
Crash Motif[]

This motif plays during a number of scenes involving characters recovering from plane crashes or explosions, usually accompanied by them opening their eye.

  • Lost begins. ("Pilot, Part 1")
    • Jack arrives at the beach for the first time.
  • Jack looks toward the wreckage before venturing in for supplies. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Charlie takes heroin in the plane and experiences the crash. ("House of the Rising Sun")
  • Locke wakes up in the jungle after the system failure in the Swan. ("Further Instructions")
  • We revisit the scene of Jack waking up for the first time. ("So It Begins")
  • Jack again wakes up in the bamboo grove. ("316")

Waking Motif[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where characters wake up.

Camp Motif[]

This percussion motif plays during two scenes involving the characters setting up a camp.

  • Charlie writes on his fingers and talks to Sayid. Shannon paints her toes. ("Pilot, Part 1")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Michael meets Sun for the first time. He later leaves Walt in her care while he goes hunting with Locke and Kate. ("House of the Rising Sun")
    • Jack brings new "tenants" to the camp at the caves.

Footing Motif[]

This suspenseful motif plays during a number of scenes in which characters move through previously unexplored terrain.

  • Jack, Kate and Charlie enter the cockpit. ("Pilot, Part 1")
    • Kate and Charlie search for Jack. They find the pilot's body.
  • The survivors cross a river on the way out of the Dark Territory. ("Exodus, Part 3")
  • Kate discovers the Swan Station's armory, and takes a shotgun. ("Orientation")
  • Paulo dives into the lake to search for the diamonds. ("Exposé")
    • Paulo enters the Pearl and explores it.

Warning Motif[]

This motif plays during two scenes where characters warn of a threat.

  • Jack talks of having run from the monster. ("Pilot, Part 1")
  • Michael tells Locke to stay away from him and Walt. ("Special")

Doom Motif[]

This motif plays during several scenes where characters react to impending doom.

  • The survivors flee from an oncoming polar bear. ("Pilot, Part 2")
  • A polar bear attacks Walt, while Michael and Locke try to rescue him. ("Special")
  • Slaves scream as the Black Rock hurtles toward the Island. ("Ab Aeterno")

Thought and Worry[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where characters worry over something.

Secrets Uncovered[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where characters discover a secret.

  • Hurley finds Kate's mugshot and speculates on her crimes. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • Sayid deduces the Hatch exists and demands Locke take him to it. ("The Greater Good")
  • Ben tells Jack and Tom to get Juliet. ("Not in Portland")

Revelation Motif[]

This motif plays during several scenes where unexpected events are revealed to the characters and/or the audience.

  • Boone pickpockets a gun from sleeping Sayid. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • Kate is revealed to be in on the bank robbery. ("Whatever the Case May Be")
  • Michael and Locke find Vincent's leash. ("Special")
  • As the Beechcraft begins to fall from the cliff, Boone receives a radio transmission. ("Deus Ex Machina")
  • Hurley, having noticed his numbers on the Hatch, yells to abandon lighting the dynamite's fuse. ("Exodus, Part 3")

Search Motif[]

This motif plays during a number of scenes where characters search for something or someone.

  • Jack searches the wreckage for medicine till he hears Sawyer searching as well. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • Kate approaches Sawyer and tries to steal her case from him. ("Whatever the Case May Be")
  • Boone sees Locke. He attacks him, believing he is responsible for Shannon's "death". ("Hearts and Minds")
  • Walt tells Locke not to open the Hatch. ("Born to Run")
  • Eko tells Charlie to take him to the plane. ("The 23rd Psalm")
  • Sawyer realizes that Ana Lucia stole his gun. ("Two for the Road")
  • Locke realizes that Eko is headed to the Beechcraft by the Pearl station. ("The Cost of Living")
  • Sawyer hears something walking towards him in the jungle. ("The Brig")

Interrogation Motif[]

This motif plays during two different interrogation scenes.

  • Kate demands information from Jack about the Marshal's condition. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • Kate makes Miles explain his purpose on the island. ("Eggtown")

Dramatic Drums[]

This heavy percussion motif plays during two dramatic scenes.

  • Kate takes the wheel from Ray Mullen. ("Tabula Rasa")
  • Claire returns after her kidnapping. ("Special")

Kate's Suspense Motif[]

This motif plays during two suspenseful scenes involving Kate.

Attack and Flight[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where characters are attacked and are forced to flee.

  • The camp flees from the boars in the fuselage. ("Walkabout")
  • A hostage tackles one of the bank robbers and throws his gun to Kate. ("Whatever the Case May Be")
  • A boar chases Sawyer and knocks him to the ground. ("Outlaws")
  • The Others attack Walt. Sawyer and Michael end up in the water. ("Exodus, Part 3")

Danger Motif[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where a survivor is in danger.

  • Locke sees the monster for the first time. ("Walkabout")
  • Jack struggles to pull himself onto the cliff ledge. ("White Rabbit")
  • Sayid wrestles with Mr. Eko. ("Collision")

Kate's Stare[]

This suspense motif plays during a few scenes involving Kate.

  • Kate looks at Sawyer, planning to later track him to find the missing water. ("White Rabbit")
  • Kate asks Sawyer for the Haliburton case. He says, "No." ("Whatever the Case May Be")
  • Kate glares at Sawyer as he leaves, having exposed her as a criminal and implicated her for Michael's poisoning. ("Born to Run")
  • Sayid explains his past as a torturer to Ben. ("One of Them")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Jack, Sayid and Locke debate over what to do with "Henry". ("Maternity Leave")

Kwons Motif[]

This motif plays during two scenes involving Jin and Sun during "House of the Rising Sun"

  • Sun and Jin kiss at a party. ("House of the Rising Sun")
    • Sayid pulls Jin out of the water after an attack on Michael.
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Sun reveals the fact that she speaks English to Michael. ("Confidence Man")

Boar Motif[]

This motif plays during a few scenes involving boar attacks.

  • Charlie hears a boar about to chase him. ("The Moth")
  • Jason reveals to the bank manager that Kate set him up. ("Whatever the Case May Be")
  • Sawyer sets off in search of his boar. It soon tackles him. ("Outlaws")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Kate struggles to escape from the Swan Station pantry. ("Orientation")

Animals Attack[]

This motif plays during two scenes of animals attacking survivors.

  • A boar chases Charlie. ("The Moth")
  • A polar bear slams against the banyan tree that shields Walt. ("Special")

Bad News[]

This motif plays during two scenes where characters deliver unwelcome news.

  • Charlie points to the cave-in that claimed Jack. ("The Moth")
  • Locke reveals that he knocked Sayid out weeks earlier. ("The Greater Good")

Tense Jack[]

This motif plays during two tense scenes involving Jack.

Hatch Discovery[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where hatches for DHARMA stations are discovered.

Bilingual motif[]

This motif plays during two similar scenes involving characters' secret knowledge of languages.

Pursuit Motif[]

This motif is played during two chase sequences.

Jack and Locke[]

This suspense motif is played during a few scenes involving Jack or Locke.

  • Locke shows Boone that Shannon is still alive - her death was a hallucination. ("Hearts and Minds")
  • Tom tells the hunting party that the Island belongs to the Others. ("The Hunting Party")
  • Locke asks Ben why he came to the survivors' camp. ("Two for the Road")
  • Jack is moved from his cell to the cages. ("Stranger in a Strange Land")
  • Jack talks to Ben to make sure he honors their deal for him and Juliet to return home, and to ask for his friends to be released as soon as he leaves the Island. ("The Man from Tallahassee")

Mourning Motif[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where characters are in mourning over another character's death.

Charlie's Thievery[]

This tense motif plays during a number of scenes where Charlie contemplates stealing Churchill's cigarette case in "Homecoming"

  • Charlie catches sight of the cigarette case. ("Homecoming")
    • He promises to have dinner with Lucy's father.
    • He sees the case again on his way to his job.
    • He steals it.

Tense Percussion[]

This percussion motif plays during two tense scenes.

  • Jack shows Locke the guns. ("Homecoming")
  • Sun calls for help after discovering that Danielle attacked Claire. ("Exodus, Part 2")

Jack vs the Others[]

This motif plays during a few scenes where Jack defeats a member of the Others.

Regret Motif[]

This motif plays during several scenes where characters express regrets over a situation.

Foreboding Motif[]

This ominous motif plays during a number of suspenseful scenes, frequently involving Locke.

Test of Vengeance[]

This motif plays during two scenes where Sawyer considers taking revenge.

  • Sawyer decides to spare the boar. ("Outlaws")
  • Cooper rips Sawyer's letter. ("The Brig")

Fate and Fathers[]

This motif plays during two scenes involving the fathers of main characters.

  • Jack tells Sawyer the meaning behind Christian's "that's why the Red Sox will never win the Series" comment. ("Outlaws")
  • Locke gives Claire a cradle for her birthday. ("Numbers")
  • David Reyes again tells Hurley that people make their own luck. ("Tricia Tanaka Is Dead")

Uneasiness Motif[]

This eerie motif plays during two tense scenes.

  • Jin is driven to Byung Han's house so that he can be shown the proper way to "deliver a message". ("...In Translation")
  • Ana Lucia tells Michael about the Tailies' experiences with the Others. ("Abandoned")

Hurley's Motif[]

This motif plays during two scenes involving Hurley.

  • Hurley tells Leonard about using the numbers to win the lottery. ("Numbers")
  • Hurley takes money from Sayid's wallet. ("The Lie")

Adventure Motif[]

This motif plays during a few scenes involving trouble on various adventures.

  • Hurley and Charlie flee from Rousseau's rifle shots. ("Numbers")
    • Rousseau interrogates Hurley.
  • Sayid prepares to pour gunpowder into Charlie's wound. ("Exodus, Part 3")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, Rousseau tells the survivors that the Others are coming. Jack discusses the plan to open the Hatch. They blow it open with dynamite. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
  • In a Previously on Lost recap, the survivors blow open the Hatch. ("Adrift")
  • Locke and "Henry" struggle to lift one of the Swan station's blast doors. ("Lockdown")

Dream Motif[]

This motif plays during several dream sequences involving Locke or Eko.

  • Locke dreams of Boone, his mother and the Beechcraft. ("Deus Ex Machina")
  • Eko dreams of Ana. ("?")
    • The survivors enter the Hatch and find that Ana Lucia and Libby have been shot.
    • Locke dreams of himself as Eko and sees Yemi at the top of a cliff.

Freighter Motif[]

This motif initially represents Anthony Cooper in a single scene in "Deus Ex Machina", before later becoming a suspense motif for the Kahana and its crew.

Kate's Tears[]

This motif is played during a few emotional scenes involving Kate.

Chasing Rousseau[]

This motif is played during two scenes involving Charlie and Sayid tracking Rousseau in ("Exodus, Part 2").

  • Charlie and Sayid begin chasing Rousseau and discuss her insanity. ("Exodus, Part 2")
    • The chase continues, sending Charlie toward a trap.

Dark Territory[]

This motif plays during two scenes set in the Dark Territory.
