
Hawaiian Shirt refers to the man in the Hawaiian shirt (also "aloha shirt") whom Jin encouters washing his hands in the Sydney Airport bathroom in "Exodus, Part 2".

He initially pretends to attempt to speak to Jin in English, then begins speaking to him in Korean. The conversation:

Hawaiian Shirt: Here's a paper towel.
(The following text was spoken in Korean) Jin: What?
Hawaiian Shirt: I work for Mr. Paik. Your father-in-law, and employer.
Jin: You've been following me?
Hawaiian Shirt: Yes. I know you're planning to run away. But you're going to take that watch to Mr. Paik's friend in California. You do anything else, anything—you will lose her. You are not free. You never have been, and you never will be.

The scene ends with Jin, looking happy on the raft, apparently free and having proven Hawaiian Shirt wrong.
