
Sayid found a metal bracelet on Naomi's body soon after her death. Engraved on the inside of it was the phrase: N, I’ll always be with you. R.G. ("The Economist")


In an interview, Damon Lindelof responded to the question raised in fan emails and theory pages about a perceived connnection between this bracelet and Elsa's bracelet in "The Economist" by saying (in part), "There is no connective tissue. Sometimes a bracelet is just a bracelet."

Bracelets are frequently used by US military personel to remember fallen comrads whom they were close too. In the same mannor, family members of fallen military also wear the same style bracelets to honor and remember their loved one. These bracelets are permitted to be worn and visibly displayed while "in uniform" by active duty-personel. Because it has been strongly implied that Naomi has military combat expeirience, it is very likely that "J.R." was a team member in one of her units, or less likely, was family. But given the propensity of the Lost writters to dramatically interconnect people, it is likely that she was somehow connected to J.R.'s death while in the military.

Unanswered questions

Unanswered questions
  1. Do not answer the questions here.
  2. Keep the questions open-ended and neutral: do not suggest an answer.
For fan theories about these unanswered questions, see: Naomi's bracelet/Theories