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Dharma Initiative Recruiting Project
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Clues · Comic-Con · CorrespondenceDharma booth video · Tests
Characters:   Dan Bronson · Daniel Faraday · Hans Van Eeghen · Lara · RuckusGuy
Websites: Octagon Global Recruiting · Dharma Wants You · Dharma Special Access

On this day[]

  • A new email was released announcing Test 7 and giving the date the Volunteer Assessment Dossier is to be released.




I am extremely pleased to announce that the seventh and final test in the Dharma Initiative's Volunteer Recruitment Program is now available at www.dharmawantsyou.com.

This test plays an extremely important part in determining your final role within the Dharma Initiative's upcoming research project.

This test is, perhaps, the most challenging recruits have yet encountered in the Volunteer Recruitment Program. A great deal is demanded of you in this final examination. It is an excellent opportunity to distinguish yourself in the eyes of assessors.

Once you have completed the seventh assessment your overall results will be collated and delivered to the Volunteer Recruit Evaluation Panel for analysis. The members of this distinguished panel will make recommendations to myself, as the Head of Recruiting, regarding the specific departmental position appropriate for each recruit. Upon my review I will formally present the recommendations to the executive board of the Dharma Initiative for final approval.

Final recruit departmental positions and results will be outlined in your personalized Volunteer Assessment Dossier, which will available for download from DharmaWantsYou.com after December 15, 2008.

Good luck to you all.


Hans Van Eeghen
Head of Recruiting
The Dharma Initiative
