
"Dharma Delinquent" is an orchestral piece on the Season 5 soundtrack. Its motif plays during suspense scenes related to the DHARMA Initiative or Widmore's team.

Main appearance[]

Phil, Rosie and Jerry in the Barracks security center watch Horace blow up trees on a monitor. They go to Jim LaFleur's house and inform him. LaFleur gets dressed and leaves.

Full list of appearances[]


The piece begins with the mystery theme before introducing its own motif. It ends with Sawyer's Theme.


Variations on the theme from "Dharma Delinquent" appear in "Crazy Town" and "Sayid After Dentist".

Title significance[]

Horace, a leader of DHARMA, acts as a delinquent. Sawyer, a former delinquent, now works for DHARMA.
