  • Identify songs in the Unidentified Song list, below. This is a task list for any interested editors.
Unidentified songs:
  1. "House of the Rising Sun" (s01e06) - Classical music played at the restaurant where Jin is a waiter. (time in episode 0:03:21)
  2. "The Moth" (s01e07) - Hip-hop music played backstage after the Drive Shaft concert. (time in episode 0:16:00)
  3. "The Moth" (s01e07) - Some music played backstage before the Drive Shaft concert. (time in episode 0:25:50)
  4. "Confidence Man" (s01e08) - Country music played at the bar when Sawyer plays pool. (time in episode 0:25:40)
  5. "Special" (s01e14) - Muzak played in the warehouse when Michael and Susan buys a cradle. (time in episode 0:02:07)
  6. "Homecoming" (s01e15) - Music played in the bar that Charlie and Tommy visit when Charlie hooked up with Lucy. (time in episode 0:06:55)
  7. "Homecoming" (s01e15) - Music played in the bar that Charlie and Tommy visit when they discuss Charlie's new job. (time in episode 0:18:34)
  8. "Homecoming" (s01e15) - Incidental music heard when Charlie demonstrates the photocopier (time in episode 0:28:21)
  9. "Numbers" (s01e18) - Song played on TV when Hurley wins the lottery. (time in episode 0:02:35)
  10. "Numbers" (s01e18) - Song that is playing while Hurley and Carmen are driving in the Hummer. (time in episode 0:10:05)
  11. "Do No Harm" (s01e20) - Melody played on the piano by Jack before he and Sarah plays "Heart and soul" together. (time in episode 0:14:12)
  12. "Born to Run" (s01e22) - Played on guitar by Charlie, probably not a real song. (time in episode 0:02:41)
  13. "Born to Run" (s01e22) - Played on guitar by Charlie, probably not a real song. (time in episode 0:20:30)
  14. "Exodus, Part 1" (s01e23) - On TV when Walt is watching. (time in episode 0:01:17)
  15. "Orientation" (s02e03) - Piano music in the restaurant that Locke and Helen visit to celebrate their six-month anniversary. (time in episode 0:20:45)
  16. "Everybody Hates Hugo" (s02e04) - Song that is playing in the record store when Hurley and Johnny visit Starla. (time in episode 0:23:30)
  17. "Everybody Hates Hugo" (s02e04) - Song that Hurley listened to in the headphones in the record store. (time in episode 0:24:15)
  18. "...And Found" (s02e05) - Music on the radio in Yin and Tai's apartment. (time in episode 0:03:00)
  19. "...And Found" (s02e05) - Music on the radio in Yin and Tai's apartment. (time in episode 0:03:47)
  20. "...And Found" (s02e05) - Classical music played at the restaurant where Sun meets her date. (time in episode 0:18:18)
  21. "...And Found" (s02e05) - Piano music played at the restaurant where Sun meets her date. (time in episode 0:24:47 + 0:25:50)
  22. "What Kate Did" (s02e09) - Country song that is playing on Wayne's radio when he pulled up to the house. (time in episode 0:02:47)
  23. "The Long Con" (s02e13) - Country song that is playing in the diner that Sawyer and Gordy meet at for lunch. (time in episode 0:25:40)
  24. "Maternity Leave" (s02e15) - The songs that play in the background of the medical room when Ethan is with Claire. (time in episode 0:10:16)
  25. "Maternity Leave" (s02e15) - The songs that play in the background of the medical room when Ethan is with Claire. (time in episode 0:15:40)
  26. "The Whole Truth" (s02e16) - The song that is playing in Jin and Sun's bedroom at the beginning of the episode. (time in episode 0:00:30)
  27. "Lockdown" (s02e17) - The song that plays while Cooper and Locke are at the bar. (time in episode 0:14:21)
  28. "S.O.S." (s02e19) - Song when Locke is sitting in front of the Swan computer trying to draw the map and then he wants to talk to Henry, but Ana Lucia says the door stays closed. (time in episode 0:16:06)
  29. "Live Together, Die Alone" (s02e23) - Played on guitar by Charlie, probably not a real song. (time in episode 0:37:40)
  30. "The Glass Ballerina" (s03e02) - Played on piano by Sun when she was a child. (time in episode 0:00:45)
  31. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Hurley, Charlie and Desmond singing on the beach (“the farmer's daughter song”?). (time in episode 0:08:40)
  32. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Charlie and Desmond singing on the beach ("... girls with one leg and a heart of gold"?). (time in episode 0:09:05)
  33. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Music playing at the bar that Desmond and Donovan visit. (time in episode 0:21:01)
  34. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Music playing at the bar that Desmond visits. (time in episode 0:35:17)
  35. "Stranger In A Strange Land" (s03e09) - Music playing at Achara's brother's restaurant that she and Jack visit. (time in episode 0:12:03)
  36. "Stranger In A Strange Land" (s03e09) - Music playing at a bar on the street when Jack is following Achara. (time in episode 0:28:12)
  37. "Enter 77" (s03e11) - Music playing on the radio when Sayid is working as a chef. (time in episode 0:07:39)
  38. "Enter 77" (s03e11) - Music playing at Sami’s restaurant when Sayid is visiting there. (time in episode 0:14:43)
  39. "Par Avion" (s03e12) - Music playing at Claire’s piercing studio. (time in episode 0:28:36)
  40. "Exposé" (s03e14) - Music playing at Nikki and Howard's dinner when Paulo is the chef. (time in episode 0:04:10)
  41. "Left Behind" (s03e15) - Song in Keith's Diner when Cassidy orders a meal from Kate's mother Diane. (time in episode 0:27:15)
  42. "Greatest Hits" (s03e21) - Song playing on the radio in the Drive Shaft van, before they play the Drive Shaft song. (time in episode 0:04:24)
  43. "Through The Looking Glass" (s03e22) - Charlie is singing. (time in episode 0:31:27)
  44. "The Economist" (s04e03) - Jazz music played in Sayid's hotel room when Elsa come to pick him up before the opera. (time in episode 0:15:38)
  45. "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1" (s04e12) - Steel guitar music played on Hurley's birthday party. (time in episode 0:24:31)
  46. "Because You Left" (s05e01) - Music in the cartoon played at the TV in Kate's apartment. (time in episode 0:12:02)
  47. "316" (s05e06) - Music played in the DHARMA van that Yin drives. (time in episode 0:41:11)
  48. "He's Our You" (s05e10) - Music played in the bar where Sayid met Ilana. (time in episode 0:22:02)
  49. "He's Our You" (s05e10) - Music played when Sayid is in bed with Ilana. Probably score. (time in episode 0:30:58)
  50. "Some Like It Hoth" (s05e13) - Music played at the taco bar where Miles gets kidnapped. (time in episode 0:30:26)
  51. "What Kate Does" (s06e03) - Music played at the mechanic's garage where Kate gets her handcuffs taken off. (time in episode 0:08:15)
  52. "Lighthouse" (s06e05) - Music played in Jack's car as he is on his way to pick up David. (time in episode 0:02:28)
  53. "Recon" (s06e08) - Music played in the restaurant where Saywer meets Charlotte. Barely audible. (time in episode 00:12:00)
  54. "Happily Ever After" (s06e11) - Music played in the bar where Charlie and Desmond talks. (time in episode 00:14:46)
  55. "Evertbody Loves Hugo" (s06e12) - Music played at the restaurant where Hurley is waiting for his bind date. (time in episode 00:06:12)
  56. "The End" (s06e17) - Music played at the concert by Daniel and Drive Shaft. (time in episode 00:41:45 and 00:46:26)

Note: Some of these songs may be duplicates of ones we have ID'd. The one from The Whole Truth may be our voi cha chapete

There's also a great possibility that some of the songs are created specifically for Lost, and is not a commercial song. If so, it should not be on the list!
  • Add audio samples of the songs to the list. Perhaps using wikimedia.
I have now carefully viewed through all episodes of Lost, and I think I have listed all music that are not yet identified. You will find them in the list above. / Dreamingtree72 15:48, 6 October 2007 (PDT)
Excellent work! -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:38, 6 October 2007 (PDT)



  • "316" (s05e06) - Music played in the dharma van that Yin drives. (time in episode 0:41:11)

A currently unidentified song with the following lyrics can be heard playing in Jin’s DHARMA van as he discovers Jack, Hurley and Kate after their return to the island (“316”): It is rumoured that it could possibly be sung by the fictional band Geronimo Jackson.

Yeah, you kissed him
It feels so right
Oh, to have another man
Hold up that night

An alternative interpretation of the song lyrics. It's really hard to hear what he sings! /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   00:15, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, You keep him
It feels so right (Alt. It feels alright)
What you had another man (Alt. Won't you have another man)
Hold on last night

The poster going by the alias of Kilrain was the person who first made this discovery, and posted it to The Fuselage. Kilrain recognized this song as "Excelsior Lady", performed by the U.K. band The Donkeys. You can hear it as a sampling clip from their album Living On the Other Side at Amazon.com. Kilrain said that he recognized the song because he keeps a collection of soundtracks and scores, and that The Donkeys' music had been used in the season 1, episode 5 of the television show Sons of Anarchy. Saukkomies 14:25, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
Good job! /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   21:17, 25 February 2009 (UTC)


  • "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Hurley, Charlie and Desmond singing on the beach (“the farmer's daughter song”?). (time in episode 0:08:40)

Anyone know who wrote the farmer's daughter song Charlie, Hurley and Des were singing? If so, please add. --PandoraX 21:22, 14 February 2007 (PST)

Added it to the "article task list" above. / Dreamingtree72 15:06, 28 September 2007 (PDT)

Song Jack plays on piano in "Do No Harm"[]

  • "Do No Harm" (s01e20) - Melody played on the piano by Jack before he and Sarah plays "Heart and soul" together. (time in episode 0:14:12)

Apparently used in several scenes (caves discovery, jack playing piano as Sarah walks in before wedding). see Lost-TV forums. Confirm, then let's add to article.-- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  04:07, 8 February 2007 (PST)

Could be a Giacchino composition though -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  20:41, 13 February 2007 (PST)
I've listened to it a couple of times now and I don't think it's the same melody. Anyone have any clue? /Dreamingtree72 12:40, 14 September 2007 (PDT)
I agree, the music Jack plays on the piano is not one of the musical motifs from the score. Sounds like a classical waltz. Although I suppose it could've been written by Giacchino. It's pretty simple, so I made a transcription of it in case it helps anyone to identify it.
JackPianoSong1 -- Graft   talk   contributions  19:30, 7 October 2007 (PDT)
Confirmed to be Giacchino in Lost in a Day. --Gluphokquen Gunih 11:42, 7 February 2008 (PST)
That was for the scene with Kate at the barracks in "The Man from Tallahassee". This one is for the scene with Sarah before their wedding in "Do No Harm". The other time Jack has played piano in the show. ;) -- Graft   talk   contributions  22:52, 7 February 2008 (PST)
My bad, guess I didn't read that well enough. --Gluphokquen Gunih 16:41, 17 May 2008 (PDT)

Sing Songs[]

Whilst drinking around a camp fire, Charlie, Desmond and Hurley sing a song that appears to have been written specifically for the show.

...She swore like a Docker
With a cracking set of knockers
She was only the farmer's daughter.

  • Desmond and Charlie also mention a song about "a girl with one leg and a heart of gold."

/ Edit by Ehsteve23 - 8 april 2010 23.57

sorry for adding it to the article without discussing it here. I looked into it and cannot find any song with lyrics even close to those. All searches only come up with transcripts for 3x08, so it would appear to have been written for that scene. Ehsteve23 13:11, April 12, 2010 (UTC)
No problem... I don't think we should add this one to the article yet, since it's not confirmed that it is written specifically for the show. It's also on the "article task list";
  • 31. "Flashes Before Your Eyes" (s03e08) - Hurley, Charlie and Desmond singing on the beach (“the farmer's daughter song”?). (time in episode 0:08:40))
I think wee should see if anyone can get this one confirmed by any official source fists. /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   11:11, April 13, 2010 (UTC)
Found this on Crap Jokes: not the same song, but probably the inspiration for a family safe one. - DeK - The guy behind the courtesy 16:22, February 14, 2011 (UTC)

Reference to song 2112[]

Reference to song "2112" by Rush in Season 1 Episode 7 "The Moth" Liam said to Charlie, "And the Meek shall inherit the Earth." —The preceding unsigned comment was added by P8ntballermike (talkcontribs) 23:35, 25 July 2010.

I don't think this qualifies as a reference to this song... it's rather a reference to the bible... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatitudes /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   07:16, July 22, 2010 (UTC)


List of music in lost confirmed to be non commercial songs[]

Note: This might be for example music composed by "Michael Giacchino". The obvious ones are not listed here, only the ones that are hard to tell apart. Discussion about the music in this list might be found in the "Talk:Music" or "Talk:Music Archive".

  • (s01s07) "The Moth" - Music played when Charlie is visiting his brother in Sidney. (time in episode 0:31:01) Supposed to be score.
  • (s02e12) "Fire + Water" - Played on piano by Charlie. (time in episode 0:02:59) Supposed to be a "slightly messed up" version of the Driveshaft song "Funny now".
  • (s03e07) "Not In Portland" - Music played in the room where Carl is being brain washed. (time in episode 0:24:23) Confirmed by Gregg Nations [1].
  • (s03e13) "The Man From Tallahassee" - On tv when Locke is watching. (time in episode 0:05:02) Supposed to be score for the tv-series "Exposé" or library music.
  • (s03e13) "The Man From Tallahassee" - Played on the piano by Jack. (time in episode 0:08:26) Confirmed by Damon & Carlton in the Official Lost Podcast/March 26, 2007.
  • (s03e15) "Left Behind" - Song in bar with Kate & Cassidy. (time in episode 0:09:08) Confirmed by Gregg Nations [2].
  • (s03e15) "Left Behind" - Instrumental music when Saywer is having a barbeque (time in episode 0:35:10) Supposed to be score or library music.
  • (s03e22) "Through The Looking Glass" - Charlie is singing. (time in episode 0:26:30) Confirmed to be the Driveshaft song "You all everybody".
  • (s04e07) "Ji Yeon" - On tv when Sun have contractions. (time in episode 0:05:00) Supposed to be score for the tv-series "Exposé" or library music.
We might consider putting these songs (confirmed to be Giacchino soundtrack or noncommercial) into a separate section in the main article, just for completeness' sake. Of course, we could get sucked into putting *every* obvious soundtrack occurrence in, but maybe that's ok. If any subsections ever get too large, all we have to do is spin it off into a separate article. -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  16:04, 8 October 2007 (PDT)
My idea of this list was just to prevent that the same music would come up on the unidentified list over and over again... I think it would be enough to have it here on the talk page. / Dreamingtree72 11:32, 9 October 2007 (PDT)

Possible references to songs and musicians[]

Note: The list below shows possible (not obvious or confirmed) references to musicians in Lost with no reference to a particular song, and commercial songs (non-original) that are not heard, but are possibly (not obvious or confirmed) referred to in the show. The purpose of this list is to prevent deleted songs (that don't belong in the article) to reappear in the article.

  • (s01e22) - "Born to Run" by Bruce Springsteen. - The episode title is a possible reference to the album and song by Bruce Springsteen.
  • (s02e20) - "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. - Scene in Lost where Hurley wants to woo Libby, is parallel to the scene in film "Say Anything" where the guy holds the boom box over his head to "woo" the girl. In that scene the song "In Your Eyes" is playing.
  • (s01e05), (s01e06), (s02e01), (s02e23), (s03e04) and (s03e22) - "The Internationale" by Billy Bragg. - The episode title and the spoken phrases ("We'll live together or we'll die alone")nis a possible reference to a line from the English-language Billy Bragg revision of this famous socialist, anarchist, communist, and social democratic anthem.
  • (s03e09) - "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Iron Maiden, U2, Barbra Streisand and/or Leon Russell. - The episode title is a possible reference to any of the four songs by various artists: Iron Maiden, U2, Barbra Streisand, and Leon Russell.
  • (s03e16) - "One Of Us" by V/A - The episode title is a possible reference to a number of songs that share the same title.

I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby[]

Anyone who knows what recording of this song is used in He's Our You? It have been recorded by many different artist through out the years. (I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby @ Wikipedia). /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   23:56, 27 March 2009 (UTC)

With help from a friend I now identified what artist performed this version of the song "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby"... it's Billie Holiday. /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   10:54, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

Geronimo Jackson Vs The Donkeys[]

I wonder how you all think about having a "fictional" band i the list of songs featured in Lost. I personally think this feels a bit odd... I have always thought that this list are supposed to list "real" artists. I think if this song are to be on the list it should be as "The Donkeys" and not as "Geronimo Jackson". There are a section for "fictional music" further down in the article. I think we should put it there instead. Any thoughts someone? /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   13:44, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

This is a special case, I think, because of it being a real song which was revamped for the show. The little bit we hear in "316" is exactly as heard on The Donkeys' "Excelsior Lady." In "Namaste," we hear the version which was changed to be "Dharma Lady." Even though we're to believe that the bit in "316" was the GJ version, it's still notable that it's based on the real-life version. I think we should list it in the "Songs" section as "Excelsior Lady" and explain that it was revamped to be "Dharma Lady." And in the GJ section, we should list it as "Dharma Lady" and explain that it was based on "Excelsior Lady." -- Graft   talk   contributions  20:49, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
Oh... I already made the change... didn't notice your post until now. I guess we could have it in both lists, but are you sure it's the Donkeys version in "316"? I'll put it back in the season 5 section again for now... /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   21:22, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
I just listened to the various versions. The bit in "316" is indeed the revamped version we hear in "Namaste" (the electric keyboard plays a different line from the "Excelsior Lady" version). The lyrics are the same in that bit, however, as to the original version. So perhaps all we need to say is that both versions we hear in the show are "Geronimo Jackson", but the song is based on "Excelsior Lady." -- Graft   talk   contributions  21:49, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
Ok... I agree... but is it still necessary to have it in the season 5 list? I think it would be enough to have it under the fictional songs list. /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   22:00, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

I Feel Like Going Home[]

Is I Feel Like Going Home the version by Muddy Waters, or a cover by Corey Harris? -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  21:56, 14 January 2007 (PST)

I'm pretty sure that it's the version by Muddy Waters. There are audio samples at allmusic.com. Here are direct links to Muddy Waters version and Corey Harris version. / Dreamingtree72 16:25, 27 September 2007 (PDT)


Same song in different episodes/seasons[]

See previous discussion at the Talk page archive. Please post you reply below at this page, not the history page! /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   22:51, March 11, 2010 (UTC)

Quotation marks, italics[]

So, looking over the Wikipedia manual of style for titles, they use quotation marks for song titles and italics for album titles, analogous to the use of quotation marks for episode titles and italics for television series; the rule being quotes for shorter works (part of a longer work) and italics for longer works. I think it's a good idea to revamp our current usage of quotes and italics for song titles and album titles, as a matter of consistency and accuracy. And I'd certainly be up for hunting down and changing relevant instances. -- Graft   talk   contributions  22:51, 30 October 2007 (PDT)


It hit me tonight, that the name of this article is insanely broad. Since the article is mainly about commercial songs featured in Lost, should the name be changed to reflect that? Music could be a disambig to cover this article, the score, the musical themes, etc. This article just seems to be focused enough to warrent a more specific name than Music. --Gluphokquen Gunih 22:54, 19 May 2008 (PDT)

I have thought about this to. But I think we should keep the Music article as a portal to all music pages if we do anything about this issue. And I think the new article containing the "Songs featured within episodes of Lost" section should be named "Commercial music". Or what do you other people think about this? /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   01:56, 30 May 2008 (PDT)
No I agree, Music should be a portal to all other pages reguarding music. --Gluphokquen Gunih 22:35, 30 May 2008 (PDT)
Anyone disagree if I go ahead and make the change mentioned above? If you do, please discuss it here! I'll make the change if no one disagrees. /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   22:22, 24 January 2009 (UTC)
I support it! Datameister 17:01, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
Agree, rename. I think it's about time "Music" became a portal (it pretty much already is!). "Commercial music" would work; but what about "Non-original music"? I would be fine with either of those. -- Graft   talk   contributions  05:37, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
I don't think "Commercial music" is a very good name. If I were a songwriter I might object to might art being relegated to the category of just being "commercial". :-) Robert K S (talk) 07:17, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
I agree that "Commercial music" isn't the best alternative. How about just keeping the name "Songs featured within episodes of Lost"... or is it to long? Otherwise "Non-original music" would work fine I think. Anyone have another alternative name? /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   11:56, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
Is there any reason why "Songs" wouldn't work? Robert K S (talk) 20:29, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
Just "Songs" or do you mean "Songs featured within episodes of Lost"? If you mean just "Songs" I think it would be to wide... /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   09:14, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
We don't need additional specification. This is a Lost wiki, so anything on the wiki is presumed to relate to the show in some way. Robert K S (talk) 22:04, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
"Songs" could be ok, but I think technically "song" means music with vocals. That's why I was suggesting titles with the word "music." -- Graft   talk   contributions  20:56, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
How about we go with the "Non-original music" alternative?!! I think it's the best alternative that have come up here so far. Any other alternatives? /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   23:18, 20 March 2009 (UTC)
  • Alternatives so far:
    • "Songs featured within episodes of Lost"
    • "Commercial music"
    • "Non-original music"
    • "Songs"
    • "Music in Lost"
What's up with the renaming? How about we go ahead with it? I see at the portal:music page that this page are referred to as "Songs", so why don't go with that? /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   17:12, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Yes Sure, let's go with that. --- Balk Of Fametalk 19:46, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Yes for "Songs". Not to mention that Songs actually redirects to Music in the first place, the title of Template:Nav-Songs is "Songs" but links to Music, and the title of Template:Nav-Music is "Music" but links to Portal:Music. —烏Γ (kaw at me), 04:54, October 31, 2010 (UTC)
Yes So who can make this happen?! ;) /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   09:06, October 31, 2010 (UTC)



This song is called Saved according to driveshaftband.com and from what iI can gather is in real life performed by Ben Folds. the lyrics are "funny now/ you finally see me standing here / funny now/ i'm crying in the rain / all alone / i try to be invincible / together now / we can Saved"(BrianG 20:24, 15 March 2007 (PDT))

I only found one reference to support this theory, and it does not cite its sources, seems like fan speculation so far: [3] -- Contrib¯ _Santa_ ¯  Talk  14:55, 18 March 2007 (PDT)

Disk 4, Season 2 DVD[]

Does anybody know what the music playing on disk 4 of the Season 2 DVD is when you select the list of episodes? It has no vocals but I really want to know! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Pinknoise (talkcontribs) 19:01, 25 March 2007.

Rename to "Songs"[]

Reviving old discussion from above, I think we should rename this page "songs". It covers songs almost exclusively. We also need a page for music. That page will contain everything from this page other than songs - really just headings linking to existing pages for soundtracks, themes etc.

We could also just move content to a new page called "songs", but leaving it here retains the edit history. --- Balk Of Fametalk 12:21, September 5, 2010 (UTC)

I agree that this page Music should be more like a "nav-page" that links to the other pages like "Musical score", "Other musical references (promotional)", "Songs featured within episodes of Lost" and so on. But I don't think the new name of the later one should be just "songs"... I really don't have any good alternative but from the above mentioned I like "Non-original music" best... /   Dreamingtree72    talk    contribs   17:35, September 5, 2010 (UTC)