"Jack's Swan Song" is an orchestral piece on the Season 5 soundtrack. The intense motif uses five notes in the minor mode, generally played by the string sections and sometimes ending in a major variation. It serves as a theme for Jughead.
Main appearance[]
Having convinced everyone of his plan, Jack puts on his backpack, with Kate's help. He takes a gun from Hurley, then nods at Kate. On the way to the Swan Station site, he passes Sawyer and Juliet, and tells them, "See you in Los Angeles."
Sheet Music[]
Full list of appearances[]
"Jack's Swan Song" and its variations play during the following scenes:
- Jack and Sayid approach Jughead for the first time. ("Follow the Leader")
- Sayid removes Jughead's core. ("The Incident, Part 1")
- Jack wishes his friends goodbye and walks to the Swan. ("The Incident, Part 2")
- Jack navigates through the Swan site. ("The Incident, Part 2")
- Jack checks with his friends before dropping the core. ("The Incident, Part 2")
- The Incident begins. ("The Incident, Part 2")
- Juliet hits Jughead's core. ("The Incident, Part 2")
- A Previously on Lost segment recaps the events leading up to the Incident. ("LA X, Part 1")
The piece's theme is a variation on the main counterpoint. It piece ends on a variation of the main theme.
Variations on "Jack's Swan Song" appear in "Dharma Disaster", "Dharma vs Lostaways", "The Incident", and "Sawyer Jones and the Temple of Boom".
Title significance[]
A swan song is an entertainer's final performance. Jack goes to the Swan station as this piece plays.