
Shannon Widmore is a character who appears in the metafictional novel Bad Twin.

Shannon Rogers was born to a prominent surgeon and his wife in Larchmont. She was educated at Buckley and Vassar. Though she was described by Keith Baker as "totally miss perfect", Shannon suffered from a number of problems, taking pills for relief. She married Clifford Widmore and later supposed committed suicide with barbiturates, scotch and car fumes.

In his investigation to find Zander Widmore, Paul Artisan discovered that he can Shannon had been close friends before her death, with Shannon seeking his comfort after marital issues with Cliff. There is an implication that Shannon may have been having an affair with Zander, explaining in part some of the tension between the two twins, but this is never openly stated, with Zander referring to them more as simply people who understood each other (both having disruptive pasts).


  • Her blood alcohol level was 0.23 when she died.
  • Dr. Richard Edmonds was the coroner that autopsied her body.
