"Passing the Torch" is an orchestral piece from the Season 6 soundtrack.
Main appearance[]
Hurley and Jack discuss approaching Locke. Jack confesses his inadequacy and his attempts at letting go. Hurley then follows whispers until he meets Michael in the jungle. The two talk, and Michael sends him to Locke's camp.
Full list of appearances[]
"Passing the Torch" and its variations play during the following scenes:
- Ben, Miles, and Richard leave for explosives while the rest of the camp stays with Hurley. ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
- Hurley and Jack discuss their next step. ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
- Hurley approaches the Man in Black. ("Everybody Loves Hugo")
- The Man in Black talks to Jack. ("The Last Recruit")
- Jack returns to the other survivors after talking to the Man in Black. ("The Last Recruit")
- Locke gathers the troops and gives James instructions. ("The Last Recruit")
- Sawyer and Kate swim to the sailboat. ("The Last Recruit")
- Jack sends Hurley out of the sinking sub with Kate. ("The Candidate")
- Jack tells Kate and Hurley about the Heart. ("The End")
- Sawyer reveals the Man in Black's plan to Jack and the others. ("The End")
- Frank reminds Richard and Miles that he's a pilot. ("The End")
- Lapidus asks Miles if they're clear for takeoff. ("The End")
- Lapidus notices Sawyer, Claire, and Kate on the runway. ("The End")
- Sawyer, Kate and Claire enter the Ajira plane. ("The End")
After introducing its own theme, the piece moves to Jack's. It ends on the baggage motif.
The theme appears in "Fly By Dire", "The Hole Shabang", "Kool-Aid Claire", "The Last Recruit" and "SS Lost-tanic".
Title significance[]
During the piece's main appearance, Jack lets Hurley lead the group. Later, he passes leadership more directly.