
"Juliette Is Lost" is an orchestral piece that plays during island exploration and travel sequences. It consists of a repeating five-note motif for various pitched percussion, often accompanied by the chord progression i - V - i - IV above in the strings, synths, or brass.

Main appearance[]

Juliet exits the submarine, still groggy from her sedative. She stands up and gets her first look at the Island. A man comes along the dock and introduces himself as "Benjamin Linus." He tells her he looks forward to working with her.

Full list of appearances[]


"Juliette Is Lost" shares elements with "Hollywood and Vines".


The theme appears in "Down The Hobbit Hole" and "Early Mourning Mystery". An action variant appears in "Blessings and Bombs" and a different one appears in "Door Jammer".

Title significance[]

The title misspells Juliet's name. During its main appearance, Juliet arrives on the island.
