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Mikhail's Return

  • Mikhail was badly injured, not killed, by the fence. His injuries were healed by the Island.
    • The sonic fence was only built to block the monster, not kill people, but is still strong enough to cause severe injury.
    • This was the "other way" of escaping from captivity that Mikhail told Klugh about in "Enter 77"
  • Mikhail didn't just stumble out of the jungle randomly, but was investigating the parachutist's drop, or the flare.
    • Mikhail was running away from the Others because he failed to prevent the Losties from entering the barracks, and was afraid what Ben would do to him. However with the new information about Naomi he felt duty bound to report this to Ben.


  • The Others are using the Losties as test cases as none of the Other women want to risk getting pregnant. Since a pregnancy is tantamount to a death sentence on the Island they are using the "bad" women, like Kate, as opposed to the kidnapped survivors, like Cindy, who are "good."
    • The Others set up an environment to manipulate Kate into sleeping with Sawyer in order to impregnate her so that Juliet would have another "test case". Thus the reason Kate and Sawyer were incarcerated together. Sawyer's life was repeatedly threatened, like when Danny held a gun to his head and asked Kate, "Do you love this man?" to drive them together.
  • Whatever it is that causes all the pregnant Others to die only affects the Others and would not affect Sun (or anyone else from Flight 815 who happened to be pregnant), just the same way as Rose could be cured of her terminal illness but Ben needed surgery.
  • The others actually kill the women and use the babies or fetuses for research. Alex knew this and saved Claire from the same fate.

Juliet's Motives

  • If Juliet is able to prevent Sun's death and carry her baby to term, Ben will complete his end of the agreement and allow Juliet to leave the Island.
  • At the end of Juliet's recording, she stops the tape and says, "I hate you", indicating she's only following Ben's orders as part of a bargain to get her off the island.
  • The reason Juliet killed Danny Pickett without grief was to allow Kate and Sawyer to escape, allowing her research to continue.


  • Hurley intentionally fired the flare gun. Clearly, he didn't "just happen" to remove the gun from the pack and aim upwards while pressing the trigger.
  • Hurley intentionally revealed the existence of the satellite phone to Mikhail, playing it off as a careless mistake. As we know, Hurley is not entirely guileless. He has manipulated other castaways (most recently Sawyer) and engineered various situations in his favor.
    • And how would either of those possibly be in his favor? Also, his manipulation of Sawyer was to get him to start acting like a leader.