
The Lostaways have several sources of food, but mainly just protein and carbobohydrate.


Sawyer and Kate with a bundle of plantains gathered by Kate.




Collecting food is dangerous, hard work

  • Pork from feral boars, generally hunted and killed by John Locke. (However, since filming with boars was found to be a production nightmare[source needed], boar has been deemphasized as part of the Lostaway diet.)
  • Seafood, including fish and sea urchin, usually procured by Jin, who was raised by a fisherman, and mussels, which can be pulled off the rocks at the beach
  • Jin was seen chopping a fish on board The Elizabeth in The Glass Ballerina. The red fish was likely an Onaga, a deep water fish unlikely to be caught fishing off a sailboat.
  • The Tailies successfully caught, killed and cooked up a feral chicken, however chickens have not been seen near the main camp
  • Danielle is depicted in a deleted scene on the Season 1 DVDs as eating a raw egg, likely liberated from a bird's nest. Also, in a deleted scene on the Season 2 DVDs, Rose is seen cooking eggs.


  • Fruit, including plantains, bananas, mangos, passion fruit, guava and papayas, often gathered by Kate
  • Coconut milk and the flesh of the coconut.
  • Locke is seen eating an orange in the Pilot as Kate removes a pair of boots from a corpse.
  • The contents of Sun's garden, which have not been specifically identified but both herbs (which may be either medicinal and/or edible) and fruit tree saplings (specifically guava and mango) have been mentioned.


Food storage 2x2

The Swan pantry


The chocolate cream cookie box.


Desmond's merlot from Live Together, Die Alone

  • The survivors used remaining airplane food as their main source of food until it ran out around the time of the episode Walkabout. This is depicted when Hurley delivers two trays of it to Claire in the Pilot
  • The DHARMA supply drop, which provides them with DHARMA-branded staples familiar to consumers of the Western diet. This food, originally discovered in The Swan , was the source of The Big Feast. It may be irradiated, as the ranch dressing, at least, can last for seven years without refrigeration.
  • Much of the food is labeled DI 9FFTR731.
  • List of DHARMA-supplied food:
    • Peanut butter
    • Apollo Candy Bars
    • Ranch composite
    • Dharmalars
    • Merlot (Desmond is seen drinking from a bottle in "Live Together, Die Alone," as is Kelvin in the same episode. Locke also takes a healthy swig.)
    • Macaroni and cheese
    • Salami sausage (among supplies Hurley was packing for his and Libby's picnic)
    • Wine (Hurley goes to get some from Rose and Bernard for his and Libby's picnic in "Two for the Road," a bottle of white wine in Sawyer's tent is also visible in "Two for the Road."
    • Chocolate cream cookies (Hurley gives Sawyer some advice on how to separate the cookie from the frosting)
    • Nutribar (Sawyer offers Hurley one on the hike to free Walt)
    • Fish crackers (look similar to Goldfish)
    • Tuna (Rose mentions it to Hurley while they're doing the survey and it looks like Kate and Jack are eating some during the party)
    • Olive oil (label visible in pantry picture)
    • Ketchup (label visible in pantry picture)
    • Pickles (label visible in pantry picture)
    • Vegetable oil (llabel visible in pantry picture)
    • Pasta (label visible in pantry picture)
    • Apple cider (label visible in pantry picture)
    • Crepes Au Chocolat was one of the many edibles found in Hurley's food stash. It appears this is the only item that has a french name.
    • DHARMA brand water (As seen in A Tale of Two Cities
      • Although water is natural, this is supplied by DHARMA, as Juliet is giving some to Jack.
      • DHARMA-supplied food, as seen in Hurley's stash, or being eaten by Hurley from his stash:
        • Potato chips
        • Toasted oats cereal
        • Assorted cookies
        • Marshmallows
        • Apple sauce
        • Mandarin oranges
        • Kidney beans
        • Sweet peas
        • Pears
        • Crackers
  • The Others food:

See also
