
"McGale's Navy" is an orchestral piece on the Season 2 soundtrack. The piece contains bouncy, chromatically-moving intervals of a minor third in the trombones, sometimes with a secondary melody in the strings. Its serves as an early theme for the Others.

Main appearance[]

The Others dump Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley on the dock at the Pala Ferry. Kate tells Tom she knows his beard is fake, and he removes it.

A boat arrives. Henry steps out.

Full list of appearances[]


Besides its own theme, the piece contains the Others' main motif and a riff that later appears as Ben's theme in "Dharmacide".


"Bon Voyage, Traitor" and "In with a KABOOM!" include variations on this theme.

Title significance[]

The piece's title inserts Ben's pseudonym, Gale, into McHale's Navy, the title of a '60s TV show, because Ben arrives at the ferry by boat.
