
Sri Lanka Video by segment

This subpage describes the incremental piecing together of the video as it was revealed fragment by fragment via the game The Lost Experience. The fans' process of obtaining each of the seventy video fragments, as well as ordering them, is documented here.

Below is the list of all segments in sequence order. The left image is the start of clip, and the right one is the one displayed on hansoexposed.com (end.) Images link to a larger version (320x240). Section titles link to a video of all segments in that section and glyph codes link to the clip on HansoExposed.

External links: see the full video at Hansoexposed.com

    Orientation Film (42)[]

    Orientation Film Opening (2)[]

  1. OHGE
    Glyph : 4
    Duration : 6.571 seconds
    Previous :
    This is the first segment of the video.
    Next : ZY6C
    Film is continuous.
    Ohge segment start 320x240 Ohge segment 320x240
    Transcript : Onscreen- "© 1975 The Hanso Foundation"
    Context : Opening sequence of the DHARMA Initiative orientation film, with music.
    Description : Displays THE DHARMA INITIATIVE over a symbol of concentric circles with a Hanso Foundation copyright notice.
    Continuity : Opens on several seconds of black with artifacts, ends with the DHARMA name fading out.

  2. ZY6C
    Glyph : 17
    Duration : 8.841 seconds
    Previous : OHGE
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 4KVKLAYDM0
    Film is continuous.
    Zy6c segment start 320x240 Zy6c segment 320x240
    Transcript : Onscreen- "ORIENTATION"
    Context : The familiar DHARMA orientation film opening sequence and music...
    Description : The copyright notice fades away and the DHARMA logo appears around the symbol from previous segment.
    Continuity : Ends with the DHARMA logo completely faded away, in a black screen.

    Orientation Film Introduction (4)[]

    Glyph : 14
    Duration : 5.205 seconds
    Previous : ZY6C
    Film is continuous.
    Film is continuous.
    4kvklaydm0 segment start 320x240 4kvklaydm0 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "I'm..."
    Context : Orientation film opening ends and image switches to Alvar Hanso facing a window to the left.
    Description : Alvar Hanso turns towards the camera and starts to introduce himself while intro music is still playing.
    Continuity : Sentence is continued in next segment.

    Glyph : 36
    Duration : 1.668 seconds
    Previous : 4KVKLAYDM0
    Film is continuous.
    Next : GMX18BCJ
    Film is continuous.
    Tribalwars segment start 320x240 Tribalwars segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...Alvar Hanso."
    Context : Orientation film opening featuring Alvar Hanso.
    Description : Alvar Hanso introduces himself while opening music is still playing.
    Continuity : The light from outside and the contrast seems different from previous and next segments.
    This segment's code forms "tribal wars", which may be a reference to the alleged takeover of the Hanso Foundation by Thomas Mittelwerk.

  5. GMX18BCJ
    Glyph : 13
    Duration : 5.071 seconds
    Previous : TRIBALWARS
    Film is continuous.
    Next : A0Y8
    Film is continuous.
    Gmx18bcj segment start 320x240 Gmx18bcj segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "If you are watching this film, you already know and have worked with Gerald and Karen DeGroot..."
    Context : Segment of Alvar Hanso's orientation film introduction speech.
    Description : Alvar Hanso is standing still, speaking in the position he started his speech in.
    Continuity : The orientation film music is still playing at the start of the clip. Alvar Hanso's phrase is complete in meaning (doesn't necessarily start nor lead anywhere...)

  6. A0Y8
    Glyph : 39
    Duration : 8.006 seconds
    Previous : GMX18BCJ
    Film is continuous.
    Next : KU12PB5LV7
    Film is continuous
    A0y8 segment start 320x240 A0y8 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...founders and masterminds of the DHARMA initiative. By now, you also know there are many research goals for our joint venture."
    Context : Segment of Alvar Hanso's orientation film introduction speech.
    Description :
    Continuity :

    DHARMA & Secrecy (3)[]

  7. KU12PB5LV7
    Glyph : 30
    Duration : 3.836 seconds
    Previous : A0Y8
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 90VDHOHU
    Film is continuous.
    Ku12pb5lv7 segment start 320x240 Ku12pb5lv7 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "What you may not know is why we have assembled the DHARMA Initiat..."
    Context : Segment of Alvar Hanso's orientation film introduction speech.
    Description : Alvar Hanso continues his speech without moving.
    Continuity : Opens on a closer shot for a short while. Ends mid word, continued in next segment.

  8. 90VDHOHU
    Glyph : 27
    Duration : 5.305 seconds
    Previous : KU12PB5LV7
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 7HKBH
    Film is continuous.
    90vdhohu segment start 320x240 90vdhohu segment 320x240
    Transcript : "...ive. Why we have assembled the greatest minds in the world and given them unlimited funds and access."
    Context : Segment of Alvar Hanso's orientation film introduction speech.
    Description : The camera changes to a closer view on Alvar Hanso's upper body, who continues his speech without moving.
    Continuity : Speech starts with "ive", completing the word "Initiative" from last segment. The camera is slightly lower in 7HKBH and contrast is not the same, although Hanso's position matches exactly.

  9. 7HKBH
    Glyph : 1
    Duration : 6.873 seconds
    Previous : 90VDHOHU
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 7TI
    Film is continuous.
    7hkbh segment start 320x240 7hkbh segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "As with all you've already been told, you are bound by your honor and commitment to keep what you are about to hear a secret."
    Context : Segment of Alvar Hanso's orientation film introduction speech.
    Description : The camera changes to a close-up of Alvar Hanso's face, trying to look serious.
    Continuity : Alvar Hanso doesn't appear to move. The phrase is complete in meaning.

    Mission Summary (5)[]

  10. 7TI
    Glyph : 18
    Duration : 6.940 seconds
    Previous : 7HKBH
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 3ZGT
    Jump is part of the film.
    7ti segment start 320x240 7ti segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "In a few weeks, after your induction, counseling and survival training, you and your colleagues will be shipped to a top secret facil [...]"
    Context : Alvar Hanso explains the subject's mission in the orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso narrating while the screen shows images of a rocky cost followed by a palm tree in front of a hill with something that looks like a box on top. The segment ends with Alvar Hanso in mid-word (it would seem he was going to say "facility".)
    Continuity : Starts with zoom on Alvar Hanso's face as in 7HKBH ending. Ends on a black frame.
    It is possible that there is a missing clip here. But the original film most likely has a cut here, with just the end of the word "facility" missing.

  11. 3ZGT
    Glyph : 16
    Duration : 3.336 seconds
    Previous : 7TI
    Jump is part of the film.
    Next : 1EY8AZCZNA2
    Film is continuous.
    3zgt segment start 320x240 3zgt segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "The precise location of the facility is known only to myself..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso explains the subject's mission in the orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso narrating while the screen shows images of arid looking hills followed by a thick, tropical looking, forest under a shroud of fog.
    Continuity : Opens on a completely black frame as 7TI ending.

  12. 1EY8AZCZNA2
    Glyph : 7
    Duration : 3.268 seconds
    Previous : 3ZGT
    Film is continuous.
    Next : VIX7ZXT97
    Film is continuous.
    1ey8azczna2 segment start 320x240 1ey8azczna2 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...the DeGroots, the few high ranking members of my organization."
    Context : Alvar Hanso explains the subject's mission in the orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso narrating while the screen shows a tropical looking forest shrouded by fog.
    Continuity : While there is a slight light variation from last segment and the orientation film may have been edited, it seems unlikely that there are missing segments before or after this one.

  13. VIX7ZXT97
    Glyph : 21
    Duration : 5.871 seconds
    Previous : 1EY8AZCZNA2
    Film is continuous.
    Next : ZFTLZAGO014H
    Film is continuous.
    Vix7zxt97 segment start 320x240 Vix7zxt97 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Why all the security, all the secrecy? The answer is simple."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film speech.
    Description : Alvar Hanso talking about the secrecy of the mission, acting a little nervous.
    Continuity : Alvar Hanso walks away from his starting point toward the right. He likely explains the answer as it relates to the historical context of the mission.

  14. ZFTLZAGO014H
    Glyph : 51
    Duration : 5.505 seconds
    Previous : VIX7ZXT97
    Film is continuous.
    Next : XIGZ2Y10S2
    Film is continuous.
    Zftlzago014h segment start 320x240 Zftlzago014h segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Your research is intended to do nothing less than save the world as we know it."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film speech.
    Description : Alvar Hanso explains the reason for the secrecy.
    Continuity : Starts with Alvar Hanso in same position as VIX7ZXT97, then switches to a close-up.

    History Speech (3)[]

  15. XIGZ2Y10S2
    Glyph : 12
    Duration : 15.148 seconds
    Previous : ZFTLZAGO014H
    Film is continuous.
    Next : M6XY398
    Film is continuous.
    Xigz2y10s2 segment start 320x240 Xigz2y10s2 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "In 1962, only [thirteen] years ago, the world came to the brink of Nuclear War. The United States and The Soviet Union almost fulfilled the promise of mutual assured destruction. A promise they continue to foster through a destructive Cold War."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : Archival footage of military vehicles, (in)famous political figures (Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro) related to the Cuban Missile Crisis as well as exploding missiles and atomic mushrooms are shown while Alvar Hanso narrates.
    Continuity : Opens on a close-up of Alvar Hanso. Ends on shot of sky.

  16. M6XY398
    Glyph : 15
    Duration : 5.905 seconds
    Previous : XIGZ2Y10S2
    Film is continuous.
    Next : E2LL1Z5E
    Film is continuous.
    M6xy398 segment start 320x240 M6xy398 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "After the Cuban Missile Crisis, both nations decided to find a solution. The result.."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : Alvar Hanso is seen at a medium close-up, narrating Cold War history...
    Continuity : Opens on shot of sky from previous segment. Ends on shot of Alvar Hanso.

  17. E2LL1Z5E
    Glyph : 31
    Duration : 2.701 seconds
    Previous : M6XY398
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 88CH
    Film is continuous.
    E2ll1z5e segment start 320x240 E2ll1z5e segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...was the Valenzetti Equation."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : Close-up of Alvar Hanso's eyes and nose as he narrates.
    Continuity : Opens on shot of Alvar Hanso from previous segment, ends on close-up of Alvar Hanso's eyes and nose.

    The Valenzetti Equation (9)[]

  18. 88CH
    Glyph : 6
    Duration : 3.836 seconds
    Previous : E2LL1Z5E
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 750NZF8X
    Film is continuous.
    88ch segment start 320x240 88ch segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Commissioned under the highest secrecy, through the U.N. Security Council..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : Black and white images of the United Nations headquarters are shown while Alvar Hanso narrates.
    Continuity : Opens on close-up of Alvar Hanso's eyes and nose.

  19. 750NZF8X
    Glyph : 23
    Duration : 4.570 seconds
    Previous : 88CH
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 89RMCOCDC6D
    Film is continuous.
    750nzf8x segment start 320x240 750nzf8x segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "The equation is the brain child of the Italian mathematician Enzo Valenzetti."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : Presumably Enzo Valenzetti facing the U.N. Security Council.
    Continuity : Unlikely to be missing segments before or after.

  20. 89RMCOCDC6D
    Glyph : 22
    Duration : 5.105 seconds
    Previous : 750NZF8X
    Film is continuous.
    Film is continuous.
    89rmcocdc6d segment start 320x240 89rmcocdc6d segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "It predicts the exact number of years and months before humanity extinguishes itself."
    Context : Alvar Hanso's orientation film history speech.
    Description : A man in a white lab coat takes a pen to write underneath the already written "The Valenzetti Equation" on a board.
    Continuity : Ends on view of man writing; not likely continued in orientation film, probably leads directly back to a view of Hanso.
    The man in white coat may be Enzo Valenzetti, beginning to write his equation or it's result, the countdown to extinction. It appears to start with the numbers 4 and 8.

    Glyph : 38
    Duration : 7.773 seconds
    Previous : 89RMCOCDC6D
    Film is continuous.
    Next : RXMHJH9Y
    Jump is part of the film.
    Chocolates segment start 320x240 Chocolates segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Whether through nuclear fire, chemical and biological warfare, conventional warfare, pandemic, over-population..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso speaking over images of war and pandemics.
    Description :
    Continuity :

  22. RXMHJH9Y
    Glyph : 19
    Duration : 4.470 seconds
    Previous : CHOCOLATES
    Jump is fart of the film.
    Next : PGVPE4EC
    Film is continuous.
    Rxmhjh9y segment start 320x240 Rxmhjh9y segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "His results are chilling, and attention must be paid."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Opens on a medium close-up of Alvar Hanso with the right side of his face covered in light and the left one redder than normal. His lips are slightly open and he has a weird look. Immediately, a weird sound is heard and the image changes to an extreme close-up of the left side of Alvar Hanso's face. He says the first half of his sentence, then image cuts to another plan at medium close-up where he says the second.
    Continuity : Although there is an audio anomaly, visually it lines up with CHOCOLATES.
    There are clear cuts, edits and bugs in this segment, showing that this orientation film can't realistically be expected to be more complete than the known ones in the end...

  23. PGVPE4EC
    Glyph : 70
    Duration : 13.278 seconds
    Previous : RXMHJH9Y
    Film is continuous.
    Next : XQGRMH
    Film is continuous.
    Pgvpe4ec segment start 320x240 Pgvpe4ec segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Valenzetti gave numerical values to the core environmental and human factors in his equation: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Describing core values of the Valenzetti equation, numbers appear below his face
    Continuity : Fits in with the then mention about core principles in the next few fragments

  24. XQGRMH
    Glyph : 64
    Duration : 5.838 seconds
    Previous : PGVPE4EC
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 7C8R
    Film is continuous.
    Xqgrmh segment start 320x240 Xqgrmh segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Only by manipulating the environment, by finding scientific solutions to all of our problems..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : A continuous close-up on Alvar Hanso's face.
    Continuity : Face, mouth shape, and speech match with 7c8r. Framing similar to all segments around it, although it's unclear the correct order.

  25. 7C8R
    Glyph : 63
    Duration : 5.471 seconds
    Previous : XQGRMH
    Film is continuous.
    Next : RGMR
    Film is continuous.
    7c8r segment start 320x240 7c8r segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...we will be able to change those core factors, and give humanity a chance to survive."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : A continuous close-up on Alvar Hanso's face.
    Continuity :

  26. RGMR
    Glyph : 20
    Duration : 3.536 seconds
    Previous : 7C8R
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 56LHZJDCL7A4
    Jump is part of the film.
    Rgmr segment start 320x240 Rgmr segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Although the equation has been buried by those who commissioned it..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : A continuous close-up on Alvar Hanso's face. The film strip can be seen running too fast at the end.
    Continuity : Bug at the end might entail a buggy next clip, like 89RMCOCDC6D.

    DHARMA History (4)[]

  27. 56LHZJDCL7A4
    Glyph : 40
    Duration : 7.806 seconds
    Previous : RGMR
    Jump is part of the film.
    Next : E82KNI8L
    Film is continuous.
    56lhzjdcl7a4 segment start 320x240 56lhzjdcl7a4 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...panic. It has always been my belief that we ignore warnings at our own peril; and thus, the DHARMA Initiative was born."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description :
    Continuity :

  28. E82KNI8L
    Glyph : 26
    Duration : 5.905 seconds
    Previous : 56LHZJDCL7A4
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 3GTVI0M11
    Film is continuous.
    E82kni8l segment start 320x240 E82kni8l segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "DHARMA is an acronym for Department of Heuristics and Research on Material Applications."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso is standing still. The DHARMA acronym appears on screen as he says it.
    Continuity : Opens on close-up of Alvar Hanso's with a weird, almost smiling face...

  29. 3GTVI0M11
    Glyph : 10
    Duration : 2.935 seconds
    Previous : E82KNI8L
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 5BE
    Film is continuous.
    3gtvi0m11 segment start 320x240 3gtvi0m11 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "It also stands for the one true way."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso is standing still, with the DHARMA acronym caption still on.
    Continuity :

  30. 5BE
    Glyph : 32
    Duration : 2.868 seconds
    Previous : 3GTVI0M11
    Film is continuous.
    Next : ING93A11RO86
    Jump is part of the film.
    5be segment start 320x240 5be segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...and through your research, you will help human..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso is standing still, with the DHARMA acronym caption still on.
    Continuity : Film strip can be seen running ahead at the end.

    Island Facilities (6)[]

  31. ING93A11RO86
    Glyph : 50
    Duration : 2.901 seconds
    Previous : 5BE
    Jump is part of the film.
    Next : R3PUX4
    Film is continuous.
    Ing93a11ro86 segment start 320x240 Ing93a11ro86 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "We have constructed several stations on the island"
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Opens on Alvar followed by two DHARMA logos: The Pearl and The Swan.
    Continuity : Ends with logos.

  32. R3PUX4
    Glyph : 33
    Duration : 5.205 seconds
    Previous : ING93A11RO86
    Film is continuous.
    Next : ESJ4X6EBNC
    Film is continuous.
    R3pux4 segment start 320x240 R3pux4 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...underground laboratories with the facilities you will need to do your research, with optimal expediency..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Opens on two DHARMA logos: The Pearl and The Swan, followed by black and white footage of building work.
    Continuity : Ends with shot of building.

  33. ESJ4X6EBNC
    Glyph : 29
    Duration : 5.871 seconds
    Previous : R3PUX4
    Film is continuous.
    Next : GZ2I
    Film is continuous.
    Esj4x6ebnc segment start 320x240 Esj4x6ebnc segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...all of the support you will need, including regular medicine and food drops will be made in perpetuity."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso narrating over images of a supply drop.
    Continuity :

  34. GZ2I
    Glyph : 52
    Duration : 2.668 seconds
    Previous : ESJ4X6EBNC
    Film is continuous.
    Next : VACCINE
    Film is continuous.
    Gz2i segment start 320x240 Gz2i segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "A radio transmitter has also been erected on the island..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso narrating over video footage of a radio mast.
    Continuity :

    Glyph : 44
    Duration : 3.436 seconds
    Previous : GZ2I
    Film is continuous.
    Next : V4UMMA
    Film is continuous.
    Vaccine segment start 320x240 Vaccine segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Broadcasting in a frequency and encryption known only to us..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in the orientation film.
    Description : Flashes from what looks like a radio tower to Alvar Hanso talking.
    Continuity : Follows on directly from GZ2I

  36. V4UMMA
    Glyph : 67
    Duration : 5.405 seconds
    Previous : VACCINE
    Film is continuous.
    Next : PKDBAH7J
    Film is continuous.
    V4umma segment start 320x240 V4umma segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "The transmitter will only broadcast the core numerical values of the Valenzetti Equation."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in the orientation film.
    Description : Alvar Hanso standing in front of a desk talking.
    Continuity :

    Orientation Film Conclusion (6)[]

  37. PKDBAH7J
    Glyph : 60
    Duration : 6.673 seconds
    Previous : V4UMMA
    Film is continuous.
    Film is continuous.
    Pkdbah7j segment start 320x240 Pkdbah7j segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "When, through your research, you manage to change the numerical value of any one of these factors"
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Shows Alvar Hanson narrating
    Continuity :

    Glyph : 35
    Duration : 4.003 seconds
    Previous : PKDBAH7J
    Film is continuous.
    Next : RRGYXS
    Film error is part of the film.
    Gmiwrlhhnhm segment start 320x240 Gmiwrlhhnhm segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "When you have created through science the [inaudible] ..."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Shows Alvar Hanson narrating, then the image and sound deteriorates till we can't hear what he is saying.
    Continuity : The static and nose lasts for a little more than half of video (2 seconds).

  39. RRGYXS
    Glyph : 2
    Duration : 3.703 seconds
    Previous : GMIWRLHHNHM
    Film error is part of the film.
    Next : KCQBMLI6
    Film is continuous.
    Rrgyxs segment start 320x240 Rrgyxs segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "...we will know that the one true way has been found."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Opens on a blurred image, shows a continuous close-up of the right of Alvar Hanso's face.
    Continuity : Blurred start image could indicate an edit or change of sequence in the orientation film.

  40. KCQBMLI6
    Glyph : 68
    Duration : 8.775 seconds
    Previous : RRGYXS
    Film is continuous.
    Next : 4R19Y0UXB6Y
    Film is continuous.
    Kcqbmli6 segment start 320x240 Kcqbmli6 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "That is the work to which you have committed yourself. Change the core values of the Valenzetti Equation, and you will change the course of destiny."
    Context : Alvar Hanso talking in his orientation film.
    Description : Opens with a close-up of the right of Alvar Hanso's face, then changes to a slightly wider view.
    Continuity :

  41. 4R19Y0UXB6Y
    Glyph : 37
    Duration : 4.136 seconds
    Previous : KCQBMLI6
    Film is continuous.
    Next : FVH7N
    Film is continuous.
    4r19y0uxb6y segment start 320x240 4r19y0uxb6y segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "The fate of the human race is in your hands."
    Context : Conclusion of Alvar Hanso's orientation film speech.
    Description : The first frame is zoomed out, but immediately jumps to close-up of saddened Hanso.
    Continuity : Tone of voice, image, and context continuity.

  42. FVH7N
    Glyph : 9
    Duration : 10.910 seconds
    Previous : 4R19Y0UXB6Y
    Film is continuous.
    Next : IG3X
    Pan to Mittelwerk.
    Fvh7n segment start 320x240 Fvh7n segment 320x240
    Transcript : Alvar Hanso- "Thank you and namaste."
    Context : Conclusion of Alvar Hanso's orientation film.
    Description : Close-up of Alvar Hanso concluding with his obligatory "namaste", who then joins his hands together. The plan changes to a close-up of his hands and lower head and we see him bow. The image changes back to a shot of Alvar Hanso-'s upper body, with his hands still joined together. Music comes on and the film cuts to the DHARMA logo and Hanso Foundation copyright.
    Continuity : Starts on big close-up of Alvar Hanso's eyes and nose.

    Mittelwerk speech (26)[]

  43. IG3X
    Glyph : 11
    Duration : 4.503 seconds
    Previous : FVH7N
    Pan to Mittelwerk.
    Next : 44KU2VKQ
    Speech is continuous.
    Ig3x segment start 320x240 Ig3x segment 320x240
    Transcript :
    Context : End of orientation film, switch to Mittelwerk teaching a class.
    Description : Zoom out from watching the ending image of the DHARMA orientation film to reveal it is being projected to a group of people in white coats. The cameraman is filming through a small space between what appears to be large boxes.
    Continuity : The clips ends with Mittelwerk pointing at something hidden from the camera by the box the T.V. was in.

  44. 44KU2VKQ
    Glyph : 43
    Duration : 5.705 seconds
    Previous : IG3X
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : ZR2JI
    Speech is continuous.
    44ku2vkq segment start 320x240 44ku2vkq segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "We all know what happened - the DHARMA Initiative failed."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Focuses on Mittelwerk.

  45. ZR2JI
    Glyph : 69
    Duration : 7.040 seconds
    Previous : 44KU2VKQ
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : NARVIK
    Speech is continuous.
    Zr2ji segment start 320x240 Zr2ji segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "And in spite of every effort of the Foundation, we are gripped in the tyranny of those six numbers."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech
    Description : Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed between two boxes
    Continuity :

  46. NARVIK
    Glyph : 54
    Duration : 6.171 seconds
    Previous : ZR2JI
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 4HO
    Speech is continuous.
    Narvik segment start 320x240 Narvik segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "We have tried to change those values by manipulating the environment in many, many ways."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Appears to be a cut at the start; moves right at end (to follow Mittelwerk)

  47. 4HO
    Glyph : 3
    Duration : 2.901 seconds
    Previous : NARVIK
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 2NG39Z
    Speech is continuous.
    4ho segment start 320x240 4ho segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "We have done our level best, and yet..."
    Context : First discovered segment of Thomas Mittelwerk's speech, filmed through a narrow slot in what appears to be some kind of box or container.
    Description : Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed through a narrow slot.
    Continuity : Seems like a plausible reason for needing to take radical action

  48. 2NG39Z
    Glyph : 66
    Duration : 6.071 seconds
    Previous : 4HO
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : VOU8VPNPS5X
    Speech is continuous.
    2ng39z segment start 320x240 2ng39z segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...this inscrutable equation keeps bringing us back to the numbers"
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech
    Description : Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed through a narrow slot.
    Continuity : Seems like a plausible reason for needing to take radical action

    Glyph : 24
    Duration : 3.836 seconds
    Previous : 2NG39Z
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : VDADOS7YRE0
    Speech is continuous.
    Vou8vpnps5x segment start 320x240 Vou8vpnps5x segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "So now, we have to take radical action..."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Starts with several seconds of black, seems like the camera is passing in front of a wall or box.

    Glyph : 8
    Duration : 4.636 seconds
    Previous : VOU8VPNPS5X
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 25KOCJS6S6
    Speech is continuous.
    Vdados7yre0 segment start 320x240 Vdados7yre0 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...and I just want to tell all of you, that I trust you to do what is best."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Camera is going slowly to the left, stopping at the end to get a good shot at Mittelwerk speaking.

  51. 25KOCJS6S6
    Glyph : 46
    Duration : 6.138 seconds
    Previous : VDADOS7YRE0
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : TROPICS
    Speech is continuous.
    25kocjs6s6 segment start 320x240 25kocjs6s6 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "The villages of Filan (?) and Vetul-Milani (?) have allowed us to test our vaccine on them."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Camera is going slowly to the left, stopping at the end to get a good shot at Mittelwerk speaking.

    Glyph : 53
    Duration : 4.336 seconds
    Previous : 25KOCJS6S6
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 0UJ2
    Speech is continuous.
    Tropics segment start 320x240 Tropics segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "They think they are infected by a virus carried by local macaques..."
    Context : Thomas Mittelwerk's speech, filmed through a narrow slot in what appears to be some kind of box or container.
    Description : Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed through a narrow slot.
    Continuity : Part of back story that the scientists must keep up.

  53. 0UJ2
    Glyph : 48
    Duration : 2.501 seconds
    Previous : TROPICS
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : NZ59
    Speech is continuous.
    0uj2 segment start 320x240 0uj2 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...and they believe we are bringing them the cure,"
    Context : Thomas Mittelwerk's speech, filmed through a narrow slot in what appears to be some kind of box or container.
    Description : Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed through a narrow slot.
    Continuity : Part of back story that the scientists must keep up.

  54. NZ59
    Glyph : 25
    Duration : 5.038 seconds
    Previous : 0UJ2
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 748L
    Speech is continuous.
    Nz59 segment start 320x240 Nz59 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "So when you go in, you have to keep up the story."
    Context : Mittelwerk's first speech, filmed through a narrow slot.
    Description : More footage of Thomas Mittelwerk speaking, viewed through a narrow slot.
    Continuity : Phrase can start a new logical sequence continued in 748L.

  55. 748L
    Glyph : 5
    Duration : 3.770 seconds
    Previous : NZ59
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 354G8
    Speech is continuous.
    748l segment start 320x240 748l segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "You know it by heart, don't waver..."
    Context : Mittelwerk's first speech, filmed through a narrow slot.
    Description : Shot from within what looks like a filing cabinet, watching Thomas Mittelwerk.
    Continuity : Unlikely to be missing segments before. Cameraman hasn't moved from inside or behind his box.

  56. 354G8
    Glyph : 65
    Duration : 7.040 seconds
    Previous : 748L
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 307L97BDB9
    Speech is continuous.
    354g8 segment start 320x240 354g8 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "When the deaths begin you must comfort everyone with compassion and empathy"
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk is speaking.
    Continuity :

  57. 307L97BDB9
    Glyph : 57
    Duration : 5.205 seconds
    Previous : 354G8
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : XWZW
    Speech is continuous.
    307l97bdb9 segment start 320x240 307l97bdb9 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "Then the bodies of the dead must be brought to the station immediately for full genetic work-up"
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk is speaking.
    Continuity :

  58. XWZW
    Glyph : 41
    Duration : 6.205 seconds
    Previous : 307L97BDB9
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : PFKAB5QXK
    Speech is continuous.
    Xwzw segment start 320x240 Xwzw segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "We must make absolute certain we are hitting precise genetic targets..."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk is speaking.
    Continuity :

    Glyph : 49
    Duration : 1.835 seconds
    Previous : XWZW
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : FLHO6CUM181
    Speech is continuous.
    Pfkab5qxk segment start 320x240 Pfkab5qxk segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...we have engineered into the virus."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk is speaking.
    Continuity :

  60. FLHO6CUM181
    Glyph : 61
    Duration : 4.170 seconds
    Previous : PFKAB5QXK
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : NANITE
    Speech is continuous, even though image does not fit exactly.
    Flho6cum181 segment start 320x240 Flho6cum181 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "The optimal mortality rate is 30 percent."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk states a "figure" of 30 percent.
    Continuity : Appears to be moving to follow TWM.
    The next clip mentions that "this figure" has been verified, implying that he just stated some figure, such as the one in this clip.

  61. NANITE
    Glyph : 28
    Duration : 4.203 seconds
    Previous : PFKAB5QXK
    Speech is continuous, even though image does not fit exactly.
    Next : IRZ7
    Speech is continuous.
    Nanite segment start 320x240 Nanite segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "Our operatives at the Vik Institute have verified this figure. If..."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk is speaking about "figures" verified by the Vik Institute.
    Continuity : Appears to bein moving to follow TWM.
    The Vik Institute reference implies they are looking at "figures" related to The Valenzetti Equation, the alleged unwilling "scientists" performing related calculations there or other psychological experimentation. Also of note, the clip's code forms the word "nanite", related to nanotechnology.

  62. IRZ7
    Glyph : 55
    Duration : 4.636 seconds
    Previous : NANITE
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : OUDW
    Speech is continuous.
    Irz7 segment start 320x240 Irz7 segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...more or less people succumb, we have failed."
    Context : Part of Mittelwerk's speech.
    Description : Mittelwerk speaking, viewed from behind boxes
    Continuity : Starts out behind a box, then moves right slightly to a gap.

  63. OUDW
    Glyph : 56
    Duration : 5.705 seconds
    Previous : IRZ7
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : FRXRUK9TQ
    Speech is continuous.
    Oudw segment start 320x240 Oudw segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "We need not take any more lives than is absolutely necessary. Yes?"
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes, addressing his audience. At the end, a person raises their hand.
    Continuity :

    Glyph : 47
    Duration : 13.011 seconds
    Previous : OUDW
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : VE5SMC
    Speech is continuous.
    Frxruk9tq segment start 320x240 Frxruk9tq segment 320x240
    Transcript : Man in audience- "But Tom, these are people, innocent human beings, and we're just-"
    Mittelwerk- "If you knew, with mathematical certainty, that you could end all famine, war, and poverty, what would you do...?"
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes, addressing his audience.
    Continuity :

  65. VE5SMC
    Glyph : 42
    Duration : 7.106 seconds
    Previous : FRXRUK9TQ
    Speech is continuous.
    Speech is continuous.
    Ve5smc segment start 320x240 Ve5smc segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "Exactly. You'd find the best way to get it done - precisely, surgically..."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes, addressing his audience.
    Continuity :

    Glyph : 45
    Duration : 5.971 seconds
    Previous : VE5SMC
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : BAX5OUX8T
    Speech is continuous.
    Theflashlight segment start 320x240 Theflashlight segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...without allowing for any more suffering than is absolutely necessary. (Sigh)"
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : Camera is going slowly to the right, stopping at Mittelwerk as he sighs.

  67. BAX5OUX8T
    Glyph : 58
    Duration : 7.206 seconds
    Previous : THEFLASHLIGHT
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : GLLV8B
    Speech is continuous.
    Bax5oux8t segment start 320x240 Bax5oux8t segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "It is not fair that innocents have to die so that we can perfect this virus."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : Mittelwerk, filmed from behind boxes.
    Continuity : At the end of the segment the camera starts to move behind a box. At the start of GLLV8B it looks like the edge of the box can be seen on the right side.

  68. GLLV8B
    Glyph : 34
    Duration : 3.370 seconds
    Previous : BAX5OUX8T
    Speech is continuous.
    Speech is continuous.
    Gllv8b segment start 320x240 Gllv8b segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "...but I promise you, someone is going to hel..."
    Context : Mittelwerk talking to a group in white coats.
    Description : The camera passes in front of an Hanso Foundation banner on a box while moving to the left.
    Continuity : Point of view is same as in QUARANTINE, Mittelwerk is in the same position and there is the same guy sitting down facing the other side in front.

    Rachel is spotted (2)[]

    Glyph : 62
    Duration : 8.641 seconds
    Previous : GLLV8B
    Speech is continuous.
    Next : 5XW3O
    Video is continuous.
    Quarantine segment start 320x240 Quarantine segment 320x240
    Transcript : Mittelwerk- "Is there something reflecting in the back?"
    Rachel- "Oh God!"
    Mittelwerk- "Somebody grab her!"
    Context : Rachel is spotted.
    Description :
    Continuity :

  70. 5XW3O
    Glyph : 59
    Duration : 10.443 seconds
    Previous : QUARANTINE
    Video is continuous.
    Next : End
    This is the last sequence of the video.
    5xw3o segment start 320x240 5xw3o segment 320x240
    Transcript : Man- "Hey!" Mittelwerk- "We have an intruder!"
    Man- "She has a camera! Get her!" (incomprehensible shouting)
    Rachel- "No! Get off me! Get off! Stop!"
    Man- "We got her." Rachel- "Get off me! No!"
    Context : Rachel running away.
    Description : The camera is pointing towards the ground at Rachel's legs as she is running away, at last moment she seems to be captured.
    Continuity : This is most likely the last clip because it has the short beep at the end as do most of Rachel's videos.


Sri Lanka video
Hanso Exposed Fragments
Ordered by: Date FoundSequenceGlyph Gallery
