This article/section contains information officially created to be part of the Lost mythos
but ultimately rejected. It may be endorsed by ABC, or feature cast members.

These are the deleted scenes from the DVDs.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

See Season 4 Deleted Scenes transcript for an accurate transcript of all scenes.

Regular Disc 5 Deleted Scenes

  • Thinking Ahead: In this scene, Sawyer questions Juliet on what she intends to do once the rescue helicopters arrive. She avoids the question by pointing out that he has blood on his cheek. This scene was deleted from "The Beginning of the End".
  • Lucky Guess: Sayid, Miles and Kate arrive at the sonar fence on the edge of the Barracks. Miles seems to be sensing something. Kate mentions that it can be powered down manually if she could work out how. While Kate and Sayid examine the switch, Miles walks through unharmed, indicating that the fence is switched off. When Kate asks how he knew, Miles replies "lucky guess". The three move on. This scene was deleted from "The Economist".
  • "I Know Chicken": Sawyer is sorting through food in his fridge at the Barracks. Hurley disagrees that a piece of chicken is not good to eat. Sawyer asks why Hurley has to live with him, he replies that he doesn't want to live alone. He says he'll leave when Kate shows up, but Sawyer explains she won't show because of the earlier argument they had over Kate's pregnancy worries. Hurley tells Sawyer that she'll forgive him. Sawyer then asks if Hurley is wearing cologne, to which he replies "maybe". This scene was deleted from "Eggtown".
  • Unpopular Decision: Locke is leading Ben out of his cell for a bathroom visit. Ben wonders why he hasn't seen Kate around and Locke informs him that he asked her to leave. Ben remarks that it must have been an unpopular decision, to which Locke replies not as unpopular as letting him go to the bathroom in his cell. This scene was deleted from "The Other Woman".
  • Desert Stash: In this scene, Ben recovers some supplies that seem to have been hidden by one of his people from a point close to where he woke up in the desert. From the stash, he takes a passport and some foreign currency. This scene was deleted from "The Shape of Things to Come".
  • Claire's Vision: Claire is resting in bed while Hurley nurses her. He tells her to try and stay awake. Claire notices something in the room, then asks Hurley why her father is there. When Hurley looks around, no one is in the room. She then asks if they are dead. Hurley jokes that if they are, heaven sucks. This scene was deleted from "The Shape of Things to Come".
  • Trust: Kate approches Juliet with concern for Jack. Juliet tries to put her worries to rest but insists that something is wrong. She explains that Jack knows what's wrong with him but will only tell Juliet because she's a doctor, and he trusts her. This scene was deleted from "Something Nice Back Home".
  • Church Arrival: Kate, Hurley, Sayid and Nadia are outside of the church at Christian's funeral. Nadia says that Aaron looks just like Kate, which gives Hurley an uncomfortable expression. Kate asks about Sun, but Sayid doesn't think they will hear anything from her. This scene was deleted from "There's No Place Like Home, Part 1".

Season 5

Regular Disc 5 Deleted Scenes

See Season 5 Deleted Scenes transcript for an accurate transcript of all scenes.

  • No Police: Sayid tells Hurley not to go to the police before he succumbs to the effects of the tranquilizer dart. This scene was deleted from "The Lie".
  • Jill The Butcher: Jill provides Ben with the information where to find Penny. This scene was deleted from "316".
  • "I Think He's One Of Ben's People": Sun and Lapidus wonder about Christian, while the latter breaks open the barricaded processing center with an ax. This scene was deleted from "Namaste".
  • Finding LaFleur: Juliet comes looking for Sawyer in the Security Center. On a monitor, she and Miles see Sawyer return from his visit to the Others. This scene was deleted from "Namaste".
  • Breakfast Time: Jack and Kate discuss how to proceed in 1977. This scene was deleted from "He's Our You".
  • Locke's Promise: Sun asks (Un)Locke why he hadn't come for her off the Island. He then explains the promise Locke made to Jin, not to bring her back. This scene was deleted from "Dead Is Dead".*
  • Phil's Theory: When 'LaFleur' returns with his car, Horace tells him that little Ben has been kidnapped. Phil theorizes that it must have been an inside job. This scene was deleted from "Some Like It Hoth".
  • Stones & Boulders: Faraday explains to Jack and Kate how a little pebble won't change the flow of a waterstream, but how a a big boulder will do the trick. He then explains that he had focused too much on the constants and too little on the variables. He thinks that detonating a hydrogen bomb at the Swan site will change the course of history. This scene was deleted from "The Variable".

BEST BUY; HMV/JB-HI FI Bonus DVD Deleted Scenes

  • Would Theresa Know? - Desmond talks to the caretaker about Theresa. This scene is deleted from "Jughead".
  • Shallow Graves - Juliet, Sawyer, Jin and Miles bury Amy's husband. This scene is deleted from "LaFleur".
  • Window Talk - Kate returns after having sent young Ben to the others for treatment with his injuries, and talks to Jack about it. This scene is deleted from "Some Like It Hoth".
  • Hunting - Locke, Sun and Ben go boar hunting. This scene is deleted from "Follow the Leader".
  • Worth the Risk - Jin talks to Sayid about Jack's plan, and Jin tells Sayid its worth the risk to do it. This scene is deleted from "The Incident, Part 1".

Season 6

Regular Disc 6 Deleted Scenes

  • On Guard- Bram insists that Ilana stay behind to protect Sun before entering the Statue. This scene is deleted from "LA X, Part 1".
  • Bearing Fruit -Lapidus brings back fruit for himself and Sun, who then forces Ben at gunpoint to check in on Ilana inside the statue. This scene is deleted from "The Substitute".
  • Maternal Instincts - Jin and Kate discuss the true extent of Claire’s craziness outside her hovel. Jin warns Kate about the Other that Claire just killed, right in front of Squirrel Baby’s innocent, hollow eyes. This scene is deleted from "Sundown".
  • Parched - Chained inside the Black Rock, Alpert gets creative in obtaining some water. This scene is deleted from "Ab Aeterno".
  • A Helping Hand - The Man in Black helps Alpert out of the Black Rock and offers him food. This scene is deleted from "Ab Aeterno".
  • Fatalities - The Man in Black and Claire have a confab after the sub explosion, in which he explains that he needs her to kill Jacob’s candidates. On the main Island, Sawyer wakes up and examines the wreckage. Hurley explains to him that they are the only ones left. This scene is deleted from "What They Died For".
  • The Lab and The Well - From Vincent's POV he spied on Jacob’s confab with the Final Four and then bolted to the well, where Desmond is. This scene is deleted from "What They Died For".
  • Epiphany - Desmond explains to Ben what he saw in the sideways world on the way to the Cave of the Source. This scene is deleted from "The End".
  • Desmond's Task - At the Driveshaft/Faraday concert, Desmond tells Eloise that he’s waking the Lostaways up. This scene is deleted from "The End".

BEST BUY Deleted Scenes

See also
