This information was revealed in part through the alternate reality game
The LOST Experience
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Dr. J. Hackett is a mysterious figure who was referenced a number of times within The Lost Experience. He appears to have worked for Apollo Candy Company as of July 2004, and the Engineering Development Center in the Summer of 2006 and possibly also in the past (Mel0Drama states in June 2006 that he used to work for him). He seems to be involved in research on psychotropic drugs, and distributing them via a type of beverage in partnership with the EDC.

Mel0Drama had initially stated that Hackett was "in our heads". Later, a letter from 1988 revealed that Hackett had worked on "Project Sumo" with Dr. Kini, from Lewis King Laboratories. Apparently, Kini had evidence to suggest that initial research into the project had been confounded by research parameters possibly set by the Hanso Foundation (who are based in Copenhagen). This demonstrates that the Foundation had somehow initially been involved in the research.

Another letter, dated in 2004, revealed that G. Downs from the Engineering Development Center was interested in Hackett's research. They planned to hire Hackett to help them with their initial research into the effects of psychotropic drugs in a beverage, as soon as he left the Apollo Candy Company.

A video on Youtube, posted as part of the game, revealed in sign language that Hackett had left the Apollo Company over disagreement whether to use chemicals in their products, and that he had since joined the Sprite company.

It's possible that the entire Project Sumo subplot was simply a comical idea conjured by the Lost Experience writers in concern of a back-story for Mel0Drama.

The plot behind Project Sumo is very similar to the plot behind 'Slusho' - a fictional drink part of the J.J. Abrams movie 'Cloverfield'.

References in The Lost Experience[]

Dr. Hackett was first mentioned in the following conversation between Mel0Drama and Rachel Blake:

Mel0Drama: He's in our heads, Rachel.

Me: Who is?
Mel0Drama: Hackett. Dr. Hackett.
Me: Okay... I've never heard of a Dr. Hackett.
Mel0Drama: I used to work for him. He's here, with the rest of them. In Atlanta. At the EDC. They sneak it in, we lap it up. I have proof!
Me: Mel, it's been fascinating. Truly.
Mel0Drama: WAIT!! You need safe passage for your videos. You said so yourself. Places you can hide them. Places THEY can't find them. I have a place. Nobody can get to it but ME. I have all the keys. Your videos will be safe for all to see.


The letter

Dr. J. Hackett was also the sender of a letter, addressed to a Dr. Kini, regarding a project titled "Project Sumo".

To: Dr. Kini,
Lewis King Laboratories, AG
From: Dr. Hackett
EDC 1554A
Date: March 10, 1988
Re: Doubleblind Data
The reformulation trials (Project Sumo) are progressing well. As always, we are slowed by patent lawyers who need too much information (you know the drill). Please send the results of the secondary doubleblind study as soon as they are compiled.
Your work is proving fruitful (pun intended!) in establishing the proof that the original experimentation was confounded by the ridiculous implementation parameters established by our friends in copenhagen.
Best -J
cc: Dr. Perez

The following memo was then posted on flickr.com on August 8:

TO: Dr. Hackett
Apollo Candy
FROM: G. Downs
Engineering Development Center
Atlanta, GA
Date: July 21, 2004
RE: Test Study
Dr. Hackett,
Initial research shows release of the psychotropic compound to be a success. The acid and flavoring agents of the beverage disguise the taste. More tests are necessary to reach optimum viral spread. My superiors are eager for you to join our effort, once you have extricated
yourself from your current situation.

Dr. Hackett was also mentioned by Mel0drama in a sign-language message linked to by sublymonal.com, claiming that Hackett and Thomas Mittelwerk were fighting over the use of Apollo candy to distribute chemicals - the message suggests that Hackett left Apollo and took his research to Sprite.[1]


  • Dr. Hackett is also the name of an antagonist in 1948's Superman movie serial. In the films, Hackett does research on Kryptonite and its effects on Superman.