
The "Original Sawyer's Theme" plays during several scenes featuring James Ford's quest to kill the "original Sawyer". The disquieting four-note piano theme is based on three repeated intervals of a major sixth and then another, a major second up.

Full list of appearances[]

"Original Sawyer's Theme" and its variations play during the following scenes:

  • Hibbs tells Sawyer the whereabouts of Frank Duckett. ("Outlaws")
  • James realizes that Cooper is the Original Sawyer. ("The Brig")
    • He gives him his letter. Cooper rips it up. ("The Brig")
  • In a flash sideways, James catches Charlotte looking through his Sawyer file. ("Recon")
    • James refuses to explain his search to Miles. Miles breaks up with him. ("Recon")
    • James tells Miles about his quest to kill Sawyer. ("Recon")


The theme shares elements with "Thinking Clairely", and the two pieces originally play almost consecutively.
