"Romancing the Cage" is an orchestral piece on the Season 3 soundtrack. Although it featured in several characters' emotional scenes in the early seasons, it has become mainly associated with Sawyer and Kate's relationship since "I Do".
Main appearance[]
Kate has just broken Sawyer out of his cage and asks him to escape. Sawyer tells her he won't because they're on a different island and have no way to return to their own. He kept this from Kate to give her hope.
They begin kissing and remove each others' clothes.
Full list of appearances[]
- Michael tells Walt he plans to rebuild the raft. ("...In Translation")
- Shannon kisses Sayid. ("...In Translation")
- Michael begins rebuilding the raft with Jin. ("...In Translation")
- Kate kisses Tom Brennan. ("Born to Run")
- Sawyer wakes up after his fever. ("What Kate Did")
- Kate and Sawyer have sex in a bear cage. ("I Do")
- Sawyer and Kate return to camp. ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead")
- The survivors enjoy Sawyer's feast. ("Left Behind")
- Kate and Sawyer have sex... again. ("Catch-22")
- Arzt tells Michael why he was in Australia. ("Tropical Depression")
- Kate and Sawyer speculate on how long they can "play house" in the Barracks. ("The Economist")
- Sawyer invites Kate to live with him. ("Eggtown")
- Kate recalls Sawyer's sacrifice. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
- Kate tells Jack she plans to pass Aaron off as her own. ("The Little Prince")
- Locke asks Sawyer if he wants Kate to return. ("The Little Prince")
- Kate tells Jack about the attempts to take away Aaron. ("The Little Prince")
- Sawyer sees Kate again, when she returns to the island after three years, though he is now with Juliet. ("LaFleur")
- Sawyer and Kate make eye contact outside his house. ("Namaste")
- Kate wipes the blood and dirt off Sawyer's face at the Temple. ("LA X, Part 2")
- Sawyer sees Kate's dress in the cage and reminisces. ("Recon")
Before its own theme, the piece begins by blending Kate's theme and motif
Variations on the piece appears in "Ain't Talkin' Bout Nothin'" and "Temple And Spring".
Title significance[]
The title refers to romance in a cage. It also references the 1984 Michael Douglas movie Romancing the Stone.