A "Mystery Counterpoint" often plays in conjunction with the show's mystery theme. The score uses the disturbing, repetitive dissonances in scenes involving strange or chaotic occurrences, such as Desmond's flashes.
Full list of appearances[]
The motif plays during the following scenes:
- Jack, Sawyer and Sayid swim to The Elizabeth. ("Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Hurley finds Desmond in the jungle and discovers his precognitive powers. Desmond creates a lightning rod to protect Claire and Charlie. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- Desmond recognizes Charlie and predicts the rain. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Desmond tells Charlie about his flashes. ("Par Avion")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Charlie questions Desmond about saving Claire from the lightning and from drowning, and Desmond reveals his visions of Charlie's death. ("Catch-22")
- Naomi tries to get a signal on her phone. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 2")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Locke's group finds Charlotte. Jack questions Daniel on the science team's motives. ("The Other Woman")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Walt is kidnapped. Michael leaves to rescue him, and is captured by the Others. They order him to rescue Ben. He does so, killing Ana Lucia and Libby in the process. ("Meet Kevin Johnson")
- Desmond packs to leave for Oxford. ("Because You Left")
- In a Previously on Lost recap, Daniel tells Desmond to find his mother. Ben shoots Desmond and prepares to kill Penny. ("The Variable")
The theme appears in "Naomi Phone Home".