Main Article Theories about
Martin Keamy
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  • The tattoo on Keamy's right arm, similar to the tattoo on Jack's left arm. They knew each other in Asia, or maybe Keamy was "defined" by Achara.
    • Keamy wasn't a native of that Island, and Jack getting the crap beaten out of him is evidence enough that they don't allow outsiders to be tattooed.
  • Keamy appeared visibly upset as he was holding Alex hostage. He appeared to be fighting back tears. Was this just a quirk in directing, or is there more backstory here?
    • Upset and frightened because Ben seemed to know all about him, evidenced by his anger toward Capatin Gault, whom he thought "gave him up."
  • Why did Keamy kill Alex? A genuinely experienced mercenary would not have killed her so quickly, because that way he lost his leverage. Better (though definitely more gruesome) would have been to shoot her someplace non-lethal, which would have increased pressure on Ben to save her while she was bleeding.
    • He killed Alex to show that he was not playing games. Ben said "she's just a pawn that means nothing to me, so you're just going to have to kill her..." so Keamy did.
    • Is crazy due to cabin fever?
    • Emotions got the better of him due to fear of Linus knowing forbidden information about him?
  • His name is a deliberate anagram for "KARMA ENMITY"