

A clear view of the original painting by artist Thomas Hannsz, available for sale at Artist Rising.


Jacob's painting may be a parody of Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa due to the background details, color scheme, as well as the pose of crossed hands.


The painting of the dog switches walls within seconds in the scene where Hurley looks in through the cabin window. Note its position in relation to the stovepipe. ("The Beginning of the End")

Jacob's painting is a painting hanging in Jacob's cabin. It is a portrait of a dog. This painting is first seen in Jacob's house when Ben brings Locke here to visit Jacob. ("The Man Behind the Curtain") The painting is also seen by Hurley when he sees Jacob's cabin and peers in. While Hurley is peering into the cabin the painting appears to be switching locations from one wall to another between camera cuts ("The Beginning of the End").


  • The painting is known to be a painting of the real life dog Ms. Honolulu (aka "Lulu"), the pet of Lost executive producer Jack Bender, rescued by Bender's daughter Sophie from the Honolulu Humane Society.[1]
  • The painting, titled "Jacob's Dog", was in real life created by artist Thomas Hannsz who also is among the Others background cast. Hannsz was able to create the painting because he happened to be the caretaker of Lulu while Bender was away or on the set. It is unknown if the prop used in the filming of Lost was a print that was artificially aged, or if the lighting and post-production alone resulted in its yellowish appearance.
  • Jack Bender hopes to incorporate Lulu as a larger part of the story line of the show, however this has yet to unfold.[source needed]

See also

Unanswered questions

  • What is the significance of the dog to Jacob's storyline, if any?

External links
