Fear is a central theme in Lost as the survivors face countless perils and challenges. Almost each and every one of the characters has experienced fear in some form, be it from the natural dangers or the challenges posed by the Island.
- Ben is scared when he sees a vision of his mother in the window, staring at him. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- Ben becomes afraid when Jacob begins shifting things around in the cabin. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- Ben is afraid of those coming to the island, stating that they will only bring death for everyone. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1")
- Ben demonstrates a rare case of fear when he is about to be killed by Locke, and he immediately starts spurting out information. ("Confirmed Dead")
- Charlie reveals he has an irrational fear of bees, when he accidentally steps on a beehive. ("House of the Rising Sun")
- Charlie becomes fearful for his life following Desmond's prediction of his death. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes")
- Charlotte becomes afraid when Locke takes her prisoner. ("Confirmed Dead")
- Claire is frightened when someone allegedly attacks her in her sleep and she suffers nightmares. ("Raised by Another")
- Claire is scared when Ethan appears unexpectedly in the jungle. ("Raised by Another")
- In Claire's diary, Claire writes that she is not afraid when she is around Charlie. ("Special")
- Claire is afraid of Aaron being taken by the Others. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Claire fears that Aaron has contracted the Sickness. ("Maternity Leave")
- Claire fears for Charlie's life as he is about to swim down to the Looking Glass. ("Greatest Hits")
- Hurley is afraid that the survivors will hate him for his role in maintaining the food. ("Everybody Hates Hugo")
- Hurley sees Jacob's cabin, and is frightened when an eye appears in the window. ("The Beginning of the End")
- Hurley is afraid when he sees Charlie in a convenience store, causing him to flee. ("The Beginning of the End")
- Hurley becomes scared of Matthew Abaddon during Abaddon's visit, and calls for help, screaming that Abaddon is after him. ("The Beginning of the End")
- Hurley fakes that he is scared of Locke in order to trick Sayid into captivity. ("The Economist")
- Hurley is frightened that Sayid might harm him. ("Eggtown")
- Jack tells Kate about a time when he experienced fear first-hand, when he made a mistake during one of his first surgeries. For more information, see Count to five. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- Jack fears the death of those he is tending to. ("Tabula Rasa") ("Do No Harm")
- As a youngster, Jack was afraid as a bully threatened to attack him. ("White Rabbit")
- Kate experiences fear after being chased by the Monster. As she hides in some trees, she counts to five in order to combat it. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- Kate is frightened as she is being lowered into the darkness of the Hatch, and counts to five again. ("Man of Science, Man of Faith")
- Ben asks if Locke he is afraid that if he leaves the island he will be back in a chair. ("The Man from Tallahassee")
- According to Ben, Locke is afraid of his father finding him on the island. ("The Man from Tallahassee")
- Locke becomes afraid when he realizes that Jacob is real, and Jacob is throwing things around. ("The Man Behind the Curtain")
- Locke becomes afraid that Ben is right, and that he has lost his connection with the island. ("Eggtown")
- Sayid is frightened by the whispers when he hears them after escaping Rousseau. ("Solitary")
- Mikhail claims that Sayid is not on the list because he is frightened. ("Par Avion")
- Richard becomes terrified when he realizes that "John Locke" is actually the Man in Black. ("LA X, Part 2")
- Richard is afraid of the Man in Black while talking to him, and later runs away from Sawyer, terrified to hear the Man in Black's return. ("The Substitute")
Minor characters[]
- Bonnie and Greta become afraid of Mikhail seconds before he shoots them both. ("Through the Looking Glass, Part 1")
- Mr. Avellino becomes afraid when he learns that Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6. ("The Economist")
- Duncan Forrester was afraid that Kate would fire him because he lost on the case's opening. ("Eggtown")