Rivers, streams, and creeks are abundant on the Island.
Season 1[]
- When Jack is hanging over a cliff after looking for his father, There was a small stream running through rocks at the base of the cliff. ("White Rabbit")
- There are extremely dangerous rivers located on the Island, according to Rousseau's maps and notes. ("Solitary")
- While Boone and Locke were searching for Claire, it started to rain. There was a river that was created due to the excess rain, which was right next to the Hatch. ("All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues")
- When Boone was dreaming about saving Shannon from the Monster, he finds Shannon lying dead in the river. ("Hearts and Minds")
- While Walt is running away, he finds a river shortly before the fight with the polar bear. ("Special")
- When Jin is recovering from his burns for trying to stop the raft fire, he goes to a river. Sawyer knocks Jin unconscious at this river. ("...In Translation")
- When Hurley, Jack, Sayid, and Charlie are searching for Rousseau, they find a rope bridge. Underneath the bridge is a river. ("Numbers")
- There is a river that runs through the Dark Territory. ("Exodus, Part 1")
- The survivors cross another river (probably the same one in "Exodus, Part 1") that is in the Dark Territory. ("Exodus, Part 2")
Season 2[]
- When Jin and Eko are searching for Michael, they stop at a river to get water. ("...And Found")
- While Ana Lucia, Sawyer, Jin, Eko, Libby, Bernard, and Cindy are traveling to the survivors beach camp, they cross a river. ("Abandoned")
- When the Tailies are exploring the jungle, Nathan suggests that they rest at a river. ("The Other 48 Days")
- When Kate and Jack are playing golf, Jack hits his golf ball into the jungle. It lands in a river, near where they encounter Eko and Sawyer. ("Collision")
- Sayid, Charlie, and Ana Lucia cross a stream on their way to Henry Gale's balloon. The stream is also listed on Ben's map to the balloon. ("The Whole Truth")
- Ana Lucia asks Sawyer for a gun while he is picking fruit from a tree above a river ("Two For The Road")
- When Kate, Jack, Sawyer, Michael, and Hurley are traveling to the Others' camp, they trek alongside a river. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1")
Season 3[]
- Charlie gets water at a river for Eko, after he is saved from the polar bear cave by Locke. The river is only heard, and not seen onscreen. ("Further Instructions")
- Eko stops to rest at a river while traveling to the Beechcraft. He also sees the Monster in a reflection in the river. ("The Cost of Living")
- Locke, Kate, Sayid, and Danielle find a stream close to the Flame. ("Enter 77")
- Locke, Kate, Sayid, and Danielle stop at a stream for water located near the sonar fence. ("Par Avion")
- Juliet, Jack, Kate, and Sayid cross a river on their way back to camp. ("One of Us")
- Desmond and Charlie cross a river while searching for Naomi. ("Catch-22")
- Locke and Sawyer rest at a river in the jungle. ("The Brig")
- Locke and Ben get water at a river near the Others' makeshift camp. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- The survivors pass a river on their exodus to the radio tower. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1")
Season 4[]
- Jack, Kate, Juliet, Daniel, and Charlotte encounter a creek on their way to the Tempest. ("The Other Woman")
- Kate says there is a stream on the way to the Barracks as seen on her map. ("Ji Yeon")
- Claire gets water at a creek while she is heading back to the beach camp with Sawyer and Miles. ("Something Nice Back Home")
Season 5[]
- The survivors plan to meet at the creek after the flaming arrow attack. When Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, and two survivors get there, they are sabatoged by Others. ("Jughead")
- Miles gets water from a stream near the Mesa after Charlotte passes out from the time shifts. ("The Little Prince")
- Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Sawyer, Locke, and Juliet travel next to a river on their way to the Orchid. ("This Place Is Death")
- Sawyer, Kate, and young Ben cross a river that's inside of Hostile territory. ("Whatever Happened, Happened")
- Jack, Eloise, and Sayid swim through a stream to access The Tunnels. ("Follow the Leader")
Season 6[]
- Jin stops at a river to drink some water on his way back to the Temple. ("What Kate Does")
- The smoke monster flies over a river on his way across the Island to the Barracks. ("The Substitute")
- Jack spotted Kate filling up her water bottle in a river. ("Lighthouse")
- Claudia goes to a river for water, where she meets Mother. ("Across the Sea")
- The light in the episode "Across the Sea" that Jacob and the Man in Black are told to protect is at the end of a river. ("Across the Sea")
- The Boy in Black runs across a river before meeting his real mother, Claudia. ("Across the Sea")