Main Article Theories about
Rose Nadler
Main Discussion
 Theories may be removed if ... 
  1. Stated as questions or possibilities (avoid question marks, "Maybe", "I think", etc).
  2. More appropriate for another article.
  3. Illogical or previously disproven.
  4. Proven by canon source, and moved to main article.
  5. Speculative and lacking any evidence to support arguments.
  6. Responding to another theory (use discussion page instead).
  • This does not include responses that can stand alone as its own theory.
  • Usage of an indented bullet does not imply the statement is a response.

See the Lostpedia theory policy for more details.

Rose and the Island's healing properties[]

  • The Island is most likely the place Isaac of Uluru was referring to when he told Rose that she needed "a different type of place" to heal her.

Rose and Bernard in the Flash Sideways[]

Rose and Bernard were awake throughout the flash sideways. Rose's "I missed you" line means Bernard died first.
