
Redfern was a member of the mercenary team sent by Charles Widmore to the Island aboard the freighter Kahana to capture Benjamin Linus and kill the Island's other inhabitants.

On the Island/freighter[]

Days 97-100 (Season 4)[]


Redfern spots Benjamin Linus in the Orchid. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1")

Once the freighter located the Island, Redfern and five other members of the mercenary team left on a helicopter piloted by Frank Lapidus. Upon reaching the Island, Redfern and the team killed Karl and Rousseau and kidnapped Alex. ("Meet Kevin Johnson")

Redfern traveled with the mercenaries to the sonar fence, which was deactivated by Alex. They then invaded the Barracks. Redfern shot Doug first, and then two other redshirts were shot by any of the other mercenaries. Redfern, along with Kocol, Lacour, and Mayhew then looked on as Keamy and Ben negotiated over Alex, which ended in Alex's death. Later that night, Ben summoned the Monster to attack the mercenaries in the jungle near the Barracks. Redfern and the other mercenaries fell back from the Barracks as the Monster attacked them. ("The Shape of Things to Come") He later helped to carry the gravely injured Mayhew back to the helicopter. ("Something Nice Back Home")

4x13 Redfern dies

Redfern is killed by an Other. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2")

Upon the return of the helicopter to the freighter, Redfern helped unload the injured Mayhew. He was also present when Keamy and Captain Gault had a showdown on the freighter, and he witnessed the death of the captain. ("Cabin Fever")

Redfern patrolled the Orchid station along with Keamy and the other freighter mercenaries, holding a gun to Ben as he surrendered. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1")

Redfern escorted Keamy and Ben back to the helicopter. When the mercenaries arrived at the helicopter, the group was ambushed by the Others. In the skirmish that ensued, Redfern was hit in the neck with a stun dart, jolting him with a lethal amount of electricity and killing him afterward. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 2")


LOST Shot Up

EJ Snyder, behind the scenes.

*Redfern was the fourth mercenary to be killed, and was outlived only by Keamy and Omar.

  • The name "Redfern" refers to Chad Redfern, Varsity Pitching coach of the Harvard-Westlake High School baseball team in Los Angeles, CA.[source needed]
  • Redfern shares a name with a central character from the novel, Evil Under the Sun, Patrick Redfern.
  • Redfern is also the name of a suburb in Sydney that is generally associated with criminal and violent behaviour
  • According to behind-the-scenes photos on the actor's Facebook page, Redfern was shot in the head and killed with a bullet, right after he was shot by the stun dart. This explains the blood on his corpse and the reason the otherwise non-lethal attack killed him. Redfern was seen being shot in the left side of his head in the photos, the side hidden in the episode.[1]

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