
Every single one of the articles I created for the "Lafleur" episode (Including this one) were redirected to someone elses that weren't created till several hours after mine and after the episode's airing! I have been repremmanded for redirecting other peoples articles that were created after mine instead of just renaming them, But when someone else does it to mine it's ok? I created the Amy, Jerry, Phil, and Rosie articles as they appeared during tonight's episode, and they were redirected to copy articles without the DI brackets on them later. The only reason I put the DI in brackets was because I was told that we had to do that. In the long run I don't really care, but when a double standard is set that ticks me off. --LOST-The Cartographer 08:17, 5 March 2009 (UTC)

  • I see you point. People should use rename disscusions rather than redirecting articles because it does not move the page's revision history. Even though the DI in backets shouldn't be used for every single member of the DI (since this is the only Amy that has appeared on the show thus far), people should nominate those articles for renaming rather than redirecting them.--Orhan94 08:45, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
  • I feel your pain. See the first talk post on the LaFleur page. Ihope someone got to renaming rather than just redirects. I know Rosie and Heather were renamed, Paul is fine as it is but idk yet about Phil & Jerry.--Mistertrouble189 11:52, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
    • I'm glad someone agrees. All I ask is that they be reverted back to my articles, and renamed. The same goes for yours Trouble. We should get the credit for starting them first not some "up-starts" who cheated. --LOST-The Cartographer 18:03, 5 March 2009 (UTC)


  • Rom had to come from somewhere. Obviously not from Horace, and it is confirmed to be the same Ethan. Speculatish, yes, but there is a precedent with Goodwin. --LeoChris 01:24, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree - with Goodwin we assumed his name was Stanhope because we knew that was the surname of his wife AND it was mentioned in one of the enhanced episodes; in this case it's pure speculation. Obviously "Rom" must come from somewhere and there is a chance that it's Amy's surname, but we don't know that; for all we know baby Ethan could be abducted by the Hostiles and raised by someone named "Rom".--BADavid 14:30, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree per BADavid. -- Sam McPherson  T  C  E  22:35, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree, we don't know if Ethan grew up with DHARMA or remembered them or took a different last name with living with the Others. We just need more infomation until we add a last name to Amy.--Mistertrouble189 22:54, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree - not confirmed. Dt7 00:07, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree - same reasons above Rogerfjmk 03:00, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
Disagree with my own proposed rename, now that I read the above. I feel pretty dumb right now actually ... hadn't even considered the possibility of Ethan not being raised by Amy and Horace ... Oh well. --LeoChris 04:57, 22 March 2009 (UTC)

Was Amy only created to replace Olivia?

I'm starting to suspect that the reason Olivia hasn't showed up is that Samantha Mathis was unavailable to play Olivia and that they just created the character of Amy to replace her (IMHO, it would've been better to hire another actress and keep Olivia; but what do I know...) Any info on that?--Lauridsen77 15:24, 11 April 2009 (UTC)

I almost recall hearing that that was true...but I can't find it, sorry.--Golden Monkey 17:22, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

Renaming "Amy Goodspeed"

I call a vote to rename this page to Amy Goodspeed. Reason being well her name is Amy Goodspeed, and we did the same to the Penelope Widmore page; which is now Hume. --LOST-The Cartographer 21:30, December 11, 2009 (UTC)

Yes I agree. Mainly because the extended version of "What Kate Does" tonight listed her as "Amy Goodspeed" (as in "Horace and Amy Goodspeed").--Tim Thomason 05:25, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

No I think it's better if we keep it to Amy. Maybe they never married since Horace Goodspeeds busy job. It could also being Amy Rom. --Station7 11:00, February 17, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, but according to "What Kate Does"-enhanced "Horace and Amy Goodspeed" were the parents of Ethan. So, at one point she was known as "Amy Goodspeed" according to the enhanced episode (which we've accepted as evidence enough before).--Tim Thomason 21:21, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

No Enhanced episodes are not canon and we cannot trust what they say. --Golden Monkey 21:23, February 25, 2010 (UTC)

Reply There's a precedent with Goodwin and Harper though, so on that basis, I agree with the rename. --LeoChris 00:03, February 26, 2010 (UTC)
Yes We've used the Enhanced eps as canon before on these matters so I agree with the rename. --Orhan94 19:07, March 15, 2010 (UTC)