"South Korea" redirects here. For locations and characters from South Korea in Lost, see South Korea in Lost.

Location of South Korea


Flag of South Korea

  • Title 로스트
  • Broadcast by Channel CGV
  • When Monday to Thursday at 9:00 pm ~
  • Dubbed No
  • Subtitled Yes
  • On Season 6th (end)

Episode names[]

Season 1[]

  1. 비밀의 섬 ("Island of Secret") – "Pilot, Part 1"
  2. 공포의 시작 ("Start of Fear") – "Pilot, Part 2"
  3. 망각의 섬 ("Island of a Forgetfulness") – "Tabula Rasa"
  4. Walkabout – "Walkabout"
  5. 하얀 토끼 ("White Rabbit") – "White Rabbit"
  6. 해 뜨는 집 ("House of the Rising Sun") – "House of the Rising Sun"
  7. 나방 ("The Moth") – "The Moth"
  8. 협잡의 달인 ("An Expert in Trickery") – "Confidence Man"
  9. 고독 ("Loneliness") – "Solitary"
  10. 예정된 미스테리 ("Predeterminate Mystery") – "Raised by Another"
  11. 아버지와 아들 ("Father and Son") – "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues"
  12. 의문의 손가방 ("Briefcase of Doubt") – "Whatever the Case May Be"
  13. 금단의 열매 ("Fruit of Prohibition") – "Hearts and Minds"
  14. 아주 특별한 아이 ("Quite Special Child") – "Special"
  15. 귀환 ("Return") – "Homecoming"
  16. 정글의 법칙 ("Law of Jungle") – "Outlaws"
  17. 가슴앓이 ("Heart Burn")– "...In Translation"
  18. 저주받은 숫자 ("The Cursed Number") – "Numbers"
  19. 비정한 아버지 ("The Cold-Hearted Father") – "Deus Ex Machina"
  20. 생과 사 ("Life and Death") – "Do No Harm"
  21. 숨겨진 진실 ("The Hidden Truth") – "The Greater Good"
  22. 천의 얼굴을 가진 여자 ("Woman of Thousand Faces") – "Born to Run"
  23. 무인도 탈출 1 ("Escape from Desert Island 1") – "Exodus, Part 1"
  24. 무인도 탈출 2 ("Escape from Desert Island 2") – "Exodus, Part 2"
  25. 무인도 탈출 3 (최종회) ("Escape from Desert Island 3 (Finale)") – "Exodus, Part 3"

Season 2[]

  1. 과학이냐 신앙이냐 ("Science or Faith") – "Man of Science, Man of Faith"
  2. 표류 ("Drift") – "Adrift"
  3. 오리엔테이션 ("Orientation") – "Orientation"
  4. 공공의 적 ("Public Enemy") – "Everybody Hates Hugo"
  5. 결혼반지 ("Wedding Band") – "...And Found"
  6. 버림받은 사람들 ("The Forsaken") – "Abandoned"
  7. 48일간의 생존 기록 ("Existence Recording in 48 Days") – "The Other 48 Days"
  8. 일촉즉발 ("Touch and Go") – "Collision"
  9. 아버지와 딸 ("Father and Daughter") – "What Kate Did"
  10. 시편 23장 ("The 23rd Psalm") – "The 23rd Psalm"
  11. 헌팅 파티 ("The Hunting Party") – "The Hunting Party"
  12. 불+물 ("Fire + Water") – "Fire + Water"
  13. 장타 날리기 ("Long Hit") – "The Long Con"
  14. 정체불명 ("Unidentified") – "One of Them"
  15. 되찾은 기억 ("The Recalled Memory") – "Maternity Leave"
  16. 뜻밖의 임신 ("Unexpected Pregnancy") – "The Whole Truth"
  17. 감금 ("Confinement") – "Lockdown"
  18. 데이브 ("Dave") – "Dave"
  19. S.O.S. – "S.O.S."
  20. 우연 혹은 운명 ("Accident or Fate") – "Two for the Road"
  21. ? – "?"
  22. 3분 ("3 Minutes") – "Three Minutes"
  23. 진실게임 1부 ("Truth Game 1") – "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"
  24. 진실게임 2부 (최종회) ("Truth Game 2 (Finale)") – "Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"

Season 3[]

  1. 두 도시 이야기 ("A Tale of Two Cities") – "A Tale of Two Cities"
  2. 유리 발레리나 ("The Glass Ballerina") – "The Glass Ballerina"
  3. 농부와 사냥꾼 ("Farmer and Hunter") – "Further Instructions"
  4. 생존법칙 ("Law of The Survival") – "Every Man for Himself"
  5. 고해성사 ("Sacrament of Confession") – "The Cost of Living"
  6. 결혼서약 ("Marriage Vow") – "I Do"
  7. 미틀로스 생명과학 ("Mittelos Bioscience") – "Not in Portland"
  8. 예언 ("Prophecy") – "Flashes Before Your Eyes"
  9. 낯선 곳의 이방인 ("Stranger in a Strange Land") – "Stranger in a Strange Land"
  10. 트리시아 다나카의 죽음 ("The Death of Tricia Tanaka") – "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead"
  11. 77 – "Enter 77"
  12. 뜻밖의 만남 ("Stumble Across") – "Par Avion"
  13. 탈라하시에서 온 남자 ("The Man from Tallahassee") – "The Man from Tallahassee"
  14. 엑스포제 ("Exposé") – "Exposé"
  15. 버림받은 사람들 ("The Forsaken") – "Left Behind"
  16. 초대받지 않은 손님 ("An Uninvited Guest") – "One of Us"
  17. 딜레마 ("Dilemma") – "Catch-22"
  18. D.O.C. – "D.O.C."
  19. 아버지를 죽여라 ("Kill Your Own Father") – "The Brig"
  20. 제이콥 ("Jacob") – "The Man Behind the Curtain"
  21. 자살 임무 ("Suicide Mission") – "Greatest Hits"
  22. 거울 해치 1부 ("Looking Glass Hatch 1") – "Through the Looking Glass, Part 1"
  23. 거울 해치 2부 (최종회) ("Looking Glass Hatch 2 (Finale)") – "Through the Looking Glass, Part 2"

Season 4[]

  1. 종말의 시작 ("The Beginning of the End") – "The Beginning of the End"
  2. 전원 사망 ("Altogether Dead") – "Confirmed Dead"
  3. 킬러 ("Killer") – "The Economist"
  4. 사라진 헬기 ("Disappeared Chopper") – "Eggtown"
  5. 상수를 찾아라 ("Find Your Constant") - "The Constant"
  6. 템페스트 ("The Tempest") – "The Other Woman"
  7. 지 연 ("Ji Yeon") – "Ji Yeon"
  8. 케빈 존슨 ("Kevin Johnson") – "Meet Kevin Johnson"
  9. 게임의 법칙 ("The Rule of Game") – "The Shape of Things to Come"
  10. 케이트와 잭 ("Kate and Jack") – "Something Nice Back Home"
  11. 제이콥의 오두막 ("Jacob's Cabin") – "Cabin Fever"
  12. 집으로 1부 ("Go Home 1") – "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1"
  13. 집으로 2부 ("Go Home 2") – "There's No Place Like Home, Part 2"
  14. 집으로 3부 (최종회) ("Go Home 3 (Finale)") – "There's No Place Like Home, Part 3"

Season 5[]

  1. 시간이동 ("Timeshift") – "Because You Left"
  2. 거짓말 ("The Lie") – "The Lie"
  3. 수소폭탄 ("Hydrogen Bomb") – "Jughead"
  4. 충격! 1988년 ("Shock! 1988) – "The Little Prince"
  5. 죽음의 섬 ("Island of Death") – "This Place Is Death"
  6. 존 로크의 최후 ("The Last Moment of John Locke") – "316"
  7. 섬으로의 귀환 ("Return to the Island") – "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"
  8. 알 수 없는 시간대 ("Unknown Time") – "LaFleur"
  9. 두번째 메이데이! ("The Second Mayday") – "Namaste"
  10. 위기의 사이드("Desperate Sayid") – "He's Our You"
  11. 과거는 바꿀 수 없다 ("You cannot change the past") – "Whatever Happened, Happened"
  12. 벤의 심판 ("Ben's judgment") – "Dead Is Dead"
  13. 마일스의 초능력 ("Miles' Supernatural Power") – "Some Like It Hoth"
  14. 과거를 바꿀 변수 ("The Variable That Can Change the Past") – "The Variable"
  15. 문제의 중심, 제이콥 ("Jacob, The Heart of Problem") – "Follow the Leader"
  16. 제이콥을 죽여라 1부 ("Kill Jacob 1") – "The Incident, Part 1"
  17. 제이콥을 죽여라 2부 (최종회) ("Kill Jacob 2 (Finale)") – "The Incident, Part 2"

Clip shows[]

  1. 시즌 2 스페셜 에피소드 – 예기치 못한 생존 (revelation) ("Season 2 Special Episode - Unexpected Existence (revelation)") – "Lost: Revelation"
  2. 시즌 2 스페셜 에피소드 – 숙명의 섬 ("Season 2 Special Episode - Island of Fate") – "Lost: Reckoning"

Voice actors[]


The KBS Korean language voice acting team

Main article: Voice actors

The broadcast of Lost in South Korea is dubbed, with dubbers being identified by the Korean word 役.

Korean transliteration[]


Note: The version in English represents what is shown in Korean. i.e. If both first and last names are listed, or a nickname is listed, these are also in the Korean version to the right

Cast and crew[]


  • In South Korea, actress Yunjin Kim already had a large fan following for her roles in drama series such as A Gorgeous Vacation and several movies, before she moved to the United States to star in Lost. [1]
  • The Official Lost Podcast on April 10, 2006 discusses the issues of subtitling Korean in English broadcasts, as well as dubbing Sun's English in Korean broadcasts.
  • Despite every character speaking Korean, Jin and Sun's nationality and language is not changed, but the language barrier still exists.

External links[]
