Questions and Answers
1x01 "Pilot, Part 1"
- Why did Jack wake up in the middle of the jungle?
- Why is there a shoe hanging in a tree?
- Why did Oceanic Flight 815 crash on the Island?
- Where did Flight 815 take off from?
- What was Flight 815's intended destination?
- What became of the tail section of the plane and the passengers inside?
- How did Jack come to be on Flight 815?
- Jack went to Australia to bring his father Christian home. After discovering he died of an alcoholic overdose, Jack arranged to have his body brought home to Los Angeles on the flight. ("White Rabbit")
- How did Kate come to be on Flight 815?
- How did Charlie come to be on Flight 815?
- He went to Australia in an attempt to convince his brother Liam to join him in a Drive Shaft comeback at a concert in Los Angeles. His brother turned him down, so he took the flight alone. ("The Moth")
- How did Locke come to be on Flight 815?
- How did Sawyer come to be on Flight 815?
- He went to Australia to murder Frank Duckett. ("Outlaws") He later got into a bar fight with an Australian politician, resulting in his being deported from the country on the flight. ("Exodus, Part 1")
- How did Hurley come to be on Flight 815?
- How did Sayid come to be on Flight 815?
- He was brought to Australia by the CIA and ASIS to crack down on a terror operation involving an old friend. In exchange, the CIA gave him the location of his childhood love Nadia, whom he had been searching for for years. They booked him a flight to Los Angeles to meet her. ("The Greater Good")
- How did Sun and Jin come to be on Flight 815?
- Jin was delivering watches for Sun's father Mr. Paik, first in Australia and then to Los Angeles. ("...In Translation") Sun had joined him on the trip, intending to escape and start a new life in America, but changed her mind realizing Jin still loved her, joining him on the flight. ("House of the Rising Sun")
- How did Michael and Walt come to be on Flight 815?
- Walt had been living with his mother in Australia. After her death, his adoptive father wanted to relinquish custody back to his biological father Michael. So Michael went to Australia to bring Walt back home with him on the flight to the United States. ("Walkabout") ("Special")
- How did Boone and Shannon come to be on Flight 815?
- How did Claire come to be on Flight 815?
- How did Rose and her husband come to be on Flight 815?
- Her husband Bernard brought her to Australia on their honeymoon to meet a faith healer to heal her cancer. They were then returning home to the United States on the flight. ("S.O.S.")
- What is the nature of the Monster?
- The Monster is a person, originally the Man in Black, and is one of the two central opposing forces influencing the events of the Island. ("The Incident") ("LA X") The essence composing his being is electromagnetism (which seems to be the source of the siren-like and mechanical-esque sounds he makes). ("The 23rd Psalm") He has been trapped on the Island for millennia due to being tied to the Heart of the Island by Jacob. ("Across the Sea") ("The End") Consequently, he harbors a destructive rage against the Island, Jacob, and the arrivals whom Jacob brings to the Island. ("Sundown") ("Ab Aeterno") He desperately wants to escape ("The Substitute") so he resorts to long cons, murder, and destruction in his goal of becoming free. ("The Incident") ("The Candidate") ("The End")
- Locke initially believes that the Monster is the "eye" of the Island. ("White Rabbit") This is not entirely accurate, as the Monster itself does not represent the will of the Island, and in fact is actively trying to destroy the Island. ("What They Died For") However, worth noting on this subject is that the Monster's essence is directly derived from the Heart of the Island. ("Across the Sea")
- What does the Monster look like?
- What are the origins of the Monster?
- The Man in Black was born to an ancient Roman who shipwrecked with her people on the Island. As a newborn, he was taken along with his twin brother and raised by Mother to replace her as the next protector of the Island. However, he later left them, deciding to leave the Island, and later murdered Mother. In revenge, Jacob threw him into the Heart of the Island. As a consequence, the Man in Black's consciousness was fused with some of the electromagnetism from the Heart, forming him into the MonstBefore this, Mother was both Protector and Smoke Monster which is a kind of Island 'security system' due to the enormous powers it has. er. ("Across the Sea")
- What is the Monster's habitation?
- What are the abilities and limitations of the Monster?
- Abilities: The Monster can read into the memories of inhabitants both living and deceased, ("The 23rd Psalm") as well as project those memories and other figures into corporeal form. It can also corporeally manifest itswn self in the form of the dead. ("The Cost of Living") ("Season 6") It can also "claim" people under its influence. ("This Place Is Death") ("Season 6") The Monster also appears to possess some clairvoyance of Islactivitiesons, ("Follow the Leader") and seems to have some limited telekinetic power. ("Dr. Linus") The Monster is immune to death ("Season 6") as well as time flashes. ("Season 5")
- It also seems that the Monster can lose or be limited in some of these abilities by Jacob's rules. For example, while it can project living figures from Eko's memories (such as the altar boy), ("The Cost of Living") it seems it was only allowed to materialize its being in the form of the dead, as was the case with Locke. ("The Last Recruit")
- Limitations: The Monster is unable to leave the Island. ("Ab Aeterno") It cannot cross through high concentrations of sound waves, as utilized in sonar fences. ("Left Behind") It seems it can also be impacted with some force such as by explosives. ("Exodus, Part 2") It is limited in the height of its aerial maneuvering. ("Season 3") ("Season 6") The Monster is also unable to fly over water, ("The Package") and seems slowed by being in bodily contact with it. ("The Candidate") The Monster is also severely inhibited by the rules, which limit who it is allowed to kill. ("Season 6") This seems to include its inability to cross over and harm those encircled by ash. ("Season 6")
- The Monster can also attain new limitations, notably only being able to manifest in its last chosen bodily form following Jacob's death. ("The Substitute") Following his death, the Monster also appeared to be limited in other ways, including no longer being able to scan memories, or project forms (across water or otherwise). ("Season 6")
- Why did Jack need a drink on the flight?
- He was coping, preparing to bring his father's body immediately to the funeral on arriving in Los Angeles. ("White Rabbit")
- Why was Charlie being pursued by the flight attendants on the plane?
- They were trying to arrest him after recognizing his drug withdrawal behavior. ("Pilot, Part 2")
- Why did Locke embrace the rainstorm while everyone else hid?
- Locke has a love for the Island born out of the self-renewal it has brought him. ("Walkabout")
- What caused the radio malfunction on the flight?
- It was an ordinary technical malfunction that occurred by coincidence. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- However, one can argue that there are no true coincidences at play, as Jacob has intervened in the natural destiny of the survivors to bring them to the Island. ("Season 5") ("Season 6")
- What was Charlie doing in the bathroom of the plane cabin?
1x02 "Pilot, Part 2"
- How did Charlie become a drug addict?
- He picked up on his brother's drug addiction in the band to gain his approval. ("The Moth")
- What is Sawyer's letter about?
- He wrote the letter as a child to deliver to the 'confidence man,' Sawyer, whosehname e took to tell him that he was responsible for the murder-suicide of his parents after conning them. ("Confidence Man")
- How are there polar bears living on the island?
- What is the secret that Locke told Walt?
- What is Kate's 'story' that the Marshal referenced?
- Is Kate innocent or guilty?
- What is Kate's history with the Marshal?
- He had arrested her very quickly after the death of her father. She later broke free, kicking him out of his car and taking it for herself. ("What Kate Did") The Marshal carried on a vendetta to catch her himself, the two eventually taunting each other over phone calls. ("Left Behind") ("I Do") ("Tabula Rasa") ("Exodus, Part 1")
- Why was Kate in handcuffs by the Marshal?
- She was caught in Australia by the Marshal after being turned in by Ray Mullen. ("Tabula Rasa")
- What is the favor Kate wanted to ask the Marshal?
- She wanted to make sure that Ray Mullen got the 23 grand reward for turning in Kate in order to pay off his mortgage. ("Tabula Rasa")
- Where is the French transmission playing from?
- How did the French woman and the others with her come to be on the Island?
- They sailed out of Tahiti. After 3 days, they changed course to follow the Numbers broadcast, ("Numbers") where they came into a storm, their instruments malfunctioned, their ship slammed into rocks, and they got on a life raft, eventually arriving on the beach. ("Solitary") ("The Little Prince")
- What became of the French woman?
- She has been surviving on the Island in the wild for the past 16 years. ("Solitary")
- What did she mean by "it killed them all"?
- Why was Rousseau's distress signal never discovered by the world?
- Where is the Island?
- It is a real place in the South Pacific, ("Through the Looking Glass") but it is always moving due to its time-dilation. There is evidence that it has been in other oceans in the past including off the coast of Africa. ("316")
- What is the nature of the Island?
1x03 "Tabula Rasa"
- Why was Kate in Pennsylvania and how did she escape custody from the Harrison Valley Police?
- Unknown. The story behind her mugshot is never explained.
- Possibly arrested for a low-level crime during life on the run, then used a false identity for when she was apprehended. May have been released based on police negligence, before she was recognized. (Inference)
- What was the miracle that happened to Locke?
- What is the beast that chased Michael?
- Did all the survivors die in the plane crash?
1x04 "Walkabout"
- How did Locke gain his experience and affinity for the wild?
- Did Rose's husband, Bernard, survive?
- Why was Locke so determined to go on a walkabout?
- Who is the woman in Sayid's photo?
- Nadia, Sayid's childhood love whom he had interrogated for a time before letting her escape. ("Solitary")
- Why is Rose so certain that Bernard is alive?
- She has a newfound faith since realizing her cancer was healed by the Island. ("S.O.S.")
- Who is the mysterious man that Jack keeps seeing?
- Did Locke encounter the Monster or did he evade it?
- How did Locke come to be in a wheelchair?
- How was Locke miraculously healed?
- The Island healed him, through its electromagnetic properties. ("S.O.S.")
1x05 "White Rabbit"
- What is it that Jack "did" that caused the falling out between him and Christian?
- Why was Christian in Australia?
- He was on a drinking binge from depression over his ruined career and relationship with his son, so he went to Australia to see his daughter. ("Two for the Road")
- Is Locke right that "everything on the Island happened for a reason"?
- Yes. Jacob brought the survivors to the Island. He touched some of the survivors during their lives, intertwining their destinies to come to the Island. He did this, giving each of them an opportunity as Candidates to take his place as the next Protector of the Island. ("The Incident") ("The Substitute") Jacob also brings people to the Island in his quest to prove that mankind can break the cycle of destruction and be redeemed. ("Ab Aeterno")
- Why was Christian wearing white tennis shoes uncharacteristic of his black burial clothes?
- When dressing Christian's body, Jack couldn't find a pair of black shoes to match his suit, and thought since no one would see the body's feet anyway, that he would just put on a pair of spare white tennis shoes, as Jack didn't feel his father was worth going out of his way to buy a nice pair. ("316")
- Why did visions of the deceased Christian lead Jack to the coffin?
- According to the Man in Black, he had led Jack to the coffin in order to help him find water. ("The Last Recruit") However, given the Man in Black's more sinister intentions towards the Candidates, ("The Candidate") it can be assumed that he was in fact gauging Jack's emotions for his later use, ("This Place Is Death") similar to his confrontations with Locke and Eko. ("Exodus, Part 2") ("The Cost of Living")
- Where is Christian's body?
- Unknown
- It may have flung out in the crash and landed somewhere in the jungle. (White Rabbit script) (Lost Encyclopedia)
- The Man in Black may have disposed of the body in order to persuade Jack that he was the real Christian risen from the coffin. (Inference)
- May have been buried by Mr. Eko. One of the bodies floating near the plane's tail-wing in the ocean greatly resembles Christian. The silver-haired man's body floated face-up (indicating advanced decay from dying early) rather than face-down like the other deceased passengers. ("The Other 48 Days") (Inference) (Fan theories)
1x06 "House of the Rising Sun"
- How did Jack come to get his tattoos?
- Who were "Adam" and "Eve"?
- The Man in Black and Mother. They lived during the Ancient Roman era. ("Across the Sea")
- How did "Adam" and "Eve" die?
- The Man in Black stabbed Mother in retaliation for killing his village, and likewise, Jacob retaliated by throwing the Man in Black into the Heart of the Island, stripping his consciousness from his body. Afterwards, Jacob laid the bodies to rest in the caves. ("Across the Sea")
- What were the black and white stones in the bag with them?
- They were the pieces from Jacob and the Man in Black's Senet game. ("Across the Sea")
- The black and white theme continues to be prominent in the series, ultimately representative of Jacob and the Man in Black as the opposing forces of power on the Island. ("The Incident") ("The Substitute")
- What work did Jin do for Sun's father?
- Jin became a personal assistant to Mr. Paik in organized crime, often being ordered to "deliver messages" in the form of severely beating the men who have displeased Paik, as an alternative to assassinating them. ("...In Translation")
1x07 "The Moth"
- When did Liam get clean?
- Who knocked out Sayid?
- Locke, who believed he was acting in the survivors' "best interest". ("The Greater Good") He wanted to stop Sayid from sending a distress signal. ("Confidence Man")
1x08 "Confidence Man"
- What became of the original Sawyer?
- What is Sawyer's real name?
1x09 "Solitary"
- What does the cable connect to?
- What was the nature of the French team's expedition?
- Why was the French team armed with rifles?
- Their possession of guns appears to have been trivial, so likely generic reasons such as security, hunting, or recreation. (Inferred from "The Little Prince", "This Place Is Death")
- What is the Black Rock?
- Are the Others real?
- Who are the Others?
- How long have the Others been on the Island?
- Where do the Others live?
- How much do the Others know about the Island?
- There are different levels of knowledge among the Others. The core secrets of the Island are known by Jacob. ("Across the Sea") Various positions of leadership are privy to different knowledge regarding the core mythological forces and ancient structures. ("Season 3") ("Season 4") ("Season 5") ("Season 6") The main body of Others know about the general DHARMA facilities and health-altering properties of the Island, which suggests they likely possess whatever knowledge DHARMA also had acquired regarding the Island. ("Season 3")
- What is the sickness that infected the French team?
- What is in the papers Sayid stole from Danielle?
- What happened to Danielle's child Alex?
- Shortly after Danielle gave birth to her daughter, the Others took her, ("Exodus, Part 1") specifically Ben who raised her as his daughter. ("Dead Is Dead")
- Is Nadia at this point still alive somewhere?
1x10 "Raised by Another"
- What was the nature of Claire's nightmare?
- Ambiguous
- It may have been an ordinary nightmare reflecting Claire's fears about giving her baby away, brought on by the psychic's warnings.
- The black and white theme may suggest it was influenced by the Monster, (inferred by the scales from "The Substitute") beginning the manipulation and claiming of her that would later come into fruition. ("Something Nice Back Home") ("What Kate Does")
- How did Hurley come to get his nickname?
- What danger would befall Claire's baby if it is not raised by her?
- Ambiguous
- There may be no danger at all, as the psychic is a fraud. ("?") ("Lost Connections")
- If taken at face value, the psychic's comments about the baby needing Claire's "good-natured" influence for a "happy life" may indicate that Aaron would have a destructive lifestyle later in life.
- Given that it seems impossible to change the future as per the rules of time, ("Flashes Before Your Eyes") it may be that the psychic foresaw the danger Aaron would be in living as a member of the Oceanic Six. ("Season 4", "Season 5")
- Some fans have suggested that the psychic was helping Jacob to get Claire, a Candidate, on the flight. (Jacob's cave) While the fact that Jacob scratches Candidates off the list because of motherhood would seem to preclude this, ("What They Died For") Claire had nonetheless not committed to motherhood at this point and had intended to give up her baby, so this still remains plausible.
- Why was Ethan pretending to be a survivor?
- What was Ethan injecting Claire with?
- Where did Ethan come from?
- He is a member of the Others, from the Barracks. ("A Tale of Two Cities") He was originally born in the DHARMA Initiative on the Island before defecting to the Others. ("Namaste") ("Dead Is Dead")
1x11 "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues"
- Why did Ethan kidnap Claire?
- After realizing the survivors were going to discover his infiltration, he took Claire to the Staff so he could continue to inject her. ("Maternity Leave")
- What is the metallic object Locke and Boone discovered?
1x12 "Whatever the Case May Be"
- Why was the tide rising so quickly?
- Why was Kate robbing the bank for the toy plane?
- The Marshal had taunted her telling her he had the toy plane in a safety deposit box. She "somehow" figured out where it was and stole the key to it. She took the toy plane, out of guilt for the death of her friend Tom Brennan. ("Exodus, Part 1")
- Who did the toy plane belong to?
- How did Kate kill its owner?
- Tom had helped Kate arrange a meeting with her mother in the hospital. After being discovered, the two ran from the police, Tom choosing to join Kate in her escape in a car, and he was inadvertently shot by the police while sitting next to her. ("Born to Run")
1x13 "Hearts and Minds"
- What is inside the Hatch?
- Who built the Hatch?
- Why was Locke's compass not working?
- It was disrupted by the electromagnetism emanating from the Swan station. ("Orientation")
- Why was Sawyer under arrest at the Sydney police department?
- How did Shannon's father die?
- What was the nature of Boone's dream?
- As the episode revealed, it was a drug-induced experience that enabled Boone to let go of his obsession with Shannon.
- It's worth mentioning, however, that the dream may be more than just psychologically-induced, but brought on by the mythological forces of the Island, enabled via the drug-induction. (inferred from "Further Instructions")
1x14 "Special"
- What is the nature and significance of Walt being "different" and "special"?
- What is the nature of Claire's dream about the Black Rock?
- Ambiguous
- It may have just been an ordinary dream, which coincidentally alerted Sayid to the meaning of the triangle on the map.
- It may have been influenced by the Monster in its process of "claiming" Claire which would come into fruition later. ("What Kate Does") It seems that a black rock was specifically symbolic for the Man in Black. ("The Substitute")
- How did Claire find her way back to the survivors?
- Rousseau knocked her out and left her close to the survivors' region. ("Maternity Leave")
- How did Walt draw the bird and the bear towards him?
- Through his psychic ability.
1x15 "Homecoming"
- Why doesn't Claire remember anything since the crash?
- Due to the psychological trauma of her experience, she "switched off" her memory of it. ("Maternity Leave")
- What happened to Claire during her time with Ethan?
- Ethan drugged her and continued to administer her with injections in the Staff station. He also talked her into giving up her baby to them. According to Alex, the Others were planning to cut the baby out of her, consequently killing her. ("Maternity Leave")
- How did Claire escape from Ethan?
- Alex saved her, drugging her to make her pass out, and then taking her outside the Staff into the jungle. ("Maternity Leave")
- How did Ethan get the bloody claw scratch on his face?
- Unclear. Ethan looks a lot more disheveled in this appearance in general, compared to his more clean appearance at the Staff. It's possible this is all apart of the "feral" ruse to mislead and intimidate the survivors, and that the scratch was applied through makeup. ("Maternity Leave")
- How did Ethan come out of the ocean?
1x16 "Outlaws"
- What is the nature of the whispers?
- They are the voices of ghosts who are trapped on the Island and unable to move on due to unresolved emotional baggage, ("Everybody Loves Hugo") hence why Sawyer heard Frank Duckett's voice among them. Additionally, it seems that the whispers try to warn island inhabitants of danger at times, hence their association with the Others as well as other dangers. ("Official Lost Podcast/April 15, 2010")
- Did Frank Duckett somehow reincarnate as the boar?
- What was the Tampa Job?
- What was the nature of Kate's brief marriage?
- Kate fell in love with a police officer and hiding her identity as a fugitive, attempted to settle down and marry him. However, she realized he would inevitably find out and that she couldn't live this life, so she drugged him and went back on the run. ("I Do")
1x17 "...In Translation"
- Why was Hurley on the TV screen in Jin's flashback?
- What is Locke's issue with his father?
- Locke's father conned him into giving him his kidney in a transplant before abandoning him. ("Deus Ex Machina") Later, when Locke confronted him, his father attempted to murder him, causing his paralysis. ("The Man from Tallahassee")
1x18 "Numbers"
- Why did Rousseau give the Dark Territory that name?
- It was the region where her team first arrived on the Island. They were slaughtered and infected by the Monster which seems to have a recurrent presence in this region. It is also where Montand lost his arm. ("Exodus, Part 1") ("This Place Is Death")
- What do the Numbers mean?
- Ambiguous. The meaning of the Numbers varies with each context of their instance.
- Overall, they seem to be generally tied to the spiritual pattern of fate bringing people to the Island to meet their destiny. The most notable proof of this, is that each of the numbers corresponded to the last remaining of Jacob's candidates in his final weeks of influence on the Island. Each number signified a degree on the dial of Jacob's lighthouse, showing the location of where the Candidate lived in their life. Jacob touching each of these Candidates intertwined their destinies to the Island. ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2") ("Lighthouse")
- The Numbers may also repeatedly emerge in the world due to the Valenzetti Equation which predicted the date of the human race's destruction based on human and environmental factors. This may explain why the factors of the numbers seem embedded in the order and structure of events in the world, especially death and destruction. ("The Lost Experience")
- Equally worth mentioning, connecting the Numbers' pattern of predestination towards the Island to the Numbers' pattern of death, is that the Island itself is also a hub of activity for the dead, ("Everybody Loves Hugo") and is responsible for sustaining the human cycle of life and death. ("Across the Sea")
- Do the Numbers really possess a curse or power?
- Ambiguous. Hurley eventually determined that he could "make his own luck" and that "there was no curse" in starting up the DHARMA van, effectively breaking the curse or the illusion of one. ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead") However, when Hurley later saw that the odometer in his Camaro read the Numbers, he came to think he was cursed again, and this seemed to be linked with his subsequent pattern of encounters with the spirits of the dead. ("There's No Place Like Home, Part 1") However, when Hurley told Jacob he was cursed, Jacob instead suggested that rather he was "blessed". ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2")
- Why was Hurley in the Santa Rosa Mental Institute?
- A deck collapsed that Hurley was on, killing 2 people, which Hurley blamed himself for due to his weight. Consequently, he went into a catatonic state, only eating. So his mother had him incarcerated in the Mental Institute. While there, Hurley hallucinated an imaginary friend named Dave. ("Dave")
- What did Rousseau use to set explosives with?
- Why was the radio tower broadcasting the Numbers?
- The on-Island division of the DHARMA Initiative had built the radio tower, setting the Numbers to broadcast as a transmission to the off-Island division to indicate that the Valenzetti Equation had not yet been changed. Once the solution to change the equation was found, DHARMA would change the broadcast. ("The Lost Experience") This setup was similar to the Numbers stations phenomena. ("Numbers stations")
- Why are the Numbers engraved on the Hatch?
- Why did Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms hear the Numbers over radio?
- They picked up the Numbers broadcast from the radio tower on the island.
- Who built the bridge?
- Sayid and Charlie suggested that it was either built by the French team or the Others.
1x19 "Deus Ex Machina"
- Does the Island have a will of its own as Locke believes?
- Yes, although it also seems that a lot of the "higher powers" that represent the will of the Island in Season 1 were in fact Jacob and the Monster. ("The Incident, Parts 1 & 2") However, the Island still demonstrates a degree of control in the natural order of events as decreed by Jacob. ("Dr. Linus")
- Why would the Island want Locke to get into the Hatch?
- What was the nature of Locke's dream?
- Ambiguous
- It is implied that the Island was setting up Boone's sacrifice in order to prompt the grief-stricken Locke to pound on the Hatch door, stopping Desmond from committing suicide, and giving them both newfound hope as Desmond turned the light on Locke. So the dream was most likely given by the Island. ("Live Together, Die Alone")
- The Monster may have influenced the dream in hopes of hurting Locke's faith for manipulative purposes. (There is a pattern of the Monster being correlated with dreams, such as from "?" and "Cabin Fever")
- How did the Beechcraft come to crash on the Island?
- It was originally intended for use by Eko's guerrilla group, disguised as priests, to smuggle heroin out of Nigeria. However, Yemi called the military in an effort to stop Eko. A shootout occurred, inadvertently getting Yemi killed and landing him in the plane as it took off, while Eko was left on the airstrip, mistaken as the real priest. ("The 23rd Psalm") The plane later inadvertently flew into the Island's radius and malfunctioned, crashing onto the Island. ("Because You Left")
- Whose transmission did Boone pick up on the Beechcraft radio?
- What was the full last sentence spoken by the person over the radio, "...the survivors of Flight 815"?
- Bernard said, "We're the survivors of Flight 815." This was true, as he was a member of the tail section of the plane. ("The Other 48 Days")
- Why did the light shine through the Hatch window?
- Why did Locke briefly lose use of his legs?
- It was implied that the Island was briefly taking away the healing of his paralysis in order to ensure that Boone would be the one to climb into the Beechcraft rather than Locke. There are later known instances of the Island withholding its natural healing on rare occasion for some purpose. ("The Man from Tallahassee") ("Something Nice Back Home")
1x20 "Do No Harm"
- How did Jack save Sarah?
- After a car crash, Sarah was brought into Jack's hospital where he saved her life. However, her back was broken, and it was thought that she would be paralyzed from the waist down. Jack impulsively made a promise to her that he would fix her so she could dance at her wedding, and ensued with the operation. Thinking he had failed, he had a conversation with Desmond about miracles. He then went to deliver the news to her, when she told him that she could feel her legs. Miraculously, she had, indeed, been fixed. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
- What is the current status of Jack and Sarah's relationship?
1x21 "The Greater Good"
- Why did Locke believe that breaking the transceiver was in the survivors' best interest?
- Locke believes that the Island has predestined each of them to itself for reasons they must discover. ("Exodus, Part 2")
1x22 "Born to Run"
- Who sent Kate the letter about Diane's cancer?
- Unanswered
- It can be assumed that Kate had an unknown friend she was in contact with. (Inference)
- Why did Kate want to run away as a child?
- Why was Walt afraid of what was in the Hatch?
- What did Kate do to cause such distress for her mother?
- Kate blew up her parents' house to kill her father Wayne. ("What Kate Did")
- How did Walt know about the Hatch?
- The implication is that he had a psychic premonition.
1x23 "Exodus, Part 1"
- Why did the Others take Danielle's baby?
- Ben had been ordered by Widmore to exterminate Danielle. However, when he saw that she had a baby, he took sympathy and chose to spare Danielle, and took her child to protect it. ("Dead Is Dead")
- Why are the Others coming to raid the survivors?
- Rousseau heard whispers in the jungle stating that "they were coming for the boy". She lit the bonfire herself, with the intention of trading Claire's baby for her own. However, unbeknownst to her, the Others were actually coming to take Walt. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Why was Ana Lucia on Flight 815?
- She was initially running away from her mother, who knew she was responsible for murdering a suspect who had shot her and ended her pregnancy. ("Collision") She went to Australia to escort Christian as a partner as the two coped with their lives. She eventually changed her mind and agreed to come home to her mother in Los Angeles to seek help. ("Two for the Road")
- What became of Ana Lucia following the crash?
- How did Danielle get her arms scratched?
- Claire scratched Danielle's arms during her absence after being taken by Ethan. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- How did Montand lose his arm?
- The Monster was dragging him into the hole under the Temple Wall, and the French team attempted to hold onto his grip so he wouldn't be pulled in. The Monster then tightened itself around his arm causing it to tear off. He was then dragged into the hole, and his arm was left to decay outside. ("This Place Is Death")
- Is Rousseau right that the Monster is a security system protecting the Island?
- Yes, it is a security system as the Protector pre-Jacob (Mother) was also the Smoke Monster. However, this changed once Jacob threw his brother into the Heart of the Island - an act which made the Man in Black become the Monster.
- How did the Black Rock come to be on the island, wrecked in the jungle?
- In 1867, it was on a slave trading mission, traveling from the Canary Islands to the New World. It found its way to the Island, brought by Jacob via a sudden storm and enormous tidal wave carried it inland into the jungle. ("Ab Aeterno")
- Retconned information: In 1845, it was on a trading mission, traveling from England to the Kingdom of Siam. ("The Constant")
- Retconned information: In 1881, it was traveling from a gold mining operation in the South Indian Ocean to trade gold for slaves in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. ("The Lost Experience")
1x24 "Exodus, Part 2"
- Why did Claire scratch Danielle's arms?
- Still under the influence of Ethan's drugs, she was trying to call back to Ethan. Danielle found her and attempted to take her away from the Others. Claire scratched her arms trying to get back to Ethan. ("Maternity Leave")
- How did Arzt come to be on Flight 815?
- He was meeting an online date in Australia. She ditched him, so he took an early flight home. ("Tropical Depression")
- What is the 'Hurley bird'?
- Why does the Monster look like black smoke?
- It is actually electromagnetic energy, distorted in appearance from having been fused with the Man in Black's consciousness. ("Across the Sea")
- Worth mentioning is that the writers had originally intended the Monster to be born from the Island's volcanic crater, suggesting the Monster's appearance being connected to volcanic smoke. ("How a volcano would have changed the ending") Even in the finalized version depicted on-screen, the Monster's birthplace at the Heart of the Island ("Across the Sea") is still connected directly into a volcanic chamber. ("The End")
- Why was Locke fearful of the Monster this time?
- He had previously perceived the Monster as a "very bright light" due to the pleasant vision it gave him. ("The Cost of Living") This was a stark contrast from now clearly seeing its black smoke appearance.
- Why did the Monster try to drag Locke into a hole?
- How did the Others know to look for the raft in the ocean?
- Unanswered
- The Others are savvy in technology and surveillance, ("The Glass Ballerina") and so likely became aware at some point that Michael was building the raft.
- Why did the Others take Walt?
- Why did Charlie take the Virgin Mary statue?
- It made him 'feel safer' to hold it, perhaps for either or both its religious significance and addictive significance. He eventually hoards a stash of the statues. ("The 23rd Psalm") He is decidedly not using heroin again, although he is tempted to do so. ("Fire + Water")