
Is anyone else bothered by the extremely short amount of time allowed for Michael's activities during season 3? According to the timeline page, Michael and Walt catch a ferry home on Day 69 and by day 77-81, Michael is on the freighter working for Ben. This means that in that short span, around 10 days, Michael and Walt traveled across America, Michael attempted to commit suicide, recovered, bought a gun, met with Tom and was already in place to board the freighter. Assuming you would need bare minimum 1 full day of travel to get from wherever they sold the boat in the Pacific to NYC, plus at least another day to get from NYC to wherever he boarded the boat (not to mention the time it took the freighter to sail from there to the island), it just seems extremely impractical if not nearly impossible, especially once you start to wonder how they could travel so quickly without revealing who they were. In Post 9/11 America, you can't just walk up to an airplane counter and pay cash without showing an ID to get a pair of plane tickets, and any travel besides air would increase the travel time even further.

I suppose the time travel theories (which I'm still not completely sold on except for the connections with moving the island and the Orchid Station) could explain this in part if the heading Ben gave them was designed to allow Michael and Walt to exit the island at an earlier point. --Rschaller83 22:18, 23 November 2008 (PST)
