- "I'm alone now. On the Island alone." - Shannon translating Danielle's distress recording ("Pilot, Part 2")
- "I'm alone here, no one on the Island. Let me do this." - Charlie ("The Moth")
- "Boone, don't leave me alone, okay?" - Shannon Rutherford ("Confidence Man")
- "We are not alone." - Sayid ("Raised by Another")
- "You're not alone. Don't pretend to be." - Sayid to Charlie after he kills Ethan ("Outlaws")
- "I just wanted to let you know you're not alone." - Tracey to Sam Thomas in a voicemail (Find815).
- "I can't do this alone, Jack. I don't want to." Locke to Jack ("Orientation")
- "I guess you could say I'm one of those people that's just better off alone." Ana Lucia to Matthew Reed ("Collision")
- "I'm already alone." - Ana Lucia to Libby as the Tailies abandon her with Shannon's body and a tied-up Sayid ("Collision")
- "It's nice to know I'm not alone. It's nice to know I've got an assistant." - Jack to Ethan ("Jack, Meet Ethan. Ethan? Jack")
- "I'm so alone." - Jin to himself, after missing the putt. ("Jin Has a Temper-Tantrum on the Golf Course")
- "Eu não estou só" ("I am not alone," Portugese)- Naomi ("D.O.C.")
- "You're not alone in this. We are all here for you. This baby is all of ours." - Kate to Claire during the birth of Aaron ("Do No Harm") ("The Little Prince")
- "I guess I don't like being the center of attention. It makes me feel isolated... alone." - Juliet to Harper in therapy ("The Other Woman")
- "I made her stay on this Island because I didn't want to be alone. You understand that, right? But I think some of us are meant to be alone." - Sawyer to Kate ("What Kate Does")
- "But you're not alone. Let me help you. Come on, let's go." Kate to Claire ("The End")
- "Nobody does it alone Jack." - Christian ("The End")
"Amongst us but not us"[]
- "He walks among us, but he is not one of us." - Isabel reading Jack's tattoo. ("Stranger in a Strange Land")
- "They look like us. They talk like us. They walk amongst us, yet they are not us." - Mysteries Of The Universe
"Are you him?"[]
- Desmond to Locke ("Adrift")
- Helen to Anthony Cooper ("Lockdown")
- Kelvin to Desmond ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1")
- Desmond to Daniel ("Because You Left")
"Are you sure?"[]
- Decorator to Sun ("House of the Rising Sun")
- Locke to Charlie ("The Moth")
- Richard Malkin to Claire ("Raised by Another")
- Sayid to Shannon ("Whatever the Case May Be")
- Locke to Boone ("Hearts and Minds")
- Shannon to Boone ("Hearts and Minds")
- Bartender (Outlaws) to Sawyer ("Outlaws")
- Sayid to Shannon ("Do No Harm")
- Finney to Michael ("Adrift")
- Kate to Claire ("Maternity Leave")
- Sun to Claire ("Maternity Leave")
- Ethan to Claire ("Maternity Leave")
- Rose to Bernard ("S.O.S.")
- Kate to Jack ("S.O.S.")
"Believe in me"[]
- "Why don't you believe me? I need you to believe me." - Shannon to Sayid ("Abandoned")
- "I believe you. I don't understand you, but I believe you." - Carmen to Hurley ("The Lie")
- "I believe in you, John. You can do this." - Christian to Locke ("This Place Is Death")
- "I wish you had believed me." - Locke to Jack in his suicide note ("316")
- "Thank you for believing in me." - Juliet to Sawyer ("The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham")
- "Explain to me... and you have my word I will believe you." - Eloise to Jack ("Follow the Leader")
- "I wish you had believed me." - Locke to Jack ("The Candidate")
- "I can help you, John…I wish you believed me." - Jack to Locke ("The Candidate")
- "Jack. I believe in you, dude." - Hurley ("The End")
- "I don't believe in a lot of things but I do believe in duct tape." - Miles ("The End")
- "Hurley... I believe in you." - Jack ("The End")
"Clean up the mess"[]
- "You need to clean up your own mess, John." - Boone to Locke ("Further Instructions")
- "It's your mess John, why would we clean it up?" - Ben to Locke, regarding killing Anthony Cooper ("The Brig")
- "I need you to help me clean up this mess I've made." - Ben to Mikhail ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- "No, it's my mess. I'll clean it up." - Locke to Sawyer, regarding Ben ("Confirmed Dead")
- "Johnson, clean up this mess." - Captain Gault to Michael ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
"Cowboy up"[]
- "Michael's going to cowboy up. We set sail tomorrow" - Sawyer to Kate ("Born to Run")
- "So you'd cowboy up. Crying in the jungle -- I thought you people were supposed to be tough." - Sawyer to Karl ("Stranger in a Strange Land")
- Kate's hat reads "Cowboy Up" in a flashback. ("Left Behind")
- Jack to the Man in Black in the form of Christian Shephard ("White Rabbit")
- Walt to Michael on the Swan computer ("What Kate Did")
- Locke to Anthony Cooper ("The Man from Tallahassee")
- Claire to Christian Shephard ("Something Nice Back Home")
- Jack to Christian Shephard ("The End")
"Do not mistake coincidence for fate"[]
- Eko to Locke ("What Kate Did")
- "Don't mistake coincidence for fate." - Locke to Desmond ("The Cost of Living")
- "Mr. Locke, I wanna fix you, but I think you're mistaking coincidence, for fate." - Jack to Locke ("What They Died For")
"Don't say his name"[]
- "Don't you ever say his name again, ever!" - Michael to Sawyer, referring to Walt ("Adrift")
- "Do not speak my brother's name again." - Eko to Locke ("The Cost of Living")
- "Don't tell him my last name." - Miles to Daniel ("Confirmed Dead")
- "Don't you say his name." - Kate to Jack ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2")
- "Don't say it." - Sayid to Hurley ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
"Don't tell me what I can't do"[]
"Every man for himself"[]
- "Every man for himself is not gonna work." - Jack to the other survivors ("White Rabbit")
- "In case you haven't noticed it's every man for himself, Chewie." - Sawyer to Jin ("...And Found")
- "...you said it was every man for himself... outta my way." - Sawyer to Charlie ("Dave")
- "We've gotta take care of us. It's every man for himself, Freckles." - Sawyer to Kate ("Every Man for Himself")
- "Run. Just go. It's every man for himself." - Sawyer to Kate ("Every Man for Himself")
- "What the hell are you doing? Kate! Damn it, Freckles, don't! Every man for himself!" - Sawyer to Kate ("Every Man for Himself")
"Fate"/"Free Will"[]
Main article: Fate vs. Free Will
"Find your way"[]
- "Maybe he wants you find your own way." - Sabrina to Shannon ("Abandoned")
- "I'm here to help you find your way again." - Boone to Locke in a vision ("Further Instructions")
- "You'll find your way, John. You always do." - Ben to Locke before he turns the frozen wheel ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 3")
"Fixing people/things"[]
- "Now you get to be the hero again, because that's what you do -- fix everything up all nice."- Sawyer to Jack ("Confidence Man")
- "One simple phone call and I could fix everything." - Christian Shephard to Sawyer ("Outlaws")
- "I'm going to fix this, okay? I am going to save you." - Jack to Boone ("Do No Harm")
- "Because you fixed me, I will dance at our wedding." - Sarah to Jack ("Do No Harm")
- "I didn't fix you, you fixed me." - Jack to Sarah ("Do No Harm")
- "Just one thing -- what if you did fix her?" - Desmond to Jack ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
- "I'm going to fix this. We're going to go back to the way things were. I'm going to fix this. I'm going to fix this." - Jack to Sarah ("The Hunting Party")
- "You...you will always need something to fix." - Sarah to Jack ("The Hunting Party")
- "I'm going to tell him you fixed me." - Rose to Isaac ("S.O.S.")
- "Now you've got something to fix." - Sarah to Jack ("A Tale of Two Cities")
- "It's not too late to fix this. I can fix this." - Locke to Mike ("Further Instructions")
- "But you still fixed him up." - Alex to Jack, regarding Ben ("Stranger in a Strange Land")
- "You didn't come here to help me, you came here to try and fix a mistake that you made." - Claire to Christian Shephard ("Par Avion")
- "How long has it been since Jack fixed you?" - Locke to Ben ("The Man from Tallahassee")
- "Jack, I can fix this" - Juliet to Jack ("One of Us")
- "If I fix her, you'll let me go" - Mikhail to Desmond, Charlie, Hurley and Jin ("D.O.C.")
- "Can you just not wait to get back to the hospital? Get back to fixing things?" - Ben to Jack ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- "I was brought here to help fix that." - Juliet to Goodwin ("The Other Woman")
- "Believe me, no one expects you to fix it overnight." Goodwin to Juliet ("The Other Woman")
- "I can fix this." - Jack to Kate ("The Little Prince")
- "Fix her, Jack, or I'll have to fix her for you." - Christian to Jack ("The Incident, Part 2")
- "If you'll give me a shot, Mr. Locke, I think that... that I could fix you." - Jack to Locke ("The Candidate")
- "If I can fix you Mr. Locke, that's all the peace I'll need." - Jack to Locke ("The End")