
removing deadlink from wanted list --Nickb123 (Talk) 16:45, 12 May 2007 (PDT)


I don't think I can prove this in a verifiable way, but IIRC I believe the gulls in "Par Avion" were specifically supposed to be Arctic terns. Clover 00:25, 22 April 2008 (PDT)

  • ...if you remember correctly from what source? I have absolutely no idea where you're getting your information from, but whatever they were "supposed" to be, they are not Arctic Terns, they are Silver Gulls - two VERY different species. For reference, view Wikipedia articles and Google images to reference and compare them to the episode's screenshots shown in this article. Terns are terns (subfamily Sterninae) and seagulls/gulls are seagulls/gulls (subfamily Larinae). The birds are called seagulls/gulls in the show, and IMO wouldn't be referred to as such if they were meant to be terns. In ADDITION, Silver Gulls are found in the South Pacific. WHY would the Lost crew and creators go through the trouble of using a bird specifically within (or close enough to) the geographical parameters of the show if they were being ridiculously scientifically inaccurate to begin with?--Overworkedirish 18:48, 22 April 2008 (PDT)