
"Cindy" redirects here. For other uses see disambiguation page: Cynthia

Cindy Chandler was an Oceanic Airlines flight attendant in 2004, when Oceanic Flight 815 broke up over a mysterious island in the Pacific. Surviving the crash in the tail section, she, along with her fellow survivors, made camp at the abandoned Arrow station for several weeks.

When the group began to trek across the island to find the middle section survivors, Chandler disappeared and was later recruited into The Island's native society.

After the crash, Chandler took on a guardianship role to abductees, Zack and Emma. Stationed at the Temple after the time flashes, she aligned with the Man in Black to ensure the children's safety. Once he died, Chandler and the children remained on the Island, serving Jacob's successor, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes.

Before the crash[]


Cindy talks with Jack on Oceanic flight 815. ("Pilot, Part 1")

It appears Cindy was of Australian origin. Prior to the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, Cindy had a short conversation with Jack, asking how the drink was. He says it was good but not very strong. The lukewarm response led her to give him two extra bottles of vodka, one becoming useful after the crash for his injuries.

Minutes later, she noticed Charlie's odd behavior. She alerted her colleagues, causing a paranoid Charlie to rush to the toilets. Cindy chased him. In her pursuit, however, the plane hit some minor turbulence and Cindy left to make the announcement for passengers to fasten their seat belts.

She then resumed her pursuit of Charlie, knocking on the door to the bathroom. At some point when turbulence returned, Cindy rushed to the back of the plane. Cindy was in the tail end when it broke apart and crashed into the sea near the mysterious Island. ("Pilot, Part 1") ("Pilot, Part 2") ("Tabula Rasa")

After the crash[]

Days 1-23 (Season 2)[]

Cindy promo 2x09

Cindy emerges from the water after the crash. ("The Other 48 Days")  (promotional still)

After the crash, Cindy emerged from the water at the tail-section crash site and, like many others, tried to help the injured survivors around her. While trying to come to terms with the crash, Cindy was approached by Eko and asked to care for two young siblings, Emma and Zach, while Eko dealt with the bodies of the dead and Cindy developed a maternal relationship with the children, caring for them and looking out for them.

That night a mysterious group of strangers invaded the camp and kidnapped three of the survivors. The group was startled and forced to decide if they should stay at the beach and await rescue at the risk of being targeted again, or move. When Nathan tried to get the group to stay on the beach to get rescued, Ana retorted that they didn't need a fire to get help because of the black box but Cindy revealed that they were flying off course for two hours when Oceanic Flight 815 crashed - and they wouldn't get rescued if they left the beach.

Several days later, Cindy attended the funeral of Donald, the fourth survivor to die.

Twelve days after the crash, the Others returned and took more survivors including Zach and Emma. Afterwards, Ana found a list, making it clear that there was a mole among the group with blame falling onto Nathan. The group then started to trek along the Island, to avoid contact with the mysterious people. When suspicions became rife, Ana threw Nathan in the tiger pit and Cindy validated her beliefs by stating that she can't remember him from the plane and she is usually good with remembering the faces of her passengers. However, her claims would be proven wrong when it was revealed that Goodwin was the infiltrator.

Days 24-48[]


Cindy spots Jin's body. ("The Other 48 Days")

One morning, Cindy went to the tiger pit and discovered that Nathan had escaped and immediately alerted the rest of the group (when in reality, Nathan had been killed by Goodwin). After they continued moving, the group came across The Arrow where Cindy and the rest of the group explored the structure and the radio. While trekking to higher ground to use the radio, Ana deduced that Goodwin was the real mole and killed him, returning to Cindy, Libby, Bernard and Eko telling them that they were now safe to set up a camp.

Some time later, Cindy and Libby trekked to the beach to catch some fish and Cindy noticed something on the shoreline - a body. On further inspection they discovered it to be an Asian man and the group quickly incarcerated him with the tail-section survivors believing him to be one of the Others, and Jin thinking the same of them. Jin eventually broke free, just as his fellow mid-section survivors Michael and Sawyer washed up on the beach, forcing Cindy to give chase. ("The Other 48 Days")

After Jin escaped he ran to the beach to find Sawyer and Michael, but Cindy and the rest of the survivors were close behind. Cindy watched on as Eko knocked the three unconscious. The Tailies dragged them through the jungle and imprisoned them in the tiger pit. Cindy and Bernard returned to The Arrow while Libby, Eko and Ana remained behind. Ana Lucia, however, soon discovered that the three were also Oceanic Flight 815 survivors and the tail-section survivors let them out of the pit. The group then trekked back to The Arrow where they met Cindy and Bernard and the tail-section survivors attempted to decide what to do next. ("Adrift")  ("Orientation")  ("Everybody Hates Hugo")


Cindy moments before her supposed kidnapping by the Others. ("Abandoned")  ("The Other 48 Days")

After Ana Lucia decided they should trek across the Island and join with their captives, Cindy dutifully followed. Before they began their journey, Michael tried to inquire as to what happened to make the tail-section survivors so on edge. This prompted Ana Lucia to order Cindy and Eko to scout the area to ensure the Others weren't in the vicinity. ("...And Found")

During the trek to the camp, the group stopped for a rest. After an hour, an anxious Cindy tried to persuade Ana to continue, worried that they would find them again. Much to Cindy's relief, their trek continued when Eko, Jin and Michael reunited with the group. Eko brought news that he had seen The Others. Despite the frightening news, the group was forced to go inland, something which they had tried to avoid to prevent contact with the Others, when the coastline became uncrossable because they were caring for an injured Sawyer who didn't have the strength to make such a difficult crossing across treacherous terrain. Despite Ana Lucia's complaints, Eko convinced the group to travel inland.

During the trek, Sawyer grew weak from his gunshot wound and collapsed, and the group were forced to make an improvised stretcher for him. After approaching a steep hill, the group all had to work together to get Sawyer up, and Cindy was at the foot of the group. Upon reaching the top, however, Ana noticed that Cindy was missing and, as they climbed, had seemingly and silently been taken by the Others. Ana initially wanted to find Cindy, but when the Whispers were heard, the group was forced to flee. ("Abandoned") ("The Other 48 Days")

Days 74-88 (Season 3)[]


Cindy and Emma talk with Jack held prisoner by the Others. ("Stranger in a Strange Land")  (promotional still)

About a month later, as Jack was being held in one of the animal cages at the Hydra, he woke up to see Cindy standing with a group of strangers looking at him. He recognized her from the plane and asked her how she had ended up with the Others. Cindy told him it was "not that simple," and Jack became angry. He asked her what she was doing there and she said she was there "to watch." Emma whispered in Cindy's ear and Cindy said Emma wanted to know how Ana Lucia was doing. Jack, remembering Ana Lucia's tragic death, shouted that if she had something to watch then she should go watch it. Abashed, Cindy led the group away from the cages. She later attended Juliet's trial. ("Stranger in a Strange Land")


Cindy at the ruins with Zach and Emma. ("The Brig")  (promotional still)

Later, on the main Island, Cindy left the the Barracks with the rest of the Others. Locke helped her assemble her tent on their first night at the ruins and she thanked him. She told him not to mind the stares he was getting from some of the Others; they were just excited he was finally there with them, as they had been waiting for him for a long time. She later watched with Zach and Emma as Locke refused to kill his father, who was tied to a pillar amongst the ruins. ("The Brig")

Days 94-97 (Season 4)[]

Cindy was among the Others who went to The Temple to avoid the mercenaries. The sanctuary was unknown to even Alex and Karl. ("Meet Kevin Johnson") Ben claimed his people were not interested in looking for him, which corroborates Cindy's remark to Locke that they (the Others) had been waiting for him. ("The Brig")  ("The Other Woman")

Ben's So-Called Dinner Party with Juliet

Day 21: Juliet and Ben discuss the completed Tailie list. ("The Other Woman")  (promotional still)

According to Juliet in a flashback to Day 21, everyone on The List for the tail-section was recruited — the last raid being Day 12. At the time, Cindy wasn't captured or converted to the Others for another month. During that period, Juliet was taking care of Emma and Zach in Cindy's place before she disappeared, having been presumably "kidnapped" by the Others. (Though no evidence of struggle is depicted).

Because of this, it was left ambiguous whether Cindy was considered truly to be a "bad one", (Goodwin says Nathan wasn't a good person, hence he wasn't on The List) or if her name's omission from The List meant she was a non-convert Other, i.e predating the crash. In the same scene, Ben tells Juliet that Goodwin has been making a case for Ana Lucia; Goodwin's "passion" for Ana Lucia is something even Ben has picked up on.

Goodwin's ability to bypass the Tailie camp's hyper-vigilance is unanswered. Such reports would occur during the period of time several Tailies suspected a mole infiltrated the camp, posing as one as the survivors. If his period of absence was covered by Cindy (or vice versa), it explains how Goodwin was able to make the case for Ana without getting caught.

It also explains Cindy's "failure" to recognize Nathan, and later Jin, Sawyer, and Michael, were in fact passengers on Flight 815, while Goodwin was not. She claimed that she was "pretty good with the faces of the passengers" which helped incriminate Nathan as the mole, preserving Goodwin's (and by extension, her own) safety longer. She was also the first to report to Ana Lucia after Goodwin killed Nathan the night before that Nathan was "gone". Feeding this report benefits both of them.

But if she is simply a convert, this raises many questions. It is unclear why the Others agree to recruit her if she's "bad" even if they wanted to appease Emma and Zach. It also means she severely overestimated her facial recognition skills for 5 people on her flight, having mistaken Goodwin for someone else (or simply given him the benefit of the doubt). Not getting caught with intel means Goodwin's blind luck was strong until it conveniently wasn't, leading to him being caught. Unless another member of the camp covered for him i.e Nathan or Libby.

After Jacob's death[]

2007 (Season 6)[]

Cindy was seen for the first time at The Temple with the group of Others being led by Dōgen. She recognized Jack and his friends as being fellow plane crash survivors and told Dōgen as much. When Dōgen ordered the survivors to be shot, she did not seem flustered. After Sayid's apparent death, she, Zach, and Emma brought the survivors some food. She was also present for the rest of the events at the Temple. ("LA X, Part 2")

6x01 Cindy the Other is back

Cindy recognizes passengers of Oceanic Flight 815. ("LA X, Part 2")

Cindy was present when Sayid came back to the Temple and delivered Locke's message, officially declaring Jacob dead and that there was no reason for them to stay at the temple any more. He told them they had until sundown to decide what to do. When Cindy asked Sayid what would happen at sundown if they stayed, he said they would die. The message Sayid sent to the Others frightened most of them. Lennon tried to convince Cindy not to leave and that this was only a bluff. However, she realized it was pointless to stay after Jacob's death, and she wouldn't risk staying. Cindy decided to leave the Temple with Zach and Emma and join the Man in Black. ("Sundown")


Cindy with the children, Zach and Emma, hearing the speech. ("Sundown")

Cindy, Zach, and Emma followed the Man in Black to Claire's hut. Once there, Cindy inquired what happened to the people who did not leave the Temple. The Man in Black responded that they were all dead, killed by the Smoke Monster. This seemed to disturb Zach, and Emma and Cindy comforted him as he began to cry. The Man in Black promised the children that he would take care of them. The group soon left Claire's hut. Cindy, Zach, and Emma arrived with the rest of the group at a clearing, where the Man in Black declared they would be staying for a few days. ("Recon")

After that, Cindy left the clearing along with the rest of the Man in Black's recruits, heading towards the beach to make a rendezvous with Sawyer. When the Man in Black suddenly decided to leave the group, Cindy inquired as to what he was doing. He responded that he was going to find Sayid. Later, the Others were bombed by Charles Widmore's team, killing many of them. ("The Last Recruit") Sayid later mentioned to Jack that some members of the Others survived, scattering into the jungle. ("The Candidate")

Cindy (along with Zach and Emma) survived the mortar attack launched by Widmore's team and continued living on the island under Hurley's reign. ("Lost Encyclopedia")



Cindy tells Jack not to take Charlie's ungratefulness personally. ("LA X, Part 1")

Aboard Oceanic Flight 815, Cindy was once again a flight attendant and asked Jack how his drink was, in an exchange mirroring their previous lives. This time around, however, Cindy only hands Jack one extra vodka bottle to his lukewarm response. This is a clue that Cindy knows he won't need the extra bottle this time around.

Later, she helped as Jack resuscitated Charlie, and comforted him when Charlie expressed disdain at having been revived. ("LA X, Part 1")

Later in the Los Angeles International Airport, Cindy was seen walking with another female attendant of Flight 815, and they walked behind Claire, while she was talking with Desmond. ("Happily Ever After")

The Lost Experience and Bad Twin[]

This information was revealed in part through the alternate reality game
The LOST Experience
The Lost Experience
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Cindy was featured in The Lost Experience, in which she was the unrequited love of Gary Troup, who dedicated his novel Bad Twin to "Cindy, my highest flying angel". He was reportedly "completely smitten" with her. This is where the surname Chandler derives from, which is never stated in the series.

In an interview, Troup commented that she was the girl who had changed his mind about marriage. Cindy was given a role in Troup's book, as the protagonist, Paul Artisan, speaks to a flight attendant named Cindy while on an Oceanic Airlines flight to Sydney.

This relationship does not appear to be canon, as it has never been mentioned in the show (Cindy, for example, has never tried to find out if he survived).


Unanswered questions[]

Unanswered questions
  1. Do not answer the questions here.
  2. Keep the questions open-ended and neutral: do not suggest an answer.
For fan theories about these unanswered questions, see: Cindy Chandler/Theories
  • Why was she taken by the Others after they already had everyone on their list?
    • What happened to her when she was taken? Why did she not want to leave the Others?
  • How did she leave or get kidnapped without Libby acknowledging her absence, having been right behind her and passing her belongings up to her seconds before?

See Also[]
