
Anagrams for Leonard Sims[]

The name is screaming for some anagrams, here's a couple that make sense (kinda):


Snowman joke[]

Where is the evidence that Hurley knows the snowman joke? It seems to be a persistant rumor that Hurley told it in Season 1, but no one can say which episode. --Uth 11:47, 6 April 2006 (PDT)

You're quite right, Hurley may have never actually said this. I can't find any reference to Hurley telling the snowman joke in series one or two that can be backed up with which episode it is in. Without watching all the episodes again there is no way to be sure but I will remove this part of the entry. Cheers... --Rufus 14:11, 6 April 2006 (PDT)

It doesn't give an episode reference, but on the Desmond page, it is said that Hurley told Walt that joke. -- Lostpedian 15:18, 6 April 2006 (PDT)

Maybe Leonard and Sam Toomey was on the ISLAND!!! Maybe they don´t just listen the transmission with the NUMBERS, and found a way to get in and get out there! They could use de coordenates that fake "Henry Gale" give to Michael go home: WEST 325. This could be the only way, the DOOR of the ISLAND!! Create by DHARMA INITIATIVE people in the magnetic field around the Island...--Lecolost 21:52, 31 May 2006 (PDT)

The Leak[]

I was reading about the Failsafe and about how there was a "leak" when a thought occured to me: What if Leonard was on the island? I see this theory is already posted, but the Failsafe convorsation may support this theory. If Leonard was the "leak", he could've been pretty well silenced by being sent to the mental hospital, and possibly beaten/tortured til he lost his mind prior. I'm not sure how likely it would be that he was stationed in the Pearl, but maybe he was in the Swan before Kelvin and his partner. Maybe he used the computer to somehow get a communication out, was silenced, and Kelvin replaced him. --Loki 05:30, 1 June 2006 (PDT)

Leonard Simms was killed by Ben (in the island)[]

  • In the meeting of Ben and Jack in the jungle, in "Through the looking glass" Ben said: " i took a decision that killed more than 40 people in one single day, and i tell you this because the history is repeating now": The people who leave the island, has a really insane life when they are back to the outside world (like Jack in this episode): Leonard Simms was part of this people killed by Ben, part of Dharma people. --Fuzter lost 12:05, 25 May 2007 (PDT)
There's nothing that points to Leonard actually being on the island itself. --Jambalaya 12:12, 25 May 2007 (PDT)

Leonard Simms was a DHARMA Initiative Member[]

Assuming there are no real magical coincidences in the series (I know, I know. . . of course there must be, right? But bear with me.), Leonard Simms' knowledge of the numbers cannot be a fluke. Therefore, we can safely come to the conclusion that he was once on the island, fell ill, mentally-speaking, somehow got off the island, and now repeats the numbers over and over, since the numbers are on the label of the vaccine Leonard believes he needs to get better. So while there's no evidence, per se, of his being on the island, how else would he choose these numbers? And how else could the writers realistically tie him into the grand scheme of things otherwise? --Quik32 22:54, 13 December 2007 (PST)

Er, might I point you to the article page? (and have you seen the episode "Numbers"?) He was stationed at a listening post in the South Pacific with Sam Toomey and they picked up the Numbers on a loop. -- Graft   talk   contributions  23:21, 13 December 2007 (PST)